The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Pegaso is the name of both the Brand and the pin. This article is about the Brand.

Pegaso is one of the 13 brands in The World Ends with You. It represents the horse in the Chinese Zodiac and is named after Pegasus[1]. A high class brand, their main store in Shibuya is located in the expensive Shibu Department Store managed by Akira Yoshii, selling dresses, suits, watches, and handbags at very high prices. The Pegaso shop attendants work on commission[2]. Thought Fragments mention that the main store of Pegaso is located in Milan, Italy.[3]

Most of Pegaso's pins follow a chess motif and are capable of lightning elemental-based attacks, with the exception of the projectile and psychokinesis pins. With the exception of Pegaso's psychokinesis pins, its attack pins are entirely negative. To reflect their origins of coming from a high class brand, many of their designs adopt gradients of blues, blacks and whites to present a royal feel, while its compositions make use of minimalist art for a modern touch.

In NEO: The World Ends with You, Pegaso had been replaced by its counterpart, Il Cavallo Del Re.

References to the Chinese Zodiac[]

  • In the Jade Emperor origin iterations of the Chinese Zodiac, legend tells that the tianma, the treasured and pampered winged steed of the Jade Emperor, and mythical progenitor of horses, capable of flight, swimming, and traversing the land, had its wings cut off and sentenced to centuries of imprisonment due to its wish to carouse in the underwater palace of the Dragon King and had killed its guardian, the Holy Turtle. Upon being found by the ancestor of all humanity, Ren Zu, the dewinged tianma promised to reform into a dedicated, hard working beast, whether it be in the fields, in civilization, in the service of royalty, or in warfare, and was given penance for its services to humanity by the Jade Emperor as an animal in the Zodiac.
  • The zodiac describes horse signs as energetic, social, fashionable, independent, and always moving ahead, which is seen through its luxury high class clothing lines and its pin growth charts requiring either shut down or battle BP. Within East Asian cultures, being able to ride on a horse's back was considered a luxury reserved for nobility and royalty, from generals and the cultural elite to those of the royal and imperial family, as doing so meant to stand out in class from the populace. With its many royalty based pins, heavenly lighting attacks, the brand alliterating the Mediterranean Pegasus, and its clothes line that of access to both the hard working and the luxurious, further adds to its alliteration that Horse signs are of strong but high tastes.
  • While the history of the modern day business suit entails that its origins were founded in 18th Century Great Britain, the dynamic history of the late half of the 20th Century saw that Italian styled suits were the best and top class form of business suit, beloved for its streamlined tailor made form that fit more naturally, light comfortable materials, and a clean slim cut that helps present a more graceful sleek look. Ever since the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Italy was considered the one of the leading nations in European fashion for its traditional value of looking good, and into the 1980s, this would no doubt explode into the international scene with designers such as Versace, Gucchi, Giorgio Armani, and Dulce & Gabbana, and even to influential trendsetters like the wealthy and affluent Paninari youth of Milan; much like how "Made in Japan" is beloved for electronics and video games, "Made in Italy" is just as synonymous within the realm of fashion for high class tailor made and enduring couture.
  • Regarding its chess theme, chess is hence known throughout the ages as the "Game of Kings", beloved by nobility and the commoner to teach strategy, tactics, and wisdom, and as a fun game to help pass the time. Within the realm of kingly affairs, the best of kings were not just powerful nor influential, but wise, tactful, patient, and insightful, able to keep check on the events and occurrences within their realm to pass good judgement, even in the heat of war and the gravest times. Into the modern day, CEOs of corporations and politicians despite change of title, are still of that of the ruling class no different than those of days old, and though the landscape has changed, the need for sharp minds in the treacherous and razor sharp pinnacles of the upper class remains constant as ever. Within Japan, the game of Shogi is the nation's equivalent; notable is that of the use of kanji for horse to mark game boxes, as presented backwards, it comes to read as dancing horses, an auspicious symbol of good luck.
  • Regarding its compatibility, though Tigre Punks is all about the rebellious and underground, it is of no doubt that even for rock n' roll that the adage of "Good and new clothes always helps"; many famous bands and stars of rock with nice suited attire for their image include Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, David Bowie, Prince, Freddy Mercury of Queen, and They Might Be Giants, and even UK punk includes torn formal wear to help accentuate their renegade look. For Natural Puppy, its clean and more casual light to dark alterations help accentuate Pegaso's formal image with a new age feel, helping loosen its stiffer aspects and become more welcoming and modern on the eyes.

Featured Pins[]

Pegaso pins appear late-maingame and postgame. The following three pins are all excellent considerations:

  • Excalibur is the best standalone Lightning Bolt pin.
  • Lightning Rook is the best Lightning Arrester pin, and is one of the strongest filler damage pins in the game. What makes it even better is that it is possible to include two Lightning Rooks in the same deck.
  • Her Royal Highness increases uses and limits by 30%, thus allowing extended life to powerful pins with few uses. See Turbo for details.

Featured Threads[]

While most Pegaso threads have high-level abilities, due to their over-the-top prices, the value-to-price cost is much lower than other brands. In early game, it is recommended not to pursue these items.

  • Lavender Lotus is one of only two threads with Puck Power 3, which increases the starting puck multiplier by 1.5X. However, it is almost impractical to obtain in the maingame, costing a minimum ¥242700 to obtain one Lavender Lotus plus its ability.
  • Classic Half-boots provides one of the highest DEF boosts that usual threads can provide, and remains useful even postgame.

Pegaso Pins[]

Icon # Name Cls Psych Spec Power Info
Thunder Pawn180Thunder PawnA N Spark Core C Attack 81Draw a circle in empty space to create an electric charge that zigzags around the screen. Inflicts damage on contact.
Lightning Pawn181Lightning PawnA N Spark Core C Attack 98Draw a circle in empty space to create an electric charge that flies toward the nearest enemy. Inflicts damage on contact.
Aqua Pawn182Aqua PawnB N Splash Core T Attack 98Touch empty space to create a stationary orb of water. Orbs inflict damage on contact and then rebound.
Swing Bishop183Swing BishopA N Patrol Rounds S Attack 91Slash across Neku to fire a penetrating boomerang in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact.
Pegaso Bishop184Pegaso BishopA N Patrol Rounds S Attack 92Slash across Neku to fire a two-way penetrating boomerang in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact.
King Arthur185King ArthurA N Lightning Bolt S Attack 140Slash empty space to send a bolt of lightning along that line. Inflicts damage on contact. Keep slashing to create multiple bolts.
Excalibur186ExcaliburA N Lightning Bolt S Attack 170Slash empty space to send a bolt of lightning along that line. Inflicts damage on contact. Keep slashing to create multiple bolts.
Thunder Rook187Thunder RookB N Lightning Arrester T Attack 92Touch empty space and Neku will fire lightning in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact.
Lightning Rook188Lightning RookB N Lightning Arrester T Attack 104Touch empty space and Neku will fire lightning in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact.
Jack's Knight189Jack's KnightC 0 Psychokinesis S Attack 98Slash across obstacles like cars and signs to fling them in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact.
King's Knight190King's KnightC 0 Psychokinesis S Attack 102Slash across obstacles like cars and signs to fling them in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact.
Queen's Knight191Queen's KnightC 0 Psychokinesis S Attack 99Slash across enemies or obstacles like cars and signs to fling them in that direction. (Some enemies cannot be thrown.)
Her Royal Highness192Her Royal HighnessN A Turbo Gauge+ Greatly reduces the rate at which pin gauges are depleted.
Pegaso193Pegaso (Pin)A A Resonance: PG Increases the Attack of any Pegaso pins Neku is wearing.

Pegaso Evolution Chart


Pegaso Threads[]

Icon # Name Slot HP ATK DEF BRV Ability Acquisition
FRItem 117 117 Cocktail Queen Top &
+95 +10 +8 135 Abipsyche HP +35 Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
Glamour selects Bel Airplane
FRItem 118 118 Regal Presence Top &
+68 +7 +11 50 Abipsyche SOS Power Up II Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
FRItem 119 119 Tweed Gentleman Top &
+150 +8 +8 50 Abipsyche Joshua: ATK +3 Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
FRItem 120 120 Lavender Lotus Top &
+105 +6 +6 130 Abipsyche Puck Power III DS
Abipsyche CC Boost III Remix
Glamour selects Bel Airplane
FRItem 121 121 Classic Half-boots Footwear +20 --- +20 30 Abipsyche Joshua: HP +40 Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
Glamour selects Bel Airplane
FRItem 122 122 Crimson Stilettos Footwear +20 --- +17 90 Abipsyche Hold that Puck III DS
Abipsyche Loose CCs III Remix
Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
Glamour selects Bel Airplane
FRItem 123 123 Silver Baron Accessory +75 +14 +14 55 Abipsyche All-around Upgrade III Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
Glamour selects Bel Airplane
FRItem 124 124 Liberty Duke Accessory +113 +16 +16 60 Abipsyche All-around Upgrade III Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
Glamour selects Bel Airplane
FRItem 125 125 Royal Splendor Accessory +188 +17 +17 50 Abipsyche Resist All Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
FRItem 126 126 Revolution Accessory +225 +4 +4 40 Abipsyche EXP Boost III Luxury fashions Pegaso Atelier
Glamour selects Bel Airplane
FRItem 127 127 Sparkling Flight Accessory +95 +14 +7 53 Abipsyche All-around Upgrade II Glamour selects Bel Airplane
FRItem 128 128 Darling Lock Accessory +75 +6 +11 60 Abipsyche Regeneration IV Glamour selects Bel Airplane


  1. Nylon thought fragment: I love how Pegaso bags weigh almost nothing. It's as if they have wings! It's little wonder they named the brand after Pegasus.
  2. Pegaso thought fragment: Pegaso shop attendants are amazing! One look at a customer and they know exactly if they're there to buy, or just window shopping. You have to know these things when you work on commission.
  3. Milan thought fragment: I'm going to Milan this year to hit the original Pegaso store. I'm going to buy everything in stock! The shop staff will never know what hit them.

Brands in The World Ends with You
D+BNatural PuppyPavo RealMus RattusJupiter of the MonkeyHip SnakeSheep HeavenlyTigre PunksDragon CoutureLapin AngeliquePegasoWild BoarGatitoUnbranded

Brands in The World Ends with You -Live Remix-
Maiden InnocenceMithril Scale
Brands in NEO: The World Ends with You
Top o' TopoJoli bécotTigre PunksCony×ConyRyuGugaragaraIl Cavallo Del ReShepherd HouseJupiter of the MonkeyMonocrowNatural PuppyHog FangGatto NeroCroaky PanicBlack Honey Chili CookieUnbranded
