The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

"A Noise of elephantine proportions. Even psychokinesis can't lift these mammoths!"
— Noise description.

The Pachy R & R is a form of Woolly Noise in The World Ends with You and NEO: The World Ends with You.

The World Ends with You[]


  • Stomp to My Beat: Pachy R & R will frequently stomp to create shockwaves on the ground. Every time this shockwave moves, it shakes the ground, stunning Neku and his partner regardless if they are hit by it.
  • Trunk Slam: Whenever Neku or his partner attacks Pachy R & R too repetitively, it will swing its trunk, knocking Neku or his partner back and inflicting large amounts of damage.
  • Amassed Body: Pachy R & R, with its large body mass, has an impressive amount of health than normal Noise. This also makes it impervious to being lifted by Psychokinesis.

NEO: The World Ends with You[]
