The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Speech Bubble - Exclamation Question SR Spoiler warning: Plot and/or character details follow.

"I killed her. I stole her future... ya know? Rhyme wasn't a loser like me. She had dreams. Things ahead of her. If I... If I hadn't run outta the house... Hadn't fought with my folks... If I'd pushed her outta the way a second sooner..."
— Beat to Neku

Indelible Guilt is a day in The World Ends with You. For its equivalent in The Animation, see Rhyme and Beat.


  • Beat reveals his and Rhyme's death, her lack of memory, and
  • Kariya gifts Beat Rhyme's pin, but it turns out to be a fake.
  • Uzuki and Kariya berserk from their O-Pins.
  • Sho Minamimoto is revived by the Taboo Refinery Sigil.


Neku and Beat wake up at Miyashita Park Underpass, a strange place to start. Beat is acting off, but then prepares to fight Kariya. He warns Neku that Kariya is a powerful Harrier and heads off to Towa Records, but are blocked by a wall. Beat got a keypin from Kariya the day before, but only finds a box with a star symbol on it and a button on top. When it's pressed, a voice says "WRONG! Layout reset." They get mail that says the key is in the box. Neku finds a piece of paper with a star symbol on it, and erases the correct noise to open the box and get a Lvl. 1 Keypin. It can't open the way to Towa Records, but can open to Miyashita Park. At Miyashita Park, they find a box with a moon. It opens to a box with a sun symbol on it. When solved, the box gives the Lvl. 3 Keypin Kariya gifted Neku and Beat the day before.
Park underpass flowers

The flowers left for Beat and Rhyme.

Neku leaves for Towa Records, but realizes Beat is crying at the flowers. Beat reveals that Miyashita Park Underpass was where he died with Rhyme - he ran out of the house one morning after fighting with his parents, and Rhyme came after him as always. An out-of-control car was coming for her, and Beat tried to push her out of the way, killing them both. Beat blames himself for killing her, but Neku disagrees and says Rhyme didn't hold it against him. Beat says she didn't remember anything about Beat, treating him as a stranger. Neku guesses her entry fee was her memories of Beat, and Beat says that even if he becomes Composer and brings her back her memories might be gone for good due to losing the Game. Beat says he'll still try to bring her back, as it's the least he can do for her.
Bito car crash

Beat recounts his and Rhyme's death.

At Towa Records, Neku and Beat can't find Kariya. They try scanning, but can't see any thoughts. Beat thinks everyone's a Reaper, but Neku notices its their Red Skull pins blocking the signal. He theorizes they work as Player Pins for people in the Realground, blocking their thoughts from being scanned. Beat says the fact that the Red Skull is designed by CAT and its similarity to the Player Pin can't be coincidental, but can't deduce anything further. Kariya appears, and they fight him. After they beat him, Uzuki berates Kariya for his laziness and joins in on the battle, promising him a bowl of ramen.
After Neku and Beat win, Kariya awards them with the Rhyme pin. Beat celebrates, but realizes it's a fake. Kariya gets frustrated about Konishi giving him a fake, and then apologizes by giving them a Lvl. 4 Keypin, saying "the UG needs you two to have this". Uzuki apologizes and they all part ways. Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Kariya tries to convince Uzuki to give up on her promotion. She says being mistreated by the officers makes her more determined to change field Reaper working conditions, and Kariya wryly encourages her. Uzuki curses her O-Pin, and Kariya tells her its a dud toy. Uzuki asks why he let two fugitives worthy of an Emergency Call have a keypin, and Kariya interrupts her to ask if she feels "it" - Shibuya homogenizing. Uzuki says she noticed the usual cacophony of thoughts has quieted down, and Kariya says it's because they're focusing on a single point. He's not sure if its an omen, but hopes the point isn't the end. They suddenly start moaning in pain, from the power of their O-Pins berserking them.
Meanwhile, at Udagawa Back Streets, Sho Minamimoto is revived, wearing nothing but his jeans and his ripped jacket, skin covered in Taboo markings. He remarks it took longer than he thought and his body needs some time to be "Zetta used to".
Indelible guilt closed


Talk to Beat, and try to exit to Towa Records to be introduced to Kariya's box puzzle. It's complex, and the way to solve it is by erasing any grayed out, outlined Noise on the paper. For more specific instructions:
  1. For the first star box, erase the upper left and lower right Noise. Talk to Beat to push the button, which gives a Lvl. 1 Keypin. Go to Miyashita Park for the next box.
  2. For the moon box, erase all of the bear Noise in Miyashita Park.
  3. For the sun box, erase the middle Noise in the Underpass, and the middle two Noise in Miyashita Park.

After solving the sun box, move to Towa Records. Beat will be lost in thought. Talk to him, then proceed to Towa Records. Scan, and Kariya will attack. After defeating Kariya, Uzuki will appear and double-team Neku and Beat. Keep an eye on their projectiles and defeat them to end the chapter.

For the Secret Reports, the Gakuran is found between the sun and moon papers after opening the wall to Towa Records.


No. Pic. Noise Location
Noise 5
Orchefrog Miyashita Park (Negative Noise)
Noise 11
Orchesprog Miyashita Park (Negative Noise)
Noise 21
Death Thrash Mink Miyashita Park Underpass (Negative Noise), Miyashita Park (Negative Noise), Towa Records
Noise 24
Shrew Wave Miyashita Park (Negative Noise)
Noise 28
Brit Popguin Miyashita Park Underpass (Negative Noise), Miyashita Park (Negative Noise), Towa Records
Noise 31
Jelly Neocoustic Towa Records
Noise 32
Jelly Germanic Jelly Neocoustic (Spawn)
Noise 35
Melodi Corehog Miyashita Park (Negative Noise)
Noise 40
2-step Boomer Miyashita Park (Negative Noise)
Noise 50
Minimal Rhino Miyashita Park (Negative Noise), Towa Records
Noise 55
Carcinometal Towa Records
Noise 62
Bebop Shark Towa Records
Noise 81
Uzuki Yashiro (Enemy) Towa Records (Boss)
Noise 83
Koki Kariya (Enemy) Towa Records (Boss)


Main Story Reward
Event First Playthrough Reward
Defeat Koki Kariya (S) ATK Boost Beat

10,000 Yen

10,000 Yen
Defeat Koki Kariya and Uzuki Yashiro (S) DEF Boost Beat

Playmate Beam

Playmate Beam
Extra Rewards
Event Reward
Examine the extra '!!!' at the Miyashita Park Underpass after hearing about Beat's past Secret Box
Secret Box
Initial Subsequent
Gakuran 500 Yen

Secret Reports[]

  • Collect the report for Beat, Day 3.
  • Collect the report for Joshua, Day 7.
  • Get the gakuran. (An extra "!!!")


  • The flowers in memory of Beat and Rhyme are accompanied with two drinks. One of them, the Cola, is one of Beat's favorite drinks. It could be inferred that the glass of milk was Rhyme's favorite beverage.
  • This is one of only 3 days in the main story not to feature any Pig Noise, and the only one to do so that isn't the first day of it's respective week.

Days in The World Ends with You
Week 1 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 2 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 3 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Extra Another DayA New Day