The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Speech Bubble - Exclamation Question SR Spoiler warning: Plot and/or character details follow.

"Maybe living in your Shibuya WOULD be easier. Maybe. Except one problem -- it wouldn't be Shibuya! I was never good with people. I covered my ears and blocked them out. But you know what? If I don't clash, I don't change. The world ends at my borders, and the best moments slip away. Shibuya's full of people waiting for those moments, when we clash together and find something new. Here in the UG, I clashed. I changed. And now I know -- Shibuya should stay just as it is!"
Neku to Kitaniji about Shibuya

Game is a day in The World Ends with You. For the Animation equivalents, see The Hour of Reckoning and It's a Wonderful World.


  • Beat starts fading.
  • Sho Minamimoto breaks down the Shibuya River wall.
  • Mitsuki Konishi reveals she was hiding in Beat's shadow.
  • Konishi also reveals Rhyme's memories of Beat was Beat's entry fee, not hers.
  • Neku and Beat defeat Konishi using Noise Rhyme.
  • Neku and Beat reunite with Shiki.
  • Minamimoto is killed by Joshua and crushed under a heap.
  • Megumi Kitaniji possesses Shiki and uses her to fight Neku and Beat.
  • Kitaniji reveals to Neku the Composer had left the UG before Neku arrived.
  • Kitaniji reveals his involvement in brainwashing Shibuya with O-Pins.
  • Neku, Beat, and Shiki defeat Anguis Cantus.
  • Joshua returns.
  • Kitaniji absorbs Shiki, Joshua, and Beat into Draco Cantus, which Neku defeats with a final fusion.
  • Joshua erases Kitaniji and reveals himself as Composer.
  • He gives Neku the last of his memories, revealing himself as Neku's killer.
  • Joshua reveals Neku was chosen to play for Shibuya's destruction.
  • Neku and Joshua play a final Game in the form of a gun duel. Neku almost shoots but loses.
  • Neku, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme are brought back to life.
  • A week after, Neku meets up with Beat, Rhyme, and Shiki while Hanekoma and Joshua watch. Neku takes off his headphones.


Neku and Beat wake up on the Scramble again, realizing they're on the last day. Neku sees Beat's hands are fading due to his zero-point Reaper lifespan. Beat declares he won't go up in smoke until he saves Rhyme, and he and Neku hurry for the Shibuya River.
When they get to the Shibuya River, the barrier is broken down. Beat worries that Sho Minamimoto tore it down and he can beat them to the Composer. Neku calms him down and says they have to focus on defeating Konishi. While moving through the river, Neku gets a cryptic text about how to defeat Konishi, who wields shadows and illusions. At Rubicon, they find Minamimoto, frustrated he can't cross the barrier because it was put up by Konishi. Neku asks if she's hiding in the Shibuya River, but Minamimoto and Konishi both say she's been with them the whole time. She appears out of Beat's shadow. She removes the barrier for Minamimoto under the condition he makes her Conductor when he becomes Composer. Minamimoto asks why she's betraying Kitaniji, and she explains that a free spirit like Minamimoto has the highest chance of surviving the chaos. She removes the barrier and lets Minamimoto through.
Tabooty call

The destroyed Shibuya River barrier.

Konishi stops Neku and Beat from going through, explaining she's analyzed the situation so she will come out as Conductor every way. She reveals she forwent the O-Pin and taunts them with Rhyme's pin, then transforms into Tigris Cantus, her winged tiger-woman Noise form. She bends reality in the Noise plane to confuse Neku and Beat, even taking all of Neku's pins at one point, but he gets Rhyme's pin and defeats her using it. She asks how they could summon Noise, and Neku says that she's not Noise but their friend Rhyme. Beat cries over the pin, but Konishi tells him that Rhyme's love and memories for Beat was his own entry fee, not Rhyme's, saying he "must not have been very dear to her", before vanishing. Neku gets a message telling him to go to the Composer's chamber, and cross the Rubicon.
At the Trail of the Bygone, someone approaches them from behind. It's Shiki, who woke up in the Trail of the Bygone by herself. She asks if she's alive, but Neku answers they're in the Shibuya River UG. She's confused because she was supposed to be alive, and Neku admits she was made his entry fee. She's flustered and confused but Beat says they might be able to come back to life if he defeats the Composer. Shiki notices a junk pile while walking with them - they see its Sho Minamimoto crushed under it. Beat wonders if Kitaniji did it, but says they're lucky not to fight him now. Neku takes his cap.

"The Grim Heaper got... crunched."

Neku, Beat, and Shiki find themselves at the Dead God's Pad, which Beat recognizes from when Kitaniji gave him orders. Kitaniji welcomes them and calls them ex-Players, simply Dead after their Game ended. When Beat declares they're taking the Composer down, Kitaniji says the Composer serves to shepherd the human race toward the right future, and lambasts Beat for egotism that caused Shibuya's downfall. He possesses Shiki with her Red Skull pin, and uses her to fight Neku and Beat. He disappears, but Shiki is still possessed and hostile. She attacks Neku, but Beat jumps in the way of her attack. Neku uses the opening to break her Red Skull pin. Shiki stops and falls unconscious with Beat. Neku wonders how Hanekoma could use the Shiki, the Reapers, and even the whole of Shibuya with the Red Skull pins.
Neku Counterattacks complete

Neku destroys Shiki's O-Pin

Neku scans and finds a doorway to Trail of the Judged, covered in CAT's graffiti. Neku thinks about how Hnaekoma's life kept him going, and even outside of his headphones people heard his messages to enjoy life. He was shaken when he found out Hanekoma was CAT, but the things Hanekoma said were different and clicked. Neku hesitates, but he tells himself CAT taught him better to falter. He thinks of Shiki, Beat, Joshua, and Rhyme, the people who got him this far, and moves forward.
He finds himself in the Room of Reckoning, confronted by Kitaniji. He explains to Neku that the Composer is not Hanekoma and left the UG since Neku arrived. Kitaniji explains he's responsible for most of what has been happening in Shibuya, seeing himself as a Conductor who needs to hold the world together. By eliminating individuality, which he sees as the root of Shibuya's selfish flaws, he tried to make the world a paradise using the imprinting the Red Skull pins had. He describes Shibuya as his podium, spreading across the globe from the streets. He orders Neku to remove his Player Pin that neutralizes the imprinting to build a new Shibuya. Neku rejects it and explains the individuality makes it Shibuya, and without it the best moments slip away. Kitaniji freezes Neku and breaks his Player Pin to imprint the Red Skull, but nothing happens. Kitaniji remarks that of course "His pick" wouldn't be harmed, but is interrupted by Beat and Shiki to defeat Kitaniji. He transforms into Anguis Cantus, his snake noise form, who Neku works together with Shiki and Beat to defeat.
Kitaniji tries to keep fighting, but Joshua arrives and says he's running out of time. Neku asks why Joshua is here, but before he can answer Kitaniji traps Joshua into a crucifix and absorbs Joshua, Shiki, and Beat to transform into Draco Cantus, a massive five-headed golden dragon. While Neku fights alone, he draws on the power of his partners to perform Fusions, performing a final four-starred fusion using all of them to defeat Draco Cantus.
Draco defeated

The Final Fusion defeating Draco Cantus.

Joshua tells Kitaniji he's won, but Kitaniji panics over who'll protect Shibuya. Neku sees Kitaniji has a month-long timer with a few minutes left and asks why. Kitaniji remembers speaking to the Composer a month ago, trying to end Shibuya because of the bad influence it has on other grounds. Kitaniji asked if the people changed would the Composer save Shibuya, and he asks the Composer for a chance to remake Shibuya. The Composer proposes a month-long Game where he retreats to the Realground, using a Player to represent him. Kitaniji mourns Shibuya, and Joshua congratulates him for playing well and compliments his idea, even if it didn't work out. Kitaniji thanks him, congratulates Neku, and is erased by Joshua.
Kitaniji's timer

The timer on Kitaniji's hand.

Neku asks Joshua what's happening, and he admits it was a Game set up by him. He subdues Neku and Shiki, then reveals he's Shibuya's Composer. He played a Game with Kitaniji to determine if Shibuya should exist, and Neku was playing for his team. When Neku says Minamimoto was his killer, Joshua explains he was trying to shoot him because Minamimoto had been after the Composer's seat. However, unlike Reapers, the Composer can maintain his powers in the RG. He admits to killing Minamimoto for "overheating" the game's climax. Joshua says Minamimoto followed him everywhere, even into the RG when he went to "get" Neku.
Joshua shoots neku

Joshua shoots Neku dead.

Joshua returns Neku's last memories, showing him the full recollection of his death. When at the Udagawa mural, Joshua rushes in from around the corner and shoots Minamimoto on the other side of Neku. Neku drops to the ground from shock, while Minamimoto behind him tries to shoot Joshua. Joshua stops the bullets with his psychic power, walks through them, and shoots Minamimoto in the arm. After Minamimoto flees, Joshua shoots Neku. He grins, pumps his fist, and drops a Player Pin on Neku's dead body.
Neku rages at Joshua, saying he thought he could finally find a friend to relate to but Joshua killed him. Joshua nonchalantly asks Neku to play one last Game, where the winner gets to be Composer and do whatever he likes with Shibuya, Joshua hinting he's decided to destroy it. He gets two guns, explaining that he'll count down from 10. At zero, they shoot. He assures Neku it isn't a trick and life's little crossroads can be as simple as the pull of a trigger.
Duel closeups

The final duel.

The duel starts. Neku is crying and torn, but he suddenly raises his gun in anger. Joshua keeps his gun trained on Neku. Neku cannot stand to shoot Joshua, who he trusts, and lowers his gun. Joshua shoots. As Neku dies, he looks up and sees Joshua and Hanekoma smiling down on him. Neku sparing Joshua triggered a change of heart in him, deciding to save Shibuya and bring Neku and his friends back to life, believing Shibuya to be ideal. Neku wakes up in the middle of the Scramble Crossing again. Instead of people walking through him, a circle of bystanders has gathered around him. He bangs his fists on the street and screams to the sky.
Neku surrounded

Neku is revived.

7 days later, Neku walks from Udagawa to Hachiko. As he makes his way there, he thinks of Shiki, Joshua, and Beat, and how the Game changed him for the better. He starts addressing an absent Joshua.
"Same streets...Same crowds too. Yeah, Shibuya hasn't changed a bit. But still, I don't think I can forgive you yet. You don't see it, but... those few weeks were very hard for me. Learning to trust people; having that trust broken. Finding out the town I pegged as small, and stifling, and empty... wasn't any of those things. I'm glad I met you guys. You made me... pick up on things, I probably would've just gone on ignoring. Trust your partner... and I do. I can't forgive you, but I trust you. You took care of things, right? Otherwise, Shibuya would be gone and my world with it. Hey, did I mention? I've got friends now! We're meeting for the first time in a week. See you there?"
— Neku's monologue to Joshua.
Neku gets to Hachiko and meets Beat and Rhyme. He admires Rhyme's pendant and gets put into a headlock by Beat. While they're talking, someone taps Neku on the back. It's Shiki in her real body, holding Mr. Mew. They all high five.
Ending high five

Neku, Beat, Rhyme, and Shiki in her Realground body high five.

At the rooftop of 104, Joshua in his Composer form and Hanekoma watch Neku and his friends. Hanekoma talks about the repercussions upstairs but is glad things are back to normal. Joshua is despondent, and Hanekoma tells him that it's their world: they get to decide what to do with it. Joshua disappears into a ball of light and flies away. Hanekoma laughs, spreads his own angel wings, and says some folks just don't take no for an answer, flying after him.
Some folks just dont take no for an answer

Hanekoma's angel wings.

After Joshua and Hanekoma leave, Neku takes off his headphones.


Go to the Shibuya River from the Station Underpass. At Rubicon, talk to Minamimoto to start the Tigris Cantus lengthy, four-phased boss fight. In the first phase, Tigris Cantus cannot be attacked unless Taboo Noise are forced into the bottom pit. Defeat regular Noise and attack her when Taboo Noise fall in. After enough damage, all Noise and the pit will vanish from the field. Simply attack her while avoiding her shadows to get to the third phase. Make Neku stand on Tigris Cantus' shadow to render her vulnerable, and attack with Beat. In the final phase, attack the golden light with Rhyme to defeat her.
Prepare before moving forward, as it is the last chance to leave the Shibuya River. Continue through the Trail of the Bygone to reunite with Shiki. Investigating the trash heap will (hilariously) give Pi-Face's Cap. At Dead God's Pad, speak to Kitaniji. Dodge his attacks and try to interrupt him before he stops time. On the DS version, Beat will fight Shiki on the top screen - if his defence isn't high, use plenty of aerial combos to avoid her finishers.
After the battle, scan to reveal a door. Keep moving through the trails until at the Room of Reckoning. Here, Kitaniji will transform and attack as Anguis Cantus. Focus on the head and avoid its smash. Shiki and Beat are almost invulnerable in this boss battle, so use them liberally. After this fight, Joshua will fuse into it and create Draco Cantus. Since Shiki, Joshua, and Beat are incapacitated, focus on attacking the five heads with Neku. Once enough damage is done, a Partner will glow. Input the direction on DS (Left for Shiki, up for Joshua, and right for Beat) or their Partner Pin (tap for Shiki, slash down for Joshua, press for Beat) to perform their highest unlocked Fusion. If not, Draco Cantus will heal as punishment. After depleting all of its HP, a four-starred fusion pin will show. Press it to end the fight, this chapter, and the game.
For the Secret Ending, obtain all the Secret Reports and play through this day again to the end. This day's Secret Report is obtained by erasing the Pig Noise at Shibu Dept. Store and Miyashita Park, going to Ramen Don in Dogenzaka for the Samurai Helm, and defeating the Anguis Cantus Boss Noise in Rubicon on Hard or Ultimate.


Bolded district names represent the areas where the Noise in question can be found most frequently.

No. Pic. Noise Location
06 Noise 6 Southerfrog Rubicon, Trail of the Sinner
09 Noise 9 Choirfrog Cat Street (3x Noise Symbols), West Exit Bus Terminal (50% 3x Frog Taboo), Rubicon, Trail of the Sinner (Taboo), and other locations. Also appears with other Taboo Noise.
14 Noise 14 Grunge Wolf Various locations. Also appears with other Taboo Noise.
21 Noise 21 Death Thrash Mink Shibu-Q Heads (50% frequency, Red Wolf Noise), Scramble Crossing, Spain Hill (50%, 1/2 of noise symbols are Red Shark Noise)
25 Noise 24 Shrew Gazer Center St. Entrance, AMX, Spain Hill, Dogenzaka
28 Noise 28 Brit Popguin Sometimes appears with Bass Reaper when moving between screens. Various locations.
Highest Occurrences: Miyashita Park (All Red Noise) Shibu-Q Heads (50% frequency), Udagawa Back Streets (50% frequency), Cadoi City
36 Noise 36 Classi Corehog Scramble Crossing, West Exit Bus Terminal, Center St. Entrance. AMX (Red Porcupine Taboo), Molco (Red Porcupine Taboo), Miyashita Park (All Noise)
40 Noise 40 2-step Boomer Sometimes appears with Bass Reaper when moving between screens, Spain Hill, Molco, Shibu-Q Heads (50% frequency), Dogenzaka
43 Noise 43 Ambiefox Scramble Crossing, Trail of the Sinner, Spain Hill
45 Noise 45 Doom Metal Drake Scramble Crossing, Shibu-Q Heads, Trail of the Sinner, Cadoi City. MolcoMiyashita Park Underpass
48 Noise 48 Neoclassical Drake Scramble Crossing, Rubicon, Trail of the Sinner, West Exit Bus Terminal (occasionally)
50 Noise 50 Minimal Rhino 104 Building
52 Noise 52 Trance Rhino Miyashita Park Underpass (Always 2x Noise)Towa Records (2x Noise Symbols), 104 Building, Tipsy Tose Hall
55 Noise 55 Carcinometal Shibu-Q Heads, Miyashita Park Underpass, Miyashita Park (Red Shark Noise)
60 Noise 60 Nefastraven West Exit Bus Terminal (100% frequency)Cat Street (100% frequency), Shibu Dept. Store (100% frequency), Tipsy Tose Hall (50% frequency), Center St. Entrance, Udagawa Back Streets, Dogenzaka
63 Noise 63 Fusion Shark Towa Records, Miyashita Park
79 Noise 79 Bass Reaper Randomly attacks when moving between screens
87 Noise 87 Megumi Kitaniji (Enemy) Dead God's Pad (Boss)
93 Noise 93 Tigris Cantus Rubicon (Boss)
94 Noise 94 Anguis Cantus Room of Reckoning (Boss), Rubicon (Blue Noise) (Postgame)
95 Noise 95 Draco Cantus Room of Reckoning (Boss)


Main Story Rewards
Event First Playthrough Replay
Defeat Tigris Cantus (S) ATK Boost Beat

(S) DEF Boost Beat
x3 10,000 Yen

x3 10,000 Yen
Discover the defeated Sho Pi-Face's Cap None
Defeat Megumi Kitaniji (Enemy) Lightning Rook Lightning Rook
Select Continue after viewing the credits (S) Game Cleared None
Extra Rewards
Event Reward
Visit Ramen Don in Dogenzaka Secret Box (Replay only)
Defeat a random Reaper encounter 1,000 Yen
Pig Drops
Species Location Reward
Pig Rhumba Miyashita Park Adamantite
Secret Box
Initial Subsequent
Samurai Helm 500 Yen
Combat Challenge-Final Remix Only
Location Reward
Udagawa Back Streets (S) Mission Noise 3

Secret Reports[]

  1. Collect the report for Beat, Day 6.
  2. Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
  3. Get the samurai helm. (Does some shop stock it?)
  4. Eliminate the boss symbol No. 94 within this chapter at Hard or above.


Days in The World Ends with You
Week 1 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 2 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 3 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Extra Another DayA New Day