The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Wild Boar is the name of both the Brand and the pin. This article is about the Brand.

Wild Boar is one of the game's 13 brands. It represents the pig in the Chinese Zodiac (or the wild boar in Japanese Zodiac). Specializing in American style hip-hop and skater gear, this brand is popular with DJs.

The main store is located at the Udagawa Back Streets and is run by Kyo. As a result, Wild Boar is often the most popular brand at that district. Wild Boar also has a shop in the 104 Building run by Miki Kosaka.

Wild Boar may be Beat's preferred brand due to its "Skater" theme, the fact that the store sells his stickers, and that most of the threads provide abilities specifically for him.

Wild Boar pins are designed with a graffiti influence and focus on dealing heavy damage in single bursts in both close and long range.

Wild Boar Lines

These five Wild Boar pins, when put together, spell "HEAVY".

When all 5 Wild Boar pins that have line in their name are put together in order, they spell "HEAVY!".

In NEO: The World Ends with You, Wild Boar had been replaced by its counterpart, Hog Fang.

References to the Chinese Zodiac[]

  • Although the pig appears to be a dirty animal with many pejorative and negative attributes, it is within Chinese and Japanese culture that the pig and the boar are considered animals significant of courage, as pigs are deceptively powerful and are extremely headstrong animals. Pigs themselves also embody the virtue of being able to see one for who one is rather than appearance alone.
  • While seemingly random, Wild Boar's representative animal is most appropriate of its rap and skater style. Within Japan, while lofty and majestic animals are used to describe the most famous of warriors, it has long been held that it is the boar that represents the samurai, being feared more than tigers and dragons for its unyielding tenacity and undying will to fight on without fear. It is from this that rappers and skaters also allude greatly as modern day samurai, along with portraying tough images, with rappers dueling with "battles" of skill, and fighting with the arts of technique, be it to lyrical rhymes with the mic or performing daring and bombastic feats through thrashing. Within the life of many famous urban artists and athletes, such as rappers like Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Tupac, and Snoop Dog, much of their early careers often saw them fighting to survive in the disparate streets of intercity America before being able to rise on up into glory and safety through their skills and renown. Within samurai culture, along martial arts and wisdom to avoid trouble, samurai were also taught to be cultured in education and the arts. With their virtues of Bushido, there was also mentioned that of the inevitable darker path of Shurado, being that of the threat of neverending violence and accursing one's karma to never escape such fate even into another life. Being able to escape the grasp of the streets, the successful modern day artist is much like the samurai whose life has escaped Shurado into enlightenment.
  • Its pins feature heavy hitting straight forward and explosive attacks. Within the Japanese Zodiac, it is believed that those born under the year of the Boar are explosive and dynamic in personality. While the Japanese idiom of "A boar is thinner than in front" applies to how such attacks are as they come, much like how rap tells things how it is and intense tricks can only be experienced and not explained, these attacks also bear no mercy when they hit.
  • Contrasting against Hip Snake, though the past and nostalgia has its place, it is of a crucial reminder that not everyone shares the same life as others, and so, the past may not be the best time of one's life. While the 1970s established the foundation and establishment of modern day industry infrastructure, from work and entertainment, it should be noted that rap and hip hop was born from the Bronx of New York City around this decade, and that NYC during this period was notorious as the most dangerous city in the world due to economic recessions and massive unemployment due to the Rust Belt steel industry decline. With conditions exacerbated into the 1980s with a rise in the illegal cocaine and crack trade, so did the decadent glitz and glamor of the 1970s and 1980s give way to the rise of hard hitting rap that told of the darker truths of the city on the other side of the tracks. Clothing wise, Hip Snake's bright traditional Americana clashes with Wild Boar's darker hues, and its vintage greatly stands out against the modern day urban image that Wild Boar presents, presenting one as outdated, out of touch, and not serious.

Featured Pins[]

  • Dope Line is not only the best Massive Hit pin, but the only one worth its risk. Unfortunately, it is simply more practical to use faster psychs such as Burst Rounds.
  • Macrocosmic Pull is the best Apport C pin, but Cosmic Pull (the pre-evolution pin) is difficult to obtain in the maingame (week 3, day 2: defeat blue noise 66N @Scramble Crossing) and is already obsoleted by Burst Rounds.
  • Lazy Bomber is the best Time Bomb pin, but it is only available in the postgame.

Featured Threads[]

  • Cat Deck is the thread with the highest all-around stat boost in the maingame.
  • Camouflage has SOS ATK Boost 1, and is part of BOY.

Wild Boar Pins[]

Icon # Name Cls Psych Spec Power Info
Lazy Bomber194Lazy BomberA N Time Bomb T Attack 138Touch empty space to place a bomb in that location which explodes after a set amount of time.
Flower of Flame195Flower of FlameA N Explosion P Attack 82Press empty space to spray a wide radius with sparks. Inflicts damage on contact.
Flower of Fire196Flower of FireA N Explosion P Attack 102Press empty space to spray a wide radius with sparks. Inflicts damage on contact.
Kewl Line197Kewl LineB P Massive Hit P Attack 105Press Neku and release to unleash a vicious slicing attack. Neku will be unable to move mid-press, but longer presses yield more power.
Dope Line198Dope LineB P Massive Hit P Attack 225Press Neku and release to unleash a vicious slicing attack. Neku will be unable to move mid-press, but longer presses yield more power.
Wild Line199Wild LineB P Massive Hit P Attack 110Press Neku and release to unleash a vicious slicing attack. Neku will be unable to move mid-press, but longer presses yield more power.
Fly Line200Fly LineA P Grave Marker S Attack 104Slash vertically down on an enemy and Neku will teleport above it and attack with a downward stab.
Fresh Line201Fresh LineA P Grave Marker S Attack 109Slash vertically down on an enemy and Neku will teleport above it and attack with a downward stab.
Microcosmic Pull202Microcosmic PullB N Apport C Attack 80Draw a circle in empty space to strike that location with a meteor that shatters on impact. Inflicts damage before and after shattering.
Cosmic Pull203Cosmic PullB N Apport C Attack 87Draw a circle in empty space to strike that location with a meteor that shatters on impact. Inflicts damage before and after shattering.
Macrocosmic Pull204Macrocosmic PullB N Apport C Attack 95Draw a circle in empty space to strike that location with a meteor that shatters on impact. Inflicts damage before and after shattering.
Diss205DissA A Defense Blight+ Greatly extends the duration of Defense Break's negative effects on enemies.
Wild Boar206Wild Boar (Pin)A A Resonance: WB Increases the Attack of any Wild Boar pins Neku is wearing.

Wild Boar Evolution Chart

Wild Boar.graph

Wild Boar Threads[]

Icon # Name Slot HP ATK DEF BRV Ability Acquisition
FRItem 207 207 Seattle Headwear --- +5 --- 25 Abipsyche Combo Branch +1 DS
Abipsyche Lasting Fusion I Remix
B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 208 208 San Francisco Headwear --- +7 --- 25 Abipsyche Resist Immobilization B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 209 209 Las Vegas Headwear --- +6 --- 30 Abipsyche Resist HP Drain B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 210 210 Chicago Headwear --- +3 --- 20 Abipsyche Display Time B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 211 211 New York Headwear --- +3 --- 20 Abipsyche HIT Keeper I B-style threads Wild Boar 104
B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 212 212 Negotiator Top +27 +12 --- 32 Abipsyche Beat: Fusion ★ +2 DS
Abipsyche Beat: Sync Start +40% Remix
B-style threads Wild Boar 104
B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 213 213 Hey Boy Top +38 +9 --- 33 Abipsyche Beat: Ground Combo A DS
Abipsyche Beat: Lasting Fusion I Remix
B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 214 214 Hey Girl Top +68 +6 --- 35 Abipsyche Beat: Air Combo C DS
Abipsyche Beat: Drop Kick II Remix
B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 215 215 Hey Everybody Top +53 +7 --- 20 Abipsyche Beat: Ground Combo B DS
Abipsyche Beat: Lasting Fusion II Remix
B-style threads Wild Boar 104
B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 216 216 Alive Top +8 +3 --- 18 Abipsyche ATK +1 B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 217 217 Sabotage Top +8 +3 --- 27 Abipsyche Combo Panel +1 DS
Abipsyche Sync Charge I Remix
B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 218 218 3 MC's 1 DJ Top +8 +4 --- 25 Abipsyche ATK +2 B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 219 219 Pass the Mic Top +30 +6 --- 38 Abipsyche Show Combo Map Longer DS
Abipsyche Lasting Fusion III Remix
B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 220 220 Won't Stop Bottom +23 --- +6 25 Abipsyche Beat: ATK +3 B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 221 221 Don't Stop Bottom +8 --- +9 30 Abipsyche Beat: HP +30 B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 222 222 Camouflage Bottom +15 --- +7 35 Abipsyche SOS ATK Boost I B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 223 223 Darkness Bottom +17 --- +6 25 Abipsyche Beat: Air Combo A DS
Abipsyche Beat: Lasting Fusion III Remix
B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 224 224 Denim Coveralls Top &
+23 +9 +5 48 Abipsyche Beat: DEF +4 B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 225 225 Work Coveralls Top &
+23 +7 +6 46 Abipsyche Beat: HP +70 B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 226 226 Gold Die Accessory --- +8 +5 37 Abipsyche Beat: DEF +3 B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 227 227 Wild Boar Pendant Accessory --- +9 +4 35 Abipsyche Beat: Nag-free Escape B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 228 228 King Pendant Accessory --- +12 +4 42 Abipsyche Beat: ATK +4 B-style threads Wild Boar 104
FRItem 229 229 Skull Deck Accessory +20 +7 +5 40 Abipsyche Display Time B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 230 230 Camo Deck Accessory +20 +4 +2 30 Abipsyche Attack Break Finisher B-style threads Wild Boar
FRItem 231 231 Cat Deck Accessory +75 +20 +13 50 Abipsyche HIT Keeper III B-style threads Wild Boar

Brands in The World Ends with You
D+BNatural PuppyPavo RealMus RattusJupiter of the MonkeyHip SnakeSheep HeavenlyTigre PunksDragon CoutureLapin AngeliquePegasoWild BoarGatitoUnbranded

Brands in The World Ends with You -Live Remix-
Maiden InnocenceMithril Scale
Brands in NEO: The World Ends with You
Top o' TopoJoli bécotTigre PunksCony×ConyRyuGugaragaraIl Cavallo Del ReShepherd HouseJupiter of the MonkeyMonocrowNatural PuppyHog FangGatto NeroCroaky PanicBlack Honey Chili CookieUnbranded
