The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

This page is for the character. Information on the boss Reaper Beat can be found here.
"Don't just take things people care about... AND THEN SIT AROUND CHATTING, YOU DAMN REAPERS!"
— Beat to Kariya and Uzuki (The Animation)

Daisukenojo Bito (尾藤 大輔之丞 Bitō Daisukenojō), nicknamed Beat (ビイト Bīto), is a character in The World Ends with You. He is Neku Sakuraba's third partner in the Reapers' Game and a playable character. He is the older brother of Rhyme.

In NEO: The World Ends with You, he returns to the Game under mysterious circumstances, is mistaken for Neku due to his clothing, and joins the Wicked Twisters. He is also a playable party member in NEO.


Beat is a muscular teenager with blond hair and blue eyes. He wears a black beanie with a large skull on the front, a white tank-top with either red lacing or a red sleeveless shirt under it, beige yellow cargo shorts, and red-and-black shoes. He accessorizes with a black chain skull necklace, and a black bracelet on his left wrist, and a chain dangling on his pants. It is implied his preferred brand is Wild Boar, given his items associated with the brand as well as its skater aesthetic.

In NEO: The World Ends with You, he first appears "disguised" as Neku. He wears a black hooded jacket with a white crossbones design, and a white shirt with a chain necklace underneath. He also wears a chain bracelet on his left wrist. The inside of his jacket is bright red. His pants are baggy and solid black, and his shoes are red and black. He wears a black face mask that goes up to his nose, and his hair has grown out to cover his right eye. All of this makes him difficult to recognize at first. Later, he flips the hood back to reveal a set of black headphones, and removes his mask.


"Hot-blooded and hard-headed, Beat is the polar opposite of Neku—even if they are the same age. Still, despite his emotional outbursts, he has a big heart. He's always ready to throw down and ollie into combat on his board, with Rhyme right there beside him."
— Game manual description
Beat Artwork

Beat tries his best to act tough, but is actually soft underneath, getting embarrassed whenever people realize this. He also despises the name his parents chose for him because he finds it uncool and embarassing, preferring his nickname Beat over Daisukenojo, which reflects his soft nature. At the same time, Beat is very loud and impulsive, and tends to come to conclusions without reason.

While he lacks well-rounded intelligence, can't pick up on complicated insults to him immediately, and is shown to be forgetful, he's a big-hearted person who would do anything for his friends. He is also shown to be brave and sometimes has his clever moments. For example, he may have been the only Player to discover that the walls of the game can actually be broken with enough physical force. Beat has a strong sense of justice, being disgusted by the behavior of Reapers (especially Kariya and Uzuki) for being callous and dishonorable, like their nonchalance after erasing Rhyme or playing along with the illegality of a Game with only one Player. His tenacity and determination, never giving up on a way to revive Rhyme when it all seemed hopeless, resulted in her being brought back to life.

Before he entered the Reapers' Game, he was much like Neku, uncaring and pushing his sister away from him, because he didn't like being pitied by her. With the discovery that Rhyme has lost her memories, he lies to her in saying that his dream was to become the best skateboarder in the world, as truly, he has no dream.

Beat's speech patterns in the Japanese version of the game is characterized as a typical rough and impolite delinquent. As his impolite speech in Japanese usually can't be translated seamlessly into English, this is generally turned into brash and aggressive dialogue, with a fair chunk of swears and misuse of words.



Growing up, Beat was consistently academically surpassed by his sister, Rhyme. His parents would constantly degrade Beat and compare him to Rhyme, saying he needed to go into a good school, and he felt they cared more about his academic results than him as a human being. Beat's school performance would cause constant fights with his parents, and he would end up leaving his home after these arguments because his relationship with his parents became too toxic and the fights would leave Beat feeling like trash after. Even though Beat actually did try in school, it was never enough for good grades, and ironically, his parents' attitude only caused Beat to resent them to the point where Beat stopped trying in school entirely, worsening his grades.

Eventually, his parents gave up on him and stopped expecting results. Rhyme was still there to support him, saying he should pursue whatever dreams he wanted, although Beat was unsure what he wanted out of life. Beat hated constantly being pitied by Rhyme and started to push her away as well, even up to the day of their deaths.

Car crash

Rhyme and Beat killed by the car.

On one morning, Beat had another fight with his parents, a particularly nasty one with his father, and he left home. Rhyme followed him to the Miyashita Park Underpass where she tried to convince him to give their father another chance, saying their father would understand if Beat talked to him, but Beat replied he had nothing more to say to such a hard-headed old man. After Rhyme mentioned an adage, Beat shouted at her to be quiet and leave him alone. Suddenly, an out-of-control car sped in Rhyme's direction. Beat tried to save her by shoving her out of the way, but they were both hit by the car and killed.

As a result, they became partners in the Reapers' Game, and he noticed that his sister did not remember him anymore, due to Beat's entry fee being Rhyme's love and memories of him.

Week 1[]

Beat opening

Beat rescuing his sister.

On their first day, Beat is one of the three partners who Neku runs past in the opening while he flees from the frog Noise. Unlike the other partners, Beat is seen in a full on sprint, presumably in order to find Rhyme before she gets erased. In the opening, Beat is seen saving Rhyme from some sort of Noise-induced explosion at the top of a building near AMX, but he catches her on his skateboard, and proceeds to flee from Noise while carrying her in his arms. Uzuki Yashiro and Koki Kariya are seen as well, implying they were responsible for summoning these Noise. Beat and Rhyme failed to reach 104 as the mission said, but as Neku and Shiki made it to complete the mission, their timers disappeared as well. They also met Harrier Reaper Uzuki Yashiro, who supposedly tried to trick them somehow, much like what happens to Neku and Shiki the following day.

On the second day, Beat and Rhyme meet Neku and Shiki. When Beat tries to scan them he sees he can't, so he jumps to the conclusion that they are also Reapers. After some explanations (and also calling Neku "Phones" for first time in the game), Beat proposes for the four to work together, but when an angry Neku says that he doesn't want others dragging him down, Beat flies into a rage and storms away with Rhyme.

Beat & rhyme

Beat and Rhyme erasing the Master of A-East.

On the third day Beat and Rhyme meet Shiki and Neku again, and inform them about memes. After that they discover that the "Master of A-East" is a little golden Noise bat, and when it appears after Neku and Shiki destroy Vespertilio Canor they erase it, thus completing the mission at the last second. After this Neku agrees to work with them, seeing they are useful allies.

On the fourth day, Shiki, Neku, Rhyme and Beat wait for the mission at 104. The mission seemed to easy, just a ten minute walk to Towa Records, so Beat started a race between the two teams in which he ends being the only one truly participating. When he and Rhyme reach Cadoi City, he asked to stop in order to let their friends catch up.

Rhyme rescuing beat

Rhyme rescuing Beat.

When the four are together again, Beat runs to Towa Records, where Kariya and Uzuki have set a trap for the players. Rhyme is erased after being caught in the Noise trap in order to protect Beat from it, echoing Beat and Rhyme's death from the previous car accident with the roles reversed. Sanae Hanekoma suddenly appears, saving a tearful and distraught Beat (as without a partner he only had a few minutes to live) replacing Rhyme with a pin made from Rhyme's Soul, which Beat forms a pact with. Hanekoma then takes him to his café, where Beat is imprinted in order to make him learn about how to use the pin, though Beat is still unable to use it.

On the sixth day, Beat runs away from WildKat to ask the Reapers why he can't use the pin. He meets Uzuki and Kariya on the last day, Kariya presumably being the one of the two who tells him the answers Beat is seeking.

Week 2[]

The Slime

Beat as a Reaper.

This leads Beat to becoming a Reaper, and he is assigned by the Conductor to defeat Neku and Joshua during the second week, despite this being rule-breaking. While Beat makes several attempts, he never accomplishes this for various reasons and leaves them be after each try. On the fourth day, Beat drops Rhyme's pendant after attacking Neku and Joshua. Neku gives it back to Beat the next day and that resonates with Beat. As a Reaper, Beat's outfit does not change, but he does grow the traditional skeletal wings that all Reapers possess. He also learns more about the UG, Reaper Sports (which he quickly forgets after forsaking the Reapers) and how to become the Composer.

Week 3[]

Nekubeat pact

Neku and Beat make a pact.

During the third week, Neku's entry fee was the necessity of other players, which meant that he would be quickly erased (being that a player without a partner cannot erase Noise). Feeling that this was a cheap rule to add to the game, Beat renounces his Reaper status and forms a pact with Neku.

However, in the beginning of the second day, Beat learns that during his time as a Reaper, he earned zero points and he will die in roughly six days, as a Reaper's lifespan is based on the number of Players they erase. He also becomes a player again as a result of his treason and has his entry fee taken, which is Rhyme's Noise pin. The two players are given the mission of tracking and defeating the Game Master Mitsuki Konishi, which Beat wants to end quickly to recover Rhyme, forgetting about the plan he and Neku made of trying to reach the Shibuya River and face the Composer. Konishi claims she will wait in one spot for the whole week. They start searching for her and seem to spot her in A-East, but they are soon sent to the next day.

B&r place of death

Memorial of Beat and Rhyme's death.

On the third day, they are offered Beat's entry fee back by Uzuki Yashiro and later by Koki Kariya (who are really being used by the Iron Maiden to stall for time). Uzuki tries to play tag with them, but gets annoyed when they don't follow. Neku discovers about Beat's past and reasons for becoming a Reaper. On day four, Neku discovers their location is the site of Beat's and Rhyme's deaths. After solving a puzzle, they get the pin and see it's just a fake, and Kariya apologizes for being fooled by Konishi and gives them his keypin.

In the fifth day, while looking for the Game Master in Udagawa, they notice the people in the RG and the Reapers saying the same things (as a result of the Conductor's plan to "fix" Shibuya). They also get a photo of the first day in which Mr. Hanekoma appears doing something strange in Udagawa (repairing the Taboo refinery sigil Minamimoto needed to come back). They are forced to fight possessed versions of Uzuki and Kariya and they end up being victorious but Beat convinces Neku to spare them.

On the sixth day, they go to Cat Street, where they find WildKat has suffered an attack and they get a keypin for the Shibuya River. On the way to the River they meet Sho Minamimoto, who has been transformed into a Taboo form of himself. After a fight with him in which they barely scratch him, the day ends.

Beat Fading

Beat beginning to fade from existence.

On the last day, Beat is starting to fade away, but before that happens completely he and Neku go to the Shibuya River. When they reach it they meet Sho again, and the Game Master finally appears in Beat's shadow. The Game Master is erased and Beat gets Rhyme's pin back, but before disappearing Konishi tells Beat that Rhyme didn't hold Beat that dear, as her memories and love of him was in fact Beat's entry fee. After the fight the boys meet Shiki again, and see Sho crushed under a junk pile.

Beat Takes a hit

Beat shields Neku from Shiki's brunt of attacks.

The three youths find the Conductor, and a possessed Shiki is forced to fight her friends. Beat protects Neku from an attack and is left unconscious along with Shiki. When they wake up they follow the path to reach the Composer's throne and fight with Neku for the last time against the Conductor. Beat tells Neku that he is his partner no more, but his friend. After the fight, and though Beat doesn't become the Composer as he planned, Beat gets his desire of Rhyme being a human again fulfilled.

Neku and friends

The four players alive in the Realground.

At the end of the game, he is seen meeting Neku in front of the Hachiko, with Rhyme by his side.

This Day Ends with You![]

In the parallel universe of This Day Ends with You!, Beat is a stand-up comedian along with Rhyme. However, she wants him to put more focus on it instead of Tin Pin Slammer after he cancels their routine. So she teams up with the Black Skullers to end Tin Pin. After Beat defeats her in Tin Pin, they decide to get back together.

Beat is also shown to be very fond of Ken Doi's food.

A New Day[]

At the start of A New Day, Beat and Neku are thrown into another Game, this time on "Expert Mode". Their mission is to escape Shibuya. A Reaper named Coco tells the boys she's just as confused as they are about what's going on, and the three decide to trek through Shibuya for answers, only to find that it isn't the Shibuya they recognize, but a jumbled up version.

Beat is concerned for Rhyme, and is relieved when he reunites with her at Tipsy Tose Hall, where he and Neku learn that Shiki and Rhyme have also re-entered the Game as partners. The girls act out of character however. Rhyme says that she can still remember her dreams but Beat has no way of verifying it since he doesn't know her dreams. This results in Rhyme sacrificing herself for Beat by pushing him out of the way of a Dissonance Shark that tried to attack him. After Beat and Neku erase it, Beat mourns that he didn't believe it was really Rhyme because she sacrificed herself to prove it.


Beat sees Neku murdered by Coco.

After learning that the Shibuya he was playing in was a pseudo-parallel world and is actually all one Noise, Beat and Neku erase it. Afterward, they are transported back to the Realground in Udagawa. Coco ends up there with them, too. Beat speaks to Rhyme on the phone and is relieved to know she is alive and well. Beat plans to meet up with her in the park to go shopping together but first he and Neku debate what to do about Coco, thinking they shouldn't just leave her alone there. Before they can do anything more, Coco pulls out a gun and shoots Neku in the back. Joshua appears a tad too late, and shoots Coco, only hitting her in the shoulder, and she escapes. Neku falls to the ground and Beat reaches out for him, before his body disappears.

NEO: The World Ends with You[]

In the past three years since after A New Day, Beat spent his time searching for Neku since his disappearance from the Realground but had found no success.

Week 1[]

On Week 1, Day 4, a "buddy at school" gave him a Reaper Pin which unknowingly transitioned him into the Underground. Knowing he is stuck in the UG again albeit alive, Beat apparently tries to hide his identity using a mask. Beat has regained his ability to use psychs against the Noise.

Beat appears on Week 1, Day 7 where he rescues the Wicked Twisters' leader Rindo from Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki. Due to his mask covering his face and his hairstyle being almost as similar to Neku's, his current appearance led many Reapers and Players to believe him to be Neku throughout the next few days. This is presented as coincidental on Beat's part.

Week 2[]

Beat reappears again on Week 2, Day 2 where he confronts Tsugumi Matsunae on a roof, but could not defeat her Mr. Mew psych by himself. Exhausted and defeated, he was dragged out to the Scramble Crossing in front of Tanzo Kubo, the Reaper expressing disappointment at 'Neku' for how much of a 'legend' he was worth. Before Beat was dealt the final blow by Tsugumi on Kubo's orders, Rindo turned back time using his Replay ability and saved him from his fate as soon as the Wicked Twisters determined his whereabouts.


Beat reveals he's not Neku.

After the group did their best to fight off the horde of Mr. Mew that Tsugumi summoned, Beat revealed his identity to everyone present in the fight to correct their misassumptions about him being Neku. Due to this turn of events, Kubo cancelled the mission since the target was meant to be Neku Sakuraba and not Beat. Kubo then invites the Player veteran to participate in the Game and leaves, allowing Beat to join the Wicked Twisters after this.

On the 3rd day of the second Game, Beat expressed his surprise at how much the Game has changed, such as how they play in teams instead of just partners this time. He also told the Wicked Twisters of how he does not recall having actually died to end up in the UG, to which the team members also admit they shared similar experiences as well.

In the Scramble Slam mission, Beat proved himself a valuable ally to the team with his ability to skate with the whole group at supersonic speed and defeating all of their rivals in each turf (while correcting many people who still call him 'Neku'). After taking the Wicked Twisters to victory in the Scramble Slam, he and the group meets Kanon Tachibana, where the Variabeauties leader proposes that they work together to overthrow the Ruinbringers and escape the rigged Game.

Beat also caught up with Uzuki once more in the middle of the Scramble Slam mission. Despite almost forgetting who she is and calling her 'Pinkie' as he never used her real name (to her annoyance), the two discussed their history and how much Shibuya has changed in the three years since the Shinjuku Reapers arrived and took over the Game. Beat and Uzuki also talked about Neku, who is also nowhere to be found in the Shibuya UG.

When the 4th day of the Game started, Beat commented about how Reapers used to trick them on every mission and the likelihood of the current Game being rigged just like the Game played three years ago that almost destroyed Shibuya. While solving urban mysteries as part of the day's mission, he and the group met Uzuki and told her how they could not recall having died to end up playing the Game. Shocked to learn of this, Uzuki went to described their situation as a violation of the rules of reality in which they might no longer exist in the RG in this case, a problem 'above even the Game Master's pay grade' that only the Composer could resolve. She also explained to the group of how Shinjuku was destroyed by the inversion three years ago, to which Beat is the only person among the Twisters who remembers Shinjuku's existence due to having already spent enough time in the UG to be aware of it.

While trying to track down the mystery of a disappearing customer from a clothing store, the team ended up fighting against a group of strange Noise. Though their attacks have no effect on them, the strange Noise vanished immediately after. Beat remarked how he never seen these Noise before, being apparent that they are different than the Taboo Noise from his experience

As the the team progressed with their mission, they ended up meeting Shoka Sakurane and asked her questions about the Shinjuku Reapers, the current Game and if it was possible to return to the RG under their circumstances. Beat went on to remark about how the Shinjuku Reapers would be insane enough to drag living people into the UG, and how the Ruinbringers are acting more like Reapers compared to the actual ones. He also showed disgust as Shoka explained how the Shinjuku Reapers' way is never to take prisoners or survivors and told them to do any underhanded tricks to win before leaving.

After the Wicked Twisters took out their target at the end of the day and heard how the Ruinbringers remained in first place once again, Beat expressed his understanding of why Kanon would want to overthrow the number one team.

When Day 5 started and the Wicked Twisters continued their discussion about teaming up with Kanon, Beat was happy to see Kariya visiting them and joked with him about his taste for action having lead him back into the Game. Kariya then repeated what he heard from Uzuki about the group being still alive, and thought Beat's suspicions about the Shinjuku Reapers being involved in this is possible but has no clue what they are planning. Beat was also surprised to learn that Uzuki was formerly the acting Game Master three years ago soon after his revival, and sympathizes with Kariya on how the Shibuya Reapers are being forced to either obey the Shinjuku group or face erasure.

To be written

Week 3[]


Beat stopping Leo Cantus Armo.

To be written



"Yo, forget this "partner" crap. You ain't my partner anymore, man. You're my friend! So trus' that, yo!"
— Beat to Neku (Beat, Day 7)

Beat first encounters Neku on Week 1, Day 2 where they get off to a rocky start. They meet again the next day, where Beat is reluctant to give Neku and Shiki advice. However, at the end of Week 1 Day 3, Beat and Rhyme appear and save Neku and Shiki by completing the mission. Afterwards, they seem to be on good terms, and agree to work together for the rest of the week.

When Rhyme is erased the next day, Neku, Shiki and Hanekoma talk him out of fighting the shark Noise that attacked Rhyme. As he leaves with Hanekoma, Neku and Shiki agree to avenge Rhyme in Beat's place. Beat joins the Reapers at the end of Day 7, surprising both Neku and Shiki.

During Week 2, Beat is assigned by Megumi Kitaniji to defeat Neku and Joshua. He attacks and overpowers them a number of times, but never brings himself to erase them. Despite their misgivings, in one encounter Neku is compassionate enough to return Rhyme's pendant (which Beat had dropped the previous day) to him.

At the start of the third week, Beat chooses to leave the Reapers to become Neku's partner and save him from certain demise (being the only Player, Neku could not form a pact). As partners, the two become closer, and work together to survive the week, save Rhyme and attempt to dethrone the Composer. During their time together, Beat shares more of his background with Neku and why he is in the Reapers' Game. In the final battle, Beat states that he no longer sees Neku as a partner but as a friend. Together, along with Shiki, they defeat Kitaniji in both his Noise forms.

In the ending, Beat and Rhyme both meet up with Neku and Shiki by Hachiko, and the friends are reunited. Beat then later partners with Neku again in A New Day. At the end, Beat is shown to be panicked at Neku's sudden death.


When Beat was alive, his parents would constantly compare him to his younger sister Rhyme, who had better grades and behaved better than Beat. She pitied Beat and would encourage him, but Beat was embarrassed and tried to push her away.

On the day of their deaths, Beat ran out of the house following another argument with his parents. Rhyme followed him and tried to persuade him to talk it out, but he didn't listen. A runaway car veered towards Rhyme, and Beat tried to push her out of the way, killing them both. When they came to the UG, Rhyme didn't remember Beat and treated him as a stranger. Beat thought her memories of Beat was her entry fee but as Konishi reveals on Week 3, Day 7, it was his. Beat partnered with Rhyme, wanting to protect her, but still felt upset when Rhyme would talk of her older brother without remembering it being Beat. On Day 4, Rhyme pushes Beat out of the way and sacrifices herself to a Swing Shark trap. Beat was devastated and wanted to be erased too because he thought he failed to protect her again, but Hanekoma talks him out of it and says he would be wasting her sacrifice. After Hanekoma takes Beat in and turns Rhyme's soul into a pin, Beat begins to focus on bringing her back to life. He thinks the Reapers would know and breaks out on the night of Day 6 and becomes a Reaper to do it.

He manages to make Rhyme into a Noise but learns the only way he can bring her back as a human is becoming Composer, and focuses on that during his week with Neku. He opens up about how he's scared Rhyme would come back without her love for him (what he thought was her entry fee) and his inferiority for losing her. It's implied that his and Neku's bond with Rhyme allowed them to use her Noise pin despite not being Reapers. Konishi's revelation that Rhyme's love for Beat was his entry fee shakes him as Konishi intended, but he presses on for his sister.

In the ending, Beat is seen at Hachiko happily waiting for Neku along with Rhyme.


According to the Japanese game manual, Beat uses Respect, a neutral-damage Shockwave-type pin.[citation needed] Beat attacks using his skateboard. His attack style is highly mobile, rarely holding still, relatively powerful, and but focuses almost exclusively on one enemy at a time. Compared to Neku's other partners, he seems more orientated towards aerial combat, in contrast to Shiki who is more ground-oriented and Joshua who is relatively balanced. He appears to be a Glass Cannon, lacking in defense, but having strong attacks and combos, so Beat is useful for taking out enemies that require large amounts of damage as he levels up in the game.

His ground combo sees him skate into an enemy repeatedly for damage before performing a powerful finisher. Notably, his ground finisher features a pair of finishing cards instead of a single card, which is one of the main draws. Interestingly, his ground technique is technically unusable against flying opponents, as he will shift to an aerial combo automatically when targeting them (though he can still get two finishing cards).

Compared to ground attacks, his aerial attacks can hit both ground and air targets while evading enemy ground attacks. Beat is more powerful in the air, but only obtains one finishing card if he began his attack in midair. Further, he is also somewhat vulnerable to counterattacks, as they knock him to the ground for additional damage. Using Air Cancel, Beat can cancel any combo he began from ground level and immediately counter with an aerial combo in either direction.

Beat can also use his skateboard to block attacks, though as a partner his blocks require careful timing.

Suit Cards[]

Beat's cards are generally considered the most complicated of the three partners, though this is balanced by the high number of Fusion Stars he can potentially rack up with a good setup. In order to gain stars with Beat, the player must successfully line up pairs of the same suit in consecutive rows, before executing them. Each ending on the combo tree will lead to one of a pair of cards. After gaining that pair, it will appear at the top of the screen, along with a red arrow signifying where the next pair of cards will be placed. There are four unique suits; a red heart [], a green club [], a blue spade [] and a yellow diamond [], based on the suits of an ordinary deck of playing cards.

For example: The first two cards are a [] and a []. It will appear at the top of the screen like this: [][] And an arrow will appear where the player must place the next set of cards. The | denotes where the arrow is. []|[]

This means that the next set of cards will appear in between the current cards. Note that this arrow is random. Therefore if choosing a new set, for example, [][], will result in the combo looking like this as a possibility:


The player keeps going until they choose to activate the combo. This is done by choosing the skull icon from the end of a random branch of the combo map. From this point, each pair of cards with the same suit will give one fusion star. That is to say, when two cards of the same suit are next to each other, each pair will turn into one fusion star. Cards that have no pairs will simply disappear. For example:


When activated, it will get 2 fusion stars; one for the pair of clubs and one for the rightmost two diamonds. The middle two will be discounted and disappear.

Note the flames that appear on the top right and top left of the screen. Over time, they move toward the center of the screen, and act as a timer measuring how physically long the string of cards can be made. When cards touch these flames, they are burnt and disappear, causing heavy damage to Beat. This serves to stop and discourage the player from endlessly stacking cards or making overly elaborate combos.


Combos are also possible, in order to gain bonus stars from otherwise useless cards. For example:

[][][][][][][][] When activated, will turn into:

[][][][][][] and gives one fusion star. In addition, any new pairs formed (such as the [][]) will net 3 stars. And if another pair is formed from a 3 star pair such as:

[][][][], it gives six more fusion stars.

[][] When another pair is made as a result of that fusion star, it's ten fusion stars. Any other values are irrelevant in the North American version as getting four pairs in this manner would result in the level 3 fusion being accessible. (Only sixteen to twenty stars are required and 1+3+6+10=20.) Note though that the Japanese version had higher star requirements, with level 3 having a minimum requirement of 20 rather than as a maximum.

However, it is possible to use a level 3 fusion as soon as the first four combos "collapse" and count towards stars, before the fifth combo gets counted in. In this way it is possible to do two level 3 fusions one after another. This mechanic can also be used when the player already has some stars; for example, say there are 3 stars (with 4 being required for 1st fusion).

The player combos a [][][][]

The [][] will count towards fusion stars first, followed by a short delay before the two [] cards count.

Activating the level 1 fusion before the second part of the combo counts in, a fusion is performed, and 3 stars from the [][] will be gotten after the fusion.

If you activate the fusion after both phases of the combo have completed, you will have zero stars after the fusion, as stated before.


  • Fusion-B1 Level 1: Beat and Neku randomly teleport around the screen inflicting damage.
    • Beat: "Pick it up, Phones!"
    • Neku: "I'm there!"
  • Fusion-B2 Level 2: Chains form across the screen, Beat and Neku ride the chains and gain speed until the end of the fusion.
    • Beat: "The beat is on!"
    • Neku: "Bring it!"
  • Fusion-B3 Level 3: Beat and Neku surf a wave that consumes enemies.
    • Beat: "Let's start it up!"
    • Neku: "No, let's end it!"

Tin Pin Deck[]

In Another Day, Beat's pin deck is shown during a Tin Pin Match against him. As he can only be fought once, there is no rematch and 2 of his decks are known.

{C}{C Deck #1:

Pin #1: Tin Pin Fire | Weight: 5, Spin: 4, KO Length: 4, Stinger x 3, Bomber x 4, Hammer x 5, Hand x 1

Pin #2: Tin Pin Fire | Weight: 5, Spin: 4, KO Length: 4, Stinger x 3, Bomber x 4, Hammer x 5, Hand x 1

{C}{C Deck #2

Pin #1: Tin Pin Wheel | Weight: 4, KO Length:4, Stinger x 7, Bomber x 6, Hammer x 0, Hand x 1

Pin #2: Tin Pin Wheel | Weight: 4, KO Length:4, Stinger x 7, Bomber x 6, Hammer x 0, Hand x 1

Solo Remix[]

In The World Ends with You -Solo Remix-, all partner characters saw their combat abilities altered into usable Partner Pins. Beat's pin is activated by dragging on an empty space, although pressing also works. Beat will follow Neku and attack the closest enemy automatically. However, after a few seconds without an input, he will stop. His various other abilities are replaced with abilities that upgrade the pin's usability or improve the pin's attack mechanism. See Beat Partner Pin for full details.

Final Remix[]


Beat's move set in co-op.

In The World Ends With You: Final Remix, Beat, like all other partners, keep their pin usage style from The World Ends with You -Solo Remix-.

In Co-op mode, Beat retains his solo mode technique under the name SK8 Combo, though damage is reduced to compensate for his additional moves. In addition, he can use Vertical Boot by slashing up on an enemy to knock them into the air, and can also use Grind Flame by slashing across Beat to unleash a high speed charge that releases damaging flames. Vertical Boot is also notably enhanced after obtaining Power Combos, which grants it extra hits.

Fusion Cards[]

Battle Tutorial - Beat

Beat's card minigame in Remix.

In Remix versions, Beat’s Fusion attacks are powered by a card minigame. An endless line of suit cards appear and the goal is to make matches. If two cards on each side of one are the same, tapping the middle card will remove it, bringing the two now adjacent cards together. This creates a match, removing the cards and giving a multiplier bonus. It is also possible that when those cards are removed, it will shift two other cards of the same suit next to each other with the same results, creating a chain.

The Animation[]


Beat attacking Uzuki

In The Animation, Beat's abilities are expanded beyond hitting enemies with his skateboard. He not only rushes enemies and strikes them, he also uses his skateboard like a projectile and regularly tosses it towards his enemies. Without it, he punches enemies with his bare fists. While he objectively fights as he does in the game when performing melee feats, Beat is also capable of unleashing a small variety of different Psychs along with his normal attacks. Most of these involve conjuring Water or Chain Psychs, alluding to his Fusions in the game. He is also capable of unleashing Psychs that resemble designs from Wild Boar's pins, such as when he attacks Kariya with arrow like projectiles that formed a design similar to that of the Cosmic Pull pin from the game. He is also able to use Barrier Psychs like Neku, allowing him some measure of protection as Konishi assailed them with her attacks. When syncing up with Neku, Beat is capable of creating more chains and attack with Neku, similar to how his Level 2 Fusion functioned. At their strongest Sync up, they were able to create a giant tidal wave, similar to their Level 3 Fusion in the game, to engulf Kariya and Uzuki. As a Reaper, Beat could summon Rhyme and fly.


The World Ends with You[]


The following is all of the Beat-related items the player can get in the game:


There are several Threads that give bonuses when worn exclusively by Beat. Listed in order of their item number, they are:


Beat will react differently to different foods, giving him more or less Sync than the food's description states. Beat enjoys meaty and fast food; he also likes most ramen. He hates most sweet foods. Alluding to the fact he likes Cola, his memorial in Miyashita Park Underpass had a can of it in it. Beat has the most hates with 7 and ties with Neku in likes with 12.

Beat's line eating food he loves with a 200% sync modifier is "It's a party in my mouth!" His 8 loved foods, listed in order of their item number, are:

Beat's line eating food he likes with a 150% sync modifier is "This is great!" His 12 liked foods, listed in order of their item number, are:

Beat's line eating food he's neutral on with a 100% sync modifier is "That hit the spot!" His 11 neutral foods, listed in order of their item number, are:

Beat's line eating food he dislikes with a 75% sync modifier is "Ugh! Barf!" His 6 disliked foods, listed in order of their item number, are:

Beat's line eating food he hates with a 50% sync modifier is "Ugh, take it away!" His 7 hated foods, listed in order of their item number, are:

NEO: The World Ends with You[]


There are six Threads that give bonuses when worn exclusively by Beat.

Icon # Name Threads Slot HP Bonus ATK Bonus DEF Bonus Style Ability
NEO Thread 179 179 Monochrome Hoodie Topwear 35 0 88 125 Beat: ATK Boost III
NEO Thread 190 190 Monochrome Watch Accessory 0 32 16 115 Beat: DEF Boost III
NEO Thread 060 60 Tiger Backpack Accessory 71 0 0 150 Beat: DEF Boost IV
NEO Thread 177 177 Monochrome Cap Headwear 0 8 56 70 Beat: HP Boost III
NEO Thread 226 226 Camo Cargo Pants Bottomwear 84 0 104 150 Beat: HP Boost IV
NEO Thread 267 267 Half-Hearted Summer Gift Accessory 27 27 0 170 Beat: Jackpot

While Beat doesn't specifically receive bonuses from it, Beat can be seen wearing a mask in battle if equipped with Mask.


The food that Beat loves are as follows:

Name Bought From
Iced Café au Lait Hachiko Café
Ice Cream Float Hachiko Café
BLT Sandwich Hachiko Café
Chicken Soup Curry Hachiko Café
Hero Hamburger Justice Burger
Cheesy Champion Justice Burger
Freedom Fries Justice Burger
Superhero Soda Justice Burger
Justice Burger Justice Burger
Dandan Noodles Glutton 4 Gluten
Dark Dandan Noodles Glutton 4 Gluten
Sinful Noodles Glutton 4 Gluten
Rotisserie Chicken SBY BBQ
Strawberry Boba Latte bubblevision
Triple Triad Plate SPICY CURRY DON
Salmon Onigiri Moyai Mart
Between-Act Bento Moyai Mart
Fried Chicken Moyai Mart
Potato Chips Moyai Mart
Bowl of Oden Moyai Mart
Matsuzaka Beef Bowl Donburi Town
Tokyo Roast Beef Bowl Donburi Town
Nagoya Eel Bowl Donburi Town
Grand Slam Meat Bowl Donburi Town
Air in a Can Vegelovers
Cheesy Corndog Asia Fantasia
Banana Tigim Asia Fantasia
Takoyaki Tray Asia Fantasia
Hearty Beef Tacos Tacos y Más Tacos
Shoyu Ramen Suzu Slurpz
Miso Ramen Suzu Slurpz
Spicy Miso Ramen Suzu Slurpz
Non-Vegetarian Thali Crowned Curry
Banana Leaf Banquet Crowned Curry
Chicken Biryani Crowned Curry
Crispylicious Taiyaki Kyoto Sweets
Fluffy Pancake Stack Cutie☆Pies

The food that Beat likes are as follows:

Name Bought From
Café au Lait Hachiko Café
Chocolate Chunk Scone Hachiko Café
Fearless Fishwich Justice Burger
Topsy-Turvy Noodles Glutton 4 Gluten
Churrasco Skewer SBY BBQ
Dry-Aged Beef Steak SBY BBQ
Dark Chocolate Dream Udagawa Parfait
Boba Milk Tea bubblevision
Matcha Boba Latte bubblevision
Mango Boba Latte bubblevision
Japanified Biryani SPICY CURRY DON
Veggie Soup Special Vegelovers
Pani Puri Plate Asia Fantasia
Xiaolongbao Set Asia Fantasia
Very Berry Bouquet fluffy 'n' sweet
Chocolate Soft Serve fluffy 'n' sweet
Super Spicy Tacos Tacos y Más Tacos
Berry Blend Tea somedrinks
Bubbly Berry Blend somedrinks
Masala Dosa Crowned Curry
Anko Dango Skewer Kyoto Sweets
Creamy Matcha Anmitsu Kyoto Sweets
Triple Matcha Parfait Kyoto Sweets
Chocolate Pancake Stack Cutie☆Pies
Mango Shaved Ice Cutie☆Pies

The food that Beat dislikes are as follows:

Name Bought From
Hachiko Blend Hachiko Café
Iced Cold Brew Hachiko Café
SKO Sandwich Hachiko Café
Justice Juice Justice Burger
Roasted Tuna Head SBY BBQ
Grilled Alligator SBY BBQ
Fruit Cocktail Udagawa Parfait
Ruby Chocolate Delight Udagawa Parfait
Ladies' Night Parfait Udagawa Parfait
Muscovado Boba Latte bubblevision
Pickled Plum Onigiri bubblevision
Toyosu Seafood Bowl Donburi Town
Hokkaido Bounty Bowl Donburi Town
Mixed Chopped Salad Vegelovers
Avocado Toast Vegelovers
Green Smoothie Vegelovers
Açaí Smoothie Vegelovers
Muscat Grape Crêpe fluffy 'n' sweet
Farm-Fresh Cream Cone fluffy 'n' sweet
Sweet Potato Swirl fluffy 'n' sweet
Spicy Verde Tacos Tacos y Más Tacos
Holy Mole Tacos Tacos y Más Tacos
Salty Lemon Ramen Suzu Slurpz
Orange Tea somedrinks
Orange Tea Fizz somedrinks
Vegetarian Thali Crowned Curry
Zunda Dango Skewer Kyoto Sweets
Creamy Berry Shaved Ice Cutie☆Pies
Chocomint Shaved Ice Cutie☆Pies


The kanji of Beat's Japanese name, Dai-suke-no-jo Bi-tou, literally translate to big, help, of, help, end, wisteria. -nojo is a dated name ending meaning "of help", making Daisukenojo almost an intersection of an elderly name and a "kira kira" (sparkle) name, Japanese names with a bizarre spelling and pronunciation compared to commonplace Japanese names. He finds his given name embarrassing, and tries to keep people from speaking it, freaking out and/or getting angry whenever anyone does.

His last name, Bitou, could come from the Japanese pronunciation of the English word Beat, his nickname. Beat could be from the game attuning names to sound or music.

According to an interview, Beat has a zodiac sign hidden in his name, which are a theme of the game also seen in the brands, although it is unclear what exactly this refers to.[1]


The World Ends with You[]

  • "Need a hint? Go ask your friends." (accusing Neku and Shiki of being Reapers)
  • "...Hey, hold up. We should do introductions. The name's Beat. And this is my... my partner, Rhyme."
  • "You two gonna get owned down the road, yo!"
  • "Yo, Phones! What the hell's your problem!? We just lookin' out for you, and you treat us like this?"
  • "But yo, you ever try scanning 'em all? It's like havin' the radio on every channel at once."
  • "Your job? Screw your job! Murderers! You... You erased Rhyme!!!"
  • "...Fine. But you better kill that bastard dead. Avenge Rhyme!"
  • "Now you senior citizens can hobble off, aight?" (to Kariya and Uzuki)
  • "First you gimme some lame special op and make me snipe my friends, and now you gonna take down a defenseless Player? Ain't you Reapers got any honor? Now you got me all kinds a' pissed! Y'all goin' down, yo!"
  • "I wasn't about to leave your sorry ass to die."
  • "That Reaper crap was lame, yo. I was getting' sick a' how they ran things. The good guys suit me better."
  • "Stupid @#!%(#^)^@^ WALL!"
  • "I pave my own roads, yo."
  • "Once I'm Composer, this Game business is done!"
  • "Sorry, man, but I don't speak geek."
  • "She always had some saying. And she knew to think ahead! But me... I never learn. Even now, when she needs me the most."
  • "It's like I killed her, man. You don't know the half of it."

NEO: The World Ends with You[]

  • "Listen up, yo! I ain't Neku. The name's Beat, yo!"
  • "Let's eat, yo!" (placing order)
  • "I'm finna have seconds!" (eating loved food)
  • "That hit the spot, yo!" (eating neutral food)
  • "Least I ain't hungry anymore..." (eating disliked food)

Battle Quotes[]

The World Ends with You[]

  • Ready for a beatdown? - Begin battle
  • Bring it, yo! - Begin battle at low HP
  • Slam! - Combo finisher
  • Dumbass! - Combo finisher
  • Shred this! - Combo finisher
  • Good one, man! - Neku erased a Noise
  • Quit hoggin'! - Neku erased a Noise
  • Nice try! - Air cancel
  • I'm diggin' it! - Catching the puck
  • Let's step it up! - Catching the puck at 5x power
  • I don't think so. - Activating the partner pin in Solo or Final Remix
  • Yo man, we in trouble. - Low HP
  • What the hell?! - Knocked down
  • You all right? - Neku recovering from knockdown
  • RHYYYYYYYYME! - Game Over
  • I ain't done yet! - Noise erased
  • Come back when you grow a pair. - Noise erased
  • Man... no more of that. - Noise erased at low HP
  • Hell yeah! That was tight! - ★-rank victory
  • So what? A win's a win! - E-rank victory

NEO: The World Ends with You[]

  • "Get in my way and get shredded, yo!" (Battle start)
  • "All yo' asses is grass!" (Battle start)
  • "You got a lot of nerve takin' me on, yo." (Battle start)
  • "Let's do it, yo."
  • "Time for a beat down! Who's up first?"
  • "The game's on, yo!"
  • "Back me up here, will ya?"
  • "Damn, you good!"
  • "Looking good, brotha!"
  • "That was sick!"
  • "Not bad, yo."
  • "Let's turn up the volume, yo?"
  • "Leave it to me, yo!"
  • "Follow me, yo!"
  • "Bring 'em pain, yo!"
  • "Time to get wild."
  • "Goin' up!" (Launching combo finisher)
  • "Drown!" (Water-affinity combo finisher)
  • "Gonna make a splash!" (Water-affinity combo finisher)
  • "Booyaka!" (Rindo: "...Right!")
  • "Just follow my lead!" (Rindo: "I'll do what I can!")
  • "Leave it to me, yo!" (Rindo: "Roger!")
  • (Rindo: "Thanks for the help!") "I gotchu!"
  • (Rindo: "I did it!") "Hell yeah you did!"
  • (Rindo: "Oh yeah!") "Lookin' good, brotha!"
  • "Keep it up, Fret!" (Fret: "Will do, Beat buddy!")
  • "Time to get wild." (Fret: Just not too wild!")
  • "Follow me, yo!" (Fret: "Copy that!")
  • (Fret: "Booyeah!") "Booyaka!"
  • (Fret: "Keep it up, Beat!") "I gotchu!"
  • (Fret: "I'm gettin' pumped!") "Keep it up, brotha!"
  • "That all you got, Pinny?" (Nagi: "N-Not "all", per se!")
  • "Le's turn up the volume, yo!" (Nagi: "Within reason...")
  • "That was sick!" (Nagi: "'Twas sick, indeed!")
  • (Nagi: "GRAAAAAAHH!") "Huh? Whatchu say, Pinny?"
  • (Nagi: "Time to use my true power!") "Whatchu been waitin' for?!"
  • (Nagi: "'Twas an inexplicable success!") (Beat: "Jus' keep it up! Aight?!")
  • "Good one, kitty girl!" (Shoka: "No big.")
  • "Damn, you good!" (Shoka: "(chuckle)")
  • "Just keep hittin' 'em!" (Shoka: "Worms-for-brains.")
  • (Shoka: "How's that?") "That was sick!"
  • (Shoka: "Wow, I rule.") "Oh yeah!"
  • (Shoka: "You're surprisingly helpful.") "Hell yeah, I am!"
  • "Just like ol' times!" (Neku: "Some things never change.")
  • "Do it to it, Phones!" (Neku: "Aren't you glad I'm back?")
  • "I'm goin' all out!" (Neku: "Rein it in a little!")
  • (Neku: "Take...") "This, yo!"
  • (Neku: "Thanks for the assist!") "That's what I'm here for!"
  • (Neku: "It's all or nothing!") "Do it to it, Phones!"
  • "I got my eye on you, yo." (Minamimoto: "Heh!")
  • "Guess we gotta work together." (Minamimoto: "What, you got a problem with that?")
  • "Let's do this!" (Minamimoto: "Since we're adjacent...")
  • (Minamimoto: "It's all exponential!") "What'd you just call me?!"
  • (Minamimoto: "Try to keep up, would ya?") "Right back at ya!"
  • (Minamimoto: "Check your calculations!") "Ain't that your job!?"
  • "I was just getting started, yo!" (Battle won)
  • "Booyaka! Don't get better than this!" (★-grade victory)
  • "I gotta get my head back in the zone." (Low battle grade)
  • "You finna bounce, yo?" (Running away)

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance[]

Beat Scan
"A boy who has been forced into the Reapers' Game. You won't meet a sweeter guy than Beat, and he seems desperate to keep people from finding out. He picked a fight with Joshua to protect his Game partner."
— Beat's character file

Beat makes an appearance in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, though he appears mainly on Riku's side of the story. Along with the others, Joshua saved Beat from the brink of obliteration by bringing him to the Sleeping World Traverse Town. However, ending up in the Traverse Town of Sora's dream, Beat was separated from Rhyme and was forced to rely on creatures called Dream Eaters as a substitute to fulfill the Reaper's Game while looking for his sister. However, he is tricked by the game's antagonist Young Xehanort, thinking he was a Reaper, into thinking Joshua is to blame for his sister's disappearance. After attacking Joshua and Riku to bring the latter to him, Beat realizes Young Xehanort's deception and makes peace with Riku soon after.

By the time Riku returned to Traverse Town, Beat is reunited with Rhyme as they and the team of Neku and Shiki are given a Reapers' Game challenge to defeat the world-hopping summoner Dream Eater Spellican. During their fight with the Spellican, Beat and Rhyme are joined by Riku and become so distracted in their friendly conversation that they unknowingly infuriated the Dream Eater as it flies off while leaving behind Dream Eaters that Beat and Rhyme deal with. Once Riku manage to send the Spellican to the Traverse Town Sora is located at, he gives his good byes to Beat and Rhyme.

Kingdom Hearts Union X[]

Beat appears in several medals in Kingdom Hearts Union X:

The Animation[]

"A hot-blooded, hard-headed teenager who suddenly shows up with his partner Rhyme."
— Beat's description in The Animation's official website
Episode 3-2

Beat in The Animation.

Beat's role is mainly the same in The Animation.

Neku and Shiki first meet Beat and Rhyme when Neku tries to scan by touching Beat, unaware he's a Player. Beat accuses Neku and Shiki of being Reapers, but Rhyme and Shiki calm him down. He and Rhyme are present when Neku tries to erase Shiki. On the next day, he and Rhyme help Neku and Shiki erase Vespertilio Canor and agree to team up. He and Rhyme join Neku and Shiki in the green frog carriage near Statue of Hachiko to talk and people-watch at the beginning of Day 4. Rhyme plays with Mr. Mew, causing Shiki to open up about her seamstress skills and dreams to be a designer. Rhyme states she doesn't have a dream: Neku says it means she doesn't have a dream and fights with Beat again who is encouraging Rhyme to find hers as he dreams to be the greatest skateboarder. Shiki points out Rhyme's rare bell pendant. Rhyme says her older brother got her it and starts praising him, as Beat wistfully looks off into the distance.

In Erased (Episode), Beat challenges Neku and Shiki to a race to Tower Records and skateboards off with Rhyme. Before Tower Records, Beat taunts Neku and Shiki about their slowness - Neku says the race isn't done yet because he's still waiting outside Tower Records. Rhyme says Beat wanted to wait for him, and he gets embarrassed over Rhyme telling. When they reach Tower Records, Rhyme notices a Noise symbol at Beat's feet and pushes him away so the Swing Shark eats her, not him. Rhyme is erased, leaving her bell pendant at Beat's feat. After Rhyme's erasure, he tries to attack Kariya and Uzuki but is overwhelmed by them. Beat tries to fight the shark with Neku and Shiki, but Hanekoma stops him and orders Beat to come with him if he doesn't want to be erased. By the beginning of Day 7, Beat escapes from Hanekoma. He later confronts them in Mexican Dog, angry at their cruelty.


Rhyme pushes Beat out of the Swing Shark's way.

Beat appears at the end of Reapers (Episode). He punches Neku to the ground and flies off, ignoring Neku begging him not to fight. In Turf (Episode) Beat challenges Neku to a fight at Miyashita Park Underpass. Neku refuses, and Uzuki and Kariya arrive to remind him its against the rules for Reapers to attack Players outside of day 7. Beat declares he's doing a special operation for the Conductor, and yells at them to get lost. Uzuki is angry, but then gets a phone call from Konishi alerting her to Taboo Noise. Kariya telekinetically forces Beat to come along with them and leave. Neku notices that Beat dropped Rhyme's bell pendant.

Reaper Beat

Beat as a Reaper.

In Joshua (Episode), Beat warns Joshua and Neku as they climb Mark City staircase. Neku looks up and sees Spider Noise, but its so dark they can't see. At the the very top, Uzuki turns on the emergency lights. Kariya asks if Beat can be any more awkward, and Uzuki asks if his special op is to pretend to pick fights and protect Neku and Joshua from Noise and the Reapers. Joshua and Neku are chased by Beat to the top, and Neku stops to return Rhyme's pendant. He flies away.

In Emergency Call, while Neku is being swarmed by Frog Noise, Beat crashes through the 104 wall with Noise Rhyme. He objects to the Game having only one Player after he was ordered to erase his friends. Beat pacts with Neku, and they run. At 104, Neku thanks Beat for helping, and Beat is shocked at Neku's openness. Neku asks why Beat pacted with him, and Beat says it as playing against the rules, and also for giving Rhyme's pendant back. Neku says the Reapers will have problems with it, but he tells him it doesn't matter. He notices Beat's wings are gone (they disappeared when he Pacted with Neku) and Beat asks about Joshua, who sacrificed himself to save him from Minamimoto. Beat apologizes and takes him to the Station Underpass. When Beat says he'll break through the wall, Neku doesn't understand, and Beat says he got that from Rhyme a lot while petting the Noise on his shoulder. He explain she was turned into a Noise by Hanekoma when she got erased, and he plans to defeat the Composer to take over and bring Rhyme back to life. He punches the wall and it opens - Beat explains its due to the keypin he got as a Reaper, but only the Reapers on Konishi's level could open the Shibuya River. While walking through the Underpass, Rhyme gets agitated and flies off Beat's shoulder. She notices Konishi, who reprimands Beat for his defection and refusal to follow the special operation, protecting Neku from Noise under the guise of combat instead of protecting him. She elects to treat Beat as a Player, and takes his Entry Fee of Rhyme. She restrains Beat, and absorbs Rhyme into her chest.

Neku and Beat wake up on the second day. Konishi's face appears on the Q-Front, and gives her mission of hiding in a specific place for six days. She has to be defeated for Neku and Beat to win. A second announcement appears on all screens across Shibuya, announcing the Emergency Call and ordering Reapers to erase Beat and Neku. Beat says he saw Konishi go into the Concert Stage, and they run in, past the posters advertising a Def Märch concert, and the sold-out stickers. Inside, Beat remembers being in the stage less than two weeks ago. 777 approaches them and says he hasn't seen Konishi in the Concert Stage. As they leave, 777 stops them. He says he likes his double life of the Underground and Realground and will erase them for being a threat. He says Bito Daisukenojo, but is screamed down by Beat. Neku incredulously asks if it's Beat's name, and he calls it "seriously uncool" and orders Neku to only call him Beat. After defeating 777 and the Noise he summons, Beat leaves. Outside, Neku and Beat hear 777's scream when he is erased by Konishi.

In Rhyme and Beat, Neku and Beat open the doors of the Concert Stage after hearing 777 scream. Beat guesses 777 left, but Neku notices his choker on the floor and that he got erased. On Day 3, Neku finds Beat staring at a bouquet of flowers at Miyashita Underpass. Neku asks if there was an accident, and Beat reveals his and Rhyme's death: Beat ran out of the house at night after an altercation with his father and Rhyme came after him, asking him to talk it out. Beat brushed her off. A car lost control and swerved towards Rhyme - Beat ran up and tried to push her out of the way, killing them both. Beat blames himself and reveals Rhyme is his sister. When they came to the Underground, Rhyme forgot Beat being her brother. He made a Pact with her to keep her safe, but she was erased again trying to save Beat. Neku says Rhyme didn't have ill will towards Beat, and says it means she must have really cared about him if her memories of Beat were her entry fee. Neku calls him an idiot for his bravery, and trusts him for risking his life to save Neku. They get determined to bring back Rhyme and Shiki.

Beat walks out of the underpass, but Neku grabs him and tells him to blend in as Reapers using their keypins. Beat gets an idea to scan the Reapers, but Neku points out that Reapers can't be scanned, only people in the Realground. Neku tries to scan one, but doesn't get a thought. Beat points out they're all wearing the Red Skull pins, which are CAT-designed and with the same design as the Player Pins, which prevent the wielder from being scanned. He decides that CAT had to have designed the Player Pins. At Tipsy Tose Hall, Neku and Beat see a crowd yelling down a sold-out Red Skull supplier. Noise are feeding off their Negative Emotions - Beat notices Eri waiting in the crowd. They defeat the Noise, making the crowd calm down and disperse. Uzuki reprimands them for distracting themselves by fighting Noise, and shows them noise Rhyme, trapped in a birdcage.

Beat is woken up by the mission mail on Day 4, to find and defeat Kariya and Uzuki. Beat takes Neku to their turf, where the Reapers lurk and watch Players - the Scramble Crossing's Q-Front building. The cars and pedestrians stop, and they fight. Neku and Beat defeat them with a Fusion and demand Rhyme back. Kariya surrenders, and returns Rhyme, who flies into his arms and immediately dissipates. Beat thinks its a trick, but Kariya realizes they were tricked by Konishi. As an apology, Kariya gives Beat an officer's keypin. Beat warns them about Konishi.

In The Countless Wrongs of Our Day, Beat shakes Neku awake in the middle of the crossing. He notices another day's went by, and Beat panics about their lack of time. Neku calms him down and tells them to figure out where the keypin Kariya gave them would take them. Beat concludes they haven't been to Cat Street or AMX - Neku adds Udagawa. At AMX, Beat notices four Reapers possessed by the O-Pins. After defeating them, Beat admits to Neku he was laid-back and never focused. He only found his dream to be the world's best skater after Rhyme's encouragement. Beat sees a wall in the distance broken and crackling and they follow it to Udagawa. It's been torn through like someone forced their way out. Beat goes in to explore, and sees the Taboo Refinery sigil Minamimoto used. Uzuki and Kariya, possessed by O-Pins, attack them. Uzuki pins Beat to the ground and tries to strangle him - Beat kicks her in the stomach, dislodging an O-Pin from her shorts. She stumbles, stops attacking, and her eyes go back to normal. Beat guesses they were being controlled by the O-Pins.


Neku and Beat prepare to fight Minamimoto.

Neku and Beat go to Cat Street. The Cat Street wall is broken like the Udagawa wall, and they rush to WildKat. There, they find it wrecked. Beat suggests Neku should take another photo with his special camera, but he can only take one and sees Hanekoma hiding something in it. They search and find an envelope with a red Anguis stamp and a keypin. Beat concludes Konishi is hiding in the Shibuya River. Walking back, Beat finds a junk pile. At the top of the pile is a Taboo Sho Minamimoto. He says the Composer is responsible for the situation in Shibuya and plans to overthrow them. They fight, but Minamimoto overpowers them and flies away, leaving Neku and Beat's bruised bodies on the pavement. They wake up at Scramble Crossing on Day 6 and decide to go to the Shibuya River. Meanwhile, at the entrance, Minamimoto tears it down with a heavy punch. Neku and Beat see the red and black lightning thundering in the sky and run to the Shibuya River, going through the broken barrier.

In The Hour of Reckoning Neku and Beat find Minamimoto sitting on a pile of debris, saying they're stuck by a Shibuya River barrier that only Konishi can take down. Beat insults her for hiding in the River, but Minamimoto points out she's been with them the whole time - Konishi reveals herself from Beat's shadow. Minamimoto and Konishi make a deal. Konishi lets down the wall for Minamimoto. Konishi stops Neku and Beat and taunts them by bringing Rhyme out of her chest. She takes off her glasses and transforms into Tigris Cantus, creating an illusion where they seem to be floating above Shibuya. They attempt to perform a Fusion but Tigris Cantus breaks their focus. They plan for Beat to act as a decoy and Neku to strike while she's distracted - Neku fires a shot of Flames Afar, Foes Aflame. Tigris Cantus' shadow subdues and beats Neku. Beat looks in horror and remembers Neku's enthusiastic trust and Rhyme's sacrifice, drawing out Rhyme from Tigris Cantus' chest. Beat and Neku perform a fusion, empowering Rhyme, who claws through and breaks her shadow. She bites on and pulls it away from her, then deals a finishing blow.

Beat & Rhyme Noise ( The Hour of Reckoning - Episode )

Beat with Noise Rhyme.

Neku, Beat, and Rhyme are returned to a white void while Konishi lies on the floor about to be erased. She reveals to Beat that Rhyme's memories and love for Beat was Beat's entry fee, not Rhyme's. Konishi accuses Rhyme of not loving Beat because her entry fee was something else, then she gets erased. Beat falls to the ground, and Shiki Misaki appears from behind and guesses it's her dreams, saying Rhyme didn't know how or what her dreams were when she was a Player.

Shiki notices Sho Minamimoto pinned to the ground via blue glowing spears of light. The walls around them turn static before shattering to show the Room of Reckoning, Megumi Kitaniji waiting in the distance. He says Beat is too egotistical to face the Composer, who prioritizes humanity's happiness. He asks Neku if Shibuya should be reborn to fix its selfishness. He possesses Shiki and transforms into his Noise form Anguis Cantus. Beat notices the glow of the Red Skull pin in her pocket. Using a Fusion, Beat summons chains for Neku to restrain the Mr. Mews Shiki is summoning to attack with and make a large ball to attack and defeat Anguis Cantus with. Neku removes the Red Skull from an unconscious Shiki's pocket and places her with an unconscious Beat.

In It's a Wonderful World, Beat and Shiki help Neku fight Draco Cantus. Beat chains Draco Cantus' heads to a pole while Mr. Mew attacks him. Beat and Shiki encourage Neku, but then Draco Cantus breaks away. Neku, Beat, and Shiki begin a Fusion. While Mr. Mew and Beat attack Draco Cantus, Neku uses a powerful Flames Afar, Foes Aflame psych to subdue him. They perform one final Fusion, blasting and destroying Draco Cantus with powerful lasers of light. Beat sits down in exhaustion, but Neku reminds him they have to find the Composer. The door at the center of the Room of Reckoning opens.

They find themselves in a corridor covered in CAT's graffiti. Joshua reveals he is the Composer and plans to destroy Shibuya. Neku is horrified, and Beat is furious. He tries to punch Joshua, but Joshua uses his powers to block Beat's fist. He asks Beat to stay out of it, levitating Shiki and Beat to the ceiling and paralyzing them.

After they are revived, Neku meets Beat and Rhyme at Statue of Hachiko. Beat doesn't understand why they're alive, but Rhyme says it has to be something Neku, Beat, and Shiki did. They are joined by Shiki. Beat mentions new graffiti in Udagawa. Rhyme says it showed up overnight, and Shiki says everyone's been talking about it. Neku says it was done by Hanekoma and Beat teases Neku for his graffiti enthusiasm. As they walk to Udagawa, Beat asks how they could perform a Fusion like they did on Draco Cantus, and Neku guesses Hanekoma was cheering them on with his keypin to the Shibuya River. They meet up with Sota and Nao at Tokyu Hands and arrive to see the new graffiti: purple headphones surrounded by angel wings.


  • According to Tetsuya Nomura, Shibuya Reapers have a hidden kanji in their names that relate to the Chinese zodiac and represent their Noise forms. Nomura has confirmed that Beat is included in this, due to him temporarily being a Reaper. The Suke (輔) in Daisukenojo contains the radical 車 which composition includes 申, the Earthly Branch symbol associated with the Monkey. Thus, Beat's Noise form would be a monkey.
  • Beat uses the phrase "Booyaka!", making a reference to the phrase that Selphie uses in Final Fantasy VIII.
  • Of Neku's partners, Beat is the most outwardly confident with regards to battling the Noise, opening battles with taunts like "Ready for a Beat-down?!" and others. He is the only Player to seem confident when entering a battle with critical HP, taunting "Bring it, yo!" to the enemies.
  • Beat will occasionally, if the player gets a Game Over, desperately scream "RHYME!" in anguish before the game cuts out, revealing his true motivations for playing the Game in Week 3. This may also happen when he's defeated as Reaper Beat, potentially revealing the secret as early as Week 2.
  • Beat is the most vulgar in the series, constantly swearing to hurry something or when he's angry.
  • On Joshua, Day 3, Neku can overhear a conversation between Shooter and Yammer discussing an Tin Pin themed anime show. During the conversation, Yammer speculates that Yellow from the show is Black's brother. In Another Day, Beat is called Yellow while Rhyme is Black.
Beat's skateboard animation

Beat's skateboard in The Animation.

  • In the anime, it is shown the bottom of Beat's skateboard has a stylized skull on it, with "be" to the left of it and "at" to the right, forming his name, the skull graphic on the bottom of the deck is the same as the one on his and Rhyme’s beanies.
  • Beat’s skateboard is different in the games compared to the anime, as the bottom of his deck in the game is completely white and has a white boarder around the deck and the wheels are red, while the anime depicts it as a tan-colored deck with an actual graphic on it, and the wheels are yellow in color.
  • Beat is shown to have impressive skills on his skateboard, being able to ride around without much difficulty and perform tricks on it, as shown in the opening and he even uses it in battle to fight Noise, even Rhyme claims that he is talented on his board.
  • In the sequel, Beat no longer rides his board around in battle, instead he uses it when dodging.
  • As of NEO: The World Ends with You, Beat's official color appears to be red, the same color as his phone. During the official TWEWY PR twitter account's character reveals, he is represented by the "skull and crossbones" (☠️) emoji.
  • Prior to the release of NEO: The World Ends with You, the character trailer introduced a red herring that led viewers to believe that the mysterious figure that appeared in Tsugumi's fight scene was Neku. Promotional art that featured him, including the game's box art, intentionally obscured his physical features to keep his identity a secret until the game's release.
    • Following this trailer, the developers occasionally made mention of Neku by name in interviews and discussed how much of a role he would have in the game. They stated that, while he wouldn't take the spotlight from Rindo, he would have a much bigger role than just a cameo. When put into the context of what happens in-game, this could be seen as the "true reveal" for Neku's inclusion in the game, although the wording could apply to either Neku or Beat.
  • Beat is the only character to appear on the box art for both main games in the series.
  • In NEO: The World Ends with You, putting the mask accessory on Beat will cause his battle model to wear it. This is the only instance where equipped threads affects a character's model. Putting the mask on Rindo has no effect.
  • While Beat doesn’t make any comments on the offerings left at his and Rhyme’s memorial, there is a soft drink that appears to be a Coca-Cola. It is possible that this has significance to Beat as this might be a favored beverage of his, proof of this being the case can be seen in-game if Neku gives him a Cola he reacts positively.
  • In the original draft of NEO, Beat was intentionally disguising himself as Neku. In the final version, however, Beat is simply trying to hide his identity with no intention of trying to look like Neku.
  • In the Original Version of TWEWY, Beat's Level 1 Sync afterimage color is Yellow, in Solo Remix (and as well as Final Remix) it is Green. Either this is an intentional or maybe just an error. Although this is not case for two update's result screen. Reverting back to Yellow.[2]
  • In NEO: The World Ends with You, when Beat uses a pin with the psych Drift Tackle, he will ride his skateboard while attacking. This is similar to his technique SK8 Combo from both Remix versions.
  • Beat shares his "street name" and backstory with the Jet Set Radio character Beat.
    • Both of them are known to have run away from home to stake it on their own, and both of them are considered "failures" in terms of personality.
    • Beat of The World Ends With You however shows him in a more down to earth situation, where running away from home, he does not have much to look forward to other than becoming a pro skateboarder, where Beat of Jet Set Radio becomes the leader of the GGs as he tries to find his own way in becoming a Rudie. Beat of Jet Set Radio also come from Fukuoka on the farthest western shores of Japan in Kyushu, while Beat from The World Ends With You hails straight from Shibuya.
    • In terms of similarity with other Sega works, Beat of The World Ends With You shares more in common with Ethan Waber of Phantasy Star Universe, who is more of a boarder and supports him and his sister, Lumia Waber.
Characters in The World Ends with You
Neku SakurabaShiki MisakiBeatJoshuaRhymeSota HonjoNao 777BJCoco AtarashiKoki KariyaMegumi KitanijiMitsuki KonishiSho MinamimotoTenhoUzuki YashiroYodai Higashizawa
Aily UenoAkira YoshiiAnna AoiAyu HamaguchiBanzai AyanokojiFumi GotodaFumiko NishimuraHideki KikuchiHikaru KoikeHT MasuokaJun OdajimaKeiichi OkadaKen DoiKyoMakoto MikiMasanori ItoMay KurokawaMie SuzukiMiki KosakaNana MajimaPrincess KRayca HoshiRikako TodaSanae HanekomaShigemi KonnoShigemori IwataShinta IwataTadafumi SatoTak KimuraTatsuya OmuraTsubasaYoji IwataYosh IshinoYumi SheenaYuu Narumi
Other Characters
AiCATEiji OjiEriFutoshiItaru YokoyamadaKen DoiMakoto MikiMinaMr. MewNeku's best friendPin ProfSanae HanekomaShrimpShuto DanTsugumi MatsunaeWizard of SlamVice Wizard of Slam
Characters in NEO: The World Ends with You
Rindo KanadeFretNagi UsuiBeatShoka SakuraneNeku SakurabaSho Minamimoto Shiba MiyakazeSusukichiTsugumi Matsunae Fuya KawaharaKohei ToyohashiKatsuhiko Tanimaru Kanon TachibanaMaito Minami Motoi AnazawaSumio Tanaka Koki KariyaUzuki YashiroCoco AtarashiSho Minamimoto Shiba MiyakazeTanzo KuboAyano KamachiKaie OnoHishima SakazukiShoka SakuraneSusukichiTsugumi MatsunaeTsugumi Matsunae's brother
AadivAika KuribayashiAkari MinaminoAkira IshiwaAoi KyobeGenzo KoitabashiHirofumi ItoguchiHiromu TakaharaIzumi AriyoshiJo MakitaJun SonobeKana InadaKaoru NitobeKeiichi OkadaKen DoiKohei SuzukawaLinda WatanabeMai IseyaMasayaMichihisa TadashimaMiharu NakanoMiki SaionjiMiko YamamotoMitsuhide TojoMomoka OwadaNaoto KuwataRei MogiRenka SakumaRieko KawaharaRina TodoRintaro NakagawaRyojiRyoma UtsumiSakura KogaSayoko MorohoshiShinobu SatoSumire ChibaSuzu ItoTakumi MiyanoTamao SasaiTomoko HirasawaTomoyuki KondoTsukihimeWataru KoketsuYotsuba SanoYudai MikiYumi Takita
Other Characters
Ammonia BanksBuddy RapidsEiji OjiEiruGo ModoriyamaHazuki MikagiHide TakenouchiHonoka KondoItsuki KanedaJoshuaKashikiKen DoiMachastreeManami AkitaMarino OriharaMKNMr. MewReaper CommentatorRhymeRiko SekinoharaRyojiSanae HanekomaShiki MisakiShuntaro HarimaTaka the HandymanTaku IhamaTomonamiYoko NorimotoYuika KagaYusei Iseya
  1. NEO: The World Ends with You: Official Guidebook + Setting Documents Collection (新すばらしきこのせかい公式ガイドブック+設定資料集 Shin Subarashiki Kono Sekai Kōshiki Gaidobukku + Settei Shiryōshū) exclusively released in Japan, July 2021.