The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Speech Bubble - Exclamation Question SR Spoiler warning: Plot and/or character details follow.

noisrevni is a day in NEO: The World Ends with You.


The Twisters solve several riddles around the city, finding the Support Reapers are unnaturally helpful to them, and learn that the Shinjuku Reapers were admitted by Uzuki Yashiro and have taken over Shibuya by force since then, and that all of them were sent to the UG by the Pins they recieved in the RG, which transport anyone capable of a psychic power to the UG alive.


The Twisters are met by Koki Kariya who mentions that Uzuki Yashiro "chewed him out" based on something the Twisters told her about him. He is unable to confirm anything about the Twisters not being dead, but admits that he suspects the Shinjuku Reapers, who were offered a new home by the Shibuya Reapers after Shinjuku was destroyed by an Inversion during their Game. Uzuki Yashiro, who was Game Master at the time, accepted them, but since then they have been aggressive to any Reaper who would not accept their behaviour.

The twisters travel through Shibuya to O-East, meeting several Support Reapers on the way, many of whom mention that they have been paid or asked to "go easy" on the Twisters. At O-East, Rindo comments to Fret that he has decided he will proceed with teaming up with Kanon Tachibana after his discussion with Swallow. Beat also mentions that he was given his Player Pin at school, and it transpires that all of the Twisters obtained Player Pins in the RG shortly before coming to the UG.

A Support Reaper locks Rindo in a darkened building and tells him that he must use his phone to give clues to the other Twisters on solving puzzles around Shibuya, in the course of which Kaie Ono sends them an app to allow them to share their phone camera views, again being surprisingly helpful. The Twisters are also sent the answer to one of the riddles. When the target appears, the Twisters briefly meet Tanzo Kubo and Beat asks him about the Pins. He says he doesn't know why player pins would be given to the living, but notes that the pins would send anyone capable of a psychic power into the UG alive, thus increasing the number of strong players in the Game, and that Shiba Miyakaze is "not a normal Reaper" and could send them back.

After the target is erased, Shoka Sakurane meets with the Twisters and expresses concern about them befriending the Shibuya Reapers. The score again has the Ruinbringers in first place. In the afterpiece, Ayano Kamachi confronts Shoka about her use of "ill-gotten intelligence".



Secret Reports[]

Days in NEO: The World Ends with You
Prologue Prologue
Week 1 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 2 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 3 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 77 Part 27 Part 3
Extra Another Day