The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Mus Rattus is the name of both the Brand and the pin. This article is about the Brand.

Mus Rattus is one of the 13 original brands in The World Ends with You. On the Chinese Zodiac, it represents the rat: Mus rattus was the scientific name proposed by Carl Linnaeus for the black rat, now called Rattus rattus.

Their Threads feature simple looks and color, all available at a low price while their Pins are cute drawings in bright colors with silver borders. Its Psych powers mostly consist of attack pins under the elements of fire, water, and lightning including a few support and mobility. Mus Rattus stores are also the most prevalent, having four different stores all over Shibuya.

In NEO: The World Ends with You, Mus Rattus has been replaced by its feminine style counterpart, Top o' Topo.

Featured Pins[]

Mus Rattus pins tend to be mediocre in damage but with the ability to hit multiple times. The brand has a few highlight pins.

Featured Threads[]

Despite Mus Rattus being the value brand, it is one of the most essential brands in the main game if the player isn't grinding BRV. Several Mus Rattus threads are excellent on both Neku and his partner.

  • Brown Baby Tee (W1D3) and Nylon Waist Pack (W1D4) provide -1 combo panel to a partner, which is used to pass the puck more quickly.
  • Peach Turtleneck (W1D3) and Green Warm-ups (W1D6) have Faster Puck 1, which reduces the puck passing time by 15%. Green Warm-ups in particular is a uniform, thus freeing up the all-important tops slot.

Mus Rattus Pins[]

Icon # Name Cls Psych Spec Power Info
Lightning Moon060Lightning MoonA N Spark Core C Attack 32Draw a circle in empty space to create an electric charge that revolves around Neku. Inflicts damage on contact.
Lightning Storm061Lightning StormA N Spark Core C Attack 61Draw a circle in empty space to create an electric charge that moves around the screen. Inflicts damage on contact.
Burning Cherry062Burning CherryA N Flame Core S Attack 40Slash across Neku to launch a flame orb in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact. Orbs rebound off walls and enemies.
Burning Melon063Burning MelonA N Flame Core S Attack 51Slash across Neku to launch a large flame orb in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact. Orbs rebound off walls and enemies.
Burning Berry064Burning BerryA N Flame Core S Attack 65Slash across Neku to launch a small flame orb in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact. Orbs rebound off walls and enemies.
Aqua Monster065Aqua MonsterB N Splash Core T Attack 71Touch empty space to create a stationary orb of water. Orbs inflict damage on contact and then rebound.
Aqua Ghost066Aqua GhostB N Splash Core T Attack 98Touch empty space to create a large, stationary orb of water. Orbs inflict damage on contact and then rebound a short distance.
Aqua Demon067Aqua DemonB N Splash Core T Attack 120Touch empty space to create a small, stationary orb of water. Orbs inflict damage on contact and then rebound a good distance.
Cornered Rat068Cornered RatB N Holy Light D Attack 51Keep the stylus trained on an enemy to focus light upon them. Inflicts continuous damage and sometimes Attack Break.
Blast Warning069Blast WarningA N Pyrokinesis D Attack 74Drag across empty space to create a path of flame. Inflicts damage on contact.
Candle Service070Candle ServiceA N Explosion P Attack 62Press empty space to spray a wide radius with sparks. Inflicts damage on contact.
Shock Warning071Shock WarningA P Shockwave S Attack 36Slash an enemy any distance away and Neku will move in for a horizontal swipe. Keep slashing for a finisher that knocks the enemy back.
Kinetic Warning072Kinetic WarningC 0 Psychokinesis S Attack 80Slash across obstacles like cars and signs to fling them in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact.
Impact Warning073Impact WarningB N Apport T Attack 40Touch empty space to drop a boulder on that position. Inflicts damage on contact. Rapidly tap to rain more stones down.
Storm Warning074Storm WarningC N Thunderbolt T Attack 89Touch an enemy to strike it with lightning. Touch additional enemies while the lightning flashes for a combo.
Electric Warning075Electric WarningB N Lightning Arrester T Attack 130Touch empty space and Neku will launch two bolts of lightning in that direction. Inflicts damage on contact.
Teleport Warning076Teleport WarningC Invisibility D Drag Neku into a dash and he will vanish, rendering himself impervious to enemy attack.
Shout077ShoutA N Street Jam M Attack 134Shout into the microphone to create a shock wave. Inflicts continuous damage on all enemies as well as Defense Break. (Some enemies may be immune.)
Psych Support078Psych SupportA A Supply Boost+ Adds extra uses to pins with a limited number of uses (those with numbers displayed next to them in battle).
Stopper Spark079Stopper SparkA A Doomed Mobility+ Always Immobilizes enemies at the start of battle. (Some enemies may be immune.)
Mus Rattus080Mus Rattus (Pin)A A Resonance: MR Increases the Attack of any Mus Rattus pins Neku is wearing.

Mus Rattus Evolution Chart

Mus Rattus.graph

Mus Rattus Threads[]

Icon # Name Slot HP ATK DEF BRV Ability Acquisition
FRItem 001 001 M Cap Headwear +2 +2 --- 5 Abipsyche Combo Branch +1 TWEWY
Abipsyche Lasting Fusion I Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 1F
FRItem 002 002 Yellow Tee Top +3 +1 --- 15 Abipsyche No Obstacles Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 1F
FRItem 003 003 Mowzy Tee (Red) Top +5 +1 --- 20 Abipsyche Slower Puck I TWEWY
Abipsyche CC Slower Sync I Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 1F
FRItem 004 004 Mint Polo Top +6 +1 --- 10 Abipsyche Hold that Puck I TWEWY
Abipsyche Loose CCs I Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 2F
FRItem 005 005 Runner's Tank Top +2 +1 --- 5 Abipsyche More Defense Breaks I Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 2F
FRItem 006 006 Mowzy Sweatshirt Top +5 +2 --- 20 Abipsyche Shiki: Nag-free Escape Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 2F
FRItem 007 007 Brown Baby Tee Top +5 +1 --- 30 Abipsyche Combo Panel -1 TWEWY
Abipsyche Sync Charge III Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 3F
FRItem 008 008 Pink Blouse Top +8 +1 --- 60 Abipsyche More HP Drains I Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 3F
FRItem 009 009 Peach Turtleneck Top +3 +1 --- 10 Abipsyche Faster Puck TWEWY
Abipsyche CC Faster Sync Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
Real life solutions Shibu-Q Heads 3F
FRItem 010 010 Classic Jeans Bottom +9 --- +2 10 Abipsyche More Attack Breaks I Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
FRItem 011 011 Khaki Chinos Bottom +5 --- +2 5 Abipsyche Show Combo Map Longer TWEWY
Abipsyche Lasting Fusion III Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
FRItem 012 012 Green Warm-ups Top &
+5 +1 +1 23 Abipsyche Faster Puck I TWEWY
Abipsyche CC Faster Sync I Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
FRItem 013 013 Beach Sandals Footwear --- --- +1 10 Abipsyche More HP Drains I Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
FRItem 014 014 3-for-1 Sock Pak Accessory --- --- +1 20 Abipsyche Defense Break Finisher Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
FRItem 015 015 Mowzy Accessory +9 +1 +1 25 Abipsyche HIT Keeper I Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
FRItem 016 016 Backpack Accessory +3 +1 +1 10 Abipsyche HP Drain Finisher Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III
FRItem 017 017 Canvas Tote Accessory +2 +1 +1 25 Abipsyche Shiki: Ground Combo C TWEWY
Abipsyche Shiki: Lasting Fusion III Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus II
Basic & casual Mus Rattus IV
FRItem 018 018 Nylon Waist Pack Accessory +2 +1 +1 10 Abipsyche Combo Panel -1 TWEWY
Abipsyche Sync Charge III Remix
Basic & casual Mus Rattus I
Basic & casual Mus Rattus III

References to the Chinese Zodiac[]

  • Rat signs in the Chinese Zodiac are considered to be smart, practical, creative, charming, and adaptable. This is most significant in Mus Rattus's service as an economically accessible all purpose clothing brand, and their mascot, Mowzy, to help facilitate amiable outreach and a warm welcome to the general public.
  • Concerning the rat's qualities, rodents are thought of as little as small, plentiful animals in the wild, and as pests should they decide to inhabit the same space as humans; however, their cunning and ability to exist in nearly any space in the world brings reminiscence to the adaptability and resourcefulness of humans in nearly any situation and habitat, and their cute, small nature is often juxtaposed against larger creatures and human establishment, evoking the maxims of mind over matter, to never underestimate the common, and tenacity brought about through rough odds. Likewise, they are representative of the aspect of Wisdom in the Chinese Zodiac, be it from those in the loftiest of abodes to the grit and dirt of the city streets.

Brands in The World Ends with You
D+BNatural PuppyPavo RealMus RattusJupiter of the MonkeyHip SnakeSheep HeavenlyTigre PunksDragon CoutureLapin AngeliquePegasoWild BoarGatitoUnbranded

Brands in The World Ends with You -Live Remix-
Maiden InnocenceMithril Scale
Brands in NEO: The World Ends with You
Top o' TopoJoli bécotTigre PunksCony×ConyRyuGugaragaraIl Cavallo Del ReShepherd HouseJupiter of the MonkeyMonocrowNatural PuppyHog FangGatto NeroCroaky PanicBlack Honey Chili CookieUnbranded
