The Deep Rivers Society (幽川舎 Yusensha) is a team of Players in NEO: The World Ends with You led by Fuya Kawahara.
The Deep Rivers Society is a group of river enthusiasts whose game-plan is to survive by being cautious and steady-going. Members of the group are shown to adore various bodies of water, such as rivers, streams, etc.
Some members have their favorite bodies of waters, and sometimes talk about these bodies as if they were women, such as mentioning a river having nice curves. It is hinted this is because in the Japanese version of the game, instead of the exhibit being called "Bodies of Water" in the English version which is wordplay but not completely explicit about the idea, it is "Rivers Personified" (河川擬人化), hinting that the rivers are interpreted as human women.
NEO: The World Ends with You[]
When Fuya is erased at the end of week one, the team is erased as well.