The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
FRItem 306
Number 306
Name Absolute Shadow Ramen
Info This treasure of the ramen world was born of a complete reimagining of the soup, its flavor both familiar and brand new.
Effects Goes down in 24 bytes.

Consume this to boost your sync rate by roughly 30%.

Once you digest it by fighting battles, your Drop Rate will increase by 3.

Like/Dislike Levels

NekuIconFR 4 (+45%)

ShikiIconFR 4 (+45%)

JoshuaIconFR 5 (+60%)

BeatIconFR 5 (+60%)

Sold by
  • Advant-garde noodles Shadow Ramen — x1 Dark Matter, x1 Mystery Liquid, x1 Extra Fine Noodles
  • Event Reward
  • Another Day — Clear the 10th Floor of Pork City (not repeatable).
  • Comments