The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Speech Bubble - Exclamation Question SR Spoiler warning: Plot and/or character details follow.

"There’s only one way to stay alive in Shibuya. Trust your partner! Especially you, Phones. You know what trust is, right? Partnership is essential to surviving the Game. Alone, you face limitations, but partner up and you can smash right through them."
— Hanekoma on partners

Who 2 Trust is a day in The World Ends with You. For its corresponding episode in The Animation, see The Reapers' Game (Episode).


  • Neku and Shiki learn to use the Harmonizer Pin that Hanekoma gave to them.
  • 777 enlists Neku and Shiki to help him find the slacker technician, Futoshi.
  • Beat and Rhyme teach Neku and Shiki how to Imprint memes.
  • Instead of Neku and Shiki, its Beat and Rhyme who complete the mission via Erasing the golden bat with only a few seconds left on the timer.
  • Beat and Rhyme agree to team up with Neku and Shiki for the rest of the week.
  • Neku learns that 777 is a Reaper.


Neku comes to in a dark room after the Reaper Uzuki talked him into Erasing his partner, Shiki, for a way out of the Reapers' Game the day before. In fact, Shiki was never killed: just in time, a man named Hanekoma arrived citing that Reapers can’t directly attack players and there’s only one mission assigned a day, making Uzuki’s orders illegal. After Uzuki left, he told the two about trusting their partners, and Neku confessed to Shiki that he’s an amnesiac and can’t remember anything but his name and waking up on the Scramble.
Back in the dark room, Neku and Shiki’s conversation is cut short when Shiki’s phone buzzes with the mission; she drops it face-up where Neku sees a photo of her and another girl. She explains that she’d been looking at the photo whenever she was on her phone, but quickly changes the subject to the mission mail which tells them to defeat the master of A-East, and that they have 360 minutes. Shiki says that A-East is a hotspot for concerts which she’s been a few times at, and she can lead them out.
When they leave the room, it turns out they were in A-East’s concert stage after all, which Shiki couldn’t tell due to all the lights put out. Neku and Shiki set out to find a way to get the lights back on, but Shiki notices a man named 777, the vocalist of indie band Dëf March who has a problem: his band has a concert in a few hours, but their technician’s slacking off and if he doesn’t arrive soon, the concert will be cancelled. He tells them that if they find the technician to tell him to go to A-East.
After talking to 777, Neku and Shiki are blocked by a wall, with the Reaper’s conditions being to defeat the Noise in the area. Shiki suggests using the Harmonizer Pin; when they met Hanekoma, he told them about the Reaper’s Game, the Reapers, Shibuya, himself, and gave them a pin that needs Neku and Shiki to be in total sync and unleash a powerful attack. They defeat the Noise, and the Reaper clears the wall.

The technician possessed by Negative Noise.

Neku and Shiki get to Dogenzaka, and in one of the shops, Ramen Don, they find the technician venting to the shopkeeper about how he’s sick of being a backstage man, then leaves. Outside, they find he’s possessed by Noise and after defeating it he goes back to A-East. He says to 777 the stage lighting’s busted and there’s a part he needs. Following him to Shibukyu Main Store, Shiki notices Beat and Rhyme. Rhyme teaches Shiki about memes; words or ideas related to the missions sent to their phones for Imprinting onto people. Shiki and Rhyme theorize that if they turn on the lights, they can find the “master of A-East”, but Beat cuts them off before they can talk further.
When Neku and Shiki test Imprinting on a businessman, the technician arrives at Shibukyu, forgetting what part he needed. They imprint the “Fuse” meme onto him, and he rushes to the Cosmic Corner in Dogenzaka to buy a fuse and get back to the concert stage. Inside the concert stage, even with the part, the power blows again and the Noise Vespertilio Canor attacks.
Beat & rhyme

Beat and Rhyme completing the mission.

Vespertilio Canor is defeated, but Neku and Shiki’s timers are still ticking with less than half a minute on. Just in time, Beat and Rhyme appear to defeat a small golden bat, completing the mission and fixing the stage’s lights. Outside, Rhyme explains that the giant bat that Neku and Shiki fought wasn’t enough: there was a smaller bat that they needed to fight that was the true master of A-East. Shiki asks how 777 could see them when they were invisible to the rest of the public, and Neku works out 777 is a Reaper because of Hanekoma’s words that the only people that can see Players are other Players, Reapers, and Hanekoma himself. Shiki asks Beat and Rhyme if they want to work together, and everyone (even a reluctant Neku) agrees.
In the Dead God's Pad, Megumi Kitaniji and Mitsuki Konishi talk. Konishi reports that at Day 3, they’re already on the 50% Erased mark for Players a full day before they thought. She reminds him of the meeting tomorrow, then Kitaniji remarks that he feels as if tomorrow’s Game is going to be very entertaining.


In the starting area, walk about halfway in the room to find Shiki and she will lead out into A-East. Talk to 777 and either take him up on his request or decline: the choice here doesn’t matter. Walk down to the path to Dogenzaka, and a Reaper has constructed a wall. Shiki will suggest using Hanekoma’s Harmonizer Pin, and there will be a flashback to the Hanekoma meeting: talk through all the topics, then back in the present practice with the Harmonizer Pin. Defeat the Noise, then the Reaper will let down the wall.
Now at Dogenzaka, go to Ramen Don: after a cutscene, the technician will go outside. Talk to him and then erase the Negative Noise possessing him, making him go to A-East. At A-East, talk to either the technician or 777, then move up to Shibukyu. There’s another wall - defeat two of the medium red Noise, and then there talk to Beat and Rhyme. They will teach Shiki about memes, and Shiki will receive the meme “Blackout”. Talk to the businessman after that, and Imprint “Blackout” on him then the technician will appear in Shibukyu. Go back to the concert stage, move to the top right, scan, and receive the meme “Fuse”. Imprint “Fuse” on the technician, move to the Cosmic Corner in Dogenzaka, at A-East talk to the technician or 777. Inside the concert stage, move to the upper right and talk to the technician.
Here, Neku and Shiki will be attacked by Vespertilio Canor. This boss, in the dark room, will be immune to all attacks if Shiki doesn’t turn the lights on. In the DS version, Shiki is on the top screen and can defeat the bats to turn on the lights. In Solo Remix and Final Remix, Shiki will jump to the top of the building when she finishes a combo on Vespertilio. Once Vespertilio is erased, the chapter will end.
For the Secret Reports: the Pig Noise are found in Shibukyu Main Store and Dogenzaka, the Vespertilio Canor boss noise is in the corner of the Concert Hall after fixing the lights, and the Yukata is gotten by imprinting "Ramen" onto Futoshi.


No. Pic Noise Location
Noise 1
Dixiefrog A-East, Shibukyu Main Store
Noise 12
Garage Wolf A-East, Dogenzaka
Noise 15
Mosh Grizzly A-East, Dogenzaka, Shibukyu Main Store
Noise 18
Gabba Bat A-East
Noise 88
Vespertilio Canor Concert Stage (Boss), Concert Stage (Blue Noise)


Main Story Rewards
Event First Playthrough Replay
Awaken and flashback (S) Shutdown

(B) Shutdown

Reunite with Shiki (S) Easy None
Exit to A-East (B) Talk to Your Partner None
Enter a shop (B) Shop Clerks

(B) Item Abilities

500 Yen
Harmonizer Pin Flashback (S) ESP Cards (DS)

(S) Shiki (Remix)
(S) Fusion Boost Shiki

Free the tech from the Noise (S) DEF Boost Shiki

(B) Red Noise Symbols
(B) Yellow Noise Symbols

500 Yen
Clear wall to Shibukyu Main Store (S) Jump (DS)

(S) Hyperdrive Shiki (Remix)
5,000 Yen

5,000 Yen
Learn about Memes (B) Memes

"Blackout" Meme

"Blackout" meme
Scan man on concert stage after learning about memes "Fuse" meme "Fuse" meme
Defeat Vespertilio Canor (S) ATK Boost Shiki

Poison Bones

Poison Bones

Extra Rewards
Scan girl outside Cosmic Corner after learning about memes "Cough drops" meme
Enter Ramen Don after learning about memes "Ramen" meme
Imprint "Ramen" on tech before "Fuse" Secret Box (Replay only)
Imprint "Cough drops" on tech before "Fuse" Receive Lucky Star from 777
Pig Drops
Pig species Location Reward
Pig Samba Dogenzaka 5,000 Yen
Pig Samba Shibukyu Main Store 5,000 Yen
Secret Box
Initial Subsequent
Yukata 500 Yen

Secret Reports[]

  1. Collect the report for Shiki, Day 2.
  2. Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
  3. Get the Yukata. (The Forgotten Ramen)
  4. Eliminate the boss symbol No. 88 within this chapter at Hard or above.

Days in The World Ends with You
Week 1 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 2 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 3 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Extra Another DayA New Day