The World Ends With You

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The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

FRItem 393

Number 393TWEWY

419Solo Remix

453Final Remix

Name (S) Fusion Boost
Sticker affects Joshua
Description Joshua sticker. Increases Joshua's max Fusion level. He receives one level for each sticker you collect.
Tips Every time you use Fusion in a given battle, the number of ★s required for the next Fusion increases. Keep that in mind! (TWEWY)

Higher-level Fusions make it easier to finish Noise off. If you're good at boosting your drop rate with the cards, that means more bling for your zing. (Solo Remix)

How to get Sold by:
  • Import Stylings - Shibukyu Main Store — 2x Scarletite; 3x Rare Metal; 1x Tektite
  • Luxury Fashions Pegaso Atelier - Shibu Dept. Store — 2x Scarletite
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