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Déjà Vu is an overworld track from The World Ends with You. It was only in the North American version of the DS game. It has vocals by Joanna Koike.
Déjà vu -Discoteque- was released on Subarashiki Kono Sekai + The World Ends with You. This became Megumi Kitaniji's battle theme in Solo Remix/Final Remix, instead of Satisfy/The One Star in the DS version.
Déjà Vu was featured alongside Calling in an obscure ChoBIT mashup called C+D. This remix can only be found on a bonus sampler album given out to those who attended Tokyo Game Show 2009.
Déjà vu -Sanctuary Mix- was released for choBIT Orchestra -Ver.1.02 album. It also appeared in The World Ends with You -Solo Remix- as part of Coco's Secret Reaper Shop.
Déjà Vu is also part of DTM (Crossover) in Subarashiki Kono Sekai -Crossover- along with Three Minutes Clapping and Make or Break.
An updated Final Remix version of Déjà vu -Discoteque- was added in The World Ends With You Final Remix
Where did we meet before just like this
I know your smile
Your voice just like that
You talk to me and I smile right back
I don't believe in fantasy
Same dress, same smell reminds me
Something I can't forget
Same song same tone in your voice
Tell me this isn't a dream
Take me far where the stars are still asleep
You and me, we'll live forever more
I will follow you my destiny
Won't you get my feet back on the ground
I'm getting played by you
Déjà vu
I saw the sparkles in your eyes
Your soothing words make me feel alive
I would be glad to stay in sight
Let's play into this mystery
Same words as if this is the first time
As if I'm stuck in a loop
I'm lost in sweet illusion
Turn me into sensation
Take me far where the stars are still asleep
You and me, we'll live forever more
I will follow you my destiny
Won't you get my feet back on the ground
I'm getting played by you
Déjà vu
Where did we meet before just like this
I know your smile
Your voice just like that
You talk to me and I smile right back
I don't believe in fantasy
Same dress, same smell reminds me
Something I can't forget
Same song same tone in your voice
Tell me this isn't a dream
Take me far where the stars are still asleep
You and me, we'll live forever more
I will follow you my destiny
Won't you get my feet back on the ground
(CD) Track 7: Déjà vu
(CD) Track 39: Déjà vu
(CD) Track 40: Déjà vu -Discoteque-
(CD) Track 63: DTM -Crossover-
(CD) Track 69: Deja vu -Sanctuary Mix-