The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Thunderbolt is the name of both the psych and the pin. This article is about the psych.

Thunderbolt is a negative psych. It is activated by touching an enemy, targeting it. After the enemy is targeted, Neku can either continue to target the same enemy, or target other enemies. A bolt will strike the targets in order. If the player targets fast enough, Neku is able to move and use other pins while the bolts rain down. Regular Thunderbolt pins are categorized under C class.


Neku thunderbolt

All Thunderbolt pins behave the same way, so it is simple to narrow the possible choices to Network Spider and Ovis. Unfortunately, this psych has a programming error that cripples its damage potential. When targeting an enemy multiple times, half the targets, rounded down, will not hit due to the enemy still being under invincibility frames. For example, dumping all ten uses of Network Spider on an enemy will result in a slow five hit combo. Therefore, Thunderbolt is outclassed by psychs with less efficiency but faster attack rate, such as Shockwave. The issue can be avoided only by changing targets between each tap, which will cause the bolt to jump from enemy to enemy without issue. This glitch is remedied for the Solo Remix.

Network Spider (LASS)[]

Despite Thunderbolt's programming error, Network Spider is still a terrifying pin when used with LASS. The added synergy, along with a hefty damage increase, makes this an excellent filler damage pin.

Network Spider vs. Ovis[]

Since the only other Reaper class pins worth inclusion are Raven and Anguis, it is a matter of personal preference whether the player prefers better damage or faster reboot time. Five hits of Network Spider will deal more damage than four hits of Ovis.

Icon # Name Brand Cls Psych Spec Power Eff ATK200 Lasts Boot Reboot Info
Storm Warning074Storm WarningMus Rattus C N Thunderbolt T Attack 89421216 uses07.5Touch an enemy to strike it with lightning. Touch additional enemies while the lightning flashes for a combo.
Link Spider171Link SpiderLapin Angelique C N Thunderbolt T Attack 92421236 uses07Touch an enemy to strike it with lightning. Touch additional enemies while the lightning flashes for a combo.
Web Spider172Web SpiderLapin Angelique C N Thunderbolt T Attack 97421258 uses07Touch an enemy to strike it with lightning. Touch additional enemies while the lightning flashes for a combo.
Network Spider173Network SpiderLapin Angelique C N Thunderbolt T Attack 1014212610 uses07Touch an enemy to strike it with lightning. Touch additional enemies while the lightning flashes for a combo.
Thunderbolt (Pin)Unbranded C N Thunderbolt T Attack 2742955 uses03.5Touch an enemy to strike it with lightning. Touch additional enemies while the lightning flashes for a combo.
Ovis (Pin)Unbranded R N Thunderbolt T Attack 142421448 uses03Touch an enemy to strike it with lightning. Touch additional enemies while the lightning flashes for a combo.