The act of Farming is to repeatedly defeat a certain opponent for items, experience, or any other game-specific term. In The World Ends With You, to farm is to collect a lot of one particular pin at once. This is a walkthrough of what is considered the best farming spots in the game.
Having Ultimate Mode unlocked is required for some drops; having the maximum amount of reductions available will help speed up the process (this is 16 in The World Ends with You and 20 in NEO: The World Ends with You). Certain pins can help with increasing the drop rate; eating food can sometimes also grant this effect.
The World Ends with You[]
1 Yen Pin[]
Location: Scramble Crossing and 104 Building
Calendar: Week 1, Day 4
Noise: Bigbansprog (Noise No. 10)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 1.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: 25 Drop Rate over a Chain of 4 for Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Easy
Walkthrough: The Noise shows up in clumps of eight, and sometimes more than one clump. Easily taken out with long-range pins that hit more than one enemy. Killing the leader Frog that also shows up will kill all the Sprogs at once, as well.
5 Yen Pin[]
Location: AMX
Calendar: Week 3, Day 3
Noise: Orchesprog (Noise No. 11)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 0.10%
Drop Rate/Chain: Drop Rate of 100 over a chain of 10 for Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Easy
Walkthrough: With a 10-chain going (the location would fit a bit more), a single chain is very likely to net 99 of these pins. Extended battles, though, will drain one's HP rather fast, so healing and multi-target pins are good. Defeating the leader Frog will kill a group of the pin-carrying Sprog instantly
10 Yen Pin[]
Location: Scramble Crossing and 104 Building
Calendar: Week 1, Day 4
Noise: Bigbansprog (Noise No. 10)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 0.50%
Drop Rate/Chain: 50 Drop Rate over a chain of 4 for Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Normal
Walkthrough: Easy battle, and exactly the same as the 1¥ Pin farm. Killing the leader Frog will kill all the sprogs that carry this pin instantly.
50 Yen Pin[]
Location: AMX
Calendar: Week 3, Day 3
Noise: Orchesprog (Noise No. 11)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 0.50%
Drop Rate/Chain: 50 Drop Rate over a chain of 4 for Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Normal
Walkthrough: This is exactly the same as 5¥ Pin farm, except for the difficulty. Since the difficulty is a bit increased, the Orchesprog will drain more HP, but in exchange, the drop rates are much higher, so you won't have to battle ten battles to get 100% guarantee. You will get around 30-40 pins using this technique.
1000 Yen Pin[]
Location: Shibuya River areas
Calendar: Week 3, Day 7 OR Another Day OR Week 3, Day 2
Noise: Southerfrog (Noise No. 6), Orchefrog (Noise No. 5), Tradishfrog (Noise No. 8)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 8.00%, 9.50%
Drop Rate/Chain: 4 Drop Rate over a chain of 4 for Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Easy, Ultimate
Walkthrough: By far the easiest way to earn money in The World Ends With You! The Noise in question typically appear with Noise No.4, Brassbanfrog, which is capable of absorbing long range attacks. Rarely, those farming this area will see a Fifenfrog (Noise No. 7) that will also drop this pin as well.
Location: Scramble Crossing
Calendar: A New Day 1
Noise: Bass Reaper (No. 79)
Shape: Medium Red Noise (Player Symbol)
Default Drop: 10.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: 5 Drop Rate over a chain of 2 for Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Normal
Walkthrough: The new fastest method in Final Remix! The area only spawns these Bass Reaper Noise, and since there is always 6 Bass Reapers in each battle, you can rack up 6 pins with each fight. (Easy = 5000 Yen farm, Ultimate = Orichalcum farm)
OR: Use the technique for Orichalcum and use them at Dogenzaka. Dogenzaka is only open in Week 3 days 6, 7 and Another Day.
OR: On Week 3 Day 7, go to Trail of the Sinner (Shibuya River) and farm Southerfrogs (No. 6), which are dark blue. Set the difficulty level to Easy and put the drop rate at 13 (unless chaining). All Noise symbols here contain at least two Southerfrogs, so this is a very fast way to rack up money.
OR: Another easy way to farm money is to go to the 104 Building on Week 3, Day 2. All Noise symbols here contain at least one Orchefrog. Ultimate difficulty.
OR: Try slaying massive amounts of Drakes on Another Day on Ultimate. The tusked Red Noises anywhere contain these.
OR: You could farm the Classi Corehog (No. 36) on Another Day in Scramble Crossing. There are usually two Classi Corehogs with every ram-head styled noise. Setting the drop rate to about 13 (giving lots of health) and collect about 20000 Yen per noise. Furthermore, the Fox pin also brings in a hefty amount of money.
Other Pins: On Easy, those farming the Shibuya River can also collect Rare Metal from Noise No. 5, on Ultimate can collect Orichalcum from Noises No. 4 and No. 8, and (if at a considerably lower drop rate) Frog (Pin) from Noise No.6 and Black Mercury from Noise No. 7.
Rare Metal[]
Best Method:
Location: West Exit Bus Terminal
Calendar: Week 2, Day 5
Noise: Decadraven (Noise No. 58) and Easterraven (Noise No. 59)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Bird Noise, not Frog Noise)
Game Difficulty: Normal
Walkthrough: There will be much more than 4 (as this is the max reduction chain at this point) of the small red bird noise floating around. Set the drop rate to 7 or higher and chain 4 of the bird Noises in a fight. Finishing all 4 reductions will give approximately 15 rare metals which is very rewarding for such an easy battle.
Location: Center Street
Calendar: Week 1, Day 6
Noise: Decadraven (Noise No. 58)
Shape: Small and Medium Red Noise
Game Difficulty: Normal
Walkthrough: Set the Level Gauge to one. Very consistent drops. There should be 1 to 3 Rare Metal drops every battle.
Location: Station Underpass
Calendar: Another Day
Noise: Brassbanfrog (Noise No. 4)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 30.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: 1 Drop Rate over a chain of 4 for Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Easy
Walkthrough: Very consistent. Long range attacks are absorbed by the pin dropper, so focus on Positive/Neutral pins. Also, there's not a lot of Noise in general at the location, but there's enough. Alternatively, Udagawa Back Streets is a good location for this noise.
Location: Scramble Crossing
Calendar: Week 2, Day 3
Noise: Jelly Madchester (Noise No. 29)
Shape: Medium Red Noise
Default Drop: 4.50%
Drop Rate/Chain: 6 Drop Rate over a chain of 4 for Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Hard
Walkthrough: Get rid of the Thrash Minks (which will also give up Rare Metal) first. Let the Jelly Madchesters split; each one will give you a Rare Metal. The Jelly Swechnos they split into may also drop Jelly pins as well.
Best Method:
Location: West Exit Bus Terminal
Calendar: Week 2, Day 5
Noise: Decadraven (Noise No. 58) and Easterraven (Noise No. 59)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Bird Noise, not Frog Noise)
Game Difficulty: Hard
Walkthrough: There will be much more than 4 (as this is your max reduction chain at this point) of the small red bird noise floating around. Set your drop rate to 7 or higher and chain 4 of the bird noises in a fight. After defeating finishing all 4 reduction rounds you will obtain approximately 15 Tektites which is very rewarding for such an easy battle.
Location: Station Underpass or Udagawa Back Streets
Calendar: Another Day
Noise: Brassbanfrog (Noise No. 4)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 15.00%
Drop Rate/Chain:2 Drop rate over a chain of 4 to Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Normal
Walkthrough: Brassbanfrog absorbs Negative psychs, so use Positive or Neutrl psychs to defeat them. Udagawa Back Streets is another good location for this noise.
Location: Scramble Crossing
Calendar: Week 3, Day 3
Noise: Jelly Neocoustic (Noise No. 31)
Shape: Big Red Noise (Sharkteeth)
Default Drop: 10.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: 3 Drop Rate over a chain of 4 to Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: Usually appears with a Melodi Corehog (Noise No. 35). Destroy the Corehog and let the Jelly split over and over again (there is a cap of 8 jellies on screen at any one time). The pin droppers in question sometimes split into Jelly Germanics (Noise No. 32), which drop Orichalcum.
Location: Udagawa Back Streets
Calendar: Another Day
Noise: Brit Popguin (Noise No. 28)
Shape: Medium Red Noise and Big Red Noise (Sharkteeth)
Default Drop: 10.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: 2 Drop Rate over a chain of 5 to Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: Usually there is: 2 or 3 Popguins, 2-step Boomer, Classi Corehog, and a Nefastraven. Take off the Popguins first. Then the Nefastraven. The Classi Corehog won't be that hard anyways.
Location: West Exit Bus Terminal
Calendar: Week 2, Day 5
Noise: Easterraven (Noise No. 59)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Birdhead)
Default Drop: 1.5%
Drop Rate/Chain: 17 Drop Rate over a chain of 4 to Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: Each encounter has at least one, and up to three Easterravens. Bear in mind that Easterravens can steal Neku's pins, so have a backup plan when they do.
Location: Scramble Crossing
Calendar: Week 2, Day 1
Noise: Hard Corehog (Noise No. 33)
Shape: Medium Red Noise
Default Drop: 1.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: 25 Drop Rate over a chain of 4 to Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: Each encounter have 2 Corehogs and 1 Carcinofolk.
Location: Station Underpass
Calendar: Another Day
Noise: Brassbanfrog (Noise No. 4)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 5.00% (Hard), 10.00% (Ultimate)
Drop Rate/Chain: 5 drop rate over a chain of 4 will guarantee both
Game Difficulty: Hard, Ultimate
Walkthrough: A bit harder fights than the Rare Metal and Tektite farms, but still easy at this point in the game. Avoid using Negative-based Psychs here at all costs. Sometimes a Funkfrog (Noise No. 3) will appear with the group, it absorbs Positive-based Psychs so be wary and use the top screen if necessary.
Location: Scramble Crossing, Shibu-Q Headquarters
Calendar: Another Day
Noise: Ragtime Drake (Noise No. 46)
Shape: Large Red Noise (Elephanthead)
Default Drop: 10.00% (Hard)
Drop Rate/Chain: 5 drop rate over a chain of 2, 10 drop rate without chain
Game Difficulty: Hard
Walkthrough: This is an extremely easy way to obtain not only Orichalcum but a lot of experience as well. Use Joshua as a partner and give him threads that increase the number of panels in his combo map. Equip Neku with pins that make the enemy flinch, be they physical attacks or ranged. When the battle starts, have Joshua hover and he will evade every single one the Drake's attacks (assuming it isn't accompanied by other noise). Use the high amount of combo panels to lock onto the Drake quite a few times for an extremely damaging finisher. If they get a fusion, use it immediately, don't wait for levels 2 and 3. Attack close range or from a distance with Neku and don't give it time to respond. Between Joshua and Neku's attacks, a Drake should go down in less than 30 seconds, netting large amounts of experience and a new Orichalcum pin.
Location: Scramble Crossing
Calendar: Week 3, Day 3
Noise: Jelly Germanic (No. 32)
Shape: Large Red Noise (Shark Teeth)
Default Drop: 10.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: 10 Drop Rate to Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: There are no Germanics, only Neocoustics. These Noise often appear with a Melodi Corehog (No. 35), or a Bebop Shark (No. 62). Kill the Shark or Corehog and wait for the Jellies to multiply into eight. Defeat all of them except for two - just to be safe. Rinse and repeat. The Neocoustics will drop Adamantite, The Germanics will drop Orichalcum.
Location: Pork City (13th Floor)
Calender: Another Day
Noise: Bassbanfrog (No. 4) and Tradishfrog (No. 8)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 10.00% and 15.00%
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: Go up to Pork City, 13th floor. Bring along some pins that aren't long-ranged or else the Brassbanfrogs will heal with every attack, along with a healing pin or two, and make sure your drop rate is at least ten. The Noise will either be of two Bassbanfrogs and two Tradishfrogs or it will be three Bassbanfrogs and one Tradishfrog. The Noise will jump around a lot so Neku will definitely get low on health every now and then if not careful. They drop four Orichalcum.
Location: Shibu-Q Headquarters
Calendar:Week 3, Day 5
Noise: Bass Reaper (No. 79)
Default Drop : 6.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: Drop Rate of 17 to guarantee
Game Difficulty:Ultimate
Walkthrough:Go to Shibu-Q Headquarters. There will be several reapers standing still in the entrance. Talk to some of them. At the other side there will automatically be a fight with all of them at once. After winning, the Orichalcum is almost guaranteed. Be sure to have at least 1 heal pin as they will try to attack all at once. Try to wait before using Fusion to be able to deplete most of them in one go. This is probably the fastest way to get a lot of EXP and Orichalcum. If the drop rate is high, this fight should drop 5-10 Orichalcum.
Shadow Matter[]
Location: Shibukyu Main Store
Calendar: Week 2, Day 7
Noise: Sho Minamimoto/Leo Cantus (Noise No. 85/92)
Shape: Blue Boss Symbol
Default Drop: Varies with Taboo Noise.
Drop Rate/Chain: As high as you can to still survive 200-1000 to guarantee drops from certain noise (1000 guarantees a drop from each taboo noise). When chaining, start with Sho.
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: You're not actually farming Sho himself, rather the Taboo Noise that he throws out. Defeat the Noise to obtain 99 of this pin rather easily. Bring decent amounts of healing (a barrier pin and a maximum-use Cure Drink type work) and your best attacks that can pass the puck somewhat often. If using the endgame Pegaso pins (Lightning Rook, Lightning Pawn, Excalibur), it would be best to equip the Pegaso boost pin and turn the trend's #1 to Pegaso as well to make defeating the Taboo Noise easier. Sho himself will sometimes drop an Irregular Note pin (Fierce as the Flame). This fight will have Joshua locked as partner. Make sure his ATK and DEF is as high as it can go. You can tell you have obtained 99 Shadow Matter pins when the enemies stop dropping pins.
Location: Statue of Hachiko, West Exit Bus Terminal
Calendar: Week 3, Day 6
Noise: Grunge Wolf (Noise No. 14), Trance Rhino (Noise No. 52), Choirfrog (Noise No. 9)
Shape: Medium Black Noise (Wolf and Bear Skull)
Default Drop: 0.25% (Wolf), 0.50% (Rhino), 0.20% (Frog)
Drop Rate/Chain: 70 Drop Rate over a chain of 6 to Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: Bring a good recovery pin and equip Regeneration threads. This method is mostly recommended for those who need Scarletite for crucial upgrades or want to farm Shadow Matter as they let food digest; obtaining six Shadow Matter pins per chain would be fantastic. If you can survive the Sho farming method above, you should probably do that instead.
Dark Matter[]
Location: 104 Building
Calendar: Week 1, Day 4
Noise: Reaper Beat (Noise No.80)
Shape: Blue Boss Noise
Default Drop: 0.50%
Drop Rate/Chain: Chain as high as possible, leaving Beat LAST. If your drop rate is at least 20, the pin is guaranteed at a chain of 10.
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: Chain battles to increase the rather low drop rate, and build up a Lv. 3 Fusion Attack with Joshua (since you're forced to use him as with Sho). Once at Beat, use the Fusion immediately, bringing him to low health or killing him outright! Otherwise, it's a long, tough fight. Those without Chain 16 and/or Ultimate Mode look at the method below.
Alternative Walkthrough: Make Tigre Punks the #1 brand in the area. Have Velocity Tackle, Velocity Attack and a healing pin. Keep pressing down or B throughout the battle, and wear down Beat's HP with constant dashing with Velocity Tackle/Attack. This will take a long time and Joshua will get hurt during the battle, so remember to watch Joshua and Neku's health and use the healing pin when necessary, but there is no need for Joshua's Level 3 Fusion or chaining battles. Suggested deck: Velocity Attack, Velocity Tackle in a subslot, Blown Kiss, Healing Flamingo and two Lightning Rooks, one in a subslot.
High-Level Walkthrough: During late end-game farming, Neku's stats are probably have high enough to defeat Reaper Beat quickly outright. Because of the large number of fusion stars required for a Lv. 3 Fusion, it is quicker after a certain point in one's stat growth to simply chain Reaper Beat into 2 other noise (if you can afford a x67 multiplier) or 3 other noise (if one can afford only a x50 multiplier). A strong deck is necessary for this method, but it becomes much faster than the other two methods.
Location: Tipsy Tose Hall
Calendar: Week 2, Day 2
Noise: Sho Minamimoto (Taboo) (Noise No.86)
Shape: Blue Boss Noise Symbol
Default Drop: 1.00%
Drop Rate/Chain: 25 Drop rate with a chain of 4 will Guarantee
Game Difficulty: Hard
Walkthrough: Without the Ultimate requirement or the Chain 16 requirement, some prefer this method for speed and availability. The boss himself goes down easy Post-game with the Pegaso Build mentioned above. Also of note, the Raven you'll chain into drop Tektite, which is another material for Scarletite. This battle has Beat locked as partner, but if one can buff Beat's ATK the boss will fall in under 20 seconds!
Trade in x10 Shadow Matter at Shibu-Q-Heads 1F (after spending 10,000+ ¥)
Scarletite is only available for sale by Shibu-Q-Heads 1F after completing the game once for 5x Tektite, 2x Orichalcum, and 1x Dark Matter.
Location: A-East
Calendar: A New Day
Noise: Dissonance Grizzly (Noise No.97) and Dissonance Bat (Noise No.98)
Default Drop: 15% and 2%
Drop Rate/Chain: You need a drop rate of 7 for the Dissonance Grizzly to be a guaranteed drop, but a drop rate of 50 for the Dissonance Bat to guarantee the pin. Try to chain as high as possible.
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: As soon as A New Day 2 begins, you should be able to access A-East from Tipsy Tose Hall (where you first met Shiki and Rhyme).Morganite[]
Location: 104 Building
Calendar: A New Day
Noise: Dissonance Mink (Noise No.99) and Dissonance Rhino (Noise No.100)
Default Drop: 10% and 2.5%
Drop Rate/Chain: You need a drop rate of 10 for the Dissonance Mink to guarantee, but a drop rate of 40 for the Dissonance Rhino to guarantee. Try to chain as high as possible.
Game Difficulty: Normal
Walkthrough: This can be done right from the start of A New Day 3.Taaffeite[]
Location: Scramble Crossing
Calendar: A New Day
Noise: Dissonance Tapir (Noise No.105)
Default Drop: 20%
Drop Rate/Chain: Drop rate of 5 to guarantee.
Shape: Blue Boss Noise Symbol
Game Difficulty: Easy
Walkthrough: Once A New Day 3 begins, go to the bottom left corner of the Scramble Crossing. Chain as many battles as possible.PP[]
Battle PP
Location: Scramble Crossing
Calendar: Week 1, Day 4
Noise: Megumi Kitaniji (Noise No. 87)
Shape: Blue Boss Noise
:Set your difficulty to Normal or higher. Have a Hit Keeper 2 or higher item equipped on Neku. Pack two Lightning Rooks, one in a subslot and the pins needing PP. Keep pressing down with Beat during the encounter while aiming the Lightning Rooks at Kitanji. This is a fast method, and doesn't require high skills, Ultimate difficulty or Chain 16.
- The Final Time Attack is an excellent source of PP. On Normal difficulty, and if your characters are reasonably strong, it takes only a few minutes to run through the whole chain battle, gaining ~4000PP (as well as several pin drops). How favorably this compares to the above method is uncertain, though almost all of the pins that are mastered by BPP will do so in one go, which is nice and handy for speed-mastering of those pins.
- Final Remix's A New Day's Dissonance fights can bring lots of PP, as well. Chains can give over thousands of PP at once. Rubicon Is densely populated with Choirfrog and Dissonance Grizzly/Dissonance Bat with Sync Rave and Split modifiers, allowing for large chains. Split doubles the amount of Noise and thus PP, while Sync Rave allows for quicker fusion attacks to erase the field, bypassing Taboo Defense. Using threads with abilities like Sync Charge Z can further raise Sync charge rate while lowering fusion time to speed up battles, assuming the player is strong enough that a Lv1 fusion can kill all enemies.
Shutdown PP
:Abuse the DS's internal clock for this. Save the game, reload the DS and change the settings so the date will be 7 days or more in the future. Then load up the game for 297 Shutdown PP. Save and repeat the process. When setting the time back to normal, save the game and go to your DS settings to change it back, you won't lose any PP. Like Mingle PP, Shutdown PP will fill up 9x more space in the Growth Bar. In Final Remix, press the Home button, go to Settings, System, and then Time - turn off the Internet synchronisation, and change the time. Get out of settings and go back to the game, no closing required. Do this in the overworld, however, it won't work in battle.
Mingle PP
:Sadly, this is one of the more difficult methods of obtaining PP. If there's a second DS around, keep entering Mingle Mode and exiting again while the other one remains communicating. It should register the other DS as different each time. Fortunately, Mingle PP is 20 times more potent than Battle PP (Mingle PP will fill up 20x more space in the Growth Bar, growing when you gain Battle PP, meaning you can easily at least evolve Mingle Pins quickly). After a few doses of Mingle, fill the rest of the bar with Battle PP or Shutdown PP.
- If there isn't another DS to communicate with, rely on Aliens. Just leave the DS in Mingle Mode and put it to sleep. After a couple of hours, there should probably have one or two Aliens. Two is enough for all pins that evolve by MPP.
- An internet-enabled Nintendo Wii running the Nintendo Channel and broadcasting a DS demo can be substituted in place of a second DS, and any Wii game which interacts with the DS can be used for Mingling, such as Pokémon Battle Revolution.
Sprog Pin[]
Location: Statue of Hachiko, West Exit Bus Terminal (best area), Station Underpass, Scramble Crossing
Calendar: Week 3, Day 1
Noise: Orchesprog (Noise No. 11)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead) Also Medium Red Noise (Wolf) and large red noise (Rhino)
Default Drop: 0.10%
Drop Rate/Chain: 60 Drop rate with a chain of 10, aiming to get close to 1000 drop rate, 800 is adequate
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: The Noise show up in clumps of eight, and sometimes more than one clump. Easily taken out with long-range pins that hit more than one enemy. Killing the leader Frog that also shows up will kill all the Sprogs at once, as well. Each Sprog pin is worth ¥5,500 starting off, in only a few minutes it can earn over ¥300,000. No special tactics are required though it is best to save this method until the chracters have decent equipment and Neku has good pins.
Location: AMX
Calendar: Week 3, Day 3
Noise: Orchesprog (Noise No. 11)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Froghead)
Default Drop: 0.10%
Drop Rate/Chain: 60 Drop rate with a chain of 10, aiming to get close to 1000 drop rate, 800 is adequate
Game Difficulty: Ultimate
Walkthrough: This area contains a very large amount of Orchesprogs.
Raven Pin[]
Location: Tipsy Tose Hall (best)
Calendar: Another Day
Noise: Nefastraven (Noise No. 60)
Shape: Small Red Noise (Birdhead)
Default Drop: 0.50%
Drop Rate/Chain: 40 Drop rate with a chain of 5 will guarantee the pin drop.
Game Difficulty: Hard
Walkthrough: There are a great number of Ravens in this area, allowing for a massive chain. With usually 3 Ravens per Noise Symbol, the player can gain 15 pins per Reduction, leading to a 78,750 yen gain (if the player wishes to sell all of the pins.) The area is also a good spot for quick stat boosting, as Shibu-Q Heads is directly next to it.