The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
FRItem 320
Number 320
Name Soft Serve Swirl
Info Vanilla, dark chocolate and milk chocolate harmonize in a perfectly sinful symphony of creamy goodness.
Effects Goes down in 5 bytes.

Consume this to boost your sync rate by roughly 10%.

Once you digest it by fighting battles, your Bravery will increase by 2.

Like/Dislike Levels

NekuIconFR 3 (+10%)

ShikiIconFR 5 (+20%)

JoshuaIconFR 2 (+7.5%)

BeatIconFR 2 (+7.5%)

Sold by
  • Burger shop Sunshine Shibukyu¥320
  • Burger shop Sunshine Stationside¥320
  • Event Reward
  • A New Day — Clear the wall between Trail of the Sinner and Rubicon (Final Remix only).
  • Comments