The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Subconscious is an Angel Exclusive psych that automatically recovers HP under certain conditions. Some pins automatically recover HP (Blown Kiss, Archangel, Visionary Blend), while others just use any HP recovery pins Neku is wearing. Among those that restore HP, Visionary Blend is unique in that it heals status effects and also reloads (though the reload is painstakingly slow).

Icon # Name Brand Cls Psych Spec Power Eff ATK200 Lasts Boot Reboot Info
Blown Kiss010Blown KissD+B N Subconscious A Recovery 702 uses0---Automatically restores HP when they are half depleted.
Guardian Angel053Guardian AngelPavo Real N Subconscious A 5 uses00.3Automatically uses any HP recovery pins Neku is wearing to heal whenever HP are half depleted.
Archangel054ArchangelPavo Real N Subconscious A Recovery 701 use0---Automatically restores HP when they are low.
Handsfree Healing136Handsfree HealingSheep Heavenly N Subconscious A 4 uses00.3Automatically uses any HP recovery pins Neku is wearing to heal whenever HP are low.
Visionary Blend227Visionary BlendGatito N Subconscious A Recovery 1001 use090Automatically restores all HP when they are low, and cures negative statuses when necessary.