I guess this is a thing I'm doing. Not sure if anyone will ever read this, but it feels fun to jot down what I do.
Primarily, my main two focuses are updating all images to Final Remix screenshots and to make A New Day Noise locations .
The best way I've found to export screenshots of TWEWY (since I don't have a social media to dump things into) is to take a brief recording with my capture card and use Snip & Sketch to screenshot it. It's possible it could be better quality, but I'm not too sure. As an aside, the [SKIP] button is always present in my screenshots since I'm getting them from New Game Plus. I didn't get them from a fresh playthrough because...I don't wanna. If any of you want to grab a screenshot without the [SKIP] button, be my guest. But since it never even got updated to Solo Remix, I doubt anyone does.
Currently, I'm going character by character and am up to Joshua using the super mega ultra beam of destruction on his page .
As for the AND Noise List, it's going fine. A New Day is pretty big so it takes a bit of time. Especially with the fact that I not only have to fight every Noise type, but I also have to do those stupid wall missions.
I'd just like to take a moment to note the Reaper at the end of Trail of the Bygone. This man summons every freaking Noise type for one battle (WHY????). After finally getting them all in the table (which doesn't show lines, by the way, and I'm not sure why), I realized there was a Shark in the mix and it had eaten several Noise I didn't write down. So I killed myself with a Random Raven Ball and tried my hardest to play EyeSpy and get every Noise.
On another note, I became an Admin the other day. Thanks for that, Kai! I've been here for a bit and am so happy to move up in the ranks. I lived for the wiki's achievement ranking system. So many other fandoms are filled with passionate people, but TWEWY is kinda sparse in that regard. I'm proud to be one of those people for this game I love so much.
(Kai, Hattie, and JeruTz are cool people, by the way.)