- "The Taboo boomer boasts a fearsome jump kick capable of penetrating any defense!"
- — Noise Report
The Eurobeat Boomer is a Taboo boomer Noise in The World Ends with You and The World Ends with You -Solo Remix-. It has a black body with grey tattoos for both its hind legs and for the joey sticking out of its pouch.
Passive Abilities[]
- Taboo Defense: Taboo Noise only take full damage from attacks that are made by characters holding the Light Puck, as part of a Cross Combo, or from Fusion Attacks. All other attacks deal significantly reduced damage.
Active Abilities[]
- Marsupial Charge: The Eurobeat Boomer, using its tail for balance, leans backwards with both hind legs raised in front of it. It then charges forward in a straight line, damaging the player if he or she gets in the way.
- Rocket Bound: The Eurobeat Boomer jumps straight upwards, disappearing off the screen. A crosshair then appears on the ground underneath where the player is standing, and will follow the player for a brief moment. The crosshair will quickly settle, only for the Eurobeat Boomer to come down feet first at that location, dealing damage if the player has not been quick enough to dodge it. Unlike the Jungle Boomer's Rocket Jump, Rocket Bound allows the Eurobeat Boomer to jump again immediately after landing. This can be chained into multiple jumps, up to 3 times altogether.
- Joey Uppercut: The Eurobeat Boomer uses the joey in its pouch to perform an uppercut on the player.
The player should keep moving and blocking to avoid its attacks. Once the boomer Noise jumps into the air, the player should dash until the crosshair stops at a far enough away location. However, caution is advised since the 2-step Boomer can chain multiple jumps together. Since it is a Taboo Noise, all psych attacks do significantly less damage than normal. In order to do real damage to a Taboo Noise, the attacking character must have the Light Puck. Equipable items that make the Light Puck move more slowly between Neku and his partner can therefore be helpful when fighting any Taboo Noise.
Other appearances[]
Week 2: Day 2[]
- Screen transition to Molco - Cadoi City
Week 2: Day 6[]
- Screen transition to Center St. Entrance - Scramble Crossing
Week 2: Day 7[]
- Summoned by Leo Cantus during end of day storyline boss battle - Pork City
- Summoned by Leo Cantus during boss Noise battle - Shibukyu Main Store
The Eurobeat Boomer's name is a play on "Eurobeat" (a genre of electronic dance music) and "boomer" (an Australian term for an adult male kangaroo).