Exclusive to The World Ends With You: Final Remix, mission battles are fights in which certain gimmicks, referred to as missions or combat challenges, are present. These fights are caused or are related to dissonance, as they are exclusively from Dissonance Reaper challenges and most battles taking place during A New Day.
There are five different kinds of missions, with each one serving to either benefit or detriment the player during the fights. Any number of missions may be in effect at the same time.
Restore Missions replenish the player's HP when Noise are erased. Erased Noise will leave behind "healing sparks" that will automatically target Neku. Each spark restores roughly 3-4% of Neku's maximum HP. The amount of sparks an erased Noise drops depends on the Noise species. The sparks cannot be avoided, hence the inevitable influx of health makes it impossible to consistently remain in mortal peril for SOS setups to take their full effect.
- See related Book: (B) Restore Mission
Curse Missions deplete the player's HP over the course of a battle. The curse deals unavoidable damage, about 1% of Neku's maximum HP, every second. The curse itself can kill Neku if his HP is low enough.
- See related Book: (B) Curse Mission
Split Missions cause all Noise on the field to duplicate intermittently. The duplicates spawn with full HP and no status effects, regardless of the parent Noise's condition when splitting; the parent Noise is completely unaffected during the splitting process.
Once spawned in, duplicates are treated and act as any other Noise and thus can even multiply itself provided enough time passes. As such, they can drop pins and grant EXP and PP, making Split Missions very desirable for grinding.
- See related Book: (B) Split Mission
Sync Rave[]
Sync Rave Missions expediate the sync rate charge. This allows Neku and his partner to activate many Fusions very quickly.
- See related Book: (B) Sync Rave Mission
Ravenball Missions have a large, damaging orb that bounces on the edges of the screen. The ball will change in size as it lands successful hits on Neku, with each hit dealing a third of his current HP. The ravenball itself cannot kill Neku. Additionally, Neku can avoid taking damage from the ravenball with invincibility, including Neku's Dash, Aqua Barrier, and Holy Field just to name a few.
- See related Book: (B) Ravenball Mission