Have a very, VERY badly made TWEWY DS brand tierlist I made in Photopea bc I was bored. Reasoning will be in the replies.
Have a very, VERY badly made TWEWY DS brand tierlist I made in Photopea bc I was bored. Reasoning will be in the replies.
There is a whole ass setup based on taking advantage of SOS using threads from this brand (Vampire dress, Goth Bondage coat, and Ribbon Mini Hat.) for grinding for EXP or BPP. As for the pins, Kaleidoscope beats out even OSVW and OGIP from DRAGON COUTURE, and Leapoard is a great CURE DRINK pin as well!
Has literally the best psychs in the whole game, which is Flame Blast, and Burst Rounds. Flame Blast from BLUE BLOOD BURNS BLUE acts not only as a god-tier juggler for weak noise and can pass the puck really well too at 77% Efficiency! Burst Rounds from ONE GRAIN, INFINITE PROMISE, and ONE STROKE, VAST WEALTH are, hands down, THE BEST puck passers for main-game, and you can even use it in post-game as well! Although once you get the KALEIDOSCOPE from LAPIN ANGELIQUE, OSVW and OGIP are pretty much obsolete. The threads are rather poor, and too expensive for how weak the threads are compared to other threads however.
(NOTE: If you are playing the Japanese version avoid the Burst Rounds pins because it has way less efficiency at 50% instead of the US version's 150% efficiency.)
PEGASO'S threads are VERY EXPENSIVE, but they give pretty good stats + abilities for their price, such as the Classic Half-Boots that grant spectacular defense even in post-game, The Crimson Stilettos that give HOLD THAT PUCK III, Darling Lock gives REGENERATION IV, and Lavender Lotus that gives PUCK POWER III that multiplies the puck by 1.5x when it starts. For the pins, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS gives Turbo Gauge+, allowing you to use your psychs more before the gauge goes empty. Another useful pin is LIGHTNING ROOK (which is evolved from THUNDER ROOK with BPP), is arguably one of the best Negative psychs out there, Lightning Arrester, which hits four times and does heavy damage and accurately as well!
This is the post-game brand. GATITO's threads are based on the major characters of TWEWY, and boasts great stats, and great abilities, such as Your Cap that gives +35 ATK and benefits BEAT by giving him 3 fusion stars. As for the pins, almost all of the pins come in a set, meaning some of the pins give great abilities when they are all together. Examples include the OVER THE TOP set (LEFTY CAT, BRAINY CAT, and RIGHTY CAT) that increases reboot speed by 40% and even works with PAVO REAL's SPEED FACTOR adding up to 65%. The APPROACHING EDEN set that involves ONE JUMP, SKIP, HOP, STEP FROM EDEN and EDEN'S DOOR, which when you have the whole set, the light puck starts at 5x, lasts a long time, and even makes NEKU invincible as long as he has the puck, which can be used to cheese Panthera Cantus with this set. The IRREGULAR NOTE pins, (SWIFT AS THE WIND, HUSHED AS THE WOOD, FIERCE AS THE FLAME, and STALWART AS THE MOUNT) which launches a bullet from the pin itself (you can move the pins by pausing the battle then dragging the pins) and is a neutral psych to boot, meaning you can take down those filthy FIFENFROGS like nothing. The DARKLIT PLANETS set (which is the BLACK MARS, JUPITER, URANUS, VENUS, SATURN, AND MERCURY) which is somewhat tedious to get, and takes up 6 pins, but buffs the power of your psychs by 3x, making it easier to erase noise with the pins. However, the only downside being that all of the psychs are negative, which can be a problem if you are pitted against Brassbanfrogs, and BLACK SATURN is the only positive psych out of the whole DARKLIT PLANET pins. BLACK SATURN has a very short reboot time, lets NEKU move freely (unless you dash) and heals NEKU when you deal damage with it. Another set is the BIG BANG and the BIG CRUNCH, which is nexus ray, but it only works if you have both pins in the same deck, however I wouldn't reccomend them because you can only aim them straight to the left or right, and overall is essentially just an inferior version of Burst Rounds.
This brands most useful threads are the Patchy Biker Jacket that gives +16 ATK and the ability +5 ATK for a total of 21 ATK, and Purple Sneaks gives FASTER PUCK II, is cheap, has a rather low BRV requirement, and is at a very cheap price, get it while it is available! As for the pins, PEACE FULL is a great Cure Drink pin (Clears Sheep Heavenly with LEOPARD from LA), and LIGHTNING RAGE is the best Vortex Saber pin in the game, even if it is available in the post-game. Not much else to say about it however, but just evolve PEACE FULL with BATTLE PIN POINTS for completion, then get another PEACE FULL, this time evolve with SDPP. LIVE! can be used for IMMOBILITY cheesing, it is honestly the only good Street Jam psych.
Jupes' psychs mostly consist of positive psychs like Shockwave which is helpful against BRASSBANFROGS. The best Shockwave psych is YOSHIMITSU which you can get by evolving MASAMUNE with MINGLE PIN POINTS and SDPP twice, it is a very useful low-efficiency pin that can be obtained and evolved from MASAMUNE as early as the end of SHIKI, DAY 4. ICHIMONJI uses a psych called Lance Lunge which is a fast, high-efficiency psych, that can pass the puck well, and with MPP, evolves into MIKAZUKI, which is superior to NIKKARI, if you can get the MPP. If you can't get MPP, you might as well get NIKKARI using BPP, which works just as well, but isn't as powerful. The threads from JotM are pretty good during main-game with Gekirin keeping the hit counter around longer, Naraka giving PUCK POWER I, and Fudo and either Brahma or Togenkyo to add up to either +60 or +90 HP for NEKU. Overall this brand is pretty good for main-game, but swap out the threads and pins once you start post-game.
This is the only brand with Massive Hit, which is obtainable via KEWL LINE, WILD LINE, and the best one, DOPE LINE which is the strongest of all of the massive hit pins. Massive hit fully charged is extremely powerful, especially with the puck, but you are left vulnerable while charging. LAZY BOMBER makes erasing the ELEPHANT NOIST easy, and MACROCOSMIC PULL is somewhat useful, but falls flat compared to Burst Rounds. WILD BOAR's threads are pretty decent. Even though most of them help BEAT, the stats given by the threads from WILD BOAR are pretty good, with the best all -around stat boost thread being the CAT Deck. It even has HIT KEEPER III!
Yeah, yeah I know AQUA DEMON is pretty good for post-game, but that is literally the only good pin from this Dollar Store brand. Other than AQUA DEMON, all the other pins are okay at best at post-game, save for 2 more pins. STOPPER SPARK always immobilizes enemies letting you get the jump on them with ease, and PSYCH SUPPORT gives you more uses for psychs such as Cure Drink. Other than those 3 pins, the rest of MUS RATTUS' pins are pretty mediocre. The only good threads are the Brown Baby Tee and Nylon Waist Pack for faster puck-passing for NEKU's partners, that's it. Dollar store ass brand.
Early game it's pretty decent, and the threads are best for SHIKI, and D+B has ICE BLOW that is a great puck passer early game, and, with SDPP, becomes ICE RISERS which is far better than what ICE BLOW does. Post game however, it is very mediocre save for the D+B Ring which gives hefty ATK and PUCK POWER II.
The pins are alright, I guess, they can give status effects to noise at the start of a battle. The best pin of this brand is SPEED FACTOR, which gives Turbo Reboot and even stacks with OVER THE TOP from GATITO for a meaty 65% reduced reboot time. The threads aren't really clothes, but moreso just accessories EVERYWHERE. The best thread of PAVO REAL is the Gold Bangle, as it is the least expensive main-game item with EXP BOOST II, which can make grinding a breeze.
All it really has going for it is SPLISH SPLASH BARRIER's psych, Aqua Barrier, which is the only healing pin that can reboot along with GATITO's VISIONARY BLEND, except it isn't as painstakingly long. SPLISH SPLASH BARRIER is somewhat useful in long chain battles and it should be your 6th pin against PANTHERA CANTUS along with the full APPROACHING EDEN set. Other than that this brand kinda sucks ngl. At least the threads and pin designs are kinda cute, that's all I have to say about this garbage brand.
On WEEK 1 it's pretty good, but once you hit mid-WEEK 2, just abandon them because the pins, while they are pretty easy to use, they all are weak later on after WEEK 1, and the only good one is SWEET TALK TETHER that's it LMAO. I got very little to say about this brand lmao, especially the threads. The threads are just mediocre, and while there is Enamel Pumps, the BRAVERY requirement is really high, and the work boots are just better overall. Love the style of the clothes and the pins tho.
Lastly, and SURE AS HELL THE LEAST, HIP SNAKE. To put it simply there is only one good thread, Zephy's Sonata, which is outclassed heavily by Pi-Face's Jeans. The pins suck because Ignition and Holy Light have a long charge time, and NEKU can't even move while it's in use, so he's a sitting duck whenever he uses those psychs LMFAOAOAOAOAOAO. THE THREADS ARE SO WEAK DAWG LMAOAOAO.
OK, HIP SNAKE rant over, I now propose a challenge, If you managed to read this far into this reply, I dare you to do the FINAL TIME ATTACK using only HIP SNAKE threads for NEKU AND ALL OF HIS PARTNERS. And NEKU must only use the pins from HIP SNAKE, and it must be done on ULTIMATE DIFFICULTY LEVEL ONE.
If you have actually done this, CONGRATUALTIONS you fuckin wasted your time LMFAOAOOAOAO.
Why did I make a whole ass essay for this.
Idk how it was in original, but playing Final Remix I find Natural Puppy(at least it's pins haven't paid attention to its threads) very good actually sure I am still on week 2 day 5, but half my deck is Natural puppy, and whilst Tether is one of them I wouldn't say it's the best one, aside from in the first week, the projectiles can be pretty nice especially if you have a squeeze pin(which tbh is pretty good for non bosses)
Oh yea bc of the cross combos and the fact the pins are rapid fire.
Yeah I just feel like the ease of access with the NP pins make up for everything else(especially good if you don't experiment a lot), tho have to agree that sheep heavenly is pretty bad aside from barrier and squeeze(only good for hoards tho) the rest grow redundant quick(some grow redundant very quick looking at it's teleport next to Mus Rattus's that you get from the same blue noise), Hip Snake I think the vision they had for their effects just didn't work out
IMO i would put NP a level higher, it definetely gets outclassed but the beams were one of my staples up until post game
I'll take you on a modified version of this challenge. Panthera Cantus Level 1 Hard. Holy Light with Eden's Journey pin set + only hip snake threads.
This should be fun.
What do you think?