The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Il Cavallo Del Re

Il Cavallo Del Re, stylized as IL CAVALLO DEL RE, is a brand in NEO: The World Ends with You. It has a store at the Tokyu Plaza run by Wataru Koketsu.

It is the most expensive brand in NEO, with Black Honey Chili Cookie coming in second.

On the Chinese Zodiac, the brand represents the horse. The name is Italian for "the King's horse". Every Il Cavallo Del Re thread has an Italian name. The brand takes the role of Pegaso from The World Ends with You, being an expensive high-class brand with Italian and equine motifs.


Icon # Name Command Power Affinity Max Psych Beatdrop Limit Reboot Growth Evolution Value Extra Uber Obtained from
NEO Pin 126 ThunderandLightning 126 Thunder and Lightning (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 225 (265) Electric 3 Psychic Storm Electrowave 12 uses 9.6 sec Fast No ¥820 (¥1,150) N/A No W1D4 Scramble Crossing - Story Progress
Brave & Ambitious Takeshita Street - ¥10,000
NEO Pin 127 CaughtintheUndertow 127 Caught in the Undertow (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 338 (398) Water 4 Psychic Storm Piledriver 12 uses 9.6 sec Fast No ¥1,290 (¥2,070) Take Five No Normal Pachy R & R (30%)
Il Cavallo Del Re Tokyu Plaza - ¥10,000
NEO Pin 128 LettheRainFallDown 128 Let the Rain Fall Down (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 1,050 (1,130) Water 5 Psychic Storm Piledriver 12 uses 12 sec Normal NEO Pin 129 TasteofPoisonParadise
PinMutationMinamimoto Lv5
¥3,290 (¥5,930) Take Five No Easy Tradishfrog (2%)
Hard Plague Batrakos (1.34%)
NEO Pin 129 TasteofPoisonParadise 129 Taste of Poison Paradise (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 1,193 (1,233) Poison 3 Psychic Storm Toxicity 10 uses 12 sec Normal No ¥3,750 (¥5,250) N/A No Evolves from Let the Rain Fall Down with Minamimoto
NEO Pin 130 DiamondsintheSky 130 Diamonds in the Sky (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 435 (515) Kinesis 5 Psychic Storm Hammer Slammer 10 uses 6 sec Normal No ¥1,450 (¥2,610) N/A No Normal Easterraven (10%)
NEO Pin 131 AllComesCrashingDown 131 All Comes Crashing Down (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 855 (995) Kinesis 8 Psychic Storm Hammer Slammer 10 uses 6.6 sec Slow No ¥2,540 (¥6,110) N/A No Normal Phasaurus Rex (12%)
NEO Pin 132 WhereIBreakFree 132 Where I Break Free (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 613 (693) None 5 Circuit Breaker Metalbound 12 uses 6 sec Fast No ¥2,030 (¥3,650) N/A No Easy Hardtechnoleon (6%)
NEO Pin 133 WhataWickedGame 133 What a Wicked Game (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 785 (825) Electric 3 Circuit Breaker Electrowave 14 uses 9.6 sec Normal No ¥4,000 (¥5,600) N/A No Il Cavallo Del Re Tokyu Plaza - ¥100,000
NEO Pin 134 BornofStormySkies 134 Born of Stormy Skies (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 1,205 (1,245) Electric 3 Circuit Breaker Electrowave 14 uses 14.4 sec Normal No ¥3,050 (¥4,270) N/A Yes Normal Plague Jelly (2%)
NEO Pin 135 LightninginMyHands 135 Lightning in My Hands (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 1,305 (1,345) Electric 3 Circuit Breaker Electrowave 14 uses 14.4 sec Normal No ¥- N/A Yes W3D7'' Scramble Crossing - Story Progress
NEO Pin 136 IntheStarsTonight 136 In the Stars Tonight (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 896 (936) Light 3 Circuit Breaker Quintuplet 12 uses 12 sec Normal No ¥12,000 (¥16,800) HP Vampire No Il Cavallo Del Re Tokyu Plaza - ¥1,200,000
NEO Pin 137 BlindedbytheLight 137 Blinded by the Light (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 1,193 (1,273) Light 5 Circuit Breaker Quintuplet 12 uses 14.4 sec Normal No ¥33,300 (¥59,940) HP Vampire II Yes Il Cavallo Del Re Tokyu Plaza - ¥3,330,000
NEO Pin 138 InMyMisery 138 In My Misery (◻/Y) Rapid-tap 1,370 (1,450) Darkness 5 Circuit Breaker Stunstrike 9 uses 14.4 sec Slow No ¥3,150 (¥5,670) Killing Blow Yes Normal Maximizaurus Rex (4%)
NEO Pin 139 WhatCanNeverBe 139 What Can Never Be (L1/L) Charge 546 (606) None 4 Psychic Shotgun Point Blank 2 uses 7.2 sec Fast No ¥1,940 (¥3,110) N/A No W2D2 Tokyu Plaza - Story Progress
Il Cavallo Del Re Tokyu Plaza - ¥20,000
NEO Pin 140 LettheStormRageOn 140 Let the Storm Rage On (L1/L) Charge 1,205 (1,245) Electric 3 Psychic Shotgun Electrowave 2 uses 15.8 sec Normal No ¥4,010 (¥5,610) N/A Yes W3D4 Udagawa Backstreets - Story Progress
Normal Jelly Germanic (1%)
NEO Pin 141 StayGold 141 Stay Gold (L1/L) Charge 1,139 (1,219) Light 5 Psychic Shotgun Point Blank 2 uses 15.8 sec Very Slow No ¥4,080 (¥7,340) HP Vampire Yes Normal & Hard Shiba (3%)
NEO Pin 142 StayBeautiful 142 Stay Beautiful (R1/R) Charge 1.458 (1,498) Darkness 3 Psychic Shotgun Point Blank 1 use 14.4 sec Normal No ¥4,640 (¥6,500) Killing Blow Yes Normal & Hard Shiba α (0.7%)
NEO Pin 143 StuckintheMiddle 143 Stuck in the Middle (L1/L) Charge 925 (1,105) Gravity 10 Psychic Shotgun Point Blank 2 uses 11 sec Slow No ¥2,730 (¥7,635) N/A Yes W2D7 Cat Street - Story Progress
Brave & Ambitious Takeshita Street - ¥30,000
TOKYU HAND 1F Tipsy Tose Hall - ¥30,000
NEO Pin 144 TimeinaBottle 144 Time in a Bottle (L2/ZL) Hold 1,325 (1,365) Time 3 Psychic Shotgun Triplet 3 times 9.9 sec Normal No ¥4,170 (¥5,840) Auto-Combo Yes Ultimate Soul Pulvis (0.16%)


Icon # Name Threads Slot HP Bonus ATK Bonus DEF Bonus Style Ability
NEO Thread 120 120 Compagno Headwear 0 17 58 133 Brand Ambassador: IL
NEO Thread 121 121 Galassia Headwear 0 15 50 150 Stepmother Lode
NEO Thread 122 122 Bellezza suprema Headwear 0 15 120 31 Steely Resolve
NEO Thread 123 123 Onore Topwear 45 0 82 148 Resonance: IL
NEO Thread 124 124 Tradizione Topwear 65 0 135 114 Rindo: DEF Boost III
NEO Thread 125 125 Rispetto Bottomwear 48 0 70 89 Stunned Foes II
NEO Thread 126 126 Innovazione Bottomwear 100 0 120 100 Frozen Foes III
NEO Thread 127 127 Inimitabile Full Body 110 0 110 66 Jinxed Strength II
NEO Thread 128 128 Notte romantica Full Body 210 0 210 210 Cure Boost IV
NEO Thread 129 129 Futuro Footwear 0 37 50 156 Shady Synergy
NEO Thread 130 130 Infinito Footwear 0 35 55 156 Shocking Synergy
NEO Thread 131 131 Denaro e potere Accessory 0 46 28 37 Rapid Reboot
NEO Thread 132 132 Pigliatutto Accessory 0 0 80 65 Perpetual Pain II
NEO Thread 133 133 Fiore di cristallo Accessory 85 0 0 200 Shoka: Jackpot
NEO Thread 134 134 Vacanza Accessory 33 33 33 72 Turbo Charge
NEO Thread 135 135 Amore e desiderio Accessory 0 60 35 73 Rapid Reboot II
NEO Thread 136 136 Sentiero Accessory 66 66 66 199 Minamimoto: Jackpot

Brands in The World Ends with You
D+BNatural PuppyPavo RealMus RattusJupiter of the MonkeyHip SnakeSheep HeavenlyTigre PunksDragon CoutureLapin AngeliquePegasoWild BoarGatitoUnbranded

Brands in The World Ends with You -Live Remix-
Maiden InnocenceMithril Scale
Brands in NEO: The World Ends with You
Top o' TopoJoli bécotTigre PunksCony×ConyRyuGugaragaraIl Cavallo Del ReShepherd HouseJupiter of the MonkeyMonocrowNatural PuppyHog FangGatto NeroCroaky PanicBlack Honey Chili CookieUnbranded
