Telewarp is a game mechanic in NEO: The World Ends With You. It is Shoka Sakurane's unique psychic power. In gameplay, the player has to locate telewarping points prompted by yellow arrows before being able to use it to reach areas that are not accessible by freeroaming (e.g. lower areas of Expressway Underpass, top of 104 building, etc.).
Telewarping Points[]
- Storywise, Shoka is a former Player of the Reapers' Game in Shinjuku who chose to become a Reaper after winning. She says that during her time in the UG, she felt powerful with the Psychs and being able to use them. From this it can be presumed that Telewarp has always been available to her from when she was still a Player.
- The cut-in of Shoka using Telewarp may appear more than once apart from its first use, unlike Beat's Soundsurf cut-in that only appears once when using it for the first time.
See also[]
- Replay - Rindo's psych power
- Remind - Fret's psych power
- Dive - Nagi's psych power
- Soundsurf - Beat's psych power