- "Marked in slate blue and green, these 'hogs launch quills at Neku with sniper precision!"
- — Noise Report
The Classi Corehog is a grey-blue corehog Noise with grey-green and blue quills in The World Ends with You.
Passive Abilities[]
Classi Corehog has no passive capabilities.
Active Abilities[]
- Explosive Quills: The Classi Corehog fires its quills into the air, which land at the player's location; a crosshair will appear on the ground to indicate where exactly. Although the quills will not initially do any damage, after flashing a few time they explode, damaging the player. Neku can easily dash away from the quills to avoid this, but his partner (excluding Joshua, who can avoid them with his levitation ability) must attack and destroy them to avoid being damaged.
- Quill Wall: The Classi Corehog turns its back to the player then expands its quills, causing damage upon contact.
Since the Classi Corehog doesn't move around very much, the player should keep their distance and use negative (long-ranged) psychs. However, they should keep moving in order to avoid its Explosive Quills attack.
The Classi Corehog's name is a play on "classic" (possibly a reference to traditional heavy metal, which is also known as classic metal) and "hedgehog".