The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

This article is under construction.

This page refers to something in the The World Ends with You series that has no official name, and therefore has a conjectural title. If sourced, canon information gives it a formal name, it should be changed as soon as possible.

Rindo can read the thoughts of other humans in the Realground throughout NEO: The World Ends with You using his Reaper Pin.

These thoughts have no formal name, but the game's text files and sprite file names refer to these thoughts as Tweets. However, file names are not necessarily entirely indicators of canon names. Additionally, these Tweets are in no way affiliated with social networking service Twitter.

Unlike Thought Fragments from the first game, Tweets are all mostly location-specific, tied to a certain overworld model and sprite, and have a username for each specific thought owner. On all days in the main story from 🡐stabbed onwards, most Tweets are replaced with one empty thought from user @DownWithTheSyndrome.

The following is a list of all Tweets found within the game grouped by location. Many of the Tweets listed are inaccessible in the game itself without hacking. They are listed in the order used in the game's own files:

Scramble Crossing[]

Crumbling Company (@SeniorEmployee)[]

That guy handed in his resignation. I can't say I blame him, though. The company won't last long at this rate. Maybe I should resign, too.

Cinematic Masterpiece (@MovieManiac)[]

That was the best movie I've seen all year! From giant monsters to a secret base, then it turned into a school rom-com... It exceeded even my wildest expectations!

Horrendously Good (@MovieManiac)[]

That horror film really reinvented the genre! Invisible people turning into zombies... I mean, what's worse than a zombie you can't see?
  • (Note: This Tweet can only appear in HEAD2HEAD.)

Movie Date (@MovieManiac)[]

Today I took my boyfriend on our first movie date! But he's got terrible taste in films... I just don't get the appeal of shark kung fu!

Shibuya Girls (@LadiesMan)[]

I always dreamed of picking up a girl in Shibuya! All I gotta do is walk up and say hi... Now, if only my knees would stop shaking!

Interview (@JobSeeker)[]

I was sooo nervous during that interview, but I know I'm a shoo-in for the job! After all, I did everything by the book!

I will... (@JobSeeker)[]

I will...devote this company... I will...

Erika... (@AKATakuya)[]

Erika...and...I... Erika... Really... Erika...

What a Thrill (@DelusionalSchoolgirl)[]

Oh, I can only imagine how exhilarating it would be to sing karaoke solo on that big screen up there!

Sing... (@DelusionalSchoolgirl)[]

Sing... Rhythm... Solo... Again... Friends... Sing...

Free Time (@HereOnBusiness)[]

I've finally got some free time! And my wife's halfway across the country, so I can do whatever I want, like... No! No, I can't!
  • (Note: This Tweet stops appearing in the main story after SuDDeN DeaTH.)

Lucky Day (@ImABeliever)[]

I'm following my horoscope to a T today. I drank some herbal tea, wore my lucky color, wrote in my diary, and even complimented my nasty coworker, so something really good should be coming my way!
  • (Note: This Tweet stops appearing in the main story after VisioN.)

I believe... (@ImABeliever)[]

I believe... Today... Lucky... I believe... Lucky... Good day...

Statue of Hachiko (@TearyEyedMan)[]

This statue of Hachiko is smaller than I expected. He waited so long for his master to come back... Oh no, I'm tearing up again...

This Crossing (@NewTokyoite)[]

It was hard to make it through the Scramble Crossing before, but now I do it effortlessly every day. I could even skip my way across if I wanted to!

Swaying on a Crowded Train (@DailyCommuter)[]

I spend every day swaying back and forth on a crowded train all the way to Shibuya... I wish I could just warp to work. I hate this commute!
  • (Note: This Tweet stops appearing in the main story after SuDDeN DeaTH.)

Clickety Clack... (@DailyCommuter)[]

Clickety clack... Clickety clack... The next stop is... Clickety clack... Shibuya...

Overslept (@IrremediableBoy)[]

Uff... I overslept and missed my interview. I know I shouldn't have. I wish I could turn back time...

Like a Rock (@TwoDayTourist)[]

The overnight bus was so comfy, I slept like a rock! Now I'm rested and ready to see all the sights today!
  • (Note: This Tweet only appears during New Game.)

Had a Blast (@TwoDayTourist)[]

I had a blast yesterday! It was so much fun, but I'm all out of gas now. Can't wait to catch some Zs on the bus home!

Finally Free... (@DungeonDiver)[]

I finally made it out of the impregnable, labyrinth-like dungeon known as...Shibuya Station.

Celebs (@StarstruckHousewife)[]

I love Shibuya: I've seen three celebs already! I don't know their names, but I totes remember seeing them on TV or somewhere!

New Business (@SelfProclaimedEntrepreneur)[]

I'm gonna start a business right here and now—and someday, those big billboards will have my name on 'em! The name on everybody's lips is gonna be...well, mine!

Mental Block (@SelfProclaimedEntrepreneur)[]

My mind is blank... I think I'm in a slump. I can't come up with a business plan. Why am I doing this anyway...?

Blue Skies (@WorkingAllNighters)[]

I've never seen the sky so blue... And the sun is so bright it hurts my eyes! Is this what happens when you work all night?

Elephant March (@GirlOfTheFuture)[]

Omigosh! There's an elephant marching through town—and a dinosaur scaling that building! These AR sunglasses are the best!

Justice Burger (@GirlOfTheFuture)[]

Today, I'm gonna eat at Justice Burger: I've racked up enough points to get a large order of Freedom Fries on the house!

To Taiseido and Beyond (@DivinityIntervened)[]

All right, I made it to Taiseido—just like in my dream. Now all I have to do is find that book that's supposed to change my life and I'll be good to go!

High Hopes (@TypicalTourist)[]

I put my luggage in a locker, now I'm ready to explore Shibuya! Time to get acquainted with that pooch of legend.

Chaos (@TheAllSeeingShe)[]

Shibuya is total chaos! It's a town where personalities clash...and I'm just one in the crowd!

That Pattern... (@ManholeManiac)[]

No way! That size and pattern... It can't be! I've finally found one of the rarest manhole covers in Japan!

(Un)lucky in Love (@FullOfFeelings)[]

My horoscope said I should steer clear of anything romantic this month, but I'm going to ask him out anyway! I decide my own destiny.

Too Many Pics (@PicturesquePrincess)[]

I took a ton of pictures at one of those adorable photo booths today! I've got so many, I'm gonna need a second album to keep them all!

My First Falsies (@MUAinTheMaking)[]

I put on falsies for the first time! But they feel so weird on my eyelids... I might try adding color contacts into the mix once I'm used to them!

All-You-Can-Drink (@WantMyYensWorth)[]

That all-you-can-drink deal was a steal, but it only lasted 30 minutes. We barely stopped to breathe, let alone talk!

Table Sharing (@IFall2Fast)[]

I can't forget that girl who smiled as she took the seat next to mine. I tried working up the courage to talk to her, but...I was speechless.

Live Cam (@HeyLookAtMe)[]

I heard there's a live cam set up around here somewhere. I'm gonna find it and look straight into it. This could be my big break!

Weird Shape (@ChildAtHeart4Ever)[]

That building's got such a strange shape... It looks like it's gonna transform into a robot or something and then fly off into the sky!

Catching up to Me (@Overworked4Life)[]

I think the fatigue from all this work is finally hitting me. I rode the train in the wrong direction, got stuck in the door, and left my phone at home. I guess it's time for a day off.

Reading on the Go (@LadyLibrophilia)[]

The light novel I read on my phone was an absolute masterpiece! Now I want to buy the whole series... To the bookstore I go!

Nothing Sticks (@LadyLibrophilia)[]

Nothing sticks these days. I can't keep up in class and even reading light novels is a chore...

Consistency (@NotShakenNorStirred)[]

The pattern in my latte art is always exactly the same every time I visit Hachiko Café. The artist sure has a steady hand!

Tartar Sauce (@RecipeHuntress)[]

That Fearless Fishwich at Justice Burger has the best tartar sauce, but no matter how many times I try, I can never recreate it.

My Pupil (@ManOfTamagawa)[]

My little Ao Kasumi has finally opened their own exhibition. I can't wait to see what incredible bodies of water they've put on display!

36-Hour Day (@NotEnoughTime4Me)[]

There's just not enough time in a day. I need 36 hours at least! ...On second thought, I'd probably just use the extra hours on work, so scratch that.

Documentary (@CopyPasteRepeat)[]

Someone should make a documentary about my life. They could follow me around when I wake up and go to work and come home and sleep... Wow, no one should be forced to watch that.

Failing with Style (@ImSteppinOut)[]

They say that even failure makes for good experience. I guess it's up to me to make the most of whatever comes my way.

Hot Off the Press (@HardboundCollector)[]

Omigosh! The next volume in my favorite mystery series is out! Taiseido should have a copy, right? Maybe I'll find another fun novel while I'm there!

Cheap 'n' Tasty (@YenPinchingHero)[]

Justice Burger is the BEST! Not only is their food cheap and tasty, but the staff is so friendly, too! They make me feel like a hero every time I visit.

Hipster Cred (@LongtimeFan)[]

Whoa, since when did Eiru have this many subscribers!? I've been following them for years, and I just noticed. I'm happy for them...but I hope they don't become a sellout.

Sixth Sense (@ScoopSleuth)[]

That Honoka spent a lot of time abroad before she became a model, didn't she? Maybe I could convince her to come on board our show as a global reporter...

Memories (@Crazy4Creepy)[]

Every time I come to Shibuya, I'm reminded of that creepy urban legend I heard... I'm also terrified of flowers now, too!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Scramble Crossing (Unused)[]

Due to the number of Tweets from Scramble Crossing that go unused, they are all listed in their own section.

Firm Resignation (@JuniorEmployee)[]

I'll say, "Boss, I quit!" then slam my resignation on his desk and—is that the time!? I'm gonna be late for work.

Gloomy Subordinate (@SeniorEmployee)[]

I'm worried about that guy. He never smiles and he's always mumbling to himself. Maybe we could grab a drink and I'll ask what's on his mind... No. If I do that, he'll hate me for sure!

Where's Dad? (@NotALostBoy)[]

Uh oh... Where did Dad go? I've gotta find him. He can't tell left from right.

Me Time (@WifeInTheCity)[]

I told my husband I needed some me time and came out to the city, but I'm bored already... I think I'll stop by the grocery store, then head home.

Angry Wife (@HusbandInTheCity)[]

My wife left the house in a huff. But that's what I get for leaving all the chores to her... I guess I'll buy her favorite dessert and apologize when she gets home...

Waiting in Vain (@ClassMadonna)[]

Geez... How long does he plan on making me wait? This is why you can't rely on men. I'm never going to lunch with him again!

Mommy Meetup (@TiredMother)[]

Today's another one of our "Mommy Meetups," but I'm honestly not a fan of big group gatherings... Maybe I'll arrive late to avoid the extra chit-chat.

Can't Be Late (@MommyMeetupManager)[]

Is it that time already? I've gotta hurry or else the girls'll start without me! They'll never let me hear the end of it if I'm late...

Legendary Game (@CombativeBoy)[]

I'd been dreaming of showing off my Tin Pin skills after transferring here, but it looks like everyone's moved on... Won't anyone play with me?

Erika (@AKATakuya)[]

She hasn't shown up yet. She said she'd meet me here. But maybe she lied...

Takuya (@AKAErika)[]

I gotta see what kind of guy he is before I head over... Is that Takuya!? Oh man, he's way too handsome for me!

Pancakes... (@PrecociousSchoolgirl)[]

Pancakes... Pancakes... Shopping... Friends... Pancakes...

I See... (@StreetWatcher)[]

Oh, that was a forced smile just now. And that boy over there is waiting for his first date... People-watching in Shibuya really is fun.

No Relation (@StreetWatcher)[]

I'm tired of people-watching. Those strangers have nothing to do with me, after all.

Best Specs (@YoungGamer)[]

The Giga Engine Mach II's got the best specs, but it's sold out everywhere... Good thing I already have it!

Best Specs (@YoungGamer)[]

The Giga Engine Mach II's got the best specs, but it's sold out everywhere... Good thing I already have it!

Pretty Sweet (@YoungGamer)[]

It's pretty sweet having a Giga Engine Mach II at my age, but haters gonna hate—not my fault my parents buy me whatever I want!

Studying from Sunup (@StudiousSchoolboy)[]

I study in the morning, then go to class! After classes, I go to cram school. Once all that's done, I can game!

Scolded (@StudiousSchoolboy)[]

I skipped cram school, so Momma got all mad at me. Maybe I can come up with some kind of excuse so she'll forgive me...

Day with my Daughter (@DivorcedBusinessman)[]

Today is the one day a month I get to see my little girl. I always bring her a gift, but what should I get her this time...?

Day with My Dad (@GrowingGirl)[]

Today I get to see my dad! He brings me a gift every time, but it's always something weird... I wish he knew I'm happy just seeing him!

I Know You! (@MrMistaken)[]

I said it with such conviction, I even slapped him on the back! But he wasn't who I thought he was, so I had to fake it until the end...

That Guy... (@PlayingAlong)[]

I can't remember that guy for the life of me. I guess my memory's not what it used to be... I played along as best as I could, though.

All Grown Up (@ImABigKidNow)[]

I bought a ice cream float at the coffee place all by myself! And then I eated it all by myself, too!

Will I Make It? (@LuckPushingLad)[]

The light's blinking again! Should I try to cross? No, it's too risky... And now it's red again! Ugh, I keep missing my chance...

My Talent (@DivaInTraining)[]

It's been forever since I last had a singing lesson. At this rate, my talent will wither away! Take me to karaoke, Mom!

Big Screen (@SoOverprotected)[]

Mom always says to turn off the TV if nobody's watching. So how come that big one's still on if no one's looking at it?

Beginner's Luck (@FanGONoob)[]

I started playing FanGO 'cause everyone at school kept talking about it, but I haven't found anything g—wait a sec! Isn't that a super-rare monster!? Hell yeah!

In Her Own World (@PrincessProtector)[]

The lady of the house insisted upon disguising ourselves and "mingling among the masses," but I fear she has a skewed perspective on "normal life"...

This Is Love (@MisguidedPrincess)[]

That charming young lass regaled me with tales of EleStra. It sounds ever-so romantic... Oh, how I long to hear more tales of true love!

Unstoppable (@PrincessProtector)[]

My concern grows the longer the young lady stares at her phone. Her father would never approve of such unbridled use of technology!

Dream Car (@AspiringDriver)[]

The feel of the leather steering wheel under your fingers, the low rev of the engine, the thrill of speeding down the highway knowing you're in the coolest car on the road... Maybe I'll experience that once I get my license.

E-Books vs Paper (@OldFashionedGal)[]

E-books are great for freeing up space, but there's just something special about flipping through the pages of a real book. Especially for things like photo collections.

Streaming vs Vinyl (@OldFashionedGal)[]

I love how easy it is to stream music these days, but the sound doesn't have the same depth as vinyl. Plus, you miss out on that moment right when the needle hits the record.

Cash vs Cashless (@OldFashionedGal)[]

Everyone (including me) is using ShibuPay these days, but there's this undeniable charm to paying in cash. It's like stepping back in time.

At Least It's Getting Done (@LateToStart)[]

Maybe I should stop procrastinating so much. But as long as I get around to it eventually, it's fine, right? Deadlines are a social construct!

Misplaced Trust (@PassinTheBuck)[]

I see you putting off that paperwork I asked you to do. I trust you to get it done, just please do it on time. We have deadlines for a reason!

As Seen on TV (@InnocentBumpkin)[]

I'm just in Shibuya, no big deal... Whoa, Scramble Crossing is so cool! Is that 104!? Oh, and there's Shibuya Hikarie! It's just like in the movies!

That Girl... (@KeepUrEyesOnMe)[]

That girl over there keeps staring at me... Do you think she's interested? Maybe I've finally become the babe magnet I've always wanted to be!

That Guy... (@IOnlyHaveEyes4U)[]

That poor guy... His fly's open, he's got a price tag on his shirt, and his socks don't match. He's like a fashion car crash: it's awful, but I can't look away!

Rule Breaker? (@MisterSweetTooth)[]

All those desserts look so yummy, I just wanna try 'em all... I don't care if I'm a boy: I'm gonna eat the Ladies' Night Parfait anyway!

Tsutaya O-East[]

Best Concert EVER (@MovieManiac)[]

Every time I pass by here, I think about that Def Märch concert. It changed my life! I know it's supposed to be macabre, but the members were just adorable!

Mom Back Home (@UndutifulSon)[]

I wonder how Mom's doing. It's been three whole years since I last called her, and I know she'd flip if she found out I'd been living in the next town over this whole time.

Through the Mirror (@GirlWithTheUpdo)[]

That stylist is so dreamy...  My heart skips a beat every time our eyes meet in the mirror! I wanna see him again, but I just got my hair done yesterday...

Hnnngrh... (@AwfullyQuiet)[]

...Wh-where am I!? I hope I didn't fall asleep standing up again!

My Eyes... (@EverythingToSneezeAt)[]

I can't stop sneezing, my eyes itch, and my nose is running... But those cats at the cafe are so adorable, I can't not see them!
  • (Note: This Tweet cannot appear in the main story after Re:START.)

Meow.... (@EverythingToSneezeAt)[]

Meow, meow... Kitty cat... Meow, meow...

Hm-Hm-Hmmm ♪ (@ManWithTheCans)[]

♪ Hm-hm-hmmm, hm-hm, I'm on my way again today ♪
...Uh-oh. I think I sang that out loud.
  • (Note: This Tweet cannot appear in the main story after Re:START.)

My Motivation... (@PsychedPartTimer)[]

I skipped work today. I just don't have it in me anymore... I quit school, too... My life's over...

Longing for Shibuya Living (@BrokeArtist)[]

I can cross my apartment in two steps and there's no tub, plus it's a half hour from the station...but I've always wanted to live in Shibuya, and now I'm here!

Mr. Serious (@MrSerious)[]

Everyone calls me "Mr. Serious." I guess it's because I like gambling and wearing Tigre PUNKS.

Cony×Cony (@JustThrilled)[]

I can feel my heart pounding when I think about those two workers at Cony×Cony. I wonder what their relationship is!

Plot Twist! (@JustThrilled)[]

I found out what their relationship is! Why didn't I notice it sooner? The resemblance is uncanny!

Repeat After Me (@2Young2Know)[]

The guy from the Tigre PUNKS store told me "punk" isn't just music—it's a lifestyle. From now on, I'm gonna punk my life and everyone in it!
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

The Cost of Crust (@IndecisiveHousewife)[]

I can never decide what kind of pizza I want. I love thin crust, but a thicker crust gets you more food for the same price.

Wiggle Wiggle (@BunnyLover)[]

I could watch bunnies wiggle their little noses all day... I'd watch the snot out of a livestream dedicated to bunny noses.

Wind City (@BornOnTheOutskirts)[]

Did you know there's a band that called the Shibuya area "Wind City"? I'm gonna start using that. Like "Oh, yeah, I'm from Wind City. You've probably never heard of it."

Who'da Thunk? (@YamazakisClassmate)[]

Who woulda guessed ol' Yamazaki would go on to become a fancy-schmancy fashion designer like that? Back in the day, all he wore was T-shirts and sweatpants!

All Dressed Up (@GothicLolitaWannabe)[]

Everything at Cony×Cony looks so cute on its own, but they don't necessarily look cute together, y'know? Maybe I'll ask the twins to help me assemble an ensemble.

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Center Street[]

Five Stars (@Gourmand)[]

Five stars for Glutton 4 Gluten? That won't last long... Not now that the god of culinary critique is in town!

Can't Hold It (@AtMyLimit)[]

Where's the bathroom? It's an emergency! No, I gotta calm down. Think dry thoughts... Nope, I can't hold it any longer!

How Strange... (@WomanWithASecret)[]

How strange... No one's talked to me, let alone looked my way. Do these people not realize they have a famous actress in their midst!?

Pride... (@WomanWithASecret)[]

Private... Show business... Office... Talent... Popularity... Talent...

Values (@LiberatedTeen)[]

In this ever-changing town, yesterday's values are today's enemy. I'm gonna live every day to the fullest! Goodbye, diet!

Police Questioning (@SuspiciousMan)[]

I got questioned by the police yesterday, today, and I bet I'll get stopped tomorrow too... But why? Could they have figured out my plan?

No-Phone Day (@MisterInsecure)[]

Today is all about me, so I left my phone at home! But what if I go back and no one's messaged me? How sad would that be...

No-Phone Day (@MisterInsecure)[]

Today is all about me, so I left my phone at home! But what if I go back and no one's messaged me? How sad would that be...

My Rules (@MissConscientious)[]

Get to the meeting spot one hour early! Wait there patiently! Smile and tell your friends you just got there!

That Pin (@MindsNotMadeUp)[]

I should've bought that pin! I thought about it for a whole hour and decided not to get it... I'm so sorry, Mr. Attendant! I want another look!

Finished with Work (@MyBackHurts)[]

I finished work early today, but my wife won't like it if I go home now. Guess I'll bide my time at the arcade...

Tired of the Cafeteria (@OutForLunch)[]

Thought I'd go somewhere else for lunch after eating at the cafeteria nonstop lately, but there's too many restaurants to choose from and my break is gonna end soon...

Craving (@OutForLunch)[]

I wanted to eat out, but I'm not in the mood for any of these places... Well, I didn't have much of an appetite to begin with. Maybe I'll just go home early today...

Hehehe... (@CheerfulOldLady)[]

Hehehe... It makes me giggle every time I think about it... Hehehe...

Hehehe... (@CheerfulOldLady)[]

Hehehe... It makes me giggle every time I think about it... Hehehe...

Hahaha... (@OutForLunch)[]

Hahaha... Haha... Hahaha...

Mysterious Group (@LonelyRoomBroadcaster)[]

So, first I get that mysterious group's attention, then I get 'em to drag me into that alleyway there... This'll get me a million views for sure!

There Too!? (@ImNotParanoid)[]

There too!? And there!? They're all staring... I can't get away... Why are there so many security cameras!?

Donburi Town (@GrandSlammer)[]

It's payday, so I'm going to Donburi Town! It's my one luxury every month! I'm gonna get the Grand Slam Meat Bowl!

Preferences (@NoPreferencesIsBest)[]

I have no preferences when it comes to fashion! The only thing I prefer is having no preferences! That's why I love Shepherd House.

Dressing My Age (@WeekendsInCamo)[]

The old ball and chain's tryin' to get me to "dress my age," but it ain't my fault HOG FANG looks so good on me. Take it up with their designers!

Shepherd's Pin (@ATruePinthusiast)[]

I've gotta say, though, Shepherd House will always have a special place in my heart. That shy little sheep mascot is so cute, I ended up buying the whole set of pins!
  • (Note: This Tweet only appears on the sixth and seventh day of the second week.)

Come and Go (@ALoyalPatron)[]

"Grand Opening"? Another one? Feels like a new shop shutters and gets replaced every week... I'd better make sure my favorite store isn't next!

Center Street (@StayAtHomeMind)[]

Center Street is such an enigma. Just where does it begin and end?

The Same Road (@UnintendedStalker)[]

I've been walking the same road as this lady for a while now... She's totally gonna think I'm stalking her!

Glasses (@SlightlyStylish)[]

I love going to glasses stores and trying on all the different frames! I'm only in it for how they look since my lenses are fake as can be.

Cramming All Night (@AllStudyNoSleep)[]

I studied all night for the test and now I feel like my brain is about to overflow with stuff... I'll have to walk slow so nothing spills out!

Even the Best Plans (@AllStudyNoSleep)[]

I didn't bother going to school in the end... Who studies all night and then skips the test? What's wrong with me?

HF Hoodies (@HoodedHoodlum)[]

HOG FANG hoodies are the best. I buy 'em as big as I can get 'em!

Sea Urchin (@CookeryPokery)[]

Donburi Town is incredible: selling that quality of sea urchin for such a low price. Makes me wonder where they get it from...

Gluten Glutton (@GluttonForG4G)[]

I think I'll go to Glutton again today. I wouldn't be much of a Gluten Glutton if I didn't!

Torn to Pieces (@ARealShredHead)[]

I'm tryin' to find the perfect pair of ripped jeans, but it's rough. I want 'em revealing, but not too risqué, y'know? There's an art to showing skin.

Dream Come True? (@Desperate4Ideas)[]

I bought a bottle of that Dream Juice just so I could say I tried it, but now that I see it up close, I'm having second thoughts...

Familiar Faces (@TheyreSoRaven)[]

I've heard ravens are smart enough to remember people's faces, which makes me think of this one that keeps eyeing me. Maybe it wants to be friends! Or maybe it thinks I look tasty.

They're Good Cats (@KittyCatRescuer)[]

Just saw a kitty with a notch in its ear! A lot of people think cats get those from fighting, but it's actually a sign they've been fixed. The more you know!

Footloose (@SneakerCollector)[]

Man, these HOG FANG low-tops are so comfy, it feels like I'm wearing nothing at all! ...I did remember to wear shoes today, didn't I?

New Shirt (@Money2Spend)[]

Oh, dangit! I forgot to drop my dress shirt off at the cleaners. Guess I'll just buy a new one at Shepherd House to wear tomorrow... I really should plan better.

Handle with Care (@ClumsyCollector)[]

I went to try on my new pair of vintage jeans from HOG FANG, and I ended up ripping a huge hole in 'em! Maybe I can pass it off as a new style?

Zero Sum Diet (@DonburiDieter)[]

The Grand Slam Meat Bowl looks so delicious, but that rice has so many carbs... Although it's also full of fiber, right? Which makes it, like, super healthy! Okay—I'm getting it!

Decisions, Decisions... (@CaloricLimitBreak)[]

Hm... Do I want to get the Dandan Noodles and make 'em extra spicy, or do I want to drizzle some mayo over the Topsy-Turvy Noodles instead?

Secret Recipe? (@ADecadeOfDieting)[]

It doesn't make any sense! I've been making the exact same meals the Prince does, but he stays nice and slim while I keep gaining weight. What's his secret?

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Spain Hill[]

Spain Hill (@NaturalAirhead)[]

I heard Spain Hill leads to the Spanish Embassy! I wonder if there's a France Hill and an Italy Hill...

Bullseye! (@NobodysFool)[]

That fortune was spot-on! How did she know I had a problem I was too embarrassed to talk about? Wait a second. Doesn't everyone have one of those?

Contacts (@BlurryEyes)[]

Nooo! I dropped my contact lens! Now this whole town's a blur...
W-wait a sec. Everyone's suddenly so handsome!

I can see... (@BlurryEyes)[]

I can see...clearly... I can see...clearly... Something... Clearly...

Viral (@TweetAddict)[]

My phone's been vibrating nonstop... Does this mean I've gone viral!? Man, it's times like these I wish I had something to promote!

Block All (@TweetAddict)[]

I got a DM, but I don't talk to strangers. I think I'll block all my followers...

I Hate Myself (@ImTheWorst)[]

Grrr! I hate myself! I totally forgot I went there on my bike and walked home like an idiot...

Tea Time (@Crazy4Tea)[]

This morning's tea was simply splendid! Oh, is it time for afternoon tea already?

Morning... (@Crazy4Tea)[]

Morning... Good morning... Good morning... Morning...

Meeting IRL (@OnlineIdol)[]

Feeling a bit nervy about this offline meeting. Something tells me it's the beginning of the end...

UFO (@Earthman)[]

hat was a UFO just now, wasn't it? But no one else saw it... I should have expected as much from mere city folk.

Withdrawing Money (@CarefreeMe)[]

Just going to the bank to withdraw some money! (Yeah, right. I'm heading straight to the smoking area to slack off!)

Mr. Serious (@MrSerious)[]

Everyone calls me "Mr. Serious." I guess it's because I like gambling and wearing Tigre PUNKS.

Bubblevision (@JustSchoolgirlThings)[]

I'm gonna go to Bubblevision before I head home today. I hope I can go viral someday by looking super cute with my boba!

NATURAL PUPPY (@BelovedLovelyGirl)[]

I recommend NATURAL PUPPY for those looking for love! Their clothes are the cutest and guaranteed to make you squeal!

Big Dog's Day Out (@TagalongHubby)[]

I don't make a big deal out of it, but I kinda dig the men's line at NATURAL PUPPY. I also kinda dig how my wife pays for my clothes when we go shopping together.

Urban Legends (@LilMissForgetful)[]

I can't stop thinking about that rumor I heard about Spain Hill! The one where...uh, what was it again? Well, whatever it was, it was like super romantic!

Spanish (@GirlWithGlobalDreams)[]

Spain Hill really looks Spanish with these bricks and stairs... I mean, I've never been, but I'd like to go someday!

Unbelievable (@StrawSavvyGal)[]

Omigod! How could that girl leave all those precious bubbles behind? If you're not suckin' 'em all up, you're not drinking right!

Cleaning Up (@StartingWithStyle)[]

So he's into guys with a "clean look," eh? All right—I'm off to NATURAL PUPPY to pick out a new outfit. Hell, I'll buy the whole mannequin if it'll help!

Better Off Online (@ShibuyaHistorian)[]

As an esteemed colleague, I have only the utmost respect for good Buddy Rapids and his breadth of knowledge, but I can only tolerate his "unique" personality for so long.

Unforgettable (@ManWithADarkPast)[]

To live is to forget. All tragedies are forgotten in time. So if I could forget all the embarrassing stuff I've done, that would be great!

Keep Trying (@BigCityDreamer)[]

It's been 3 years since I moved to Tokyo, and I have nothing to show for it. Maybe I should just give up and go back home... No! Not yet! There's still too much I want to do.

A Glimmer of Hope (@BigCityDreamer)[]

This could be my big chance! I can't let it pass me by... Even if I fail, I can at least say that I tried.

Payoff (@BigCityDreamer)[]

I made it! All my hard work finally paid off! Thanks to everyone who believed in me more than I believed in myself. My real Tokyo life starts now!

Puppy Power (@KaniesBiggestFan)[]

Kanie, like, literally put NATURAL PUPPY on the map here in Shibuya. Without her, they would've gone out of business, like, ages ago. Her impact!

Top Tapioca (@FruityFemmeFatale)[]

The boba tea boom may have come and gone, but the tea shops that remained like Bubblevision are sure to withstand the test of time. Which reminds me, gotta go get my fix!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]



Idle Life (@SedentaryTeen)[]

I feel like I haven't exercised at all lately, so I'm taking the long way home! But maybe I should have started somewhere easier... Shibuya has too many hills!

Walking... (@SedentaryTeen)[]

Walking... Forever... Walking... Forever... Walking... My feet... My feet...

Legendary Restaurant (@OnceARegular)[]

What? I thought it was around here... Is Ramen Don gone!? I loved their Mystic Ramen!

Kill the Pain (@AManInPain)[]

Owww, the painkillers are wearing off! My mouth throbs with every step... I shouldn't have taken out all four wisdom teeth at the same time!

Charming Town (@CruisingAroundTown)[]

I came just to admire the sights of this fascinating town. I'll go on my usual stroll, then head home like I do every day.

Boring Town (@CruisingAroundTown)[]

Today was a walk like any other. Nothing changes in this boring town. But I guess the same could be said of everywhere else...

Can't Hide (@TheOpenBook)[]

I can't hide my feelings. My expression always gives the game away. Someone may even be reading me like a book right now...

Lonely (@AFishInTheSea)[]

I moved here because I felt so lonely in the countryside. It's weird, though. I feel even more lonesome with all these people around.

Inner Saboteur (@DrunkPoster)[]

I made such a fuss about how my account got hacked, but after looking through my posts, those were all me...just a very drunk me.

Secret Menu (@VeggieSnob)[]

I made such a fuss about how my account got hacked, but after looking through my posts, those were all me...just a very drunk me.

Light at Night (@500BowlsAYear)[]

I had lunch at Glutton 4 Gluten today, so I think I'll balance it out and go with some lighter noodles from Suzu Slurpz for dinner.

Crowned Curry (@CultureShocked)[]

Crowned Curry is the real deal. They've got curries from both northern and southern India! It's a culinary delight!

Maintenance (@Devoted2SelfCare)[]

Oh? Looks like FanGO is down for maintenance. I guess I'll head to the salon and do some "maintenance" on my pores while I wait.

Maintenance (@Devoted2SelfCare)[]

Oh? Looks like FanGO is down for maintenance. I guess I'll head to the salon and do some "maintenance" on my pores while I wait.

Dogen (@BuddingHistorian)[]

Okay, so apparently Dogenzaka was named after some thief... But wait—here it says the name comes from some temple? Ugh, I'm never gonna finish my research project in time!
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

Level 3 (@GottaLevelUp)[]

Today's the day I take the Don's Triple Spice Challenge! Level 1 had me sweating, and Level 2 had me shaking... I'm just hoping I survive Level 3.

Fragrance (@MissAromatique)[]

Oh, how I adore the aroma wafting forth from Crowned Curry! I'll have to ask them what incense they're burning... It's such a soothing scent!

Salty Lemon (@SlurpinSister)[]

Ooh, just thinking about Suzu Slurpz's scrumptious noodles has got my tummy rumbling! I can't wait to savor some of that savory citrus soup...

Ride the Tide (@CrowdSurfer)[]

Everyone in the city walks so fast. I came here to go with the flow, but I'm gonna get swept away if I can't learn to ride this wave!

Doppelganger? (@CurryRamenLover)[]

That's funny... I had curry at that Don's restaurant, but I could've sworn I've seen him before... Didn't he used to run a ramen shop? Or maybe it's just my imagination.

For a Limited Time (@CantSayNoToNaan)[]

Just got a notification from Crowned Curry: apparently if you order one naan, you get another for free. That Aadiv sure is generous with his portions!

The Urge to Slurp (@NoodleEnthusiast)[]

Sometimes, I get this urge to lose myself in a big bowl of noodles at Suzu Slurpz and forget about everything—my job, my loans, my mother-in-law...

The Perfect Shot (@QueenOfSelfies)[]

Just a little to the right, and...perfect! Wow, I look exactly like Honoka! Just have to make it my new profile pic. I bet I'll get a ton of matches now!

Young'uns (@HeyThereFellowKids)[]

Turns out that artist calling herself MKN isn't short for "My Kooky Neighbor" after all—it's just "Mikan"! Young people sure are creative these days...

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


104 Building[]

Super Rare (@FanGOer4Life)[]

Rumor has it there's a super-rare monster nearby—and it's gonna disappear soon! Looks like my battery's down to 3% too... Gotta hurry!

Burning... (@SkinConscious)[]

Burning... Shade... Dangerous... Danger... Burning... Shade...

127312... (@SequenceFrequence)[]

127312... Numbers... Numbers... 042219...

The Audacity! (@ARealLady)[]

The audacity of some people! Why on earth would I endure tea with some lord I've never met?

Best Seat in Class (@WindowsideStudent)[]

My seat in my new class is the best! I can look out at the sky all day, not to mention it's in the teacher's blind spot!

Overdue Vacation (@WhenWorkIsLife)[]

I finally took a vacation! But I feel so guilty about it. It's like I never took any time off to begin with...

Trendy Brands (@Trendsetter)[]

Other brands better beware 'cause Gatto Nero is gonna claw its way to the top of the fashion world. I mean, just look—Mr. Mew is iconic!

Ten-Four's Logo (@Loco4Logos)[]

Ten-Four's logo has a much more contemporary feel than before. It really pops! I just wish I were the one who came up with it...

Decluttering (@Minimalist)[]

I feel so much better after decluttering my closet. A person really only needs two sets of clothes: one for wearing, and one for washing!

Free Day (@TheObliviousMan)[]

I asked her on a date, but she said she was busy... So I asked her what day she was free and she hasn't responded! I don't get women!

Running Late (@ILoveIdiots)[]

My boyfriend hasn't shown up, so I called him...and he said he just woke up! He's such a bonehead, I love it.

Top o' Topo (@BlithesomeYouth)[]

This weekend, I'm shedding my uniform and wearing Top o' Topo from head to toe! Then I'm hitting up Harajuku with a friend to buy some more!

Speed Dating (@JustCantSayNo)[]

That guy was 100% my type! I wish I could've just gone home with him, but I promised my friend I'd join her at another matchmaking party...

Make Me a Match (@JustCantSayNo)[]

These parties are so demeaning... We just sit across the table judging one another, and the conversations are banal at best. It feels so pointless...

Misunderstood (@VoiceOfCourage)[]

I felt it. I really did! The universe told me we were soulmates! I swear I wasn't trying to make a cheap pass at her!

When I Was Young (@BadGirlGoneGood)[]

I shopped at 104 all the time when I was young. I heard Joli bécot is in these days... Maybe I should try on something trendy for old times' sake.

Daughter's Influence (@DaughtersBestFriend)[]

My daughter introduced me to Top o' Topo and now I'm quite the fan! I think I'll buy a tote bag first!

Ten-Four's Store (@GirlOfManyHats)[]

There's a store called Gatto Nero in Ten-Four. I want one of their caps! I heard it'll make my face look smaller!

Do It for Her (@Anything4Wifey)[]

Wifey wants a lighter from Joli bécot—and what Wifey wants, Wifey gets—but a guy like me sure stands out in a store like that. It's awkward...

On Second Thought... (@Anything4Wifey)[]

Man, next week's our anniversary, but...I'm just not feeling it. Normally, I'm all about showing Wifey how much I care. So what's holding me back now?

104 Pick-Up (@RomanticCatcaller)[]

Ay gurl, you come from 104? Cause you're the only 10 4 me! Aw yeah. The ladies won't be able to resist a romantic opener like that.

Style Icon (@RinaStan4Life)[]

Rina from Joli bécot is so gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off her... She's like some kind of ordinary superstar! One look and I start swooning. Oh me, oh my!

Date with Daddy (@StrategicLittleGal)[]

Sorry I told Mommy about your secret stash of cash, Daddy... But I'll make it up to you! I'll take you on a date for your birthday, and you can buy me lots of clothes ♥
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

Gatto Nero? (@MiniCatMama)[]

Apparently that Mr. Mew I've been seeing everywhere is the Gatto Nero mascot. I've never been in the store itself, though. Maybe I should hit up 104 while I'm out!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Tower Records[]

Age of Convenience (@ModernHomemaker)[]

I love my phone! It can turn on the AC, check on my kitty, take in my laundry—wait, it can't do that! I gotta get home and take my clothes down before it rains!

Phone... (@ModernHomemaker)[]

Phone... Convenient... AI... Duplicate... Estimate... Impossible...

What I Always Wanted (@DiscerningSchoolboy)[]

I'm going to use the allowance my grandpa gave me to buy what I always wanted...a CD!
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

This Way (@TheOverThinker)[]

We'll go this way after lunch and chat until we reach the movie theater... Perfect! I'm glad I worked it out before the actual date.

Waste of Time? (@TheOverThinker)[]

Why am I wasting all this time and energy planning a stupid date? Is that woman even worth all the effort...?

Events (@TrendFollower)[]

I wonder what's going on at TOWER RECORDS today. Maybe there'll be musicians playing. I gotta check it out! I love celebs!

Homeroom Teacher (@MMOGamer)[]

My homeroom teacher is super friendly. Still, I wish he would stop joining our online gaming sessions.

New Release (@MusicFan)[]

I wonder if I can get my hands on that new Def Märch album. I should've pre-ordered it... I really want the concert DVD that comes with the first printing!

The Early Bird (@Fit4Life)[]

I wake up at 4, go jogging, down a kale smoothie, then do yoga! I love exercise! I'll exercise till the day I die!

Body... (@Fit4Life)[]

Body... Healthy... Body... Healthy... Body...

FanGO (@TrendyMan)[]

FanGO is pretty popular these days. I guess I'll download it, though I have no idea what it is.

garagara (@FolkloreFan)[]

I love garagara. Their pieces have this folksy, exotic feel to them... You can buy something and tell people you bought it overseas, and they'll never know you're lying!

A Real Cutie (@CutieCatcher)[]

She was a real cutie! Those frills must've been from Top o' Topo. They really accentuated her style.

Stylish Brown Box (@NewAgeHighSchooler)[]

I heard that stylish brown box on the sidewalk is called a "phone booth." Crazy to think they made a place just to use your cell!

Keen on Green (@CityWalkinGal)[]

Shibuya's got the perfect amount of green for me. It's so calming. The town planner behind this area is a genius!

New Look (@GimmeGaragara)[]

I've been longing to switch up my look, but I haven't settled on a specific style... Perhaps a trip to garagara will give me some inspiration.

New Look (@GimmeGaragara)[]

I've been longing to switch up my look, but I haven't settled on a specific style... Perhaps a trip to garagara will give me some inspiration.

Dietary Secret (@ExtraGreensPlease)[]

Honestly, thank goodness for Vegelovers. Their chopped salad and veggie soup are so filling that I barely even think of eating for the rest of the day!

Almost Famous? (@IdolsInterviewed)[]

Those girls I interviewed the other day were really something: every time I looked, they were wiping something down with disinfectant. Our office isn't that it?

Spray It on Me! (@DisinfectedFan818)[]

Says here the Peroxidolls are hosting a fan-exclusive spray-a-thon. I can't wait for them to douse me with disinfectant! Bring it on, girls!

Laundry (@HubbyIsHelpless)[]

I forgot to take the laundry out of the washing machine before I left! I'll have to run it again or my clothes'll smell all musty. I don't think I'll bother washing my husband's clothes again, though.

Can't Keep Up (@EntrepreneurialEnnui)[]

Shibuya changes so fast. With shops closing and opening all the time, it's like a whole new city every three years. It makes me feel so old...

Unitasker (@ConvenienceSeeker)[]

I just saw the coolest kitchen gadget: an orange peeler! How could I pass that up?

Unique (@Lookin4MyIdentity)[]

All the clothes at garagara have such unconventional designs, and each piece feels like a piece of unearthed treasure. Plus, the owner's a real character. Gotta love his passion!

The Perfect Gift? (@TroubledTourist)[]

My girlfriend told me to pick her up some Air in a Can from Shibuya, but like...seriously? That's what you want as a souvenir? You've got plenty around you at home!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Tipsy Tose Hall[]

How Annoying! (@SuperAnnoyed)[]

Everything is annoying! Cigarettes are too expensive! There aren't enough smoking areas! Being annoyed is annoying!
  • (Note: This Tweet cannot appear in the main story after SuDDeN DeaTH.)

Annoyed... (@SuperAnnoyed)[]

Annoyed... At wits' end... Wits' end... Ready... Annoyed...

Hana (@Looking4Her)[]

Oh no... Where's Hana? Did I say something to offend her? I'll treat her to some jerky later...

Dinner Prep (@DevotedHomemaker)[]

Time to prep for dinner! Tonight I'll make curry!
...But we had that three days ago. Then I'll make hamburger steaks!
...Ah, but we had those yesterday.

Every Single Day (@DevotedHomemaker)[]

Why do I have to cook for my family every single day? I just can't take it anymore. I'm leaving...

All Grown Up? (@AlwaysTheSame)[]

When I went home, Mom said I looked like I'd grown into myself, but nothing about me's changed. Heck, she's the one who bought me these clothes!

Bad Memories (@ParentOfAnAdolescent)[]

I still can't believe I found that in my son's room...

Meat! (@BigEater)[]

Man, I am starving! I need some meat ASAP. I'm so hungry, I could eat every dish on SBY BBQ's menu... Actually, that sounds like a good idea!

Too Much (@UnderestimateOvereat)[]

Ugh, I ate too much at lunch... It was more than I expected. I'll never order an extra-large serving at a new place again...

Roast (@OldMeatEater)[]

The owner of SBY BBQ is incredible! I'm actually heading there right now. I wonder what roasted treat he'll serve up for me today.

Mission: Impossible (@GamingGofer)[]

The boss asked me to go pick up a "fuse" at the store, but I honestly dunno what the hell a "fuse" is. Think I picked one up in that game I played a couple months back, but that's it.

Tipsy Tose Hall (@GrandpasGal)[]

There's something about this part of town that calms me down... Maybe it's all those nice memories I made walking around here with Gramps.

Reservations (@ThePerfectPlanner)[]

Oh man, I gotta make a reservation for that mixer! I'll take them to SBY BBQ. Roasted gator is bound to be a hit!

TOKYU HANDS (@OneSadStapler)[]

I get so distracted by the incredible things in TOKYU HANDS that I always forget what I came to buy!

Ideal vs Reality (@DressingRoomDisaster)[]

All these clothes looked super cute when I saw them on Trendy, so how come they look so un-cute when I'm the one wearing them? Honestly, just my luck...

Seeking a Hardy Friend (@AntiGreenThumb)[]

I've been thinking about getting some plants to spruce my place up. Any recs for newbie plant moms who can't even keep a cactus alive?

Ahead of Their Time (@TheComedyCritic)[]

I just saw the greatest comedy show. They didn't tell a single joke the entire time. The world just isn't ready for that level of genius.

A Novel Approach (@TheComedyCritic)[]

Comedy is best enjoyed live. Especially when the punchline is a flying spin-kick.

With Age Comes Experience (@TeenageStoryteller)[]

It's amazing how the same story can sound totally different depending on who's telling it. I'd rather listen to an entertaining old man than a boring guy with a pretty face.

Trying to Stay Sharp (@OsakanWithoutEdge)[]

The last time I was back in Osaka, someone said I'd lost my edge along with my accent. I guess 20 years in Tokyo'll wear you down!

Without Me (@IGiveMyAll)[]

My boyfriend would be hopeless without me. He can barely make his own meals, let alone dress himself in the morning. Am I his girlfriend or his mother!?

Just Browsing? (@UnconsciousShopper)[]

There's something so enticing about the selection of products at TOKYU HANDS. I go in thinking I'm not gonna buy anything, and then I wind up at the register with five items I don't need!

Too Hot to Handle (@QueenOfBBQ)[]

That Jo from SBY BBQ is a real hottie... Is it true that he used to be a firefighter before he opened the restaurant? I need to know!

Whatever He Says (@ThePrincesPrisoner)[]

The Prince really F'ed that curry place on his broadcast today... Now I can't wait to check it out for myself!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Takeshita Street[]

Crowds are the Worst (@DramaQueen)[]

Ugh, there are so many people here that I lost my boyfriend in the crowd... But it's his fault for letting go of my hand!

Lalala! (@PrecociousSchoolgirl)[]

Lalala, shopping with friends! Cute pins and pancakes!
...Tch, I just don't get it. They're all so childish.
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

Tip-off (@FuturePro)[]

The tip-off said that's the building... Although, I've been staking the place out for three days now and still nothing. This better not be bogus intel.

Waiting... (@FuturePro)[]

Waiting... More waiting... Time... Waiting... Time... More waiting...

Spiritual Hot Spot (@Looking4Luck)[]

I'm overflowing with mystic energy thanks to this spiritual hot spot. All right, I'm ready to take on the day!

No Energy Here (@Looking4Luck)[]

I don't feel any energy here... It actually feels like the energy is being sucked out of me...

Open House (@ForgetfulFather)[]

Tomorrow is my daughter's open house. I should be excited, but I'm worried... I can't remember what class she's in.

Kawaii Culture (@MissKawaii)[]

I'm gonna get dolled up in my cutest clothes, do my makeup, then parade around Harajuku!

Heave-ho! (@ActingMyAge)[]

Heave-ho, heave-ho! My legs are tired, my knees are shaking. And it takes two days until my muscles start aching.

Upperclassman's Request (@ClownyJunior)[]

That guy is ridiculous. He says it's my turn to be the life of the party this weekend... Guess I'll buy some croaky panic merch. People like that stuff, right?

My Favorite TV Show (@ShibuyaPilgrim)[]

My favorite TV show was set in Shibuya. I can't turn around without seeing those classic scenes play out before my eyes!

Haircut (@GirlReinvented)[]

I cut my hair and gave myself a new look! The boys at school asked if I did it because I was rejected by some guy... I need to know how they found out!

Cutie☆Pies (@BottomlessStudent)[]

I want to eat shaved ice at Cutie☆Pies, but I never know which flavor to get. I think I'll get both strawberry milk and mango today!

Croaky Pin-ic (@ATruePinthusiast)[]

*sigh* That croaky panic pin is calling my name... Like, the designs look dopey at first but have so much depth—just like me! I need it!

Urgh... (@LostInTheCrowd)[]

Urgh... These people are all walking at a snail's pace, and there's too many of them for me to push through... It's times like this I wish I could fly.

People (@LostInTheCrowd)[] many...everywhere...everyone...

The Same Road (@UnintendedStalker)[]

I've been walking the same road as this lady for a while now... She's totally gonna think I'm stalking her!

Incredible (@WeekendJogger)[]

The city is incredible. I just saw my first hypercar! I can only imagine what it's like taking a beast like that for a spin around here.

Friend Group (@HalcyonHighSchooler)[]

I'm going out to eat with my friends. It's always such a blast with them! I really hope things never change between us.

In Tears (@HalcyonHighSchooler)[]

We went out to eat again, but when I looked at my friends I got all emotional and burst into tears. I never used to be like this...

The Last Supper (@ApocalypticDaydream)[]

When the apocalypse comes, I'm having my last meal at Cutie☆Pies. My world ends with a stack of those fluffy pancakes!

Suit Up (@NotUrPlasticDoll)[]

My boyfriend wants to put me in a silly ninja costume from croaky panic, but it's pink!  Ninjas aren't pink! SO not stealthy!

Big Spender (@CuteLilGrandkid)[]

Grammy gave me moneys for bein' a good kid! I'm gonna go buy one of those hatses with the mousey on 'em!
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

No Winning This One (@LoveAndBaseball)[]

Gonna go see a baseball game with my crush! Just one problem: we're rooting for opposite teams. No matter who wins...I lose.

Never Saw That Coming (@GotMyIdealMan)[]

My man showed his true colors when we started living together... He cooks. He cleans. He takes out the trash. This man does everything and more. I must be the luckiest girl on earth!

What I'm Really After (@JealousJogger)[]

After months of maintaining a strict jogging routine, I finally have the perfect body and healthy lifestyle I always wanted! But what's the point if I can't get a girlfriend?

Froggy Face (@CroakyQueen)[]

I used to hate the croaky panic mascot and that dopey look on its face, but the more I see it, the more I kinda love it. Y'know—in an ironic way!

Dessert Dilemma (@HappyGoHungry)[]

Hm... Do I go with the fluffy pancakes, or the shaved ice? I can't make up my mind... Maybe I'll ask Linda which one she recommends!

Exotic Foods (@DaringDelicacies)[]

Every trip to Asia Fantasia is full of surprises. I feel like I end up discovering a new dish each time I look at the menu!

Think of the Consumer! (@FollowingTheFamous)[]

Sold out again? I swear, once Kashiki shops at a store, their shelves are empty for days. He really should be a little more secretive about his shopping!

Big Dreams (@GirlWithDetermination)[]

I wonder if the rumors are true about Kashiki dating a pop star... If they are, then I'll just have to become a pop star, too, and steal his heart!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Tokyu Plaza[]

Nothing to Do (@OverlyIdle)[]

I'm sooo bored! I really didn't want to, but maybe I should start going to class again...

ShibuPay (@CashlessCeleb)[]

ShibuPay is TOO convenient! I can't wait until those curtains and that wardrobe arrive! Maybe I should buy a new car while I'm at it.

Just Why (@CashlessCeleb)[]

All those things I got with ShibuPay arrived, but why did I buy that stuff? I can't even bring myself to open any of it...

Stepped on Something (@RecklessWalker)[]

Huh? I stepped on something weird just now. It's wriggly and slippery... I'm afraid to look.

Phone Password (@MsJealous)[]

My boyfriend's been acting sus lately, so I decided to do some snooping on his phone, but I felt guilty once I realized his password was my birthday...

Traitor... (@MsJealous)[]

Traitor... Woman... Traitor... Boyfriend... Traitor...

Does it Look Weird? (@DIYBarber)[]

I hope my haircut doesn't look weird. I think I did a pretty good job considering I cut it myself. Feels a bit chilly at the back, though...

Snackish (@ForeverHungry)[]

I was a little hungry, so I had a cheesy corndog from Asia Fantasia. But now I want dessert!

Sneaky Store Clerk (@StartledShopper)[]

I was in that fancy boutique—Il Cubbyhole or whatever—just browsing and minding my business when POOF! The staff appeared out of nowhere. Scared me half to death!

Sneaky Store Clerk (@StartledShopper)[]

I was in that fancy boutique—Il Cubbyhole or whatever—just browsing and minding my business when POOF! The staff appeared out of nowhere. Scared me half to death!

My Time (@OverfulfilledLiving)[]

Ah, what a treat. I got to enjoy a delicious lunch—including dessert—and now I get to browse the shop to my heart's content. This must be what true happiness feels like!

Music on the Go (@ReppinDaBuya)[]

♪ Gonna set the sky alight! Light it up like dynamite! ♪ No matter how many times I hear it, this song is dope!

Vending Machine (@DoGoodKindaGuy)[]

Someone forgot their change in the vending machine, but I didn't take it! No way am I jeopardizing my karma.

Underground Snacking (@InsatiableSampler)[]

I ate too many samples while browsing the food stalls in the department store basement. But I still have room for dessert!

Brrrup! (@BelleOfTheBuffet)[]

Whew! That Asia Fantasia sure serves up a mean selection of delicious dishes. I'm more stuffed than a whole plate of pani puri!

A Job Well Done (@PrettyPushover)[]

I must say, that Wataru at IL CAVALLO DEL RE is quite the savvy salesman. He knows exactly how to butter me up and get me to buy something I don't need—like this watch!

No Baking Required (@TheInventivePatissier)[]

I've been thinking no-bake desserts: cheesecake, cookies—y'know. So what about no-bake baked Alaska? It's too crazy to not be a hit!

Unsuitable (@WorriedAboutWatches)[]

That watch from IL CAVALLO DEL RE would look real nice on my wrist, but with a name like "Money and Power," I'm not sure if I'm the right guy to buy it...

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Shibuya Hikarie[]

Take Me Back (@MissingOldShibuya)[]

What? This building wasn't here before... Man, Shibuya ain't nothing like it used to be.

Quota Complete (@PracticalMakesPerfect)[]

Whew. Finished my work for the day! I know it's still early, but they get what they pay for. Now for a coffee break...

Huff, Huff! (@SweatingBullets)[]

Huff, huff, huff... Wheeze... That too spicy...!

Engagement Ring (@ManOnAMission)[]

I heard engagement rings should cost three months' salary. But is that before or after tax? Does that include consumption tax? Someone tell me!

Marriage... (@ManOnAMission)[]

Marriage... I will...marry... You will...marry...

Looking Up (@EyesOnTheSky)[]

All these tall buildings draw my eyes upward! But it's embarrassing to be seen with my neck craned up like that, so I try to look down...

That Girl... (@LovestruckMan)[]

Something about that girl from Kyoto Sweets completely captivated me... Perhaps it was her elegant aura? Whatever it was, I can't stop thinking about her...

Clothes from Mom (@MatureChild)[]

I shouldn't complain about clothes I didn't pay for, but I really want clothes from RyuGu. I don't think they sell kids' sizes, though...
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

The Thought That Counts (@AFanOfFans)[]

My boyfriend bought me a lovely little fan from RyuGu! He remembered how much I love traditional patterns...but I forgot how hard they are to pair with the rest of my wardrobe.

Destination (@WhiteCollarWorries)[]

They told me this is where their office is, but this place is like a maze! And I can't call and ask for directions or I look incompetent... I'll just tell 'em my train was late.

What's Underneath (@MisterBoldBriefs)[]

My wife bought me these extra-long undies from RyuGu, and even though I thought they were a bit too ostentatious at first, now I just wanna show 'em off all the time!

Meet the Parents (@GonnaMakeHerMine)[]

I'm f-f-finally meeting her mom and d-d-dad this weekend and I c-c-can't stop shaking! If I get 'em a g-g-gift from Kyoto Sweets, they've g-gotta love me...right?

Met the Parents (@GonnaMakeHerMine)[]

I don't get it... Her parents gave me their blessing, and everything went perfectly. I should be so happy, but...I'm not. What gives?

Payback (@JiltedAndTilted)[]

I wanna get back at my boyfriend for cheating on me. I could cut up all his clothes! Or cover everything he owns in mayo! But that's so much effort... I should just dump him and move on.

I'd Rather Talk Through a Screen (@ARealShyGuy)[]

I get along better with my online friends than my real-life ones. Maybe I'm just bad at talking face-to-face...

Nerves (@ARealShyGuy)[]

About to meet up with one of my online friends. I'm so nervous! Is it gonna be like talking to a stranger or a friend? What if he ends up hating me?
  • (Note: This Tweet only appears on Noisrevni.)

Back to Reality (@NotSoShyGuy)[]

Meeting my friend went really well! Apparently he was surprised at how different I am IRL, considering how confident I am online.

On a Whim (@SandalCraftsman)[]

My friend said the sandals I crafted are selling quite well... I suppose I'll pop into RyuGu while I'm in the area and see for myself.

Soothing Sweetness (@YoungWithRichTaste)[]

No other shop compares to Kyoto Sweets when it comes to the subtle sweetness of Japanese desserts. It makes me want to savor each and every elegant bite!
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Expressway Underpass[]

Out of the Running (@FanGOer4Life)[]

I didn't make the leaderboards for the FanGO event... I can't even bring myself to log in. What happened to me?

The One-Month Mark (@Newcomer)[]

Today marks one whole month since I started my new job, but the restaurant down the street doesn't know my order yet. I can't wait until the day I can say, "The usual, please!"

Erika... (@Newcomer)[]

The usual... Acknowledge me... The usual... Regular...

Sunscreen (@SkinConscious)[]

Ugh, I forgot to put on sunscreen... I'll find a shaded route to go home. The crossing is gonna be my biggest obstacle...

Battlefield of Desires (@PassionOverflowing)[]

This is a battlefield of desires... But the goddess of victory smiles upon me. I'm gonna make this city mine!

Phone Battery (@ACarelessMan)[]

Darn it, my phone's dead. I know. I'll just buy a power bank!
...But I can't use ShibuPay without my phone!

1...2...7... (@SequenceFrequence)[]

1...2...7... This is amazing... I won the lottery...and it's doubled from last week... Calm down, calm down. 1...2...7... Ahhh...
  • (Note: This Tweet cannot appear in the main story after SuDDeN DeaTH.)

Just Breathe... (@ShakingLikeALeaf)[]

Today I'm gonna ask her out... But I can't b-breathe...! In, out... In, out... Whew, that was a close one!

Sigh... (@BlithesomeYouth)[]

Sigh... Feels like all I can do is sigh lately... Sigh. My friend is worried, but there's nothing she can do...

Brink of a Breakthrough (@WaitingForInspiration)[]

Walking around here always gets my brain juices flowing. I can tell inspiration is gonna strike Eureka! I've got it!
  • (Note: This Tweet cannot appear in the main story after SuDDeN DeaTH.)

Brink of a Breakdown (@WaitingForInspiration)[]

Inspiration...unplanned...chaos...brilliance...come to me...

Uh Oh (@LowBalanceBabe)[]

My ShibuPay balance is so low I can barely afford the train fare to work! That's it! No more going out this month!

Seriously Sus (@ManOfCuriosity)[]

There's somethin' fishy about that guy and his little "trading post." I dunno what kinda shady stuff he's selling, but I sure am curious...

Too Much Effort (@ImpeccablyMadeUp)[]

Ugh, I wish I didn't have to put on makeup every day. But I don't want to go out bare-faced, either... Somebody invent a make-up applicator robot, please!

Bad Business (@OverwhelmingWorries)[]

That fixer Ryoji advertises that he'll do anything for the right price, but he didn't say anything about all these puzzles. Just take my money already, will ya!?

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Shibuya Stream[]

Results (@BrilliantBusinessman)[]

One more contract till I'm numero uno! I'll pay for it myself if I have to! Who says you can't buy happiness?

Another Lazy Day... (@BrilliantBusinessman)[]

Another lazy day... Maybe I should just quit. What's the point in being the best, anyway? More money only means more problems.

Waste of Time? (@TheOverThinker)[]

Why am I wasting all this time and energy planning a stupid date? Is that woman even worth all the effort...?

My Day Off (@WorkHardPlayHard)[]

Work hard today, play hard tomorrow! I bet I'll end up sleeping the day away, though...

Yesterday's Party (@DrunkenMan)[]

What happened yesterday? My whole body hurts... I guess that's just what happens when you pass out on the ground.

Speed is Everything (@EnthusedAboutEfficiency)[]

In business, speed is everything! Every meeting and lunch break should be wrapped up in 30 minutes or less! And absolutely no detours!

Stay Calm (@FlyGuy)[]

Stay calm and try to remember... Was it open when I left the house? Or was it when I went to that café? Damn it, since when has my fly been open?

Tacos y Más Tacos (@DontKnowDontCare)[]

I'm gonna get tacos at Tacos y Más Tacos! I don't know what's in 'em, but I don't care! They're delish!

Fully Developed (@StraightOuttaTokyo)[]

I was born and raised here, and yet every day I feel like I run into a new skyscraper! This little city keeps growing before my very eyes... Makes me feel like a proud parent.

Travel Stories (@MamasBoy)[]

Man, I can't wait to tell my mom about all the futuristic stuff I've seen on this business trip. Even the stairs in this city light up!

Mohawk (@PartInTheMiddle)[]

That guy with the mohawk looked like a rock star! He was dressed in Tigre PUNKS, too. You need courage to live like that here.

Excited (@WildImagination)[]

I get all excited every time I pass the Shibuya River. My imagination goes wild wondering what kind of creepy monsters lurk under the water.
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

Gotta Go Fast! (@BusyBraggart)[]

Oops, no time to eat—another liquid lunch it is, then! But I don't mind. Like I always say: food is for the weak, and sleep is for the lazy!

Temptation (@Loco4Tacos)[]

Every time I pass by here, I get massive munchies for tacos. All that meat packed into a warm tortilla... Uh-oh! I feel another craving comin' on!

Seal of Approval (@MarineLifeMan)[]

Going to see the seals at the aquarium feels like coming home. Maybe because they look like me and my mom.

A Cup a Day (@FruityFemmeFatale)[]

I know I should branch out and try new things, but the berry tea at somedrinks is so refreshing I can't help but drink it every day! It can't be that bad for me, right?

Too Hot to Handle (@2Spicy4Me)[]

Oh, no... Those tacos were so spicy, I can't feel my tongue anymore! Man, my girlfriend is never gonna let me live this one down...

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


West Exit Bus Terminal[]

Exhausted (@HereOnBusiness)[]

I was so excited to be in Tokyo again after so long, but now I'm exhausted. I think I'll just go back to the hotel and sleep...

Failed Interview (@EasilyExcitable)[]

Looks like I screwed up my interview for the Moyai Mart job. I thought we were getting along just swell, but I guess I got too chummy...

My Birthday (@BirthdayBoy)[]

It's my birthday soon, but I'm kinda worried my family will forget just like last year...
  • (Note: This Tweet cannot appear in the main story after SuDDeN DeaTH.)

Birthday... (@BirthdayBoy)[]

Birthday... Thank you... Thank you... Thank you...

Plastic Love (@StatueShy)[]

My heart skips a beat every time I pass that Moyai Statue. I just can't shake the feeling that it's watching me with those big, stony eyes!

Hair Carving? (@StylistInTraining)[]

Wow... That Moyai head's rocking a pretty bold haircut—for a statue, that is. Even the stones have got style here in Shibuya!

A Frosty Office (@LilFreezebaby)[]

Brrr! The office is so chilly, but I don't want to start a thermostat war—not after what happened last year... Maybe I'll just warm up with some oden from Moyai Mart.

My Favorite Pastime (@SorryImInsertMessageHere)[]

Decided to treat myself today with a trip to the movies. I make a point of buying a ticket for whatever box-office bomb's on, then down a beer in the empty theater.

All Over (@CityLotLover)[]

There's construction sites all over Shibuya and countless cranes attached to the tops of buildings. I kinda like how this area feels eternally incomplete.

Escalator Etiquette (@WaitingMyTurn)[]

Someone yelled at me for standing on the right side of the escalator. I still think it's weirder to walk up what's essentially stairs that move for you...

Come and Get It! (@ItsTheLittleThings)[]

I always try to stop by Moyai Mart around this time. Nine times outta ten, the fried chicken is fresh from the fryer!

In Too Deep (@AgeOfAquarium)[]

I want to get an aquarium, but I don't want to get sucked in too deep. I can totally see myself turning my room into one giant fish tank.

It's All Made Up (@WorkforceWorrier)[]

Workplace etiquette is so confusing! One site says "you should do X," another says "if you do X you'll be fired on the spot." So what is the truth?

Lovesick (@DevotedToMyBabe)[]

I love my girl so much it hurts. She takes my breath away and makes my stomach do flips. At this rate, I'm gonna wind up in the hospital. Totally worth it!

Moyai Face-Lift (@ComfyWithChange)[]

It's been a while since the last time I was in Shibuya. So much has changed! Even the Moyai is looking all clean and presentable.

What's New? (@SlowOnTheUptake)[]

That's the tenth time this year Moyai Mart has advertised their onigiri as "new and improved." I've tried each one, but I still haven't tasted a difference!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Cat Street[]

Too Many People (@Looking4Her)[]

There's no way I'll find Hana with so many people around... I hope someone found you, my precious pup! I'm sure everything will be fine.

Fight with my Girlfriend (@MrAwkward)[]

I left the apartment after the fight, so I can't go back, but I've got nowhere else to go... I guess I'll go sob in some internet café...

Brink of a Breakdown (@WaitingForInspiration)[]

Inspiration...unplanned...chaos...brilliance...come to me...

Best Plans (@EventPlanner)[]

This town is the inspiration for all my best plans! Its roads, people, cars, buildings, sky—all of it! I'm overflowing with genius ideas!

Fallen Scoop (@TheKlutz)[]

Seriously? Another scoop fell off... I'm so glad I got a triple! I anticipated dropping one, but two was unexpected!

Fallen Scoop (@TheKlutz)[]

Seriously? Another scoop fell off... I'm so glad I got a triple! I anticipated dropping one, but two was unexpected!

Check it! (@ReturnOf90sRap)[]

Listen up! I'm goin' to Jupiter again today! To watch my favorite clerk slay!

All the Pretty Colors (@HiddenHarajuku)[]

Oh, I simply love strolling past all the lovely little shops around here. They're such a colorful contrast to the drabber parts of downtown!

No Clue (@LittleGirlsDaddy)[]

My daughter asked me for some money to go buy some kind of makeup. She tried to explain what it was to me, but it went right over my head.

Kids These Days (@MissManners)[]

Those kids hopped over the railing with such grace. Still, I bet their mothers wouldn't approve!

Eccentric! (@AnEye4Style)[]

That guy was totally eccentric! He was wearing MONOCROW with Joli bécot accessories and RyuGu shoes!

TV Shows (@QueenOfOverthinking)[]

They film plenty of TV shows in Shibuya. I get nervous just crossing the street when a camera's rolling!

TV Shows (@QueenOfOverthinking)[]

They film plenty of TV shows in Shibuya. I get nervous just crossing the street when a camera's rolling!

Camping Solo (@MosquitoMagnet)[]

♪ Gonna go a-campin', gonna buy
some brand-new clothes,
Don't wanna get 'em dirty 'cause
that would be real gross! ♪

Fortune Told (@LilMissCuriosity)[]

My friends said the fortune teller up on Spain Hill makes eerily accurate predictions, but no one's ever heard him speak. How's he supposed to do the "telling" part?

It's Expensive Being Cheap (@ANovelThinker)[]

These cheap sandals I bought already need to be replaced! I guess it's true you can go broke saving money. Next time, I'm buying the most expensive ones I can find.

Get Ready to Grill (@DaGrillMaster)[]

Pumped for my next big barbecue! I always prep everything the day before, and it pays off. Delicious meats are worth the extra effort!

Annual Devotion (@PaddyPlantingPro)[]

I've turned into a real city slicker. But I can't let that stop me from going back to help the 'rents in the rice fields every year for the planting season.

Once a Year (@SneakerCollector)[]

All right! Managed to snag a pair of this year's Gekirins! Sure, the design never changes much, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?

Quitting Time? (@FalteringFanClubber)[]

I feel like I've outgrown the Prince's fan club... I'm just too old to call myself a White Angel—oh, wait. I just got invited to a VIP meet-and-greet! I take it all back!

Vocal Envy (@SingerLovingStudent)[]

Eiru has the most magical voice... No matter how hard people try, no one can emulate their unique tone. They're really one in a million!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Miyashita Park[]

Virtual Reality (@InspiredAuthor)[]

This world is a virtual space created by yours truly. The back of that building doesn't even exist until someone looks at it... Yes! This idea is perfect for my new novel.

I Want to Go Home (@DistractedNewlywed)[]

Please...I want to go home! My darling wife is waiting for me! Should we eat first? Or take a bath? I can't decide!

I Don't Want to Go Home (@DistractedNewlywed)[]

Please...I don't want to go home! It's a pain keeping my wife company... Maybe I'll stay at a hotel tonight...

Dropped Phone (@ShatteredScreenLife)[]

I dropped my phone and now the screen's totally shattered... But the bottom right is fine, so I can still use it!

Pitiful... (@ShatteredScreenLife)[]

It's pretty pitiful walking around with a broken phone all day... But I don't feel like taking it to get fixed, either...

Hour of Bliss (@OnMyBreak)[]

During my break, I sit here and let my mind drift... It's...absolute...bliss...

Kissing Couple (@NotInDenial)[]

That couple earlier just wouldn't give it a rest! I'm definitely not jealous. Why would I be!?

Annoying... (@NotInDenial)[]

Annoying... Showing off... Annoying... Showing me...

Invitations (@ABothersomeBoy)[]

My club stopped inviting me to their parties. I'm disappointed to say the least. I really miss refusing all their offers...

Alienated... (@ABothersomeBoy)[]

Alienated... Me... Friends... Alienated... Friends... Me...

What a View! (@TaroTheTankEngine)[]

This place is the bestest! You can see all the trains comin' and goin' from here. I gotta my bring my buddy so we can take pictures of 'em together!
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

Son's Apartment (@MamasInTown)[]

I think I'm lost. These street signs are useless! I was hoping to give my son a surprise visit, but I'll never find his apartment at this rate.

Potential (@VentureCapitalist)[]

That crêpe-makin' kid at fluffy 'n' sweet has got a bright future ahead of him. With the passion he pours into that griddle, he could make millions—billions, even!

Pomeranians (@PomeranianMania)[]

Floofy Poms! Neatly trimmed Poms! Fresh-out-of-the-bath-and-looking-scraggly Poms! I love every Pomeranian on the planet!

Not Yet (@ArtistsAssistant)[]

I know I should get to work, but then I'll be stuck drawing manga day and night for weeks. I just wanna enjoy the land of the living a bit more before getting dragged back to hell.

Never a Dull Moment (@NoBuyaNoLife)[]

Shibuya's got it all! Shopping, restaurants, music, nightlife... Once I save up enough, I'm moving here permanently!

Technology Can't be Trusted (@CashOnlyNeverCard)[]

Everyone raves about ShibuPay, but what if there's a service outage? Or someone hacks the system? I'll be sticking to cash, thanks.

Heartthrob (@CrushinOnTomoyuki)[]

Oh, that Tomoyuki is such a Tomo-cutie! Which is to say nothing of the passion he pours into his work. What I wouldn't give to share a crêpe or two with him!

It's Not Fair! (@EnvyInMyEyes)[]

I wish I were beautiful and stylish like Honoka! I wish I could grace the cover of magazines like Honoka! I wish I had a boyfriend like Honoka! Hell, I wish I were Honoka!

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]


Udagawa Backstreets[]

Boooring (@MovieManiac)[]

I was moved to how bored I was. Sure, the film lived up to its billing as a long-awaited sequel, but...for some reason, nothing excites me lately...

100 Yen Coin (@InnocentSpectator)[]

Oho! Is that a 100 yen coin I see there? No, it's 500 yen! Nice! I'll just pick it up aaand...take it to the police station, I guess...

Police Station... (@InnocentSpectator)[]

Police station... Stealing... Arrest... Arrest... Police station... Arrest...

AAAAAAH! (@StressLevelOver9000)[]

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! RAAAAAAAAAH! Phew. It feels good to let it all out, even if it's just inside my own head.

Pricey Parking (@EmptyHanded)[]

Why is parking so pricey in the city? Crap, I've gotta get back to my car before the free parking runs out!

Scary City (@ASimpleMan)[]

My grandma out in the country said that the city is scary and full of mean people, but everyone seems perfectly fine to me!

Parfaits (@SweetToothedAccountant)[]

I'm a regular at that parfait shop. I went in because there were so many cute girls, but if I'm being honest...I'm only in it for the parfaits now!

Cyco Records (@SecretFan)[]

I'm secretly a huge fan of Cyco's manager. But I can't say anything... I feel like he'd let it go to his head.

Deep, Man... (@BackstreetGirl)[]

No matter how shallow, the alleys of Shibuya have got so much depth. Take that object at the top of the stairs, for example: I swear something about it changes every time I look!

Charging (@ImpulsiveShopaholic)[]

I only went to the phone shop to charge my phone, but ended up buying a new one. What just happened?

100 Yen Store (@OneThriftyMama)[]

I always buy things at the 100 yen store. Today I bought a bunch of plastic bags! Then I put my plastic bags in another plastic bag! I love freebies.

Black and White (@IGotThePink)[]

Ever since my boyfriend got into MONOCROW, everything has been black and white: his room, his clothes... Even the movies he watches are in black and white! Like, they're so old!

Hidden Treasure (@RareRecordKeeper)[]

Yes! I finally found that unreleased recording by my favorite indie cover band... I knew I could count on Cyco Records!

Phone Fixation (@LifeIsInMyHands)[]

I feel like my phone's working harder than my brain. I know I should try to stop checking it every five minutes, but it's such a hard habit to break...

A Bit Uncomfy (@WatchfulShopper)[]

I don't get it... The guy working at Cyco Records keeps looking at me. Does he think I'm a shoplifter or something, or does he just think I'm cute?

Two for One (@SneakerCollector)[]

Yesss! My buddy hooked me up with not one, but two pairs of those MONOCROW high-tops: one for wearing, and one for admiring.

What Do You See? (@MissOptometry)[]

Oh, I can't help but worry about that young man from MONOCROW. Those voluminous bangs of his must be obstructing his vision! He really should get them trimmed!

Rule Breaker? (@MisterSweetTooth)[]

All those desserts look so yummy, I just wanna try 'em all... I don't care if I'm a boy: I'm gonna eat the Ladies' Night Parfait anyway!
  • (Note: This Tweet is unused.)

Calm Down (@UnsuspectingSightseer)[]

What's this notification say? ...Eiru just uploaded a video!? A NEW SONG!? Omigosh omigosh omigosh! I have to listen to it right away... Where are my earbuds!?

... (@DownWithTheSyndrome)[]



Job Dissatisfaction (@DreamChaser)[]

(Before Dive)
Man, screw Ryoji! Guy says I'm the real deal all the time, but he never lets me do the good jobs.
(After Dive)
Maybe I should strike out on my own. I don't need Ryoji—in fact, I never needed him!
I knew he'd be trouble the minute he made me solve a buncha riddles just to get his number...

Underappreciated (@TrustNoOne)[]

(Before Dive)
This job blows. Why am I delivering notes to Ryoji's clients when he could just text 'em? Wait—does he not trust me enough to give me other work?
(After Dive)
A real friend wouldn't give me busy work like this. He'd trust me with the important stuff!
Y'know what? Screw Ryoji! I'm pitchin' this note and cuttin' my ties with that sleazeball altogether!

Tricks of the Trade (@RyojiOfAllTrades)[]

(Before Dive)
Maaan, I'm caught up in some nasty business. Here I thought I played that client like a fiddle... Turns out I was the one getting played!
(After Dive)
Ah, well. Ain't nothing I can do about it now. Guess he was just one step ahead of me.
I'll make that money back in no time. Just gotta work my lackeys even harder!

The Power of Flowers (@TheRealEijiOji)[]

(Before Dive)
A single flower... It makes me think of Iris, my old caretaker... Huh? I feel so drained all of a sudden... I can barely bring myself to move...
(After Dive)
...What was that just now? As soon as I took that flower, a cold emptiness washed over me...

Breaking Point (@2TiredForLife)[]

(Before Dive)
I'm so damn tired... Nothing matters anymore. Can't even be bothered to take care of myself, never mind my work and my family...
(After Dive)
Y'know what? I'm gonna quit that stupid job! It's time I went on a trip somewhere far away and got the peace of mind I deserve.

Hook, Line, and Sinker (@FarFromHome)[]

(Before Dive)
This is absolutely unacceptable! A shoddier product I have never bought.
(After Dive)
...Huh? Why am I holding this ugly pig toy?

Cram School Sucks (@YuseiIseya)[]

(Before Dive)
I don't wanna go to cram school—I've got more important things to focus on! But if I skip and go home, I'll be in big trouble... I just wanna run away…
(After Dive)
Hang on... If I do the stuff I don't like first, I'll enjoy the stuff I do like even more! Once I'm done studying, I'm gonna do as much math as I want!

To Care or Not to Care (@ShuntaroHarima)[]

(Before Dive)
My beloved is dating that slimy playboy Kashiki!? She calls herself a clean freak, but then ignores the purest love of all: mine!
(After Dive)
I'm done wasting my time on her. I'll just find a new idol to adore! So many to choose from, so little time...

It's All Over... (@Electrician4Hire)[]

(Before Dive)
I can't believe it... How could she dump me after an entire decade together? I even said I'd forgive her for cheating on me! What a sap...
(After Dive)
Looking back, I guess we'd been drifting apart for a while. Now it's time to throw myself into my work and forget all about her!

Grim Celebration (@MissWorrywart)[]

(Before Dive)
Some "best friend"... You promised me we'd have dinner at that restaurant on this day every single year, but you LIED!
(After Dive)
It's hard, and it hurts...but I can't just stand here moping forever. You'll always be alive in my heart... Maybe a little retail therapy'll help me feel better.

Idol Thoughts (@MissBanksOfficial)[]

(Before Dive)
Now the whole world knows I'm dating Kashiki! What's so wrong with that? I just want to be with the person I love...
(After Dive)
Not being allowed to date is a stupid rule anyway! It's not like Kashiki and I are just messing around. We're serious! That's it: I'm gonna speak to my manager!

Shiny Treasure (@TrashMan)[]

(Before Dive)
I've gotta pick up that treasure before someone else steals it! Whoa, look—there's more shiny treasure over there!
(After Dive)
Whoa... Where the hell am I? And why do I feel like I need to pick up anything shiny!?

For My Sister (@TakuIhama)[]

(Before Dive)
I came all the way from Kansai to buy some Gatto Nero for my kid sister, but...that cashier was so cute, I bought a ton of stuff just to see her smile. Hope I can still afford rent...
(After Dive)
Well, it was fun while it lasted, but it's time to move on... Still stuck with all these Mr. Mew dolls, though. My sister's getting more presents than she bargained for!

Sixth Sense (@TaiseidoBookBro)[]

(Before Dive)
There's these things that only I can see... I wonder if they can see me? I wonder if I'm even really here?
(After Dive)
Riiight! It all started when I turned on that bug zapper. That's when that first monster appeared. What's that light's deal anyway?

JotM for Life (@GoModoriyama)[]

(Before Dive)
Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to be working at Jupiter of the Monkey. I just wish they'd let me out of the back room. The only thing standing in my that Keiichi Okada!
(After Dive)
Well, I'm still a new hire, so I'll give it some more time. But maybe I should leave the rapping to Keiichi and embrace my true calling: beatboxing!

Main Character Blues (@ItBoyKashiki)[]

(Before Dive)
If my character in this TV series is supposed to be the hero, then how come he barely has any lines!? What—like my face is all I have going for me? Ugh, I never should've quit music for this...
(After Dive)
Maybe I'm asking for too much... If my character only has a few lines, I'll just have to make every one count! Quality over quantity, right?

?##$%%% (@Variabeauty)[]

(Before Dive)
(After Dive)

... (@RyojiOfAllTrades)[]

(Before Dive)
Man, why do I even bother? I don't wanna do anything. Even standin' up's killin' me...
(After Dive)
Huh... Feels like the weight of the world's been lifted off my shoulders. Still don't feel like doing anything, though...

So Cold... (@RikoSekinohara)[]

(Before Dive)
It's cold... So cold... I? My favorite park...the government building...all gone...
(After Dive)
I knew it... It's time for me to move on. Goodbye... I'm gonna go be with Mom.

Can't Focus (@MarinoOrihara)[]

(Before Dive)
Argh! How am I supposed to focus on studying when there's a new chapter of EleStra waiting for me? But if my grades drop any lower, I'm done for...
(After Dive)
Hang on... If I just imagine all these concepts as hot guys... Oh wow, that's way easier to remember now! I've got a whole narrative and favorite characters and everything!

What's Going On... (@RaimuBito)[]

(Before Dive)
Agh. My head's killing me... Looks like this isn't a dream at least.
(After Dive)
Huh? Was that all a dream?


Memories of Soup (@TheRealEijiOji)[]

No matter how many times I have this soup, I never tire of it! It truly is perfect...
The broth uses a whole chicken, as well as a hint of pork bone.
Sardines and seaweed add some depth, but the real star is the love the chef pours into every bowl!
To think I may never enjoy that incredible ramen again... It's like my life has lost all meaning.
The broth was just like Sebastian the kind used to make. I've tried making it myself, but it never turns out quite right.
I remember most of the ingredients, but something's still missing... What could it be? Think, self! Think about how eating it made you feel...

Don's Chicken Curry (@CurryGurl)[]

I wish I could have tried all the different flavors! I would have ordered them all, but I don't want my boyfriend thinking I'm a total pig.
That chicken curry was sooo good! If only I could have tried the legume and fish curries, too.

Spice Curry Love (@MakeUpUrMind)[]

All those curries looked so good, no way could I pick just one! Good thing I had someone to pick for me, or I would have been there all day.
Geez, I'm so indecisive... I love curry, so why does ordering always have to be so hard?

New Curry Shop (@SuperTaster)[]

Just tried out the new curry place in Dogenzaka. The legume curry is ridiculous!
I figured it would be nothing but lentils, so the mung beans and chickpeas were a pleasant surprise.
There was something else in there, too. Fried onions, maybe? I'll have to go back. For research purposes.

I Need a Break (@BusyBusinessman)[]

I haven't been this busy in ages! Ugh, I need to hurry up and reply to that e-mail. Wait, no—should I negotiate with our new client first? Dammit! There'd need to be two of me to handle all of this. I'm just so damn busy...but I kinda like it.

I Wish She'd Talk to Me (@ItsukiKaneda)[]

If I wanna be worthy of Honoka's love, I gotta step up my dance game! That's why I'm gonna go study abroad!
Honoka's surprisingly into the whole study abroad idea. Maybe cuz I asked her to go with me... It almost felt like I was proposing.
I can't believe she'd up and decide that on her own without talking to me first. And what's she studying? Modeling? Foreign languages? She's great at those already...

How Could You Forget? (@HonokaKondo)[]

I don't believe this! Itsuki's the one who asked me to study abroad with him in the first place! Does he think I'm not serious about dance? Or I'm not serious about...him?
After all the trouble I went through to convince my family and work to let me go, he just forgets? Unbelievable! I'm so mad I can't even speak to him!

Just Like My Baby (@NewDogMom)[]

Huh? Wait, is Hachiko an Akita, too?
I was right! She is an Akita, just like my sweet little baby! Ahhh that makes me love her even more! Still, I always thought she was a Shiba...

Ye Olde Shibuyae (@FutureHistorian)[]

Ok, so here's Hachiko, which means the cable car used to run right Better take a picture.
Let's see... "In 1938, a cable car ran above Shibuya Station." Perfect! Now my homework's all done!

What a Voice! (@TheRealEijiOji)[]

"Eiru"... I'll have to remember the name—and the voice. Such delectable tones! Like a fine wine with a kick of masala... Truly incredible.
Ah, yes. I remember this boy's voice well. It made quite the impression on me at the audition.

...Why? (@CallMeEiru)[]

Omigosh, the Prince himself said he liked my voice! He said it was like a spicy wine or something! I can't believe he actually complimented me!
Why would he turn around and say my voice is "detestable" after he said he liked it? It doesn't make any sense!

Anything for Eiru! (@HideTakenouchi)[]

The Prince is on TV saying he has his eye on Eiru. He's not the only one! Eiru's a rising star!
Hang on—did the Prince just call Eiru's voice "detestable"? And what's all that about masala? Ugh, unforgivable!
I was so happy to see the Prince talking about Eiru on TV, but then he had to go and say something mean like that!

Something's Coming! (@JumpScareMe)[]

Been seeing lots of talk about the "manic flower" lately. Weird for it to be trending so long after I wrote about it. Something's fishy...
Ryoji's channeling his manic energy into the flowers! Creepy! This is a man with the power to make legends real. I've gotta write this down...
I see all sorts of weird things happen in Shibuya every day, but I get the feeling today's gonna put all that to shame!

I Feel It... (@GetSpookedOn)[]

I heard you could get the haunted flowers or whatever here, but I guess it was a one-day deal. I really missed out...
Did that shadow just move? Ah! There's something off about this guy over here! And that girl... She keeps staring at the same empty spot. Aaahhhh!

The Key to Success (@HandymanInTraining)[]

Apparently I shouldn't rely on reviews too much. No use workin' hard if no one knows who you are. Get the word out, and the customers'll come to you!
Even a jack-of-all-trades needs help sometimes, so you shouldn't try to do everything alone—or so I was told. I don't really get it, though. Guess I still have a lot to learn.
That's it! I've had it with being treated like this! I'm quitting this stupid job!
It's been nothing but failure since I started being my own boss. But it's all Ryoji's fault! If he'd taught me a smidgeon of what he knew, I wouldn't be in this mess!

A New Start (@AspiringHandyman)[]

This is the worst. Today's the day I was all set to go back to school and get a fresh start on my life, and what do I do? I drop my bag off the overpass! All my important stuff was in there, too... I'm finished.

In Loving Memory (@MKN)[]

Oh no! I left the memento Grandma gave me on top of that building! I was so happy to be painting I must have forgotten it...
I tried contacting the building staff, but I can't get through... Ohhh. I hope it doesn't fall and break! What should I do!?


Teenage Heartthrob (@DayDreamer)[]

This is my first class reunion in ten whole years! What do I do if I fall for my first love all over again? Should I break up with my boyfriend? Decisions, decisions.

Arm Art (@Showoff)[]

I finally inked my arm with the tattoo of my dreams! My girl doesn't dig the purple skull, but I think it looks sick. Besides, it's just a wash-off sticker.

Vexing Graffiti (@MoralManiac)[]

I have a feeling that orange-hooded hoodlum is up to no good, but they ran off toward O-EAST before I could stop them...
Man, there's nothing I hate more than graffiti.

Creative Freedom (@MKN)[]

Is this supposed to be 104? Uh-uh—we aren't glorifying capitalism on my watch. Time to spray over it!
I do feel kinda dirty graffitiing over someone else's work, but in a way, it's like an impromptu collaboration. That's art!

LKJLKSasnfjk (@Player004)[]


That It? (@GrumpyGirl)[]

Y'know, I feel like the Hachiko Café needs to try a bit harder if they want to call this a "special menu." It's pretty damn boring.

Gotta Hurry! (@FlusteredTeen)[]

I read online the Hachiko Café is gonna stop serving their special menu soon. Time to get a move on!

That Voucher's Mine (@MadameCollector)[]

If you don't even care about the vouchers they're giving out at Hachiko Café, then don't take one. Seriously.

Time to Dig In (@MissSweetTooth)[]

I'm so excited to devour this high-quality cheesecake the second I get home!

One More Try (@GamerBoi)[]

Okay, that boss just one-shotted me, but I think I've got a strategy now. This time, I'll protect the princess for sure! ...Crap, I just died again.

It's Fate (@ModernDayAdonisi)[]

We may have parted ways for now, but we're destined to meet again in another world—I just know it. All I need to do is wait... Until then, farewell, my angel.

Damn Signal (@BusinessTripster)[]

Why's the signal so bad here anyway? Just when I need to check my email, too... Guess I'll go to a café and hope their internet is a little better.

The Bare Necessities (@SimpleIsBest)[]

Wow, I feel great after throwing away all that useless junk! I won't buy anything I don't need ever again.
A cute pig plushie that'll "protect my peace of mind"? Geez, just take my wallet already!
Man, that was a good purchase. Who knew they sold such cool stuff on the streets?
Ugh, I don't feel so great all of a sudden... Weird. I felt amazing when I woke up this morning...

The Bare Necessities (@SimpleIsBest)[]

Wow, I feel great after throwing away all that useless junk! I won't buy anything I don't need ever again.
It's "time for me to meet my new best buddy"? This little piggy fits the bill... That's it—I'm buying it!
Man, that was a good purchase. Who knew they sold such cool stuff on the streets?
Ugh, I don't feel so great all of a sudden... Weird. I felt amazing when I woke up this morning...

I'll Be Back (@HighSchoolGourmand)[]

That rice bowl was so good, it nourished my body AND soul. I'll be back tomorrow!

That Guy (@FightingSpirit)[]

That guy I just fought... He's the one—my ultimate Tin Pin rival! No way he's gonna beat me next time we play!

A Real Tearjerker (@FilmFanatic)[]

Haven't seen a movie that good in a long time... Ugh, just thinking of that scene where the protagonist starts to cry gets me right in the feels...

My Silly Rabbit (@PetPerfection)[]

Today's the day I officially adopt my new bunny buddy! He's gonna be the most important man in my life from now on.

Baby's First Shopping Spree (@New2Shibuya)[]

Ugh, I wanna go in here but I'm too nervous. I've always been really bad at going into stores for the first time... Okay, enough stalling. I'm going in!

Next Match (@ShogiChamp)[]

C'mon—you can do this! Just gotta maintain the right attitude. I can't let that punk kid wipe the floor with me!

Endless Stairs (@OutOfShapeCeleb)[]

Were the stairs on Spain Hill always this bad? I can see Parco, but I'm so tired... Oh well, just gotta push on and keep going up.

At Long Last (@TapiocaTrekker)[]

I'm finally at the bubble tea café of my dreams. Time to go inside and have a drink!

A Slippery Slope (@HeadOverHills)[]

Dogenzaka's a much gentler slope than Spain Hill. According to my calculations, there's a 3.5-degree difference in steepness between the two. Shibuya truly is a great place for hillthusiasts.

My Mind's Made Up (@Crazy4Crustaceans)[]

That floral egg crab keychain they were selling at that shop was super cute. That's it—I'm buying it!

If It Ain't Broke (@OldFashionedGurl)[]

I can't believe someone combined pancakes with cookies and called them "panookies". I don't need some new concoction: just gimme the classics!

Let Me Eat Cake (@CakeFiend)[]

This Mont Blanc looks delish... Wait—they're all reserved until March!? Must be really tasty. Guess I'd better order one and start waiting!

No One Knows (@KashikiUnderKover)[]

Stay calm, Kashiki: no one knows it's you. That guy just now totally thought you were a girl. Man, I oughta thank my makeup artist for teaching me how to beat my mug so well!

I Want My Life Back (@AllWork&NoPlay)[]

My damn manager keeps asking me to do overtime 'cause I live close to the office. I can't even go to the convenience store without running into someone from work... Maybe it's time to move.

Go It Alone (@CapCrazyDJ)[]

I'm itching to work, but every time I start somewhere new, I get in a fight over the stuff we stock. Guess I oughta just open up a boutique of my own!

What a Creep (@FirstTimeRapper)[]

What's that hooded guy's deal? He kept bumping into people like he was doing it on purpose!  I wanted to go to Dogenzaka, but he headed there, too. Guess I'll take a rain check...

?>D>>Smk (@Pureheart)[]


Eerie Arrows (@LostLady)[]

I wonder if that's the graffiti machastre was talking about... He said anyone who follows those arrows disappears, right? Seems kinda sketchy to me.

Eerie Arrows (@LostLady)[]

I wonder if that's the graffiti machastre was talking about... He said anyone who follows those arrows disappears, right? Seems kinda sketchy to me.
I'll be fine now that I'm above ground. That maze of an underground sure had me feeling defeated, though... Glad I got out in one piece!

Eerie Arrows (@LostLady)[]

I wonder if that's the graffiti machastre was talking about... He said anyone who follows those arrows disappears, right? Seems kinda sketchy to me.
I'll be fine now that I'm above ground. That maze of an underground sure had me feeling defeated, though... Glad I got out in one piece!

I Love Legends (@Mad4Machastree)[]

Pretty sure that overpass is the one machastree featured in one of his urban legend videos—the one right by Shibuya Hikarie.
Huh, someone's discovered a new urban legend... Something about a "manic flower." I love how Shibuya's always giving birth to new stories. Our neighbors up north in Ikebukuro oughta tune in to the supernatural like us!

Something Smells (@Waiting4ADate)[]

I feel like this place was in one of machastree's videos, right? Something about getting in an accident if you throw your trash in the wrong can. I never do that, so there's nothing for me to worry about!

Something Smells (@Waiting4ADate)[]

I feel like this place was in one of machastree's videos, right? Something about getting in an accident if you throw your trash in the wrong can. I never do that, so there's nothing for me to worry about!
Still, something about this spot really stinks. Must be coming from the trash cans over there... Ugh, I should've picked a better place to meet my date.

I Didn't See Nothing! (@InOneEar)[]

Did I just see a red crow? Heh, no way. This can't be one of machastree's urban legends... Wait—there was one about getting cursed by a red raven if you throw your garbage in the wrong trash can, right?
Not that it matters—I didn't see anything after all! Seriously. Nothing at all. In fact, I've forgotten everything that happened today! Nope, definitely not cursed!

Waste of a Trip (@CountryBumpkin)[]

Wasn't the telephone pole from machastree's urban legend over here on Cat Street? Said you're supposed to be able to hear the voices of the dead if you get close enough...
Ugh! Figures they'd be sold out of that T-shirt after I came all this way. Just my luck... Why don't they have an online shop?

Hearing Things (@Shopaholic)[]

Could've sworn I just heard someone groaning to my left... But there's no one there.

Yuck! (@ModelStudent)[]

Eww! I'm pretty sure some weirdo behind me was just moaning to himself... Why am I such a creep magnet!?

Am I Hearing Things? (@Chill2TheMax)[]

That was a person groaning just now, right? It sounded like they were hurt... Pretty sure it came from somewhere in front of me...but where?

Time to Investigate (@Time2Kill)[]

Looks like something just spooked that lady over there real good. Maybe I'll go check it out myself!

Whoa! (@ScaredyCat)[]

Whoa! That lady got so scared, she practically scared me half to death. Total scareception!

A Place for Grown-ups (@WalkingGramps)[]

Gotta say, I love this area. You'd never know you're still in Shibuya! So much quieter over here than it is by the station.

Too Damn Quiet (@NightOwl)[]

This place is way too quiet considering for a street that connects Shibuya and Harajuku. All this silence makes me wanna go clubbin' and make some noise!

Tight Purse Strings (@IdolFan)[]

Man, when is that place gonna show on the big screen? machastree said some place in Shibuya appears on the jumbotron for one second every day.
I guess urban legends are just that—legends. Who cares if some place in Shibuya gets shown once a day anyway?

Tight Purse Strings (@IdolFan)[]

Man, when is that place gonna show on the big screen? machastree said some place in Shibuya appears on the jumbotron for one second every day.
I guess urban legends are just that—legends. Who cares if some place in Shibuya gets shown once a day anyway?
Ugh, and I still have so much time until the concert starts. Wonder where I can hang out without spending any money... MIYASHITA PARK, I guess?

Gonna 'Buya 'Til I Drop (@PunctualPerfection)[]

That's the jumbotron machastree mentioned, right? The one that shows some place for a split second, and if you go there you die in seven days' time?
Wait, what do you have to do there to die again? Think he said you have to walk around counterclockwise one time... Like, who would even do that?
Oh, man. Look at the time! I've gotta hurry—I wanted to swing by 104 and TOWER RECORDS before I meet my friend for dessert at Shibuya Hikarie!

Longing for Love (@CuriousKitty)[]

Kinda wanna check out that urban legend on Center Street machastree was talking about—the one where people step into a changing room and suddenly disappear.
The guy working at HOG FANG was a total hunk! And the fact that he's so shy is, like, super adorable... Although the guy at garagara is pretty dreamy, too~♥

Where Am I? (@TroubledTraveler)[]

Huh? I swear I just saw something on the big screen. Looked like a building with an arch.
Hang on—I'm back here again!? Why is this crossing making life so hard for me...

Shib Sneakers (@SneakerLover)[]

Man, I know I've seen that place that just showed up on the big screen... It's sandwiched between two streets...somewhere around here.
My feet are always dead after walking around Shibuya. Must be 'cause of all the hills. Maybe I'll wear my cushioned sneakers next time.

Shopping for Clothes (@VintageAfficionado)[]

What's the deal with that place that just flashed on the jumbotron for a sec? Looked like a building covered in plants. Screen must be on the fritz...
Anyway, time to go check out some vintage clothing shops! Cat Street never disappoints.

Monthly Shop (@BeyondPoor)[]

Hmm. machastree said anyone who sets foot on the eighteenth step of the Spain Hill stairs goes straight to Hell... Let's just go up without counting!
Can't wait to splurge at PARCO. Spending all my money from my part-time job in one go is my favorite way to destress!

Spooked (@SuperScared)[]

Oh, that was so scary... I've never been so terrified just slipping on the steps. I felt a shiver go down my spine!

It's Gone! (@CosmeticQueen)[]

Machastree said stepping on one of the white lines on the crossing in front of 104 gives you real bad luck. Gonna have to avoid all of these lines just to be safe!
Oh, no! I came to 104 to visit my favorite make-up store, but it's gone! That was the only one in all of Japan... Maybe I already have bad luck!

Wardrobe Upgrade (@Boy2Man)[]

This is the crossing in front of 104... I remember seeing some video about a guy who got into an accident and cursed the place...
Huh... So that's the kind of accessory that goes with that jacket. Seeing what people wear in Shibuya gives me so many outfit ideas!

;*?A*+<>*+SKL+ (@Pureheart)[]


Need Sleep... (@TiredGameDev)[]

Huh? I can see something over there in the Scramble Crossing. Looks like some kind of translucent monster... Maybe they're shooting a movie? Or I'm just seeing things...
Need...sleep... I worked until the last train yesterday and then that thing I saw had me so freaked out I couldn't sleep a wink. I need to move closer to work...