The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Speech Bubble - Exclamation Question SR Spoiler warning: Plot and/or character details follow.

VisioN is a day in NEO: The World Ends with You.


Neku leads the Twisters through the city to the WildKat Cafe to meet Coco Atarashi who explains her reasons for shooting Neku in A New Day. She reveals that Tsugumi Matsunae's real soul is trapped inside the Mr. Mew doll she carries, and the team use Dive to communicate with her.


As the day begins, Rindo and Neku talk about his origin. He was pulled into Shinjuku after its erasure 3 years ago; it still exists, but cut off from the UG and RG, and containing only people's lingering thoughts. Neku was brought back by a "Reaper friend" to help save Shibuya. Uzuki Yashiro passes by, mentioning that she's glad that Neku has returned. Shiba Miyakaze also makes the daily announcement stating that he is aware that Neku has arrived, and states that he originally looked for Neku in the RG to pull him into the Game, but could not find him and got the Twisters instead. Nagi Usui notes that Shiba seems angry and reminds the Twisters of what he is capable of. Neku states that he wants to go to Cat Street to investigate information about Shinjuku's disappearance and to meet his Reaper contact.

As they head to Cat Street, Shoka is shocked to see Ayano Kamachi apparently waiting for them at the overpass, but Nagi explains that she can see it is not the real Ayano but a husk with no Soul animated by Plague Noise. As they travel through the city, they eliminate soulless versions of Fuya Kawahara, Motoi Anazawa and Kanon Tachibana, quickly realising that Shiba has created them to be emotionally upsetting for the Twisters to fight. Nagi talks to Fret extensively about the value of being aware of others and making them feel welcome.

Arriving at Cat Street, Beat realises that Neku's destination is the WildKat Cafe. At WildKat, they meet Coco Atarashi, who Neku is explains is his Reaper contact. Beat is shocked at first, remembering that Coco shot Neku, but Neku explains that she did this in an attempt to save Shinjuku. Ayano asks why a Shibuya Reaper would try to protect Shinjuku, and Coco replies that she had a contact from a friend there who was a former Reaper, but became a Player and was the only non-Reaper survivor of Shinjuku, then became a Reaper again, but that that friend is "in no state to speak to them".

Tsugumi Matsunae then appears from nearby, and Coco explains that Tsugumi's real heart and soul is trapped inside the Mr. Mew doll she carries. To enable her to communicate, the doll would need to be repaired, but only its original creator Shiki Misaki can do that properly. Coco is keen to talk to Tsugumi to ask her about Shinjuku, so Nagi attempts a Dive on the Mr. New doll. The Twisters are forced to fight a Mammoth Noise that has been placed inside the doll to seal Tsugumi in, and are then able to talk to her. Tsugumi explains that she has been sending visions of the future to Neku, and Rindo realizes that the visions he's been having are the same. She explains that the Plague Noise, by transferring between the RG and UG, weakened the barrier between them until the two merged and destroyed each other in an Inversion. This was also categorised by a build up in Dissonance - events which are not supposed to be part of reality; coming to the UG without dying is one such event. Tsugumi begs for help and states she fears being trapped in the doll forever, but Beat promises her they will be able to get her out when Shibuya is saved.

Returning, they seak to Coco about what they said, while Rindo has serious doubts about his abilities - that even with visions of the future from Tsugumi, he still needed to Replay. Shoka notes that Shiba Miyakaze's personality has changed since 3 years ago.

In the afterpiece, Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki thinks about taking further action against the Twisters when an unknown party contacts him on his phone.



  • The Plague Noise versions of previous characters become standard Plague Noise encounters. You do not need to face the boss forms of these characters again.
  • The actual boss is the Plague Noise sealing Mr. Mew, an enhanced Plague Pachy.

Secret Reports[]

Days in NEO: The World Ends with You
Prologue Prologue
Week 1 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 2 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 3 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 77 Part 27 Part 3
Extra Another Day