Days are a game mechanic in The World Ends with You and NEO: The World Ends with You. Each day functions as a chapter. The Reapers' Game lasts a week long, consisting of seven days.
Days do not use real-world time, and the time limits or narrative urgency in most of the missions are simply a part of the story and are not implemented in actual gameplay. The player is free to play each Day as quickly or as slowly as they wish, and taking time to defeat Field Noise in order to accumulate pins or XP never has any negative consequence. In NEO, there are parts of the story where the characters do run out of time and have to deal with this, usually by using Replay; these are a fixed part of the story and always happen, no matter how quickly or slowly the player completes the Chapter. The exception is in the original The World Ends with You where the number of Bytes per real-world day the characters can consume, or SDPP (shut down pin points) depend on real time. In NEO, there are no SDPP and Fullness is reduced by number of battles rather than real time, so these do not apply.
In the first game, there are twenty-two days total in both the DS and mobile versions, while The World Ends with You: Final Remix adds a twenty-third day. In NEO, there are twenty-four days.
Single-time exclusives (The World Ends with You)[]

Each day gives the player one Scarletite (except for Another Day and A New Day). The player cannot get Scarletite by revisiting the chapter and completing the day again. Instead, to obtain additional Scarletite, the player must go to Shibu-Q Heads (Floor 1) to trade in pins for a quest item Scarletite.
However, days that give non-exclusive pins (i.e. Tin Pin Golem) will often still give the player the pin when replaying that part of the day. There are occasional exceptions though, such as Red Skull and the starter pins, as while additional pins of these types are obtainable, they cannot be obtained through replaying the main story.
Stickers and Books[]
Stickers and books can be obtained both through events and through shops, but there's only a limited number of each sticker type, and all books are unique. As such, each event that rewards one of these will only do so once
Pig Noise can each only be defeated once. Once they are defeated, they will not reappear, even if replaying a Day.
While most threads aren't obtained through special events, those that are cannot be obtained more than once. This includes all the secret box rewards, plus a couple of others.
Chapter Select[]
The World Ends with You[]
After finishing Beat, Day 7, the Chapter Select menu unlocks and can be accessed from the inventory menu.
This menu allows the Player to pick between any of the previous days, as well as certain new days based on which game they are playing. While in the overworld and not engaged in any activity, the player is allowed to switch to a new day at any point in the current day that they are playing.
NEO: The World Ends with You[]
The chapter select menu is unlocked on Week 1, Day 5, In2 the xing.
The chapter select lists sidequests (in the form of a picture showing the quest's Social Network unlock or not), Scramble Slam prizes and Dives that day, with the medal obtained for each Dive and points for each Slam. Unlocking Maito Minami's Social Network ability on Week 3, Day 1, Pigtionary, allows the player to see a list of Pig Noise in each day.
Returning to a previous day plays through the day from the beginning, including all story events in that day, although cutscenes can be skipped or fastforwarded. However, it maintains the current party regardless of the state of the story on the day returned to (so it is possible to have a character in the party while searching for that character). Returning to the currently active day restores to the point where the player left off. This means that Chapter Select can be used to complete missed sidequests at any point at no penalty and with no loss of progress.
Visiting a day via Chapter Select retains the party's existing level. Noise remains the same level as it previously was, so encounters will generally be much easier unless the party level or difficulty is adjusted. The ability to harm Plague Noise is not transferred, so the early unwinnable encounters with Plague Noise cannot be made winnable by chapter selecting them. Completing a day reached by Chapter Select re-opens the Chapter Select menu rather than moving to the next day automatically.
Chapter Select is entirely distinct from Replay, and has no in-character reflection.
List of Days[]
The World Ends with You[]
In total, there are 22 Days in The World Ends With You and Solo Remix. Final Remix's exclusive, A New Day, spans three parts, each split into a separate in-game day.
- (01) Shiki, Day 1: Reapers' Game
- (02) Shiki, Day 2: Don't Kill Me
- (03) Shiki, Day 3: Who 2 Trust
- (04) Shiki, Day 4: Erased
- (05) Shiki, Day 5: Empty Urban Legends
- (06) Shiki, Day 6: Superiority/Inferiority
- (07) Shiki, Day 7: Wakeless Dream
- (08) Joshua, Day 1: Rulez
- (09) Joshua, Day 2: Reapers
- (10) Joshua, Day 3: Roaming The Streets
- (11) Joshua, Day 4: Pinned
- (12) Joshua, Day 5: Turf
- (13) Joshua, Day 6: Beast on the Prowl
- (14) Joshua, Day 7: Clash of Desires
- (15) Beat, Day 1: Sensible, Senseless
- (16) Beat, Day 2: Style
- (17) Beat, Day 3: The Composer
- (18) Beat, Day 4: Indelible Guilt
- (19) Beat, Day 5: Vanishing Point
- (20) Beat, Day 6: Stride
- (21) Beat, Day 7: Game
- (22) Another Day: This Day Ends With You!
- (23-25) A New Day: Expert Mode, Dissonance, No Beginning and No End
NEO: The World Ends with You[]
NEO: The World Ends with You is made of three weeks of seven days, along with Another Day. The final day of Week 3 has three versions.
- Prologue
- (01) Week 1|Day 1: theREAPERS'game
- (02) Week 1|Day 2: GeT✖TWISTeD
- (03) Week 1|Day 3: DeeP DivE
- (04) Week 1|Day 4: REAL(eyes/ize/lies)
- (05) Week 1|Day 5: HEAD2HEAD
- (06) Week 1|Day 6: in2 the ✖ing
- (07) Week 1|Final Day: GamE thEorY
- (08) Week 2|Day 1: New Game
- (09) Week 2|Day 2: LiVing LeGend
- (10) Week 2|Day 3: Sound♪Surfer
- (11) Week 2|Day 4: 🡒urbaNlegendZ
- (12) Week 2|Day 5: noisrevni
- (13) Week 2|Day 6: desireDestination
- (14) Week 2|Day 7: CHECKMATE!
- (15) Week 3|Day 1: SuDDeN DeaTH
- (16) Week 3|Day 2: Dearly❤beloveD
- (17) Week 3|Day 3: re:START
- (18) Week 3|Day 4: come🡒🡐back
- (19) Week 3|Day 5: VisioN
- (20) Week 3|Day 6: 🡐stabbed
- (21) Week 3|Final Day: S • B • Y
- (22) Week 3|Final Day': SHI • BU • YA
- (23) Week 3|Final Day'': SHIBUYA
- (24) Another Day: Party in the 'Buya
Secret Reports[]
- Main article: Secret Reports
Secret Reports are files explaining the underlying mechanics of the Underground, and the events of each day. There are 25 Secret Reports in total, obtained by completing special objectives in each chapter after unlocking the Chapter Select menu.