The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Tatsuya Omura (大村タツヤ Omura Tatsuya) is the owner of Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 1F at Shibu-Q Heads.


Tatsuya has dark brown hair and eyes. He wears the standard uniform for Shibu-Q Heads employees: a green button-down shirt with a beige apron.


Tatsuya is a dutiful employee. Although kind, he is initially quite reserved, but he opens up as he gets closer to Neku.


The World Ends with You[]

Tatsuya is present at Shibu-Q Heads 1F whenever it is accessible during the game.


Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 1F


  • Tatsuya's surname Omura means "big, great" (大) (o) and "town, village" (村) (mura).


A shopkeeper's dialogue depends on two factors: the player's actions and the Friendship Gauge.

Entering the Shop[]

  • LOW FSG: "Welcome."
  • MID FSG: "Welcome. Good to see you."
  • MAX FSG: "Hi there. So! What’s it going to be today?"


  • LOW FSG: "……"
  • MID FSG: "If you need help finding anything, just say the word."
  • MAX FSG: "We just got a few popular items back in stock. Take a look!"

Buying an Item[]

  • LOW FSG: "Certainly. Do you need this wrapped?"
  • MID FSG: "Sure thing. Do you need me to wrap this?"
  • MAX FSG: "Sure thing. Can I talk you into anything else?"

Leaving (without buying anything)[]

  • LOW FSG: "……"
  • MID FSG: "Thanks for coming in."
  • MAX FSG: "Thanks, come back again soon!"

Leaving (after buying something)[]

  • LOW FSG: "Thanks for coming in."
  • MID FSG: "Thanks for coming in! See you again soon."
  • MAX FSG: "Thanks again! It’s always fun to see what you pick out."

Unlocking a Thread Item's Ability (Browsing In-Store)[]

  • LOW FSG: "Neat, huh? We just started carrying that."
  • MID FSG: "That one’s got a whole host of hidden features."
  • MAX FSG: "You’re in luck. That one was out of stock for the longest time."

Unlocking a Thread Item's Ability (Upon Entering Shop)[]

  • LOW FSG: "That’s a really nice music player you’ve got."
  • MID FSG: "I’ve been meaning to tell you, you’ve got some really nice stuff."
  • MAX FSG: "I swear, you have the neatest stuff! Where did you get that?"


  • Although Tatsuya's romanized name is similar to Tetsuya Nomura, this character is not based on him.
  • Some Thought Fragments reveal that he was a part of a band with fellow Shibu-Q Heads employees Tadafumi Sato and Shigemori Iwata: Sold out. However, the band seemed to bicker a lot—likely about how their vocalist, Shigemori, was hogging the spotlight—which inevitably led the Tatsuya and Tadafumi leaving the band: Concert and Crisis?.

Characters in The World Ends with You
Neku SakurabaShiki MisakiBeatJoshuaRhymeSota HonjoNao 777BJCoco AtarashiKoki KariyaMegumi KitanijiMitsuki KonishiSho MinamimotoTenhoUzuki YashiroYodai Higashizawa
Aily UenoAkira YoshiiAnna AoiAyu HamaguchiBanzai AyanokojiFumi GotodaFumiko NishimuraHideki KikuchiHikaru KoikeHT MasuokaJun OdajimaKeiichi OkadaKen DoiKyoMakoto MikiMasanori ItoMay KurokawaMie SuzukiMiki KosakaNana MajimaPrincess KRayca HoshiRikako TodaSanae HanekomaShigemi KonnoShigemori IwataShinta IwataTadafumi SatoTak KimuraTatsuya OmuraTsubasaYoji IwataYosh IshinoYumi SheenaYuu Narumi
Other Characters
AiCATEiji OjiEriFutoshiItaru YokoyamadaKen DoiMakoto MikiMinaMr. MewNeku's best friendPin ProfSanae HanekomaShrimpShuto DanTsugumi MatsunaeWizard of SlamVice Wizard of Slam