The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

Before editing power, value, limit, boot, or reboot, please make sure your pin is mastered. Also note that this data is for the US/EU version; there may be some differences with the Japanese version. "Damage@ATK=200" is calculated using the DS version's damage formula on Normal difficulty, with nothing to boost or reduce damage.

Pin 254
Number 254
Brand Unbranded
Name 10,000 Yen
Levels 1
Psych ---
Damage @ATK=200
Secondary Damage Efficiency
Secondary Damage @ATK=200
Value ¥10000
Boot 0s
Reboot 0s
Info 1 Cash this in for ¥10,000. Drag pins to the trash can to exchange them for money.
Info 2 Growth Bonus: Power: N, Uses: N, Boot: N

Growth Speed: Doesn't grow

This pin will not evolve.

  • BPP yields: Mastery
  • SDPP yields: Mastery
  • MPP yields: Mastery
Tin Pin Weight: 10

Spin: 15

KO Length: 2


  • Stinger x 3
  • Bomber x 3
  • Hammer x 5
  • Hand x 0
How to get Sold by:
  • Avant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x3 Orichalcum
  • Avant-garde noodles, Shadow Ramen: x2 Shadow Matter
  • Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 1F: x6 Adamantite
  • Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 2F: x10 Tektite
  • Real life solutions, Shibu-Q Heads 3F: x20 Rare Metal
  • Dropped by: Southerfrog E, Fifenfrog E, Tradishfrog E, Thrash Mink U, Classi Corehog H, Metal Corehog U, Psychedelifox H, Ambiefox U, Doom Metal Drake U, Goth Metal Drake E, Neoclassical Drake N, Minimal Rhino H, Carcinometal U, Swing Shark HU, Bebop Shark H, Fusion Shark H, Mammoth R & B E, Woolly AOR E, Tenor Reaper H, Baritone Reaper H, Bass Reaper N, Uzuki Yashiro (Berserk) E, Koki Kariya (Berserk) E, Vespertilio Canor U, Pteropus Canor EN, Ovis Cantus N, Dissonance Mink E, Expert Reaper E

    Event reward: Tin Pin Another Day (Miyashita Park)

    Evolved from: 5,000 Yen

    Comments This pin can be farmed quite easily on easy mode from the Southerfrog, Fifenfrog and Tradishfrog noise.

    Required for the following quests:

    View the property data defined by this pin.