The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Dissonance Noise is a type of Noise found only in A New Day of The World Ends with You Final Remix. On top of being tougher than the standard Noise, all battles containing Dissonance Noise are subject to Mission Battle conditions. They are found primarily within the Purple Noise symbols that at a certain point become the predominant type of symbols found in A New Day, replacing Chump Noise symbols. Normal, non-dissonance species of Noise can be fought alongside the Dissonance varieties found in these symbols as well. Being exclusive to A New Day, they never appear alongside Chump Noise, Negative Noise, Taboo Noise, or Pig Noise and can only be chained with each other or one of the three Boss Noise symbols that appear in those chapters.


Similar to Taboo Noise, most Dissonance Noise have the appearance of another Noise of the same family, typically that of the strongest or highest numbered variant, recolored towards a more purple coloration and appear in battle with a static distortion effect. Unlike Taboo Noise however, most Dissonance Noise don't expand on the musically inspired naming themes of their respective families, instead using the word dissonance itself in their names.



Noise Families
The World Ends with You
BatBoomerCarcinCorehogDissonanceDrakeFoxFrogGrizzlyJellyMink Noise FormPigPopguinRavenRhinoSharkShrewSprogTabooWolfWoollyReaper

NEO: The World Ends with You
FrogGrizzlyJellyLeonPachyPigPlaguePlayersPopguinPufferRavenRexRhinoSharkShinjuku ReaperShinjuku Reaper Noise FormStingerWolfα (Alpha)
