The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Speech Bubble - Exclamation Question SR Spoiler warning: Plot and/or character details follow.

The Realground, or RG, is the plane of existence that can be seen by living beings. The RG is the plane that exists just below the Underground (UG), which allows people in the UG to see people in the RG but not the other way around. To get to the RG from another plane, a being must change their frequency to match the plane. Modulator decals, which are on some shops, force the beings to manifest in the RG. The barrier between RG and UG can be eroded by entities such as Plague Noise, which culminates in an Inversion when the barrier fully dissolves.

Reapers, Angels, and the Composer can change their frequency to move between the planes. Reapers lose their wings and powers if they do so but the Composer can still use some of his powers which was evident in Sho Minamimoto's attempt to kill Joshua. Living beings are mostly the only people on the RG.

Even though the people of the RG cannot see those in the UG, they are still influenced by Players, Reapers, and the like. Players can imprint on people in the RG to make them think certain thoughts, or influence them via specific abilities such as Remind. Brands become popular if Players wear them into battle. It is unknown if this applies to Reapers. People in the RG can only see people from the UG in marked shops.

Noise (mostly Negative Noise, but also variants such as Plague Noise) have the ability to possess people in the RG, suffusing them with feelings of negativity and devouring their Soul. Left alone, Noise can potentially devour all of their victim's Soul and Imagination, leaving an empty husk without drive or will.
