The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Hip Snake is the name of both the Brand and the pin. This article is about the Brand.

Hip Snake is one of the game's 13 brands. It represents the snake in the Chinese Zodiac. The brand's style is modeled after the vintage "hip" clothing style from the 1970s, featuring old-fashioned coats, tees, and bell-bottom jeans.

Megumi Kitaniji's Noise forms, both Draco and Anguis Cantus drop Hip Snake, so it is implied that his preferred brand is Hip Snake, as his appearance also represents the vintage disco fashion. This is further reinforced by the fact that his headphones can be found in Towa Records, an area normally dominated by the Hip Snake brand.

Hip Snake pins are mostly negative psych and deal sustained damage instead of direct damage, but have the most variable abilities of status infliction on enemies, such as Immobilize, Attack Break, and HP Drain. Such sustained damage and status can be done by repeatedly touching or slashing on individual or groups of enemies.

Hip Snake Pins Wassup Thunder!, Wassup Lightning!, and Wassup Voltage! seem to suggest spelling out "Rock and Roll" when viewed in the stockpile with Wassup Thunder! being "Rock", Wassup Lightning! being "And" and Wassup Voltage! being "Roll".

While the brand is sold in stores that are "Hip"-themed, the Hip Snake brand doesn't have a true store of its own, although the Cosmic Corner in Dogenzaka can be considered as its "main" store.

In NEO: The World Ends with You, Hip Snake had been replaced by its counterpart, garagara.

References to the Chinese Zodiac[]

  • Within ancient Chinese culture, it was the snake that was said to be worshiped as the entity representative of the powers of creation and the universe, before the early days of Chinese civilization introduced the dragon that overshadowed its popularity. While it would seem that the snake would go into obscurity upon this, its more humble spot however would come to see it as a creature of mystery, love, longevity, and even riches and prosperity, with legends each surrounding its symbolic aspects. Along with shedding its skin as it grows, so is the snake an immortal symbol of change and time.
  • With its 1970s dated theme, the decade is quite famous and shoehorned into depicting the youth of the era as somewhat irresponsible and slacking; while in the West, where youth were often outgoing and influenced by hippie and music culture to be laid back and carefree, Japan had its own parental concern summed in the term of how youth had "three principles of no principles: indolence, indifference, and irresponsibility" (三無主義). As such, this may be the explanation why the brand is rather poor at direct combat.
  • Contrasting with Wild Boar, while it is important to prepare for the future, it is also considered best to maintain a steady pace, and to "stop and smell the roses" every now and then. Representative of the past and nostalgia, Hip Snake's representative era of the 1970s is actually an important one, considered the era where the modern world and its foundations, be it to the entertainment industry, be it from film, to mainstream music, television, and even video games, to even where the start of the Information Age is considered to have begun. Considered a simpler time and a world of freedom, humanity, and free spirits to chase one's desires, especially within Japan and the United States, it is from its rock steady times that helped define it to be a pleasant era of many colors and easy tidings. While Wild Boar's headstrong nature gives it an edge, such an edge dulls when facing grounded reality too hard, and cannot look to pleasant reminders of the past, be it one's own or given out of empathy of other hearts than one's own, to give hope for the will to carry on to another day. While Wild Boar's street smart and tough urban image is meant to make a statement, so the saying goes "to be wise, one must be young and stupid". Presenting an urban image of whimsy and relaxed wisdom, Hip Snake's threads also come to showcase an easygoing and peaceful spirit than the intimidating and imposing nature of Wild Boar.

Featured Pins[]

Hip Snake features a number of exclusive psychs such as Rock Bind, Holy Light, Ignition, and Frostbite. Unfortunately, their unique psych do not make up for their underaverage stats the pins have. Because of this, these pins are better used as secondary, or support, pins.

With the poor stats, especially their generally poor efficiency and long charging time, Hip Snake pins a better used as status inflicting pins when one needs to inflict such statuses.

Featured Threads[]

Like their pins, Hip Snake's threads include unique abilities but are not at all reliable in battle as they don't give as much stats. In some cases even, Hip Snake threads that increase the chance of status affliction can be easily traded for other kinds of abilities.

Hip Snake is therefore a brand that holds weak threads and may only be recommended if the player require such specialized abilities.

Zephyr's Sonata may be used on Joshua if one wants to achieve his more powerful aerial finisher more easily, but it comes at the price of difficulty in preforming finishers and passing the puck on enemy that can move out of the way quickly and are not stunned by his attacks.

Hip Snake Pins[]

Icon # Name Cls Psych Spec Power Info
Long Live the Rock104Long Live the RockC N Rock Bind T Touch an enemy to encase it in stones and stop it from moving. (Some enemies may not be affected.)
Long Live the Ice105Long Live the IceB N Freeze P Press an enemy to encase it in ice and stop it from moving. (Some enemies may not be affected.)
Long Live the Floe106Long Live the FloeB N Freeze P Press an enemy to encase it in ice and stop it from moving. (Some enemies may not be affected.)
Eyes Full of Hope107Eyes Full of HopeB N Holy Light D Attack 42Keep the stylus trained on an enemy to focus light upon them. Inflicts continuous damage and sometimes Attack Break.
Eyes Full of Light108Eyes Full of LightB N Holy Light D Attack 75Keep the stylus trained on an enemy to focus light upon them. Inflicts continuous damage and sometimes Attack Break.
Hot Gaze109Hot GazeC N Ignition H Attack 67Keep scratching an enemy to set it on fire. Inflicts continuous damage and sometimes HP Drain.
Sizzling Gaze110Sizzling GazeC N Ignition H Attack 78Keep scratching an enemy to set it on fire. Inflicts continuous damage and sometimes HP Drain.
Cold Stare111Cold StareB N Frostbite R Attack 80Rapidly tap an enemy to freeze it. Inflicts continuous damage and sometimes Immobilizes the enemy.
Icy Stare112Icy StareB N Frostbite R Attack 107Rapidly tap an enemy to freeze it. Inflicts continuous damage and sometimes Immobilizes the enemy.
Wassup Thunder!113Wassup Thunder!B N Thunderstorm D Attack 52Start on empty space and drag across one or more enemies to lock on, then lift the stylus to strike targets with lightning bolts. Inflicts damage.
Wassup Lightning!114Wassup Lightning!B N Thunderstorm D Attack 67Start on empty space and drag across one or more enemies to lock on, then lift the stylus to strike targets with lightning bolts. Inflicts damage.
Wassup Voltage!115Wassup Voltage!B N Thunderstorm D Attack 85Start on empty space and drag across one or more enemies to lock on, then lift the stylus to strike targets with lightning bolts. Inflicts damage.
Indestructo Man116Indestructo ManA A Life Blight+ Greatly extends the duration of HP Drain's negative effects on enemies.
Hip Snake117Hip Snake (Pin)A A Resonance: HS Increases the Attack of any Hip Snake pins Neku is wearing.

Hip Snake Evolution Chart

Hip Snake.graph

Hip Snake Threads[]

Icon # Name Slot HP ATK DEF BRV Ability Acquisition
FRItem 094 094 Dandy Hat Headwear --- +4 --- 36 Abipsyche Show Combo Map Longer DS
Abipsyche Lasting Fusion III Remix
Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 095 095 Zephyr's Elegy Top +20 +4 --- 48 Abipsyche Joshua: ATK +2 Lifestyle selects Edoga the Shop
FRItem 096 096 Tree Leaf Serenade Top +30 +2 --- 42 Abipsyche Beat: Air Combo B DS
Abipsyche Beat: Drop Kick I Remix
Everyday selects le Grand
FRItem 097 097 Dappled Light Waltz Top +20 +3 --- 30 Abipsyche More Attack Breaks II Everyday selects le Grand
FRItem 098 098 Zephyr's Sonata Top +113 +7 -2 40 Abipsyche Combo Map Upgrade II DS
Abipsyche Sync Charge Z Remix
Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 099 099 North Wind Concerto Top +57 +9 -1 46 Abipsyche Neku: HP +40 Lifestyle selects Edoga the Shop
FRItem 100 100 Spring Breeze Rhapsody Top +80 +2 --- 35 Abipsyche More Defense Breaks II Everyday selects le Grand
FRItem 101 101 Sky Blue Paean Top +12 +2 --- 39 Abipsyche More Attack Breaks I Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 102 102 High Sun Paean Top +62 +9 -1 50 Abipsyche More Immboilization II Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 103 103 Sunflower Top +15 +2 --- 38 Abipsyche More Defense Breaks Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 104 104 Hydrangea Top +6 +2 --- 36 Abipsyche Joshua: DEF +2 Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 105 105 Tulip Top +14 +2 --- 37 Abipsyche More HP Drains I Lifestyle selects Edoga the Shop
FRItem 106 106 Sunshine One-piece Top +38 +3 -1 62 Abipsyche More Immobilization I Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 107 107 Flower One-piece Top +50 +6 --- 60 Abipsyche More Attack Breaks II Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 108 108 Youth's March Bottom +5 --- +7 30 Abipsyche More Immobilization I Lifestyle selects Edoga the Shop
FRItem 109 109 Young Folks Bottom +68 -1 +2 48 Abipsyche More HP Drains II Lifestyle selects Edoga the Shop
FRItem 110 110 When You're in Love Bottom +38 -1 +8 83 Abipsyche Shiki: Fusion ★ +2 DS
Abipsyche Shiki: Sync Start +40% Remix
Lifestyle selects Edoga the Shop
FRItem 111 111 Love in a Heartbeat Bottom +8 --- +9 75 Abipsyche Combo Panel +2 DS
Abipsyche Sync Charge II Remix
Secondhand shop Cosmic Corner
FRItem 112 112 Let's Dance Footwear --- --- +4 30 Abipsyche SOS DEF Boost I Accessory heaven KuraKura
FRItem 113 113 Young American Footwear -8 --- +4 23 Abipsyche Resist Knockback Lifestyle selects Edoga the Shop
FRItem 114 114 Funky Shades Accessory -8 +4 --- 32 Abipsyche Show Combo Map Longer DS
Abipsyche Lasting Fusion III Remix
Accessory heaven KuraKura
FRItem 115 115 Love & Peace Accessory -12 +8 --- 39 Abipsyche Beat: Fusion ★ +2 DS
Abipsyche Beat: Sync Start +40% Remix
Accessory heaven KuraKura
FRItem 116 116 Slogan Bandannas Accessory --- +2 --- 28 Abipsyche Faster Puck I DS
Abipsyche CC Faster Sync I Remix
Accessory heaven KuraKura

Brands in The World Ends with You
D+BNatural PuppyPavo RealMus RattusJupiter of the MonkeyHip SnakeSheep HeavenlyTigre PunksDragon CoutureLapin AngeliquePegasoWild BoarGatitoUnbranded

Brands in The World Ends with You -Live Remix-
Maiden InnocenceMithril Scale
Brands in NEO: The World Ends with You
Top o' TopoJoli bécotTigre PunksCony×ConyRyuGugaragaraIl Cavallo Del ReShepherd HouseJupiter of the MonkeyMonocrowNatural PuppyHog FangGatto NeroCroaky PanicBlack Honey Chili CookieUnbranded
