The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Speech Bubble - Exclamation Question SR Spoiler warning: Plot and/or character details follow.

SHI • BU • YA is a day in NEO: The World Ends with You.


Returning to the start of the day, Rindo decides to attempt to convince Shiba Miyakaze to help fight Tanzo Kubo's Noise instead of fighting him. After talking with several of the Reapers and learning about his background, he is able to convience Shiba to postpone their fight, but with the Noise strengthened by the additional use of Replay they cannot destroy it even with Shiba's help. When all seems lost, Tanzo Kubo is apparently instantly erased and Rindo awakens in a flash in a restored Scramble Crossing, but with all of his friends gone.


Replaying to the start of the day, Rindo tells others that Tanzo Kubo is the Executor and the true source of the Dissonance, and is just using Shiba Miyakaze. Neku is immediately concerned that Rindo may have reversed time again. Rindo suggests attempting to convince Shiba that Kubo is the real enemy, but after returning to talking to him at the Scramble Crossing, he is unconvinced and only more determined to fight. Rindo Replays to avoid fighting a second time and revisits the events of the day, asking for help against Kubo.

Kaie Ono says that he suspected Kubo as he attempts to study Souls and he could not study Kubo's; this would be explained by him being from a higher plane. He says that he probably could not persuade Shiba, but Hishima Sakazuki used to be Shiba's best friend and could get through to him. Rindo decides to return and talk to Hishima, but notes that he talked to Hishima before Kaie before, so replaying will cause him not to have this conversation with Kaie. Kaie states that what has happened will be stored, somewhere.

Hishima Sakazuki also suspected Kubo, but could never get convincing evidence. He states that he is no longer friends with Shiba and they haven't been friends for years. In desperation, Rindo replays to earlier random events to find out what has happened.

He asks Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito who his message was from, and he states it's from his little sister, Raimu "Rhyme" Bito. Neku asks if she is in the UG again and Beat replies that she is in the RG but is using "hacker s**t" to message him in the UG. Fret is surprised to learn this, but Beat states he doesn't want to involve her.

Uzuki Yashiro and Koki Kariya react with surprise to being told about Kubo, and that Kubo is responsible for Rindo's ability to Replay. They suggest talking to Hishima and Kaie, and when Rindo says he has already tried that, Uzuki phones Hishima and rants at him about loyalty to his old friend - which confuses Hishima, since the conversation with Uzuki is happening before the one with Hishima did, but tells him to listen to the Twisters when they arrive. Coco Atarashi doesn't think that Shiba can be convinced of anything, but still refuses to say anything or be of any help.

Returning to talk to Hishima Sakazuki, Hishima is immediately bothered by how much Rindo seems to know. He explains that Shiba was his friend until he gained new powers several years ago, around the time Shoka Sakurane joined the Reapers (which is why she never knew of Hishima being Shiba's friend). Hishima tried to keep watch on Shiba from the background, but Shiba changed so much that Hishima could only stop caring. He agrees to talk with Shiba at the Crossing.

Returning to the Scramble Crossing, the Twisters and Hishima talk to Shiba and Hishima tells him that since he gained his powers, Kubo has been flattering and manipulating him to the point where Shiba believes that he is the Executor. They are finally able to make him agree to postpone the fight until Tanzo Kubo is dealt with, and then fight for Shibuya as he originally planned.

Tanzo Kubo arrives and reacts with surprise that the fight hasn't started yet, but says he appreciated Shiba's obedience, and says that having used Replay again has sealed the city's fate further. The Dissonance and Noise are created by temporal distortion; by the energy from the loss of all of the previous events that no longer happen when an event in the past in changed. Kubo counts down to the release of the noise, and forces the Twisters to fight the Soul Pulvis.

Defeating the Pulvis does not affect the main mass of the noise, and Shiba Miyakaze finds the noise too powerful for him to erase. The waves of Noise erase Hishima, Shiba, and then the Wicked Twisters one by one, including Beat and Neku. Shoka breaks down in tears as she is erased, and says she had hoped "we could play together in person". Confused, Rindo asks how she knew about FanGO, and she reveals that she is Swallow but was unable to respond to him after she left the Reapers as her account was locked. Kubo destroys Rindo's Player Pin and announces that he will now be erased with Shibuya when Kubo is abruptly struck by a huge bolt of energy from above, apparently being instantly erased and screaming in agony in the process.

In a blinding flash, Rindo appears in a normal-looking Shibuya. Confused as to what has happened, he looks around, but sees no sign of Tosai "Fret" Furesawa.



The Soul Pulvis is the only scripted noise encounter on this day.

Secret Reports[]

Days in NEO: The World Ends with You
Prologue Prologue
Week 1 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 2 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 3 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 77 Part 27 Part 3
Extra Another Day