The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
AnimeTemplate "It's like... it's the same place, but only we are in a different world."
The information below contains information exclusive to The World Ends with You The Animation and may be non-canonical to the original game.

"Joshua" is the seventh episode in The World Ends with You: The Animation.


Neku pretends to be asleep as he listens to Joshua on the phone with Hanekoma. He wonders if Hanekoma knows Joshua killed Neku, and if so, why. Joshua tells Neku they have to work together as partners, but Neku accuses him of playing only for himself. Their phones receive a mission to defeat the bosses of 2.2360679's 0 and 5 within 60 minutes. Neku is attacked by powerful Noise but is rescued by Joshua. Joshua explains 2.2360679 is the square root of 5, and only Route 5 is open. It runs through Center Street, AMX, Tipsy Tose Hall, Tokyu Hands, and Udagawa. Neku concludes the Noise that attacked him at the Scramble Crossing is the first boss, and counts that the second boss is at Udagawa. Running through Tipsy Tose Hall, they witness Nao get erased. Sota grabs onto Neku's hand, begging him and Joshua to come back to life and Neku's entry fee, Shiki. Neku mourns Sota and Nao, while Joshua is apathetic. Joshua summarizes it into Neku interacting with others and finding a new self.

At Tokyu Hands, Neku and Joshua back up Uzuki and Kariya struggling to fight off Taboo Noise. Uzuki reprimands them for saving her and flies off. Kariya tells Neku that the Game Master isn't playing by the rules, and they need to watch out. At Udagawa, Joshua and Neku defeat a powerful Wall of Grizzly and complete the mission. Sho Minamimoto flies down and taunts them, saying that on Day 7 he'll solve the calculation he screwed up "that day".

On the last day, before Joshua can pull out his phone to see the mission, Neku catches and grabs tightly onto his wrist. He asks Joshua to promise him to tell everything once they win the Game. The mission tells them to defeat the Game Master at Mark City. Joshua calls it a good hiding spot, saying all the Noise in Shibuya collects there, crashing into Mark City and shooting up into the sky before flowing back down, always building up. A wall blocks the elevators, so Neku and Joshua take the stairs. At the top of the staircase, Beat warns them. Neku looks up and sees Spider Noise, but its so dark they can't see. The lights come on, and Beat runs down the staircase . At the the very top, Uzuki turns on the emergency lights. Kariya asks if Beat can be any more awkward, and Uzuki asks if his special op is to pretend to pick fights and protect Neku and Joshua from Noise and the Reapers. The space begins opening, and Joshua says it might be the Imaginary Number Plane, a plane an infiniteismal distance parallel to the Noise plane. Joshua and Neku are chased by Beat to the top, and Neku stops to return Rhyme's pendant. He flies away.

At the very top of Pork City, Minamimoto is confused why they found him, but says they saved him the trip for a little "re-enactment". Minamimoto returns some of Neku's memories, making it seem like that after Joshua shot, Minamimoto appeared from behind and killed him. He shatters them into the Imaginary Number Plane, where Joshua notices Taboo Noise flowing into Minamimoto. He realizes Minamimoto used the Noise collecting at Mark City to manufacture Taboo Noise. He transforms into Leo Cantus. Minamimoto explodes into a flare. Joshua pushes Neku off the roof. Neku wonders

Neku mourning Joshua

Neku mourning Joshua.

Neku wakes up to see Megumi Kitaniji, clapping and congratulating Neku for collaborating with them. He says he sent the mission to erase Minamimoto. Kitaniji says Joshua was erased along with Minamimoto. Neku starts crying over the misdirected blame, but Kitaniji says that he shouldn't grieve over Joshua's rulebreaking. Since Neku could be considered aiding and abetting in Joshua crimes, he could be erased, but Kitaniji lets him play one more time with his entry fee of Shiki carried over and a new entry fee, but with the penalty of disqualification from any further game. Neku wakes up in the Scramble Crossing and looks at the 7 Days counter at the Q-Front.

Characters (English, Japanese)[]


Differences from the Game[]

  • In the game, Neku and Joshua are given the option of helping a red hoodie Reaper. They don't do this in the anime. They are also given the choice of helping Sota and Nao, and Kariya and Uzuki.
  • In the anime, Sota lies on the ground after Nao is erased, while in the game, he stands up and does not cry. In the anime, he also grabs Neku's wrist before fading away.
  • In the game, Neku chooses to save Uzuki and Kariya from a Taboo Noise attack out of vindication, saying "they'll hate it". In the anime, he chooses to because he doesn't want to watch someone die.
  • In the anime, Pork City is renamed Mark City, its real-life name.
  • In the anime, walls block Neku and Joshua, forcing them to walk up the stairs into an Noise ambush. In the game, they take the elevators up and are given objectives by Reapers, who didn't know about the mission mail.
  • Beat, Uzuki and Kariya are at Minamimoto's headquarters in the anime.
  • Neku and Joshua are ambushed by several Noise resembling spiders on their way through Mark City. This is an enemy type that wasn't present in the original game, with Neku and Joshua instead battling other common Noise in the trials given by the Reapers.
  • In the anime, Minamimoto's headquarters is turned into an "imaginary number plane". In the game, it was originally written as a Final Fantasy reference[1] and most likely reinterpreted in The Animation to being a TV series, not a video game.
  • In the anime, Neku gives Beat Rhyme's pendant at before the battle with Minamimoto. In the game, he gave it to him on Day 5.
  • In the game, Minamimoto summons a load of Taboo Noise to attack Neku and Joshua, before joining them and subsequently transforming back and forth into his Noise form. In the anime, Minamimoto transports Neku and Joshua into an alternate zone and absorbs the Taboo Nose to transform into his Noise form.
  • In the anime, Neku and Joshua defeat Minamimoto by gathering floating platforms together into an large, meteor-like ball and crush him with it. This is similar to one of their Fusion attacks in the game, where they drop the moon on enemies.
  • In the anime, Minamimoto doesn't shout the digits of pi before launching his level i flare.



  1. In the Final Fantasy series, also made by The World Ends with You's developers Square Enix, some attacks have levels in their name, and can only affect enemies whose levels are divisible by those numbers. i is the square root of -1, which is the square root of 1. Therefore, Minamimoto's level i flare would affect every enemy with both real and imaginary levels.

The Animation episodes
The Reapers' GameShikiErasedReapersCATTurf (Episode)Joshua (Episode)Emergency CallRhyme and BeatThe Countless Wrongs of Our DayThe Hour of ReckoningIt's a Wonderful World