The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

This is the Pin Acquisition list, which shows which pins can be obtained from where. Alternate pin lists can be found at Pin List (Disambiguation).

All pins that can't be evolved can be grouped together by sorting the Evolved from column.

 IdId (FR)NameBrandSold byDropped byEvent rewardEvolved from
Ice Blow001001Ice BlowD+BGo-go gear, D+B 104: ¥3000
Go-go gear, D+B Molco: ¥3000
Ice Risers002002Ice RisersD+BIce Blow
Frozen Cool003003Frozen CoolD+BGo-go gear, D+B 104: ¥6500
Go-go gear, D+B Molco: ¥6500
Blizzard Cool004004Blizzard CoolD+BFrozen Cool
Sexy D006006Sexy DD+BW1D5
Sexy +007007Sexy +D+BEasterraven EW2D2
Sexy B008008Sexy BD+BSexy +
Straitjacket009009StraitjacketD+BGo-go gear, D+B 104: ¥10000
Go-go gear, D+B Molco: ¥10000
Blown Kiss010010Blown KissD+BAmbiefox N
D+B (Pin)011011D+BD+BGo-go gear, D+B 104: x2 Orichalcum x3 Shadow Matter x1 Dark Matter
Go-go gear, D+B Molco: x2 Orichalcum x3 Shadow Matter x1 Dark Matter
Happy Beam012012Happy BeamNatural PuppyDarling designs, Natural Puppy: ¥3500
Accessory heaven, KuraKura: ¥3500
Natural Magnum013013Natural MagnumNatural PuppyCornix Canor E
Thrash Mink N
Happy Beam
Wonder Magnum014014Wonder MagnumNatural PuppySho Minamimoto (Enemy) E
Wall of Grizzly E
Natural Magnum
Beauty Launcher015015Beauty LauncherNatural PuppyHappy Beam
One Love Magnum016016One Love MagnumNatural PuppyDarling designs, Natural Puppy: ¥7500
Accessory heaven, KuraKura: ¥7500
Hounder Magnum017017Hounder MagnumNatural PuppyTenor Reaper N
Uzuki Yashiro (Enemy) N
Natural Magnum
One Love Magnum
Bear Hug Magnum018018Bear Hug MagnumNatural PuppyBaritone Reaper N
Koki Kariya (Enemy) N
Hounder Magnum
Sparkle Beam019019Sparkle BeamNatural PuppyOne Love Magnum
Lil' Terror Bazooka020020Lil' Terror BazookaNatural PuppyTenor Reaper UHounder Magnum
Angel Magnum021021Angel MagnumNatural PuppyBaritone Reaper UBear Hug Magnum
Cutie Beam022022Cutie BeamNatural PuppyDarling designs, Natural Puppy: ¥3500
Accessory heaven, KuraKura: ¥3500
Lovely Beam023023Lovely BeamNatural PuppyCornix Canor N
J Popguin N
Thrash Mink E
Cutie Beam
Sexy Beam024024Sexy BeamNatural PuppyEurobeat Boomer ELovely Beam
Superfine Beam025025Superfine BeamNatural PuppyElectro Popguin NHLovely Beam
Playmate Beam026026Playmate BeamNatural PuppyW3D4
Purity Launcher027027Purity LauncherNatural PuppySexy Beam
Innocence Beam028028Innocence BeamNatural PuppySuperfine Beam
Pop Pendulum029029Pop PendulumNatural PuppyCarcinosamps N
Casual Pendulum030030Casual PendulumNatural PuppyDefeat Uzuki Yashiro W3D3
Love Me Tether031031Love Me TetherNatural PuppyEmo Corehog EUW1D6, Pig (Cadoi City) (DS only)
Erased (Week 1, Day 4), Shibu Dept. Store (district), Loose button (Remix only);
Pamper Me Tether032032Pamper Me TetherNatural PuppyChaoti Corehog ELove Me Tether
Sweet Talk Tether033033Sweet Talk TetherNatural PuppyMelodi Corehog ELove Me Tether
Natural Puppy (Pin)034034Natural PuppyNatural PuppyBass Reaper H
Frantic035035FranticPavo RealGrindcore Minks N
Blink Step036036Blink StepPavo RealFine jewelers, Pavo Real Stationside: ¥10000
First Gear037037First GearPavo RealPsychedelifox EW2D4, Pig (Molco)Blink Step
Top Gear038038Top GearPavo RealHappycore Bat NBlink Step
Egg Bomb039039Egg BombPavo RealShrew Wave N
Meteor Magnet040040Meteor MagnetPavo RealEmo Corehog NW1D7 after N90
Meteor Hook041041Meteor HookPavo RealMeteor Magnet
Meteor Spike042042Meteor SpikePavo RealMeteor Hook
Strong Heart043043Strong HeartPavo RealEveryday selects, Ie Grand: x5 Rare Metal
Strong Spirit044044Strong SpiritPavo RealBebop Shark E
Strong Body045045Strong BodyPavo RealW2D5
Strong 'n Proud046046Strong 'n ProudPavo RealCarcinopunk EW2D6
Poison Scorpion047047Poison ScorpionPavo RealFine jewelers, Pavo Real Stationside: ¥15000
Poison Skull048048Poison SkullPavo RealEveryday selects, Ie Grand: ¥15000
Fine jewelers, Pavo Real Stationside: ¥15000
Poison Bones049049Poison BonesPavo RealEveryday selects, Ie Grand: ¥15000
Fine jewelers, Pavo Real Stationside: ¥15000
Poison Chains050050Poison ChainsPavo RealFine jewelers, Pavo Real Stationside: ¥15000
Rapier Glance051051Rapier GlancePavo RealPoison Skull
Love Charge052052Love ChargePavo RealAccessory heaven, KuraKura: ¥50000 (Remix only)W1D4, Pig (Scramble Crossing)
Guardian Angel053053Guardian AngelPavo RealCarcinoska E
Archangel054054ArchangelPavo RealW2D7, Pig (Shibukyu Main Store)Guardian Angel
Energy Factor055055Energy FactorPavo RealJelly Germanic N
Speed Factor056056Speed FactorPavo RealEveryday selects, Ie Grand: ¥75000 (Remix Only)W3D5 Pig (Towa Records)
Supply Factor057057Supply FactorPavo RealJelly Swechno E
Chaos058058ChaosPavo RealPoison Scorpion
Pavo Real (Pin)059059Pavo RealPavo RealDeath Metal Mink EH
Lightning Moon060060Lightning MoonMus RattusW1D4
Lightning Storm061061Lightning StormMus RattusFunkfrog NH
Burning Cherry062062Burning CherryMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥5000
Burning Melon063063Burning MelonMus RattusW2D5, Pig (Cat Street)Burning Cherry
Burning Berry064064Burning BerryMus RattusW2D6, Pig (Shibu-Q Heads)Burning Cherry
Aqua Monster065065Aqua MonsterMus RattusOrchefrog N
Aqua Ghost066066Aqua GhostMus RattusChoirfrog N
Aqua Demon067067Aqua DemonMus RattusAqua Ghost
Cornered Rat068068Cornered RatMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: ¥6000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥6000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥6000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥6000
Blast Warning069069Blast WarningMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: ¥7500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥7500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥7500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥7500
Candle Service070070Candle ServiceMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: ¥6500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥6500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥6500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥6500
Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 1F: ¥6500
Shock Warning071071Shock WarningMus RattusShibu-Q Heads
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥5000
Kinetic Warning072072Kinetic WarningMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: ¥8500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥8500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥8500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥8500
Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 2F: ¥8500
Impact Warning073073Impact WarningMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥5000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥5000
Storm Warning074074Storm WarningMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: ¥8500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥8500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥8500
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥8500
Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 3F: ¥8500
Electric Warning075075Electric WarningMus RattusReal life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 2F: ¥12500 (Remix only)Another Day Pig
Teleport Warning076076Teleport WarningMus RattusProgfox N
Shout077077ShoutMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: ¥10000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: ¥10000
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: ¥10000
Soundscape, Cyco Records: ¥10000
Psych Support078078Psych SupportMus RattusW2D5
Stopper Spark079079Stopper SparkMus RattusW3D5 Pig (AMX)
Mus Rattus (Pin)080080Mus RattusMus RattusBasic & Casual, Mus Rattus I: x3 Rare Metal x1 Tektite
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus III: x3 Rare Metal x1 Tektite
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus II: x3 Rare Metal x1 Tektite
Basic & Casual, Mus Rattus IV: x3 Rare Metal x1 Tektite
Masamune081081MasamuneJupiter of the MonkeyLifestyle selects, Edoga the Shop: ¥3500
CD shop, AMX: ¥3500
Urban images, Jupiter of the Monkey: ¥3500
W1D4, after boss
Onikiri082082OnikiriJupiter of the MonkeyUrban images, Jupiter of the Monkey: ¥12500Masamune
Nenekiri083083NenekiriJupiter of the MonkeyElectro Popguin EMasamune
Kanesada084084KanesadaJupiter of the MonkeyUrban images, Jupiter of the Monkey: ¥17000Onikiri
Enju085085EnjuJupiter of the MonkeyBebop Shark N
Fusion Shark E
Yoshimitsu086086YoshimitsuJupiter of the MonkeyBebop Shark UEnju
Ichimonji087087IchimonjiJupiter of the MonkeyJungle Boomer N UW2D2
Nikkari088088NikkariJupiter of the MonkeyW2D5, Pig (West Exit Bus Terminal)Ichimonji
Mikazuki089089MikazukiJupiter of the MonkeyIchimonji
Shiro090090ShiroJupiter of the MonkeySho Minamimoto (Taboo) EN
Unjo091091UnjoJupiter of the MonkeyLifestyle selects, Edoga the Shop: ¥8000
Urban images, Jupiter of the Monkey: ¥8000
Izanagi092092IzanagiJupiter of the MonkeyUnjo
Murasame093093MurasameJupiter of the MonkeyDub Rhino EN
Hard Corehog N
Rakuyo094094RakuyoJupiter of the MonkeyDub Rhino H
House Rhino NH
Kusanagi095095KusanagiJupiter of the MonkeyDub Rhino URakuyo
Ohabari096096OhabariJupiter of the MonkeyUrban images, Jupiter of the Monkey: x3 Murasame x3 Tektite x1 Shadow Matter
Zantetsu097097ZantetsuJupiter of the MonkeyShiro
Mitama098098MitamaJupiter of the MonkeyDoom Metal Drake N
Megumi Kitaniji (Enemy) EN
Ragtime Drake N
Izanami099099IzanamiJupiter of the MonkeyUrban images, Jupiter of the Monkey: ¥12500 (Remix only)W2D2 Pig (Molco)
Onmyo100100OnmyoJupiter of the MonkeyWall of Grizzly N
Konohana101101KonohanaJupiter of the MonkeyAmbiefox E
Konohana Sakuya102102Konohana SakuyaJupiter of the MonkeyW2D3
Jupiter of the Monkey (Pin)103103Jupiter of the MonkeyJupiter of the MonkeyNeoclassical Drake H
Long Live the Rock104104Long Live the RockHip SnakeSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: x5 Rare Metal x3 TektiteTin Pin Another Day (Udagawa Back Streets)
Long Live the Ice105105Long Live the IceHip SnakeSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥5000W2D1
Long Live the Floe106106Long Live the FloeHip SnakeLong Live the Ice
Eyes Full of Hope107107Eyes Full of HopeHip SnakeJelly Madchester NPig Samba: Cadoi City W1D6Remix
Eyes Full of Light108108Eyes Full of LightHip SnakeJelly Neocoustic NEyes Full of Hope
Hot Gaze109109Hot GazeHip SnakeSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥7500W3D1
Sizzling Gaze110110Sizzling GazeHip SnakeHot Gaze
Cold Stare111111Cold StareHip SnakeSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥16500Long Live the Floe
Icy Stare112112Icy StareHip SnakeAnother Day Pig (Pork City 2F)Cold Stare
Wassup Thunder!113113Wassup Thunder!Hip SnakeSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥6000
Wassup Lightning!114114Wassup Lightning!Hip SnakeWassup Thunder!
Wassup Voltage!115115Wassup Voltage!Hip SnakeWassup Lightning!
Indestructo Man116116Indestructo ManHip SnakeSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥50000 (Remix Only)W3D3 Pig (104)
Hip Snake (Pin)117117Hip SnakeHip SnakeAnguis Cantus EN
Draco Cantus E
Octo Squeeze118118Octo SqueezeSheep HeavenlyLifestyle selects, Edoga the Shop: ¥5500
Funky Fashion, Sheep Heavenly: ¥5500
Snail Squeeze119119Snail SqueezeSheep HeavenlyOcto Squeeze
Vacu Squeeze120120Vacu SqueezeSheep HeavenlyOcto Squeeze
Gimme Dat Sheep121121Gimme Dat SheepSheep HeavenlyFusion Shark NSnail Squeeze
Vacu Squeeze
Gimme Dat Elephant122122Gimme Dat ElephantSheep HeavenlyGimme Dat Sheep
Gimme Dat Hippo123123Gimme Dat HippoSheep HeavenlyGimme Dat Sheep
Crackle Pop Barrier124124Crackle Pop BarrierSheep HeavenlyCarcinopunk NW2D3
Splish Splash Barrier125125Splish Splash BarrierSheep HeavenlyCarcinometal ECrackle Pop Barrier
Creepy Weepy Barrier126126Creepy Weepy BarrierSheep HeavenlyTigris Cantus EN
Whirlygig Juggle127127Whirlygig JuggleSheep HeavenlyProgfox H
Healing Bunny128128Healing BunnySheep HeavenlyLifestyle selects, Edoga the Shop: ¥12500
Funky Fashion, Sheep Heavenly: ¥12500
Healing Flamingo129129Healing FlamingoSheep HeavenlyDeath Metal Mink N
Healing Whale130130Healing WhaleSheep HeavenlyHealing Bunny
Croc Leisure131131Croc LeisureSheep HeavenlyLifestyle selects, Edoga the Shop: ¥20000
Funky Fashion, Sheep Heavenly: ¥20000
Monkey Leisure132132Monkey LeisureSheep HeavenlyW3D2, PigCroc Leisure
Bear Leisure133133Bear LeisureSheep HeavenlyLifestyle selects, Edoga the Shop: ¥20000
Funky Fashion, Sheep Heavenly: ¥20000
Croc Leisure
Squirrel Leisure134134Squirrel LeisureSheep HeavenlyBear Leisure
Sparkle Charge135135Sparkle ChargeSheep HeavenlyTin Pin Another Day (Shibukyu Main Store)
W2D6, Pig (Center St. Entrance)
Handsfree Healing136136Handsfree HealingSheep HeavenlyLifestyle selects, Edoga the Shop: ¥24000 (Remix only)W2D2 Pig (Spain Hill)
Sheep Heavenly (Pin)137137Sheep HeavenlySheep HeavenlyFunky Fashion, Sheep Heavenly: ¥150000 (Remix only)Pig Jig All
Distortion138138DistortionTigre PunksSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥8000Tin Pin Another Day (Shibu-Q Heads)
Velocity Attack (Pin)139139Velocity AttackTigre PunksSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥6500
Punk ensembles, Tigre Punks: ¥6500
Velocity Tackle140140Velocity TackleTigre PunksVelocity Attack (Pin)
Demon's Hatred141141Demon's HatredTigre PunksSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥55000 (Remix Only)Pig Polka All
Go 2 Hell142142Go 2 HellTigre PunksAlterna Wolf E
Leo Cantus N
Sho Minamimoto (Enemy) N
Go 2 Heaven143143Go 2 HeavenTigre PunksGo 2 Hell
Lightning Anger144144Lightning AngerTigre PunksPunk ensembles, Tigre Punks: ¥10000
Lightning Rage145145Lightning RageTigre PunksLightning Anger
LIVE!146146LIVE!Tigre PunksSecondhand shop, Cosmic Corner: ¥6500
Punk ensembles, Tigre Punks: ¥6500
W2D6 - Help the Reaper at AMX
Peace Full147147Peace FullTigre Punks2-step Boomer ETin Pin Another Day (104)
Thanx148148ThanxTigre PunksPeace Full
D.I.Y.149149D.I.Y.Tigre PunksPunk ensembles, Tigre Punks: ¥50000 (Remix only)W3D6 Pig (Station Underpass)
Tigre Punks (Pin)150150Tigre PunksTigre PunksPunk ensembles, Tigre Punks: x10 Rare Metal x5 Tektite
One Stone, Many Birds151151One Stone, Many BirdsDragon CoutureImport stylings, Dragon Couture: ¥6000
One Stroke, Vast Wealth152152One Stroke, Vast WealthDragon CoutureMelodi Corehog NTin Pin Another Day (Central St. Entrance)One Stone, Many Birds
One Grain, Infinite Promise153153One Grain, Infinite PromiseDragon CoutureOne Stone, Many Birds
Self Found, Others Lost154154Self Found, Others LostDragon CoutureImport stylings, Dragon Couture: x10 Rare Metal x2 AdamantiteW3D2
Fiery Spirit, Spirited Fire155155Fiery Spirit, Spirited FireDragon CoutureAlterna Wolf NU
Flames Afar, Foes Aflame156156Flames Afar, Foes AflameDragon CoutureDoom Metal Drake E
Ragtime Drake E
Fiery Spirit, Spirited Fire
Final Pyre, All Expired157157Final Pyre, All ExpiredDragon CoutureGrunge Wolf NFiery Spirit, Spirited Fire
Blue Blood Burns Blue158158Blue Blood Burns BlueDragon CoutureFlames Afar, Foes Aflame
Live Slow, Die Fast159159Live Slow, Die FastDragon CoutureCarcinoska NHW2D4
Local Fire, Distant Sea160160Local Fire, Distant SeaDragon CoutureNefastraven ELive Slow, Die Fast
June Hearth, January Fan161161June Hearth, January FanDragon CoutureLive Slow, Die Fast
Swift Storm, Swift End162162Swift Storm, Swift EndDragon CoutureImport stylings, Dragon Couture: ¥6000
Black Sky, White Bolt163163Black Sky, White BoltDragon CoutureJelly Germanic ESwift Storm, Swift End
Follow Suit, Fall in Turn164164Follow Suit, Fall in TurnDragon CoutureBlack Sky, White Bolt
Dragon Couture (Pin)165165Dragon CoutureDragon CoutureDoom Metal Drake H
Pig Rhumba All
Another Day Pig (Pork City 8F)
Lolita Bat166166Lolita BatLapin AngeliqueGrunge Wolf EW3D2, Pig (Dogenzaka)
Skull Rabbit167167Skull RabbitLapin AngeliqueLolita Bat
Kaleidoscope168168KaleidoscopeLapin AngeliqueGothic & lolita, Lapin Angelique: 5x Tektite 1x Orichalcum 3x Shadow Matter
Lolita Emblem169169Lolita EmblemLapin AngeliqueShrew Gazer NW3D6, Pig (Udagawa)
Lolita Chopper170170Lolita ChopperLapin AngeliqueLolita Emblem
Link Spider171171Link SpiderLapin AngeliqueGothic & lolita, Lapin Angelique: ¥8500
Web Spider172172Web SpiderLapin AngeliqueLink Spider
Network Spider173173Network SpiderLapin AngeliqueWeb Spider
Lolita Mic174174Lolita MicLapin AngeliqueGothic & lolita, Lapin Angelique: ¥20000 (Remix only)W3D5 Pig (West Exit Bus Terminal)
Spider's Silk175175Spider's SilkLapin AngeliquePig Tango All
Woolly AOR HU
Leopard176176LeopardLapin AngeliqueDeath Thrash Mink N
Lolita Skull177177Lolita SkullLapin AngeliqueTin Pin Another Day (Statue of Hachiko)Leopard
Black Rose178178Black RoseLapin AngeliqueMinimal Rhino U
Lapin Angelique (Pin)179179Lapin AngeliqueLapin AngeliqueKoki Kariya (Berserk) H
Uzuki Yashiro (Berserk) H
Thunder Pawn180180Thunder PawnPegasoPsychedelifox N
Lightning Pawn181181Lightning PawnPegasoChoirfrog EN09Thunder Pawn
Aqua Pawn182182Aqua PawnPegasoSoutherfrog N
Swing Bishop183183Swing BishopPegasoGlamour selects, Bel Airplane: ¥8500
Pegaso Bishop184184Pegaso BishopPegasoSwing Bishop
King Arthur185185King ArthurPegasoPanthera Cantus EN
Excalibur186186ExcaliburPegasoKing Arthur
Thunder Rook187187Thunder RookPegasoNeoclassical Drake E
Lightning Rook188188Lightning RookPegasoW3D7Thunder Rook
Jack's Knight189189Jack's KnightPegasoLuxury fashions, Pegaso Atelier: ¥9000
King's Knight190190King's KnightPegasoJack's Knight
Queen's Knight191191Queen's KnightPegasoJack's Knight
Her Royal Highness192192Her Royal HighnessPegasoGoth Metal Drake N
Pegaso (Pin)193193PegasoPegasoGoth Metal Drake H
Lazy Bomber194194Lazy BomberWild BoarB-style threads, Wild Boar 104: x5 Tektite x3 Adamantite x2 Orichalcum
B-style threads, Wild Boar: x5 Tektite x3 Adamantite x2 Orichalcum
Flower of Flame195195Flower of FlameWild BoarShrew Gazer EW3D5
Flower of Fire196196Flower of FireWild BoarFlower of Flame
Kewl Line197197Kewl LineWild BoarB-style threads, Wild Boar 104: ¥8000
B-style threads, Wild Boar: ¥8000
Dope Line198198Dope LineWild BoarKewl Line
Wild Line199199Wild LineWild BoarMinimal Rhino N
Trance Rhino E
Kewl Line
Fly Line200200Fly LineWild Boar2-step Boomer N
Fresh Line201201Fresh LineWild BoarFly Line
Microcosmic Pull202202Microcosmic PullWild BoarB-style threads, Wild Boar 104: ¥8000
B-style threads, Wild Boar: ¥8000
Cosmic Pull203203Cosmic PullWild BoarPachy R & R H
Woolly AOR N
Microcosmic Pull
Macrocosmic Pull204204Macrocosmic PullWild BoarCosmic Pull
Diss205205DissWild BoarB-style threads, Wild Boar: ¥50000 (Remix only)W3D3, Pig in 104
Wild Boar (Pin)206206Wild BoarWild BoarReaper Beat E
Trance Rhino N
Big Bang207207Big BangGatitoChinese noodle bar, Ramen Don: ¥25000 (File specific)Uzuki Yashiro (Enemy) U
Big Crunch208208Big CrunchGatitoChinese noodle bar, Ramen Don: ¥25000 (File specific)Koki Kariya (Enemy) U
Swift as the Wind209209Swift as the WindGatitoMusic center, Towa Records: ¥25000 (File Specific)Tigris Cantus U
Hushed as the Wood210210Hushed as the WoodGatitoMusic center, Towa Records: ¥25000 (File Specific)Anguis Cantus U
Fierce as the Flame211211Fierce as the FlameGatitoMusic center, Towa Records: ¥25000 (File Specific)Leo Cantus U
Sho Minamimoto (Enemy) U
Stalwart as the Mount212212Stalwart as the MountGatitoMusic center, Towa Records: ¥25000 (File Specific)Ovis Cantus U
Black Mars213213Black MarsGatitoCafe, WildKat: x1 Scarletite x1 Orichalcum x1 Dark Matter (File Specific)Goth Metal Drake U
Black Jupiter214214Black JupiterGatitoCafe, WildKat: x1 Scarletite x1 Orichalcum x1 Dark Matter (File Specific)Panthera Cantus U
Black Uranus215215Black UranusGatitoCafe, WildKat: x1 Scarletite x1 Orichalcum x1 Dark Matter (File Specific)Megumi Kitaniji (Enemy) U
Black Venus216216Black VenusGatitoCafe, WildKat: x1 Scarletite x1 Orichalcum x1 Dark Matter (File Specific)Draco Cantus U
Black Saturn217217Black SaturnGatitoCafe, WildKat: x1 Scarletite x1 Orichalcum x1 Dark Matter (File Specific)Sho Minamimoto (Taboo) U
Black Mercury218218Black MercuryGatitoCafe, WildKat: x1 Scarletite x1 Orichalcum x1 Dark Matter (File Specific)Fifenfrog U
Righty Cat219219Righty CatGatitoHerbal remedies, Mind & Body Foods: ¥10000 (File Specific)Pteropus Canor U
Brainy Cat220220Brainy CatGatitoHerbal remedies, Mind & Body Foods: ¥10000 (File Specific)Cornix Canor U
Lefty Cat221221Lefty CatGatitoHerbal remedies, Mind & Body Foods: ¥10000 (File Specific)Koki Kariya (Berserk) U
Uzuki Yashiro (Berserk) U
One Jump from Eden222222One Jump from EdenGatitoCafe, WildKat: ¥20000Eden's Door
One Skip from Eden223223One Skip from EdenGatitoOne Jump from Eden
One Hop from Eden224224One Hop from EdenGatitoOne Skip from Eden
One Step from Eden225225One Step from EdenGatitoOne Hop from Eden
Eden's Door226226Eden's DoorGatitoOne Step from Eden
Visionary Blend227227Visionary BlendGatitoCafe, WildKat: x99 1 Yen x99 5 Yen x99 10 Yen
Red Skull228228Red SkullGatitoAvant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x3 Rare Metal x1 10 YenW1D6
Gatito (Pin)229229GatitoGatitoMusic center, Towa Records: ¥150000 (Remix only)Pig Butoh AllAnother Day, Pig (Pork City, Floor 13)
Tin Pin Fire230230Tin Pin FireUnbrandedW2D2
Tin Pin Custom231231Tin Pin CustomUnbrandedW2D2 - After completing the Tin Pin event
W2D3 - Win against Yammer at Stride
Tin Pin Wind232232Tin Pin WindUnbrandedSoundscape, Cyco Records: x1 Tin Pin Custom, x4 Rare MetalW2D6 (Stride)
Tin Pin Blade233233Tin Pin BladeUnbrandedSoundscape, Cyco Records: x1 Tin Pin Wind, x2 TektiteTin Pin Another Day (Central St. Entrance)
Tin Pin Wheel234234Tin Pin WheelUnbrandedW2D4 Stride
Tin Pin Dash235235Tin Pin DashUnbrandedTin Pin Another Day (Dead God's Pad)
Tin Pin Thrift236236Tin Pin ThriftUnbrandedW2D5 - Miyashita Park Underpass
Tin Pin Hellfire237237Tin Pin HellfireUnbrandedW2D5 Stride
Tin Pin Sunscorch238238Tin Pin SunscorchUnbrandedW2D6 (Stride)
Tin Pin Rocker239239Tin Pin RockerUnbrandedTin Pin Another Day (Miyashita Park)
Tin Pin Artist240240Tin Pin ArtistUnbrandedW3D3 (Stride)
Tin Pin Devil241241Tin Pin DevilUnbrandedTin Pin Another Day (Miyashita Park)
Tin Pin Ifrit242242Tin Pin IfritUnbrandedTin Pin Another Day (Shooter at Molco)
Tin Pin Shiva243243Tin Pin ShivaUnbrandedTin Pin Another Day (Concert Stage)
Tin Pin Golem244244Tin Pin GolemUnbrandedTin Pin Another Day (Miyashita Park)
Tin Pin Bahamut245245Tin Pin BahamutUnbrandedAnother Day - Beat Wizard of Slam at Tin Pin at Molco
1 Yen2462461 YenUnbrandedBurger shop, Sunshine Stationside: x2 Rare MetalBigbansprog EEden's Door
1,000 Yen
5 Yen2472475 YenUnbrandedBasic & casual, Mus Rattus III: x2 TektiteOrchesprog ETin Pin Another Day (Miyashita Park)1 Yen
10 Yen24824810 YenUnbrandedBasic & casual, Mus Rattus I: x4 Rare MetalBigbansprog N1 Yen
50 Yen24924950 YenUnbrandedAccessory heaven, KuraKura: x4 TektiteBigbansprog H
Hard Corehog E
J Popguin E
Orchesprog N
5 Yen
100 Yen250250100 YenUnbrandedBigbansprog U
Dissonance Bat E
Dixiefrog EN
Gabba Bat EN
Garage Wolf E
Jungle Boomer E
Mosh Grizzly E
Orchesprog H
10 Yen
500 Yen251251500 YenUnbrandedCarcinofolk E
Carcinosamps E
Decadraven E
Dixiefrog H
Funkfrog E
Gabba Bat E
Gabba Bat HU
Garage Wolf N
House Rhino E
Jelly Madchester E
Metal Corehog EN
Mosh Grizzly N
50 Yen
1,000 Yen2522521,000 YenUnbrandedAlterna Wolf H
Bigbanfrog ENU
Carcinofolk NH
Circle Pit Grizzly E
Death Thrash Mink E
Dissonance Grizzly E
Dixiefrog U
Garage Wolf H
Happycore Bat E
J Popguin H
Jelly Neocoustic E
Jelly Swechno N
Minimal Rhino E
Mosh Grizzly H
Progfox E
Shrew Wave E
Swing Shark E
Tenor Reaper E
100 Yen
5,000 Yen2532535,000 YenUnbrandedCD shop, AMX: x6 Tektite
Music center, Towa Records: x12 Rare Metal
Baritone Reaper E
Bass Reaper E
Carcinosamps H
Circle Pit Grizzly N
Classi Corehog N
Dissonance Rhino E
Garage Wolf U
Grindcore Minks E
Happycore Bat U
Jelly Neocoustic H
Jungle Boomer H
Koki Kariya (Enemy) E
Metal Corehog H
Mosh Grizzly U
Orchefrog H
Ovis Cantus E
Pachy R & R E
Swing Shark N
Uzuki Yashiro (Enemy) E
Vespertilio Canor EN
500 Yen
10,000 Yen25425410,000 YenUnbrandedAvant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x2 Shadow Matter
Avant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x3 Orichalcum
Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 2F: x10 Tektite
Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 3F: x20 Rare Metal
Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 1F: x6 Adamantite
Ambiefox U
Baritone Reaper H
Bass Reaper N
Bebop Shark H
Carcinometal U
Classi Corehog H
Dissonance Mink E
Doom Metal Drake U
Expert Reaper E
Fifenfrog E
Fusion Shark H
Goth Metal Drake E
Koki Kariya (Berserk) E
Mammoth R & B E
Metal Corehog U
Minimal Rhino H
Neoclassical Drake N
Ovis Cantus N
Psychedelifox H
Pteropus Canor EN
Southerfrog E
Swing Shark HU
Tenor Reaper H
Thrash Mink U
Tradishfrog E
Uzuki Yashiro (Berserk) E
Vespertilio Canor U
Woolly AOR E
Tin Pin Another Day (Miyashita Park)5,000 Yen
100,000 Yen901255100,000 YenUnbrandedCoco's Secret Reaper ShopRoom of Reckoning Final Remix
Scarletite255256ScarletiteUnbrandedReal life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 1F - 5x Tektite, 2x Orichalcum, 1x Dark Matter
Rare Metal256257Rare MetalUnbrandedAlterna Wolf H
Bigbanfrog H
Brassbanfrog E
Brit Popguin E
Classi Corehog E
Decadraven N
Dissonance Bat N
Easterraven N
Electro Popguin U
Eurobeat Boomer N
Jelly Madchester H
Nefastraven N
Orchefrog E
Thrash Mink H
Tektite257258TektiteUnbrandedReal life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 2F: x3 Rare MetalBrassbanfrog N
Carcinofolk U
Carcinometal N
Carcinosamps U
Death Thrash Mink H
Decadraven HU
Dissonance Bat H
Easterraven H
Emo Corehog H
Eurobeat Boomer H
Grindcore Minks U
Hard Corehog H
J Popguin U
Melodi Corehog H
Pachy R & R N
Progfox U
W3D1: pig @Station Underpass
W3D1: pig @West Exit Bus Terminal
Adamantite258259AdamantiteUnbrandedBrit Popguin U
Carcinoska U
Choirfrog H
Easterraven U
Funkfrog U
Hard Corehog U
House Rhino U
Jelly Germanic H
Jelly Neocoustic U
Jelly Swechno U
Mammoth R & B N
Melodi Corehog U
Shrew Gazer U
Shrew Wave H
Orichalcum259260OrichalcumUnbrandedReal life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 3F for x3 Adamantite2-step Boomer U
Bass Reaper U
Brassbanfrog HU
Jelly Germanic U
Koki Kariya (Expert Mode) N
Nefastraven U
Pig Samba All
Ragtime Drake H
Tradishfrog U
Uzuki Yashiro (Expert Mode) N
W1D6 (Reaper Review Wall. Only one; replaced with 500 Yen in repeated visits. )
Shadow Matter260261Shadow MatterUnbrandedCarcinopunk U
Chaoti Corehog U
Choirfrog U
Death Metal Mink U
Dissonance Shark N
Eurobeat Boomer U
Grunge Wolf U
Neoclassical Drake U
Trance Rhino U
Wall of Grizzly U
Dark Matter261262Dark MatterUnbrandedReal life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 1F: x10 Shadow MatterDissonance Tapir N
Draco Cantus H
Panthera Cantus H
Reaper Beat U
Sho Minamimoto (Taboo) H
Rhyme (Pin)262263RhymeUnbrandedAvant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x1 Shadow MatterW3D7, after Tigris Cantus
Lucky Star263264Lucky StarUnbrandedAvant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x1 Dark Matter x2 50 YenTin Pin Another Day (Towa Records with Rhyme in the group)
W1D3 Cough Drops Sidequest
Lady Luck264265Lady LuckUnbrandedAvant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x2 Dark Matter x2 50 YenAnother Day - Beat Prince at Tin Pin in A-East.
Lucky Panda265266Lucky PandaUnbrandedAvant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x3 Dark Matter x2 50 YenAnother Day - Beat Futoshi at Tin Pin at West Exit Bus Terminal
Pyrokinesis (Pin)266267PyrokinesisUnbrandedAnother Day Final Time Attack
Shockwave (Pin)267268ShockwaveUnbrandedAnother Day Final Time Attack
Cure Drink (Pin)268269Cure DrinkUnbrandedAnother Day Final Time Attack
Force Rounds (Pin)269270Force RoundsUnbrandedAnother Day
Psychokinesis (Pin)270271PsychokinesisUnbrandedAnother Day Final Time Attack
Thunderbolt (Pin)271272ThunderboltUnbrandedAnother Day Final Time Attack
The Eyes Have It272273The Eyes Have ItUnbrandedUzuki Yashiro (Enemy) H
I Live for Food273274I Live for FoodUnbrandedReaper Beat NHW2D3, Imprint "Yellow" on Ken Doi
Walk on, Walk off274275Walk on, Walk offUnbrandedKoki Kariya (Enemy) H
Me Time is Free Time275276Me Time is Free TimeUnbrandedMegumi Kitaniji (Enemy) H
Fuji Yama276277Fuji YamaUnbrandedLifestyle selects, Edoga the Shop: x1 Orichalcum
Daruma277278DarumaUnbrandedCD shop, AMX: x1 Orichalcum
Sushi278279SushiUnbrandedMusic center, Towa Records: x1 Orichalcum
Shinobi279280ShinobiUnbrandedB-style threads, Wild Boar 104: x1 Orichalcum
Tigris (Pin)280281TigrisUnbrandedTigris Cantus H
Corehog (Pin)281282CorehogUnbrandedClassi Corehog U
Jelly (Pin)282283JellyUnbrandedJelly Madchester U
Jelly Swechno H
Shark (Pin)283284SharkUnbrandedFusion Shark U
Leo (Pin)284285LeoUnbrandedLeo Cantus H
Sho Minamimoto (Enemy) H
Ovis (Pin)285286OvisUnbrandedOvis Cantus H
Cornix (Pin)286287CornixUnbrandedCornix Canor H
Popguin (Pin)287288PopguinUnbrandedBrit Popguin NH
Pteropus (Pin)288289PteropusUnbrandedPteropus Canor H
Vespertilio Canor H
Mink (Pin)289290MinkUnbrandedDeath Thrash Mink U
Grindcore Minks H
Boomer (Pin)290291BoomerUnbranded2-step Boomer H
Sprog (Pin)291292SprogUnbrandedFifenfrog N
Orchesprog U
Southerfrog H
Tradishfrog N
Fox (Pin)292293FoxUnbrandedAmbiefox H
Psychedelifox U
Bat (Pin)293294BatUnbrandedHappycore Bat H
Rhino (Pin)294295RhinoUnbrandedTrance Rhino H
Shrew (Pin)295296ShrewUnbrandedShrew Gazer H
Woolly (Pin)296297WoollyUnbrandedMammoth R & B HU
Pachy R & R U
Raven (Pin)297298RavenUnbrandedNefastraven H
Drake (Pin)298299DrakeUnbrandedRagtime Drake U
Anguis (Pin)299300AnguisUnbrandedAnguis Cantus H
Draco Cantus N
Pig (Pin)300301PigUnbrandedCafe, WildKat: ¥500000 (Remix only)Pig Mazurka AllAnother Day, Pig (Pork City, Floor 13)
Carcin (Pin)301302CarcinUnbrandedCarcinometal H
Grizzly (Pin)302303GrizzlyUnbrandedCircle Pit Grizzly HU
Wall of Grizzly H
Wolf (Pin)303304WolfUnbrandedGrunge Wolf H
Frog (Pin)304305FrogUnbrandedFifenfrog H
Southerfrog U
Tradishfrog H
Green Dragon306Green DragonUnbrandedA New Day
Vinyl Record307Vinyl RecordUnbrandedMusic center, Towa Records: x1 Tektite x10 Morganite
Downhill Buffalo308Downhill BuffaloUnbrandedPunk ensembles, Tigre Punks: x1 Tektite x2 Morganite x5 Taaffeite
Hermit Crab Feather309Hermit Crab FeatherUnbrandedBasic & casual, Mus Rattus IV: x5 Rare Metal x3 5,000 Yen
Great Physical Power310Great Physical PowerUnbrandedGo-go gear, D+B 104: x1 Tektite x5 Morganite x5 10,000 Yen
Dove Actually311Dove ActuallyUnbrandedMusic center, Towa Records: x3 1,000 Yen x3 Rubellite x2 Morganite
Zipzap Zipper312Zipzap ZipperUnbrandedGlamour selects, Bel Airplane: x10 Rubellite x7 Taaffeite
Unfortune Teller313Unfortune TellerUnbrandedBasic & casual, Mus Rattus III: x6 Rare Metal x10 1,000 Yen
Brain Beam314Brain BeamUnbrandedImport stylings, Dragon Couture: x3 Tektite x3 Rare Metal
WITCHCRAFT315WITCHCRAFTUnbrandedKoki Kariya (Expert Mode) HU
Uzuki Yashiro (Expert Mode) HU
METTAZASHI316METTAZASHIUnbrandedDissonance Shark HU
KATON NO JUTSU317KATON NO JUTSUUnbrandedDissonance Tapir HU
Rakshasa the Tyrant318Rakshasa the TyrantUnbrandedB-style threads, Wild Boar: x5 Tektite x5 Rubellite
PRW-02SR319PRW-02SRUnbrandedFunky fashion, Sheeply Heavenly: x3 Rubellite x2 Morganite x1 Taaffeite
Papillon Rouge320Papillon RougeUnbrandedAccessory heaven, KuraKura: x2 Rare Metal x5 100 Yen x3 1,000 Yen
Rubellite321RubelliteUnbrandedDissonance Bat U
Dissonance Grizzly NHU
Koki Kariya (Expert Mode) E
Uzuki Yashiro (Expert Mode) E
Morganite322MorganiteUnbrandedDissonance Mink N
Dissonance Rhino NHU
Dissonance Shark E
Taaffeite323TaaffeiteUnbrandedDissonance Mink HU
Dissonance Tapir E
Expert Reaper NHU