The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
Speech Bubble - Exclamation Question SR Spoiler warning: Plot and/or character details follow.

come🡒🡐back is a day in NEO: The World Ends with You.


Tanzo Kubo attempts to lead the Twisters into a trap, but they use Replay to escape and stop the build-up of Plague Noise. Kubo and the Twisters are unexpectedly attacked by Sho Minamimoto in Noise form, and are only able to escape thanks to the arrival of Neku Sakuraba.


As they awake, Rindo asks how Tosai "Fret" Furesawa is bearing up. He explains that he previously tried to help a friend through a difficult time, but they died, implicitly by suicide. After this, he stopped taking any personal relationships seriously, figuring that they didn't really change anything. He believed that Kanon Tachibana had a similar attitude due to her focus on appearances, but has learned he was wrong.

Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito rallied the Twisters, suggesting that it will now be important that they prepare to fight Shiba Miyakaze. Shoka suggests that the "elite" Reapers would normally have known where he was, but he has demoted all of the Reapers to Harrier status, taking control of the game. Rindo is surprised to recieve a message from Uzuki Yashiro asking if they have seen Koki Kariya. They find Koki in Cat Street, infected by Plague Noise, and are able to remove it by Diving and Reminding; in doing so learning that Koki "pulled a stunt" which would have gotten him in trouble with the Shinjuku Reapers. Uzuki Yashiro arrives and the Twisters explain what happened, and Koki states that he was infected by Tanzo Kubo. Koki says that he was trying to prevent Plague Noise spreading in the RG as the Reverb is spreading so fast that Shibuya's soul may already be destroyed. Uzuki argues that the Reapers must obey the Game Master for the UG to work properly; Beat threatens to attack her if she sides with the Shinjuku Reapers and Shoka points out this means she is partly responsible for the damage done to Shibuya, whereupon she leaves. Koki talks with the Twisters about previous meetings in which Uzuki and the Support Reapers were upset about following the Shinjuku Reapers' orders but too frightened to defy them, and so decided to "humour" them as far as possible.

The Twisters decide to go to meet Tanzo Kubo, but lose track of him when he walks through a Wall. The Support Reaper at the wall is infected and incoherent, unable to state their mission, when Hishima Sakazuki appears and tells them that the mission was supposed to be to stop the proliferation of Plague Noise at Miyashita Park, but it is possible they are already too late. At Miyashita Park they fight a number of Jellyfish Noise, then return to Hishima who tells them he can't remove the wall, but asks them to Dive into the Support Reaper to remove his infection. After removing the infection, the Support Reaper is left with Shibuya Syndrome but the wall has been removed; the Twisters conclude that Hishima removed it and just wanted them to help the other Reaper.

Meeting Kubo in Udagawa, he apparently controls a huge number of people possessed by Plague Noise to attack the Twisters at once. Rindo is forced to Replay in order to go immediately to Miyashita Park and erase the largest Noise before it can spread. Returning to the present, Kubo attempts to infect Koki Kariya, but with Uzuki Yashiro's help he breaks the infection, so he attacks the Twisters with free Plague Noise instead and then is apparently attacked by an arriving figure which turns out to be Sho Minamimoto.

Beat is shocked that Sho would have helped the Twisters, as he remembered him only as an enemy. Sho begins to absorb energy from the strange birds that Rindo has been seeing, saying that they're formed by reversing time, and transforms into a monstrous Noise and attacks the Twisters. After winning the battle, Sho is not erased, and the Twisters decide to escape - but Beat stays behind to hold Minamimoto back, to the protests of everyone else in the group. As Beat is about to be destroyed, another figure jumps in and saves him - Neku Sakuraba!

Neku explains that he wants to help rescue Shibuya and that he is aware of the destruction of Shinjuku. Sho, restored to his normal form, says that it cannot be right for a player to have the ability to reverse time, and that he wanted that power for himself to "reach infinity".

As the day ends, Rindo has a version of a normal Shibuya and the thought that all he has done was "for nothing".



For Sho Minamimoto's noise form, see Leo Cantus Armo.

Secret Reports[]


  • The Dive into Koki Kariya and the Support Reaper both are unusual in that none of the enemies have associated emotions.
Days in NEO: The World Ends with You
Prologue Prologue
Week 1 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 2 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Week 3 Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 77 Part 27 Part 3
Extra Another Day