The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Sync Rate is one of the characters stats. It is shown in-game in Neku's partner side of the screen, but it is really a shared stat (like their Max HP) between the two characters in a pact. It affects, and is affected by, both characters.

What Sync Rate Affects[]

Sync Rate affects how long the Light Puck can last before it disappears when no one passes the Puck, and, more importantly, how long you can hold the puck before your multiplier starts draining away. With a 0% sync rate, you must pass the puck virtually instantaneously just to get past a X2 multiplier, but with an increased Sync Rate, you have much more time to pass the puck, and when you do, the multiplier increase is almost always better.

In the Remix versions, Sync Rate is what decides whether the player can invoke a Fusion, and what level the Fusion is when invoked. 100% permits basic Fusions, 200% level 2, and 300% level 3 Fusions. Maximum Sync Rate in these games is no longer capped at 100% during battle, but instead the maximum value is equal to 100% times the number of (S) Fusion Boost stickers the have been obtained for the current partner. Sync is still capped at 100% outside of battle though.

What Affects Sync Rate[]

Battle Performance[]

Sync Rate drops after a battle based on how much damage your characters take during the battle. Wearing Threads of a popular brand in that area of Shibuya will alleviate the effect. Sync Rate will also drop if Neku runs away from battles often; If Neku runs away with a 3-bar battery gauge, no percentage of Sync is lost. This is basically a warning. If Neku runs away with a 2-bar gauge, Neku's partner will get upset and their Sync Rate will drop by 20%. If Neku then runs away with a 1-bar, his partner will be furious (except for Joshua, who gives Neku the silent treatment and makes Neku mad at him), then he and partner's Sync Rate will drop by 40%. The Phone battery gauge increases if Neku can win each battle/Reduction.


Food items affect sync in two ways:

  • Always boosted temporarily when any food is initially consumed. The amount listed for each item is subject to change based on each character's likes and dislikes of the specific food:
    • Loves it: 2x
    • Likes it: 1.5x
    • Okay with it: 1x
    • Dislikes it: 0.75x
    • Hates it: 0.5x
  • Boosted after digestion of certain foods. This secondary Sync Rate gain is not affected by character's personal likes and dislikes.

The foods that result in secondary increase of the Sync Rate are the following (NOTE: all foods granting sync boost upon digestion provide 100% bonus upon digestion in Remix versions):

Food Price (¥) Bytes (DS) Bytes (Remix) Digestion Sync Boost (DS)
Cola 210 2 5 10
OJ 210 3 5 20
Minestrone 420 4 4 30
Bouillabaisse 580 5 3 40
Insta-noodles Quest (x1 100 Yen) 6 5 50
Sync Bar 20,000

Quest (x3 Tektite, x9 50 Yen)

1 1 100

Notably, all sync boosting food goes down in 6 bytes or less, allowing them to be eaten when heavier stat-boosting foods are unavailable due to daily restrictions. In the DS versions, these items are often very useful for restoring lost sync, as most provide better boosts than other foods of less than 6 bytes on top of a guaranteed digestion bonus that isn't affected by character preferences.

In the Remix versions, methods of boosting sync in battle make it less likely for players to use sync boosting foods. Likely to mitigate their redundancy, most sync boosting food items had their effect changed to grant 100% sync when digested, and many had their byte requirements adjusted as well. Further, character preferences for all such food items were set to neutral, meaning that none of them offer more or less boost than amount listed. Even with this though, unless a player plans on ending a battle with a Fusion and times it so that the food is digested simultaneously, there are few opportunities to utilize these foods.

Remix Battles[]

In both Remix versions, sync rate increases in battle with each successful partner attack by a small amount, and increases more whenever a Cross Combo is performed by either character. Certain threads can boost these amounts, and other threads can provide a fixed percentage boost to sync at the start of battle. This makes it far easier to obtain a retain a high sync in the Remix versions compared to the DS versions.

Using a fusion in the Remix versions however reduces sync to 0% no matter the fusion level used or the amount of sync attained prior. This means that ending a battle with a fusion, a common strategy in the DS versions since Fusion Stars weren't retained after the battle, now has the consequence of leaving a character with no sync at all. This can be mitigated with certain foods as stated above, but otherwise presents a difficulty. In contrast though, the new system allows all characters to start with a level 1 fusion regardless of their clothing.

After a battle, the ending Sync Rate and the players' performance in battle act to determine how much sync the players keep between battles, which is capped at 100%. Ending a battle with more than 100% sync will not advantage the player to how much they retain between battles.
