The World Ends with You's timeline consists of three weeks, each week containing seven days. Each day usually starts around the time Neku gets a mission from the Game Master and ends with Neku having fulfilled the mission's objectives. Neku's partner changes each week; his three partners are Shiki Misaki, Joshua, and Beat.
Following are the highlights of each day (story events, opportunities to obtain missable items, side stories, etc.).
The Secret Reports for each day can be found here.
It is also important to note that there is no set date for when either game takes place, except that NEO occurs three years after the first. The first game was released in a time when flipphones were common, so the original intent was likely for Neku to have been born in the early-mid 1990s and for the first game to have been set around 2005-2007. This can also be seen in Megumi Kitaniji's style, who is 26 years old but loves '70s fashion, apparently reflecting a nostalgic era he grew up in (as much of 70's aesthetic carried into the '80s). Additionally, a shopkeeper considers Neku and Shiki to be part of Generation Z.
The original intended year date of TWEWY has been apparently retconned by NEO and The Animation. In 2017, Miyashita Park was transformed into an outdoor shopping mall complete with a rooftop park and this is reflected in NEO, suggesting the first game has been retconned to no earlier than 2014, moving Neku's date of birth to the late 90s. This is also supported by the smartphones in The Animation. Additionally, the renovation of Cadoi City means the first TWEWY can not be set past late 2015. This means, if one goes by city architecture, the first TWEWY is now set 2014/2015 while NEO is set 2017-2018.
- Tsugumi Matsunae - January 1st
- Raimu "Rhyme" Bito - January 20th
- Sho Minamimoto - February 23rd
- Sanae Hanekoma - March 3rd (English) or 4th (Japanese)
- Fuya Kawahara - March 14th
- Shoka Sakurane - March 30th
- Tosai "Fret" Furesawa - April 20th
- Neku Sakuraba - April 21st
- Hazuki Mikagi - May 5th
- Ayano Kamachi- May 18th
- Shiba Miyakaze - June 21st
- Uzuki Yashiro - July 2nd
- Nagi Usui - July 27th
- Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito - August 1st
- Tanzo Kubo - August 15th
- Hishima Sakazuki - September 7th
- Koki Kariya - September 26th
- Motoi Anazawa - October 2nd
- Shiki Misaki - October 12th
- Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki - October 13th
- Rindo Kanade - October 20th
- Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu - November 1st
- Kaie Ono - November 3rd
- Coco Atarashi - December 24th
- Kanon Tachibana - December 28th
Before Week 1[]
Note: Order of events is unclear. The presented order is just speculation.
- Yoshiya Kiryu becomes the composer of the Reaper's Game.
- Koki Kariya becomes a Reaper.
- The Producer Sanae Hanekoma, acting as the designer CAT, creates the Udagawa mural, containing the command code "Enjoy the moment more" and "Gather". These are selected to result in Shibuya becoming a focus point for people with strong Imaginations.
- Neku Sakuraba befriends a classmate, who later dies; Neku feels that his classmate's death is his fault.
- Note: This information comes from Another Day. While not confirmed to happen inside of the main universe, it is heavily implied to.
- Two years before the events of the original story, Uzuki Yashiro becomes a Reaper.[1]
- Nine days before the events of the original story, The Composer announces his plan to erase Shibuya to Megumi Kitaniji. Kitaniji offers to fix the people of Shibuya and stakes his life on his ability to do so. Kitaniji's thirty-day timer starts.
- The Composer enters the Realground to locate a mortal to use as a proxy. He finds Neku at the Udagawa mural. Sho Minamimoto, upon learning that the Composer is in the RG, attempts to kill him there, but his attempt fails and he flees. The Composer kills Neku to create a proxy and takes his memories of his death. He also gives the proxy a Player Pin.
Week 1[]
Partner: Shiki. Game Master: Megumi Kitaniji until Yodai Higashizawa takes over, acting as proxy.
Day 1[]
- All versions
- The Reapers' Game begins. Notable players:
- Neku: Murdered by the Composer. Entry fee: His memories. Note that his entry fee is separate from the memories of his death, which were taken by the Composer after said death.
- Shiki: Died in an unknown accident. Entry fee: Her physical appearance.
- Beat: Died in a car accident attempting to save Rhyme. Entry fee: Rhyme's love, memories, and affection for him.
- Rhyme: Died in a car accident at the Miyashita Park Underpass. Entry fee: Her dreams.
- The Producer, Sanae Hanekoma, descends from the Higher Plane to the UG to observe the running of a Game without an active Composer.
- Mission: "Reach 104."
- Joshua can be seen watching Neku at the Statue of Hachiko.
- Neku sees unnamed players being erased at the Statue of Hachiko.
- Neku meets Shiki at Hachiko, and forms a pact with her.
- Beat forms a pact with his sister Rhyme. They also meet Uzuki Yashiro, who attempts to trick them.
- The Reapers' Game begins. Notable players:
- Game only
- Neku and Shiki meet Uzuki when they complete the mission.
- Anime only
- Neku and Shiki meet Uzuki and Kariya when they complete the mission.
Day 2[]
- All versions
- Mission: "Set the cursed sculpture free." The sculpture, Hachiko, is "cursed" with Noise that must be erased.
- Neku and Shiki meet Beat and Rhyme for the first time.
- Neku and Shiki meet Hanekoma for the first time.
- Game only
- Neku and Shiki meet Uzuki after the mission. She orders Neku to erase Shiki, but the erasure attempt is stopped by Hanekoma.
- Hanekoma gives Neku the Harmonizer Pin.
- Anime only
- Uzuki and Kariya watch as the Players complete their mission. Uzuki orders Neku to erase Shiki. His negative emotions cause him to be possessed by Noise and try to through with it but the erasure attempt is stopped by Hanekoma.
Day 3[]
- All versions
- Neku and Shiki learn to use Fusions.
- Six players are erased.
- Game only
- Mission: "Defeat the master of A-East." The master is Vespertilio Canor, which cannot be battled until the A-East lighting system is fixed.
- Neku and Shiki learn to imprint Memes.
- Beat and Rhyme complete the mission, not Neku and Shiki.
- Anime only
- Mission: "Defeat the master of O-East." The master is Vespertilio Canor.
- Neku and Shiki complete the mission.
Day 4[]
- Game only
- Mission: "Reach Towa Records."
- Thirteen players are erased, including Rhyme.
- Neku, Shiki, and Beat meet Kariya for the first time at the trap set by him and Uzuki.
- Hanekoma binds Rhyme's Soul to a pin to ensure her and Beat's survival.
- Beat receives the Rhyme pin, makes a pact with it to stay alive, and goes into the care of Hanekoma at Wildkat.
- Anime only
- Mission: "Free Spain Hill from the Noise." The Noise being generated by the argument between Ai and Mina cannot be erased until the argument is stopped.
- Neku and Shiki see Eri in the RG.
Day 5[]
- Game only
- Mission: "Free Spain Hill from the Noise." The Negative Noise being generated by the argument between Ai and Mina cannot be erased until the argument is stopped.
- First appearance of Reaper Creeper.
- Neku and Shiki meet the Game Master, Higashizawa, for the first time.
- Higashizawa reveals the Shiki's hidden jealousy and threatens to reveal her entry fee.
- Anime only
- Mission: "Dominate the Scramble Crossing view at 3:00." This refers to the Q-front, which must display the Red Skull pin.
- The Red Skull pins are popularized among the Shibuya RG because of the mission. This is part of Kitaniji's plan but is put in motion by Higashiwaza, acting as Kitaniji's proxy.
- Kitaniji attempts to imprint upon Shibuya as well as use a Nexus Ray to erase the Players, including Neku and Shiki. While some Players are Erased, the Composer intervenes and the Imprinting is delayed.
- Neku and Shiki run into Shiki's friend Eri, who mentions that she plans to give up on her intended career as a fashion designer because she feels inadequate without Shiki.
- Neku encourages Shiki to forge her own identity.
Day 6[]
- Game only
- Mission: "Dominate the Scramble Crossing view at 3:00." This refers to the Q-floor screen, which must display the Red Skull pin.
- The Composer contacts Hanekoma to request upgrades to his phone.
- Beat tries and fails to use the Rhyme pin to summon Rhyme's Noise form. Although Hanekoma imprinted him with the knowledge to do so, he lacks the power required to use it.
- The Red Skull pins are popularized among the Shibuya RG because of the mission. This is part of Kitaniji's plan but is put in motion by Higashiwaza, acting as Kitaniji's proxy.
- The mission gives Makoto Miki the confidence to change his career path during Week 2.
- Neku and Shiki run into Shiki's friend Eri, who mentions that she plans to give up on her intended career as a fashion designer because she feels inadequate without Shiki.
- Neku encourages Shiki to forge her own identity.
- Anime only
- Mission: "Reach Towa Records."
- Rhyme is Erased.
- Hanekoma creates a Noise from Rhyme's Soul to ensure her and Beat's survival.
- Beat receives the Rhyme Noise, makes a pact with it to stay alive, and goes into the care of Hanekoma at Wildkat.
Day 7[]
- All versions
- Mission: "Defeat the Game Master."
- Higashizawa is erased by Neku and Shiki.
- Game only
- Beat flees WildKat to ask Uzuki and Kariya how to summon Rhyme's Noise through her Pin.
- Anime only
- Beat flees WildKat to ask Uzuki and Kariya how to return Rhyme to her normal form.
- Beat chooses to join the Reapers, believing this is necessary in order to save Rhyme.
- Neku's entry fee is returned.
- Shiki is chosen for reincarnation, but rather than being brought to life is taken as Neku's entry fee for Week 2. Kitaniji would not have been able to bring her back to life without the Composer's help, even if she were not taken as Neku's entry fee.
Week 2[]
Partner: Joshua. Game Master: Sho Minamimoto.
Day 1[]
- Week 2 of the Reapers' Game begins. Notable Players:
- Neku: Re-entered. Entry fee: Shiki.
- Joshua: Abnormal entry. No entry fee.
- Sota Honjo and Nao: Partners who died in a car accident sometime after the Red Skull pins were distributed in Week 1. Entry fees: Unknown.
- A notable Reaper is Beat, who changed his allegiance at the end of the last week in order to save Rhyme. As he was one of the surviving Players at the end of Week 1, his previous entry fee of Rhyme's memories was returned.
- Mission: "X = 30 + 74". Since "X marks the spot" and 30 + 74 = 104, this is an instruction to reach the 104 Building.
- Joshua forges a Pact with Neku.
- Neku scans Joshua, coming into contact with a portion of Joshua's memories of Neku's death. This is possible because Joshua does not possess a Player Pin.
- Hanekoma completes the tracking application for the mobile phones, and calls Joshua to let him know it is ready.
- Minamimoto reveals himself to Joshua and Neku and realizes Joshua's identity.
Day 2[]
- All versions
- Neku scans Joshua again, this time bringing up a memory of what appears to be a dead Neku at the CAT mural in Udagawa. Neku begins to suspect Joshua of being his killer.
- The Producer Sanae Hanekoma tells Sho Minamimoto how to create Taboo Noise and thus becomes a Fallen Angel. Minamimoto was chosen because of his conviction against the Composer and his reputation for behaving bizarrely. Minamimoto subsequently ceases creating missions, instead focusing on creating Taboo Noise.
- Kitaniji orders Beat to attack Neku directly. As Neku is the Composer's proxy, his defeat would save Shibuya.
- Game only
- Mission: "Acquire the √3 Au pin." This translates as an instruction to win the gold pin trophy at the Tin Pin Slammer competition.
- Sota and Nao clear the mission instead of Neku and Joshua.
- Makoto quits his job.
- Anime only
- Mission: "Go to √3." This translates as an instruction to go to route 3, which refers to a numbering system used by Reapers to identify routes through the city.
- Neku and Joshua clear the mission.
- Beat attacks Neku, following the orders he was given prior.
Day 3[]
- All versions
- Due to Minamimoto's distraction, no missions are set for the next few days.
- Joshua visits Hanekoma to collect the tracking application he ordered during Week 1. While Joshua tells Neku that it tracks the Composer, it in fact tracks the Conductor. This is done by Joshua in an effort to understand exactly how Kitaniji plans to change Shibuya for the better.
- Game only
- Beat attacks Neku, following the orders he was given prior.
- Due to the lack of a mission, the focus of this day is rescuing Ramen Don from the competing Shadow Ramen.
- B.J. calls Uzuki from the Phone Booth of Love at Molco, Tenho hides 777's microphone, and Sho swaps that microphone with his megaphone.
Day 4[]
- All versions
- No mission today. Neku and Joshua spend the day reaching Udagawa.
- Neku scans Joshua for the third time, bringing up more memories of his death. Neku concludes that Joshua is his killer.
- Sho completes his Taboo Refinery Sigil but is spotted by Neku, Joshua, Kariya, and Uzuki.
- Game only
- On the way to Udagawa, Neku and Joshua spend the day helping Def Märch search for their band's microphone.
- Beat attacks Neku for the second time, dropping Rhyme's Pendant.
- Kariya and Uzuki begin searching Shibuya for irregularities.
Day 5[]
- All versions
- No mission today.
- The tracking application is modified. Although Joshua claims this is a revision to fix the "bugs" from the days prior, the tracker has been specifically rewritten to detect the Shibuya River.
- The tracker and Joshua lead Neku to the entrance to the Shibuya River, but they are blocked by a wall.
- Joshua is forced to use his power as a Composer to erase a Trance Rhino at the Station Underpass. Kariya sees this and states that Joshua is playing the Game illegally as a living person.
- Taboo Noise are unleashed on the city, attacking both Reapers and Players.
- Game only
- Kariya and Uzuki set up an involved series of Walls to block the Players on their way to Cat Street to meet Hanekoma. Kariya reveals that this is to test Joshua.
- Beat attacks Neku for the third time. Neku gives back the pendant Beat dropped.
- Anime only
- Beat attacks Neku for the second time, dropping Rhyme's Pendant.
- BJ and Tenho are erased by Taboo Noise.
Day 6[]
- Mission: "Beat the bosses of 2.2360679's 0+5." This translates to defeating Boss Noise at the Scramble Crossing and Udagawa (2.2360679 is the square root of 5, thus "route 5"; 0+5 indicates the "zeroth" and "fifth" locations along that route, which are the Scramble and the Back Streets).
- Sota and Nao are erased by Taboo Noise.
- The Producer and Composer both observe that the Red Skull pins have the effect of imprinting Kitaniji's mind upon their wearer.
Day 7[]
- All versions
- Kitaniji overrides the mission distribution system and sends a specific mission to the Players: "Erase the Game Master at Pork City."
- More of Neku's death is revealed, but the contents of the memory lead Neku to assume Minamimoto is his killer.
- Minamimoto uses a level i flare in his battle against Neku and Joshua to try to defeat the Composer.
- Joshua pretends to sacrifice himself to defend Neku from Minamimoto's final attack, but in fact flees to an alternate universe (where the Another Day chapter takes place) to wait for Hanekoma.
- Kitaniji again has to avoid admitting that he can't reincarnate Neku without the Composer, but does so by ruling Neku's partnership with Joshua as illegal. Kitaniji also forbids Neku from playing the Game a further time after his third, as Kitaniji's own timer will run out at the end of the following week.
- Anime only
- Neku gives Beat back the pendant that he dropped.
Week 3[]
Partner: Beat. Game Master: Mitsuki Konishi.
Day 1[]
- All versions
- The third run of the Reapers' Game begins. Notable Players:
- Mission: "Reach 104."
- Kitaniji initiates a Game with only one Player, because an unpartnered Player cannot survive.
- Beat betrays the Reapers to form a Pact with Neku, thus saving him. Beat also plans to attempt to defeat the Composer, in order to become Composer and bring back the human Rhyme.
- Game only
- Hanekoma finds Minamimoto's Taboo Noise Refinery sigil in Udagawa and corrects the errors in it, ensuring Minamimoto's revival. As this is forbidden, he reports that he was attempting to deface it.
Day 2[]
- All versions
- Mission: Find and defeat Konishi, who will hide in a single location (time limit: 6 days).
- Kitaniji issues the Emergency Call, suspending the Composer's authority, and requires reapers to wear Red Skull pins, known to them as as O-Pins, for the first time.
- Konishi hides within Beat's shadow.
- Neku and Beat spend the day searching for Konishi and end up fighting 777. After sparing him, he gives his keypin to the two, and is subsequently erased by Konishi.
- Game only
- Konishi forcibly changes Rhyme's form to a pin and takes the pin from Beat as his entry fee.
- Konishi gives a fake copy of the Rhyme pin to Uzuki and Kariya, but she does not tell them that it's a fake.
- As Beat and Neku investigate the stage where 777 was erased, they are forced to fight the Noise Pteropus Canor.
- Anime only
- Konishi takes Rhyme from Beat as his entry fee.
- Konishi gives an illusionary version of Rhyme to Uzuki and Kariya, but she does not tell them that it is a fake.
Day 3[]
- Game only
- Uzuki attempts to play tag with Neku and Beat, with the reward being the fake Rhyme pin. Upon losing, Uzuki directly attacks Neku and Beat but she loses.
- Makoto is inspired to quit his job and begins preparations to open Shadow Ramen.
- Kariya makes an appearance and tells the Players to beat him in order to get the pin.
- Anime only
- The Red Skull pins are activated and Kitaniji's Imagination begins to impress itself on Shibuya.
- Neku learns about Beat's death.
- Neku and Beat note that they cannot read people's minds.
Day 4[]
- All versions
- At the end of the day, Kariya and Uzuki are possessed by their O-Pins.
- Game only
- The Red Skull pins are activated and Kitaniji's Imagination begins to impress itself on Shibuya.
- Kariya sets up a series of puzzles for Neku and Beat, with the fake Rhyme pin as bait.
- Neku learns about Beat's death.
- Neku and Beat note that they cannot read people's minds.
- Kariya attacks Neku and Beat directly before teaming up with Uzuki for a second attempt. Only after they are both defeated do they realize the Rhyme pin is fake. As compensation, Kariya gives them his Level 4 Keypin.
- Anime only
- Kariya and Uzuki attack Neku and Beat together. Only after they are both defeated do they realize the Rhyme they have is a fake. As compensation, Kariya gives them his Level 4 Keypin.
- Hanekoma finds Minamimoto's Taboo Noise Refinery sigil in Udagawa and corrects the errors in it, reviving Minamimoto.
Day 5[]
- All versions
- Neku and Beat decide to use the new Keypin to look for Konishi in Udagawa.
- People and Reapers alike are now trapped in the cycle of Kitaniji's thoughts.
- Kariya and Uzuki, now possessed by their Red Skull pins, attack Beat and Neku again.
- Game only
- Minamimoto is revived as Taboo noise via the corrected Refinery Sigil.
- Anime only
- Minamimoto attacks WildKat in search of the Composer, but upon failing to find Joshua or Hanekoma there just trashes the place.
- Neku and Beat decide to visit WildKat in search of Konishi and/or Hanekoma, who Beat and to some extent Neku believe to be the Composer; they find the café destroyed, but they also find a pin that Hanekoma left behind.
- Beat and Neku encounter, fight, and lose to Minamimoto.
Day 6[]
- All versions
- Almost everyone is possessed by the Red Skull Pins.
- Game only
- Hanekoma finds the Composer playing Tin Pin Slammer in the alternate Shibuya of "Another Day" and leaves WildKat to go and get him, leaving behind a Keypin for Neku. During this time, he meets up with that world’s Neku and “tests” him by fighting against him in his Noise form, Panthera Cantus. The Neku of that world is also tested by the original Joshua, who had been waiting within the Room of Reckoning for Hanekoma to pick him up.
- Minamimoto attacks WildKat in search of the Composer, but upon failing to find Joshua or Hanekoma there just trashes the place.
- Neku and Beat decide to visit WildKat in search of Konishi and/or Hanekoma, who Beat and to some extent Neku believe to be the Composer; they find the café destroyed, but they also find Hanekoma’s keypin.
- Beat and Neku encounter and fight Minamimoto in Cadoi City.
- Anime only
- Minamimoto breaks through the Shibuya River Wall, but cannot proceed further, as Konishi has placed an unbreakable wall at the Rubicon.
- Beat and Neku pass through the broken Shibuya River Wall, bringing Konishi to Minamimoto. Minamimoto asks her to remove the barrier, which she does upon the condition that he make her his Conductor. Konishi then attacks Beat and Neku, but is defeated. Beat regains Rhyme.
- Before her erasure, Konishi reveals that Rhyme's memories were Beat's entry fee.
- Shiki is returned to Neku.
- Minamimoto passes through the barrier and battles Joshua. He is defeated and is later erased.
- Devoid of her Player Pin, Shiki is imprinted on by her Red Skull pin. She fights Neku and Beat with Kitaniji, but they are defeated and her Red Skull pin is destroyed. Beat is knocked unconscious in the battle.
- Kitaniji is possessed by Noise transforming him into Draco Cantus. With the help of Shiki and Beat, Neku defeats and erased Kitaniji just before his timer runs out.
- Neku, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme continue to the Trail of the Bygone. Neku calls out to Hanekoma, whom he believes to be the Composer. But Joshua appears and reveals himself as the Composer. He returns Neku's full memory of his death, revealing that Minamimoto's shots were aimed not for Neku but for Joshua, who shot Neku after chasing off Minamimoto.
- Joshua challenges Neku to a final duel for the fate of Shibuya. Neku refuses to fire and is shot.
Day 7 (Game only)[]
- The imprinting via the Red Skull Pins is complete. Shibuya is 100% homogenized in thought, and the city's ubiquitous crowds are frozen.
- Minamimoto breaks through the Shibuya River Wall, but cannot proceed further, as Konishi has placed an unbreakable wall at the Rubicon.
- Beat and Neku pass through the broken Shibuya River Wall, bringing Konishi to Minamimoto. Minamimoto asks her to remove the barrier, which she does upon the condition that he make her his Conductor. Konishi then attacks Beat and Neku, but is defeated.
- Before her erasure, Konishi reveals that Rhyme's memories were Beat's entry fee.
- Minamimoto passes through the barrier and battles Joshua. He is defeated and is later erased.
- Beat and Neku meet Shiki in the Shibuya River. Shiki, devoid of her Player Pin, is imprinted on by her Red Skull pin. She fights Neku and Beat with Kitaniji, but they are defeated. Beat is knocked unconscious in the process of guarding Neku from Shiki's attack, and Neku destroys her Red Skull pin.
- Neku continues to the Room of Reckoning alone. He calls out to Hanekoma, whom he believes to be the Composer. Kitaniji reveals himself and destroys one of Neku's Player Pins. As Beat and Shiki enter, Kitaniji attacks Neku with his Noise form Anguis Cantus.
- Joshua arrives after the battle and is absorbed into Kitaniji's Noise form, which Neku eventually defeats with a Fusion.
- As Neku has defeated him, Kitaniji has failed to complete his mission. His timer reaches zero, and though he is erased he claims to have no regrets.
- Joshua reveals himself as the Composer and returns Neku's full memory of his death, revealing that Minamimoto's shots were aimed not for Neku but for Joshua, who shot Neku after chasing off Minamimoto.
- Joshua challenges Neku to a final duel for the fate of Shibuya. Neku refuses to fire and is shot. As he loses consciousness, the last thing he sees is Hanekoma standing beside Joshua.
- The changes in people brought about by the game reconfigure Shibuya. Joshua abandons his plan to erase it, and Hanekoma believes it has now become the ideal parallel world.
- Rhyme, Nao, Sota, Tenho, BJ, and 777 are all revived. Presumably, Joshua chose to restore them to life.
- One day after the Game, Neku awakens in the Realground.
- One week after the Game, Neku, Beat, Shiki (in her true form, rather than Eri's) and Rhyme meet in front of the Hachiko statue in the Realground.
- Hanekoma and Joshua watch the four former players from atop of the 104 building. After Hanekoma notes that the events of the Game would have consequences with the Higher Plane, Joshua flies off and Hanekoma follows.
- Hanekoma leaves a special tag in Udagawa based on Neku's headphones.
- Joshua continues to keep The Reapers' Game and has no plans for any major changes to it.
A New Day (Game only)[]
This includes some events that took place in the timeframe of A New Day, but are only described in NEO: The World Ends with You.
- Shiba Miyakaze comes into contact with Tanzo Kubo, who flatters him into believing that he is the Executor, an angel sent to cleanse cities (which is actually Kubo). Kubo secretly gives him additional powers and he drifts apart from his friends Hishima Sakazuki and Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki.
- Shoka Sakurane wins a Reaper's Game in Shinjuku and chooses to become a Reaper. She is mentored as a Reaper by Ayano Kamachi.
- Tsugumi Matsunae contacts Coco Atarashi regarding the coming inversion of Shinjuku. At some point, Tsugumi's true Soul is stolen and placed in her Mr. Mew doll, sealed inside by noise.
- Coco pulls Neku and Beat into an "Expert Mode Reapers' Game" in the UG.
- Shinjuku is Inverted. Known survivors are Tsugumi, Shiba, Shoka, Kubo, Ayano, Hishima, and Kaie. It appears that this was the result of a Game between Tanzo Kubo and Hazuki Mikagi.
- After learning the Shibuya of the "Expert Mode game" was just a massive noise created by Coco, Beat and Neku defeat it. They return to the Realground, but shortly after Neku is shot and killed by Coco, Joshua appears to stop her but she runs away. Neku is transported to the erased Shinjuku and gains the ability to witness visions of the future and receive psychic messages from Tsugumi Matsunae's trapped soul.
- As a result of the upheaval of the Shibuya Reapers caused by Neku, and Kariya's unwillingness to be promoted, Uzuki Yashiro becomes Game Master in Shibuya and starts to become more serious.
- Shinjuku's Reapers are admitted to Shibuya by Uzuki and begin to take over the game, threatening the Shibuya Reapers into following their rules.
- Joshua and Hanekoma discuss the day's events but ultimately decide that the issues are Shibuya's problems, not theirs. However, Hanekoma is still determined to find the source of the Inversion.
- Coco uses a refinery sigil to revive Sho Minamimoto.
NEO: The World Ends with You[]
Before Week 1[]
- Approximately 1 year after the inversion of Shinjuku, Shiba Miyakaze initiates the Reaper's Game in Shibuya with himself as Conductor and no other Senior Reapers. Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu, the Composer, does not support this game and refuses to bring winning Players back to life, so Shiba selects some of the Shinjuku reapers to compete as the Ruinbringers team and rigs the game for them to always win. Since the Ruinbringers always use their prize to repeat the game, he will never have to admit he can't bring anyone back to life, and all other teams will play the game indefinitely until erased. Before NEO: TWEWY begins, this continues for 103 weeks.
- After approximately 73 loops, the Deep Rivers Society, Variabeauties and Purehearts are all part of the game. They each play at least 29 rounds before NEO:TWEWY begins, presumably with other teams repeatedly joining and being erased in the process.
- Shiba Miyakaze enters the RG searching for Neku Sakuraba but is unable to find him (as he is dead and in the Shinjuku UG), and resorts to handing out Player Pins to living people.
- Tosai "Fret" Furesawa and Nagi Usui, as well as others, are given Player Pins in the RG. Rindo Kanade is given a particularly unusual one that grants the Replay ability, as arranged by Tanzo Kubo.
Fret and Rindo are sucked into the Reapers' Game. They form the Wicked Twisters and join with Nagi. Later, they are saved by Minamimoto, who forces himself into the team.
NEO Week 1[]
Day 1[]
- Rindo and Fret are pulled into the Reapers' Game by their Player Pins because they are capable of passive psychs. They play the day as "Rindo's Group" and meet Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki. Sho Minamimoto also joins their team.
Day 2[]
- Fret changes the team name in the RNS to the "Wicked Twisters."
Day 3[]
- Rindo and Fret meet with Nagi Usui who has not joined any team yet, and recruit her to theirs.
- Replay is used for the first time.
Day 4[]
- Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki tricks the Wicked Twisters into locating his friend Ryoji.
Day 5[]
- Mission: Earn yen pins by erasing Pig Noise.
- The Wicked Twisters distract the Deep Rivers Society from their planned ambush, and defeat Fuya Kawahara.
- Replay is used for the second time.
Day 6[]
- Mission: Scramble Slam.
- The Twisters triumph in the first Scramble Slam, which moves them into second place and the Deep Rivers society into last.
Day 7[]
- Mission: All-or-nothing.
- Sho Minamimoto secretly leaves the Twisters before the fight with Susukichi in an alternate timeline, possibly to experiment with Rindo's time travel ability. In the rectified timeline he leaves the group after the fight.
- Motoi Anazawa sends a message to the Twisters claiming that "Breaking the Diagonal" is Susukichi's weakness; in fact, it upsets him.
- Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito arrives in the UG and saves the Twisters from Susukichi, but invalidates their victory over Susukichi in the process. Since he is wearing a mask and headphones, the Reapers wrongly assume he is Neku Sakuraba.
- The Deep Rivers Society are erased.
- Replay is used for the third time.
NEO Week 2[]
Day 1[]
- Mission: Erase Houseleon (Boss).
- Rindo briefly meets Tsugumi Matsunae and finds her oddly familiar.
Day 2[]
- Mission: Defeat Neku Sakuraba.
- The Twisters rescue Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito from Tsugumi and he joins their team as a Player.
- The Mission is invalidated because Neku Sakuraba is not in fact in the city.
- Replay is used for the fourth time.
Day 3[]
- Mission: Scramble Slam.
- The Twisters meet with Uzuki Yashiro for the first time.
- Kanon Tachibana offers the Twisters an alliance with the Variabeauties.
- Shoka Sakurane is advised to monitor the Wicked Twisters.
Day 4[]
- Mission: Solve the city's riddles.
- Rindo and Fret learn about the erased district of Shinjuku.
- Tanzo Kubo attacks the Twisters with invulnerable Plague Noise, but erases it after a few moments of fighting.
- Rindo unknowingly notifies Shoka Sakurane, as Swallow, of his plan to ally with the Variabeauties and escape the game.
Day 5[]
- Mission: Erase the target noise after solving the riddles at O-East.
- Shoka Sakurane bribes the Support Reapers to give easier missions to the Twisters, and meets them to talk about her concern over their meeting the Shibuya Reapers.
- Motoi Anazawa learns of Shoka's actions and notifies the Shinjuku Reapers, in the hope of becoming a Reaper himself.
- Ayano Kamachi confronts Shoka about use of "ill-gotten intelligence".
Day 6[]
- Mission: Scramble Slam, plus erase Shoka Sakurane.
- Motoi Anazawa takes credit for the help Shoka gave the Twisters on Day 5, and threatens her based on his reports of her activities. The Twisters defeat Motoi.
- Ayano Kamachi tells Shoka that she must follow specific instructions to make amens for her activities on Day 5.
- Replay is used for the fifth time.
Day 7[]
- Mission: All-or-Nothing.
- Shoka Sakurane is thrown out of the Reapers and joins the Twisters as a Player.
- The Twisters defeat Susukichi, Mr. Mew and Grus Cantus in a single day. This forces Shiba Miyakaze to admit that he is leader of the Ruinbringers and assign the Twisters an unwinnable fight that restores the Ruinbringers to first place.
- Motoi Anazawa and the Purehearts are erased.
- Shoka is offered the chance to rejoin the Reapers, having observed the use of Replay, but she refuses, indicating that she knows they plan to destroy Shibuya.
- Coco Atarashi finds the damaged Mr. Mew doll and takes it to WildKat.
- Possibly due to the intervention of Ayano Kamachi, Shoka is not erased even though the game in which she lost Reaper status has ended.
- Replay is used for the sixth time.
NEO Week 3[]
Day 1[]
- Shiba Miyakaze abandons the pretence of setting missions and simply declares the game will be based on survival.
- The Shinjuku Reapers begin to flood the city with Plague Noise. The Twisters learn how to defeat it.
- The Shibuya Reapers begin underhandedly helping the Players to save their city.
- Ayano Kamachi talks to Shiba about how to encourage Shoka to rejoin the Reapers. She absorbs a lethal level of Plague Noise into herself, hoping that Shoka will be unable to ignore this.
Day 2[]
- The Twisters go to help Ayano Kamachi and use Dive to learn about her memories, but the Noise has already destroyed her Soul, and the Twisters are forced to erase her as Iris Cantus.
- The effects of the Reverb induced by Plague Noise are noticed in the RG as "Shibuya Syndrome".
- Replay is used for the seventh time.
Day 3[]
- Kanon Tachibana is forcibly infected with Plague Noise and attempts to convince Tosai "Fret" Furesawa to meet her to infect him too.
- The Twisters remove the noise using Dive but the accumulated Reverb erases Kanon. It is possible, although not clear, that the Variabeauties are also erased as a result.
- Coco Atarashi visits Kaie Ono for advice on repairing Mr. Mew.
- Replay is used for the eighth time.
- Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu retrieves Neku Sakuraba from the disconnected Shinjuku UG.
Day 4[]
- Tanzo Kubo attempts to unleash Plague Noise victims to attack the Twisters, and tries and fails to infect the Shibuya Reapers.
- Sho Minamimoto attacks Kubo and then the Twisters in his noise form, apparently in order to claim Rindo's pin. Minamimoto is not erased, and Neku Sakuraba saves Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito from his attack. Neku joins the Twisters.
- Replay is used for the nineth time.
Day 5[]
- Shiba Miyakaze attacks the Twisters with Plague Noise forms of Ayano Kamachi and the former team leaders.
- Neku asks the Twisters to meet with his contact Coco Atarashi who explains Tsugumi's situation to them and asks them to use Dive on the Mr. Mew doll to contact her real Soul.
- Shoka Sakurane contacts Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki to tell him about what has happened to his former friend Tsugumi.
Day 6[]
- Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki warns Kaie Ono that he is making his move, and attempts to trap the Twisters under the Shibuya River while he attacks Shiba. When they do not take the bait, he attacks them in his full noise form, but loses and is erased, admitting his plan to them as he goes and giving them Shiba's location.
- Hishima Sakazuki and Kaie Ono both also agree that they oppose Shiba's actions.
- Replay is used for the tenth time.
Day 7[]
- Raimu "Rhyme" Bito contacts Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito to explain that Kaie Ono has invited her to meet him after she hacked into the RNS. At his suggestion, she accepts. Uzuki enters the RG to escort her from the station to meet Kaie, keeping her safe from Plague Noise.
- Shiki Misaki arrives in the city at the request of Coco Atarashi to help repair Mr. Mew. She is escorted to WildKat by Koki Kariya, and the Twisters and later Sho Minamimoto join him to help fight Plague Noise there. Sho suggests that the living Souls of the city could help defeat the Soul Pulvis if Shibuya Syndrome were prevented. Rindo passes this idea to Rhyme and Kaie, who create the idea for Operation: Awakening.
- Once Mr. Mew is repaired, Hishima Sakazuki is able to contact Tsugumi Matsunae's true self, and together they persuade Shiba Miyakaze that he has been tricked by someone he vaguely remembers and that he should help fight the Soul Pulvis rather than attacking the Twisters.
- Operation: Awakening is performed at 104, disabling Shibuya Syndrome. The backlash from the city's living Souls and the actions of Hazuki Mikagi transform the Soul Pulvis into the Phoenix Cantus which the Twisters are able to defeat.
- Exhausted, Shiba Miyakaze decides that he does not want to fight, and permits the Twisters to return to the RG. He offers Shoka Sakurane until the end of the day to decide to be erased or rejoin the Shinjuku Reapers, but Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu intervenes and returns her to the RG instead. Realising that he was used, Shiba and the remaining Shinjuku Reapers return to Shinjuku's empty UG to attempt to rebuild it.
- Replay is used for the eleventh and twelfth times.
- ↑ Week 2, Day 1.
Uzuki: Spring chicken? Been here two years, and I'm a spring chicken?