The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
FRItem 319
Number 319
Name Vanilla Soft Serve
Info Everyone's favorite: sweet vanilla soft serve. Its rich, creamy flavor delights young and old alike.
Effects Goes down in 5 bytes.

Consume this to boost your sync rate by roughly 5%.

Once you digest it by fighting battles, your Bravery will increase by 2.

Like/Dislike Levels

NekuIconFR 3 (+5%)

ShikiIconFR 4 (+7.5%)

JoshuaIconFR 2 (+3.75%)

BeatIconFR 1 (+2.5%)

Sold by
  • Burger shop Sunshine Shibukyu¥230
  • Burger shop Sunshine Stationside¥230
  • Event Reward
    Comments This item is small enough to keep feeding to Neku and his partner after the daily 18 byte cap is met. As it is cheap and available early on in the game, it can be a useful way to continually increase characters' Bravery after eating other stat-boosting food earlier in the day.