- "Kitaniji's dragon form after integrating Joshua. Aim for the heads and finish it off!"
- — Noise Report
Draco Cantus (ドラゴカンタス Dorago Kantasu, Latin for "singing dragon") is the final boss of The World Ends with You. It is a second Noise form of Megumi Kitaniji's, adopted after he entraps Joshua and incorporates him into his body.
Neku doesn't have a partner for this fight, so the player is fighting alone. To deal damage, Neku must simply attack any of Draco Cantus's heads on the lower screen. Draco Cantus inflicts massive damage and uses multiple attacks that will cover the entire screen. Its five heads will constantly be using an attack called Energy Spread or Laser Blast if you are afar and will Dragon Bite Neku if he nears them.
Once 20% of Draco Cantus's yellow HP bar is drained, one of Neku's partners will perform a Fusion. The partner will glow and an arrow will show up on the partner from their spot on the top screen. Press the D-Pad or buttons in the way that it shows (left for Shiki, up for Joshua, and right for Beat), and Neku will gain a permanent Light Puck. Pressing the input again when prompted will gain him a boost to the Light Puck. Due to the fact that this is permanent, having the Eden set will make this fight easy. In Solo Remix and Final Remix, instead of the D-Pad, the partners will be displayed in the pose for the highest available fusion; when this occurs, do the input corresponding to the partner (tap for Shiki, slash down for Joshua, and press for Beat) to activate their highest Fusion attack. If this attack fails, Draco Cantus will heal as punishment.
Another strategy while fighting Draco Cantus is for the player to stay near the bottom left or right corners of the screen and uses the Lightning Rook pin received after fighting Kitaniji diagonally to cross the lightning with up to three heads, it will deal massive damage. The player will have the best chance at avoiding his attacks by sticking to one of the corners. Another way to deal an incredible amount of damage would to use a dashing attack between the top three heads on the bottom screen, just be careful to move back quickly! When he reaches 0 HP, the Four Stars pin will appear. Press the pin to erase Draco Cantus.