The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
FRItem 290
Number 290
Name The "Tatsumi" Burger
Info The ultimate burger, made with only the finest ingredients. Even the pickiest of foodies will shut up and chow down.
Effects Goes down in 14 bytes.

Consume this to boost your sync rate by roughly 50%.

Once you digest it by fighting battles, your Max HP will increase by 34.

Like/Dislike Levels

NekuIconFR 5 (+100%)

ShikiIconFR 4 (+75%)

JoshuaIconFR 4 (+75%)

BeatIconFR 4 (+75%)

Sold by
  • Burger shop Sunshine Shibukyu — x1 Rare Metal, x1 Red Viper, x3 Sweet, Sweet Onions
  • Burger shop Sunshine Stationside — x3 Rare Metal, x1 Red Viper, x1 Sweet, Sweet Onions
  • Event Reward
  • Another Day — Clear the 7th Floor of Pork City (not repeatable).
  • Comments The name is a reference to MOS Burger's Takumi burger.
