This page refers to something in the The World Ends with You series that has no official name, and therefore has a conjectural title. If sourced, canon information gives it a formal name, it should be changed as soon as possible.
Tsugumi Matsunae's brother was a Shinjuku Reaper, Conductor of Shinjuku before the Inversion, and Tsugumi Matsunae's older brother. He does not formally appear in any of the games and most of his information is known from Sanae Hanekoma's Secret Reports written about him.
Presumably, he and his younger sister Tsugumi died in Shinjuku and won the Reaper's Game, choosing to become Reapers. Shoka says that the Reaper who gains the most points becomes Conductor, so he was a powerful and talented Reaper. Around three years before the events of NEO: The World Ends with You Shinjuku Composer Hazuki Mikagi wished to "cleanse" the city and recruited Angel Tanzo Kubo to carry it out. Instead Hazuki getting his Conductor's permission, Kubo infiltrated the Reapers and manipulated Shiba Miyakaze to be his pawn. Tsugumi was suspicious of Kubo and allied herself with her brother - in revenge, Kubo stripped her of her Soul and Reaperhood. Knowing that a Shinjuku Reaper is erased after losing their status, her brother used the last of his strength when the Inversion occurred to seal her Soul in Mr. Mew, brought into Shinjuku by a Shibuya Reaper (presumably Tsugumi's friend, Coco Atarashi) before being erased.